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Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2012) 1052–1057

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Water equivalence of some plastic-water phantom materials for clinical

proton beam dosimetry
L. Al-Sulaiti a,b,n, D. Shipley b, R. Thomas b, P. Owen a,b, A. Kacperek c, P.H. Regan a, H. Palmans b
Physics Department, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Radiation Dosimetry Team, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
Douglas Cyclotron, Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology, Wirral, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 13 February 2012 Plastic-water phantom materials are not exactly water equivalent since they have a different elemental
Keywords: composition and different interaction cross sections for protons than water. Several studies of the water
Proton dosimetry equivalence of plastic-water phantom materials have been reported for photon and electron beams, but
Fluence correction factor none for clinical proton beams. In proton beams, the difference between non-elastic nuclear interac-
Plastic water tions in plastic-water phantom materials compared to those in water should be considered. In this
Monte Carlo work, the water equivalence of Plastic Waters (PW)1, Plastic Waters Diagnostic Therapy (PWDT)1 and
Water equivalent solid water (WT1)2 phantoms was studied for clinical proton energies of 60 MeV and 200 MeV. This was
done by evaluating the fluence correction factor at equivalent depths; first with respect to water and
then with respect to graphite by experiment and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations using FLUKA. MC
simulations showed that the fluence correction with respect to water was less than 0.5% up to the
entire penetration depth of the protons at 60 MeV and less than 1% at 200 MeV up to 20 cm depth for
PWDT, PW and WT1. With respect to graphite the fluence correction was about 0.5% for 60 MeV and
about 4% for 200 MeV. The experimental results for modulated and un-modulated 60 MeV proton
beams showed good agreement with the MC simulated fluence correction factors with respect to
graphite deviating less than 1% from unity for the three plastic-water phantoms.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction non-elastic nuclear interactions take place which could potentially

influence the water equivalence.
The use of plastic-water phantoms for reference dosimetry If absorbed dose to plastic-water is obtained in the phantom,
of radiotherapeutic proton beams is not recommended in the this should be converted to absorbed dose to water. The dose
dosimetry code of practice IAEA TRS-398 (IAEA-TRS-398, 2000) conversion procedures (IAEA-TRS-398, 2000) includes; determi-
since water-to-plastic fluence correction factors in proton beams nation of depth scaling factor, cpl, water equivalent depths, dw  eq,
are not known. However, for non-reference dosimetry, when stopping power ratios, sw,pl, and fluence correction factors, kfl, due
accurate positioning of the chamber in a water phantom is to differences in non-elastic nuclear interactions of protons in
difficult to achieve, they can be used as a substitute for a water plastic-water as compared to water. The determination of kfl
phantom for depth dose distributions, quality assurance measure- for plastic-water materials is the purpose of this study. The
ments and treatment planning at energies below 100 MeV. influence of non-elastic nuclear interactions and secondary par-
Plastic-water phantom materials are not exactly water equiva- ticle production to the total dose for 160 MeV protons in water
lent since they have a different elemental composition and was studied by Monte Carlo simulation and the contribution of
different interaction cross sections for protons than water. secondary particles to the total dose was reported to be 10% in a
Numerous experiments and Monte Carlo studies for the water spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) (Paganetti, 2002) and from 16 to
equivalence of plastic-water phantoms have been reported for 20% around the Bragg peak in a non-modulated proton beam
photon and electron beams (Mcewen, 2006; Seuntjens et al., 2005; (Matsuzaki et al., 2010). Therefore it is important to consider the
Araki et al., 2009) but none in clinical proton beams. In the latter, difference of the non-elastic nuclear interactions in plastic-water
compared to water due to different element composition. The
fluence correction factor, kfl, for some solid materials and tissue-
equivalent materials was experimentally studied compared to
Corresponding author at: Physics Department, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. water (Schneider et al., 2002; Palmans et al., 2002, 2010) and
E-mail address: (L. Al-Sulaiti). compared to graphite (AL-Sulaiti et al., 2010) as well as simulated

0969-8043/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Al-Sulaiti et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2012) 1052–1057 1053

by Monte Carlo codes (Palmans et al., 2002; Palmans and alpha particles for water, graphite and plastic-water materials at
Verhaegen, 2005; AL-Sulaiti et al., 2010; Palmans et al., 2010). equivalent depths were simulated. The contributions of other
The correction on the dose conversion due to the difference in the secondary particles to the dose is negligible (Paganetti, 2002).
fluence in a graphite and a water phantom was found to be unity P hR Emax,i   i
with an uncertainty of about 0.3% for 60 MeV protons (Palmans i 0 FE,w,i ðEÞ Sel,irðEÞ dE
kf l ¼ P hR E  w i ð3Þ
et al., 2002). max,i
FE,pl,i ðEÞ Sel,irðEÞ dE
i 0
In this study, the water equivalence for three plastic-water w

materials; Plastic Waters (PW), Plastic Waters Diagnostic (Sel,i/r)w in Eq. (3) is the mass collision stopping power for water.
Therapy (PWDT) and WT1 was studied. This was done by
evaluating the fluence correction factor kfl at water equivalent
depths; first with respect to water and then with respect to 2.2. Experiments
graphite since water-to-graphite fluence correction factor were
studied for 60 MeV protons in a previous study concerning the Two sets of measurements (Fig. 1) were performed at the
application of a graphite calorimeter to proton beam dosimetry 60 MeV clinical proton cyclotron in CCO: one to measure kfl with
(Palmans et al., 2002). In the present work Monte Carlo (MC) respect to graphite and another with respect to water. The beam
simulations were performed for 60 and 200 MeV beams and was collimated to a narrow field using a 4 mm diameter circular
experiments at the Clatterbridge Center for Oncology (CCO) brass collimator. Both experiments were performed using the
60 MeV un-modulated and full modulated beams (the latter refers un-modulated beam and the full modulated beam. The latter was
to a modulation leading to an SOBP which extends from the surface realized by using a PMMA modulator wheel to spread out the
to the distal edge). Bragg peak, i.e. with the plateau of the SOBP extending from the
surface until the deepest Bragg peak. For the first experiment,
a plane-parallel NACP 02 ionization chamber was placed at the
2. Methodology beam isocentre which was about 7 cm away from the collimator
‘fixed source detector distance (SDD)’, while another plane-parallel
2.1. Monte Carlo simulation Roos ionization chamber was placed just after the collimator for
monitoring purposes. Plates of different thicknesses of graphite and
FLUKA 2008.3c simulations (Fasso et al., 2005; Battistoni et al., plastic-water materials (PW, PWDT and WT1) were positioned
2007) of dose distribution and fluence spectra were performed for up-stream of the NACP 02 chamber. The second experiment was
both protons and secondary alpha particles in water, graphite and performed for PWDT and water only. A similar setup was used but
in three plastic-water phantom materials, PWDT, PW and WT1, in the NACP 02 chamber was placed at 10 cm away from the collimator
a cylindrical phantom of 4 cm radius. The simulations were done instead of 7 cm due to the water phantom size. The water phantom
for 60 MeV and 200 MeV mono-energetic proton pencil beams with a thin MICA widow (0.1 mm or 0.24 mm water equivalent) was
and 106 protons histories for each material. Dose distributions in based on a plate which was adjusted to be moved forward and
depth were scored by the USRBIN detector card in 0.1 mm bins. backward in 0.1 mm steps while the NACP 02 chamber remained in
The fluence spectra were scored by the USRTRACK detector card the same position. In this way the thickness of water upstream the
in 200 energy bins. In order to calculate the fluence spectra as a chamber was accurately controlled.
function of depth, the phantom was split into several separated The ratio of ionization chamber readings, Mw, in water phan-
regions of 0.1 mm water-equivalent thickness and with each of these tom and, Mpl, in plastic phantom at equivalent depths, which is
regions a USRTRACK detector was associated. For physics setting, defined as the fluence scaling factor, hpl, in the IAEA TRS-398 code
the DEFAULTS card set to HADROTHErapy was used in which of practice (IAEA-TRS-398, 2000), is equal to the fluence correc-
the charged particle transport threshold was 100 keV. In addition, tion factor as defined above if the perturbation correction factors
the PHYSICS card was used and set to SDUM¼ EVAPORATion to use for the ionization chamber in both water and plastic phantoms
the new hadronic evaporation model with heavy fragment evapora- are equal. Accepting this assumption, the fluence correction factor
tion and inclusion of heavy ion nuclear interactions. with respect to water at water equivalent depths, wkfl, is given by
The fluence correction factor was calculated by two methods
(Palmans et al., 2002): one was based on a dose ratio calculation
using Eq. (1).
Dw ðdweq Þ
kf l ¼ ð1Þ
Dpl ðdpl Þsw,pl

where Dw(dw eq) is the dose in the water phantom and Dpl(dpl) is the
dose in plastic phantom. sw,pl is the water to plastic-water stopping
power ratio at equivalent depths which was extracted from the
FLUKA calculation.. The depth in the phantom, dpl, and the corre-
sponding equivalent depth in water, dw eq, are related by Eq. (2).
dweq ¼ dpl  cpl ð2Þ

The range scaling factor, cpl ¼ r80  w/r80  pl, is the ratio of r80  w
and r80  pl which are the ranges in water and plastic-water,
respectively, where the dose at the distal edge of Bragg-peak
dropped to 80% of the dose maximum.
In the second method, the fluence differential in energy (E) for
protons and for secondary particles as a function of depth was
simulated. The fluence correction factor in Eq. (3) is based on the Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental set up for depth dose distribution
calculated fluence spectra for all charged particle types, i. In in water (top) and graphite, PW, PWDT and WT1 plastic water phantoms (bottom)
this study, only the fluence spectra for protons and secondary using 4 mm narrow proton beam at CCO. (Palmans et al., 2010).
1054 L. Al-Sulaiti et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2012) 1052–1057

Eq. (4) and with respect to graphite at water equivalent depths,

kfl, by Eq. (5). The range scaling factor was also here determined
at the distal edge where the dose dropped to 80% of the dose
maximum. Note, that the range scaling factor from the
un-modulated beam was used for the modulated beam as well.

w Mw
k f l ¼ hpl ¼ ð4Þ
M pl

g g Mg
k f l ¼ h pl ¼ ð5Þ

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Experimental results

Measured fluence correction factors at water equivalent depths

with respect to water (Eq. (4)) for PWDT are shown in Fig. 2 and
those with respect to graphite (Eq. (5)) for PWDT, PW and WT1 are
shown in Fig. 3. The fluence correction factor for PWDT with respect
to water, wkfl, in Fig. 2a was about 0.5% above unity at the surface for
both 60 MeV modulated and un-modulated beams. Given the fact
that the fluence at the surface should be equal for all phantoms
(absence of backscatter), the ratio of the measured ionization charge
should be unity at the surface of the phantom. This observation
value above unity could be due to a drift of the ratio of the fluence at
the phantom position and the signal measured by the Roos chamber Fig. 3. Fluence correction factor for PW, PWDT and WT1 with respect to graphite
over the course of the measurement sequence. Note that the in (a) the modulated and (b) the un-modulated 60 MeV beam at the CCO
deviation from unity is only 0.3%. Thus, depth dose curves for water cyclotron. The lines linking data points are only provided as a guide for the eye.
and PWDT were extrapolated at zero depth and the ratio was used
to normalization the fluence correction factor. After normalization, also almost unity for PW and decreased with depth to less than 1%
kfl in Fig. 2b was almost unity for the un-modulated beam and less below unity for PWDT and WT1.
than 0.5% above unity for the modulated beam up to 2 g/cm2 water Both type-A and type-B uncertainties for the experimental
equivalent depth. The fluence correction factor with respect to results were in general small. However, for the un-modulated
graphite, gkfl, for un-modulated beams is shown in Fig. 3a. It was beam at the Bragg peak region the type-B uncertainty related to
less than 1% different from unity up to 2 g/cm2 water equivalent for positioning uncertainties was larger due to the large local
the three plastic-water phantoms. In the modulated beam gkfl was gradient and the accumulated mass thickness uncertainties.

Experiment - 60 MeV 3.2. Monte Carlo results

1.02 modulated
un-modulated The results of FLUKA simulations for 60 and 200 MeV mono-
energetic beams in plastic-water phantoms were obtained via
two methods; by calculating the dose ratio using Eq. (1) and by
k fl

calculating the ratio of fluence spectra convolved with the water


mass collision stopping powers using Eq. (4). The second method
included two cases. In the first case the ratio was calculated for
0.99 the proton fluence only while in the second case the calculation
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
was extended to include the fluence of secondary alpha particles.
dw-eq (g/cm2)
From the results for 60 MeV protons plotted in Fig. 4, the
Experiment - 60 MeV observation was made that the wkfl considering only the proton
fluence was almost unity up to the entire depth for all plastic-
k fl normalized

modulated water phantoms, which indicates that the influence of primary

un-modulated and secondary protons on the value of wkfl is very small. When the
fluence of alpha particles was included in the calculation, wkfl at
the surface lowered by about 0.2% but was, however, increasing
up to unity at larger penetration depths. The latter, agreed with
the calculation based on the dose ratio by Eq. (1). This deviation of

0.99 the wkfl value below unity can be explained by the presence of
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
carbon in plastic-water materials, as presented in Table 1, know-
dw-eq (g/cm2) ing that the alpha production cross-section is higher for carbon
than for water especially at energies less than 60 MeV as shown
Fig. 2. Fluence correction factor for PWDT with respect to water in 60 MeV
modulated and un-modulated proton beams at the CCO cyclotron, (a) before
in Fig. 6. Despite this difference, the wkfl was almost unity for the
normalization and (b) after normalization at the surface. The lines linking data three plastic-water phantoms over the entire depth in a 60 MeV
points are only provided as a guide for the eye. mono-energetic proton beam.
L. Al-Sulaiti et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2012) 1052–1057 1055

Fig. 5 shows the fluence correction factor with respect to had a value of about 0.5% above unity at the surface and (ii) the
graphite, gkfl, for 60 MeV protons. Similarly, it was observed that g
kfl decreased with penetration depth by about 0.5% for all plastic-
both calculation methods (the one which based on the dose ratio water materials in both methods.
and the one based on the fluences of both proton and alpha
particles) were matching. The differences from wkfl are that: (i) gkfl
PWDT - 60 MeV mono-energetic
PWDT - 60 MeV mono-energetic 1.02
Fluence calculation (P)
1.02 Fluence calculation (P) Fluence calculation (P+α)
Fluence calculation (P+α) 1.01 Dose calculation

k fl
1.01 Dose calculation
k fl



0.99 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
d w-eq (cm)
dw-eq (cm)
PW - 60 MeV mono-energetic
PW - 60 MeV momo-energetic
1.02 Fluence calculation (P)
Fluence calculation (P) Fluence calculation (P+α)
Fluence calculation (P+α) 1.01 Dose calculation

k fl
Dose calculation
k fl


1.00 1.00

0.99 0.99
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
dw-eq (cm) d w-eq (cm)
WT1 - 60 MeV mono-energetic WT1 - 60 MeV momo-energetic
1.02 1.02
Fluence calculation (P) Fluence calculation (P)
Fluence calculation (P+α) Fluence calculation (P+α)
1.01 Dose calculation 1.01 Dose calculation
k fl

k fl

1.00 1.00

0.99 0.99
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
dw-eq (cm) d w-eq (cm)

Fig. 4. FLUKA calculated fluence correction factors with respect to water for Fig. 5. FLUKA calculated fluence correction factors with respect to graphite for
plastic-water phantoms. (a) PWDT, (b) PW and (c) WT1 in a 60 MeV mono- plastic-water phantoms. (a) PWDT, (b) PW and (c) WT1 in a 60 MeV mono-
energetic proton beam as a function of water equivalent depth. energetic proton beam as a function of water equivalent depth.

Table 1
Elemental composition in terms of fraction by weight, mass density r, electron density, ranges and range scaling factor of plastic-water materials considered in this study.

Element Water WT1 PWa PWDTb

H 0.8881 0.0810 0.0925 0.0740

B 0.0226
C 0.6720 0.6282 0.4670
N 0.0240 0.0100 0.0156
O 0.1118 0.1990 0.1794 0.3352
Mg 0.0688
Al 0.0140
Cl 0.0010 0.0096 0.0024
Ca 0.0230 0.0795
Br 0.0003
r (g/cm3) 1.000 1.020 1.013 1.039
Electron densityc (g  1) 3.342  1023 3.248  1023 3.279  1023 3.217  1023
I-valued 75.32 70.20 71.83 77.02
r80 (60 MeV)e 3.080 3.073 3.060 3.075
r80 (200 MeV)e 25.88 25.86 25.77 25.90
cpl 1.002 1.005 0.998

Elemental composition as given by (Tello et al., 1995).
Elemental composition as given by (Araki et al., 2009).
c P
Electron density is given by (NA Z/A) ¼NA wi Zi/Ai.
d P
I-value is given by lnI¼ [ wi Zi/Ai] lnIi/(Z/A) (ICRU-37, 1984).
Calculated range in FLUKA.
1056 L. Al-Sulaiti et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2012) 1052–1057

Secondary alpha production PWDT - 200 MeV mono-energetic

cross-section for different proton
incident energy 1.02
0.10 1.01

k fl
0.08 1.00

0.06 0.99 Fluence calculation (P)
0.98 Fluence calculation (P+α)
0.04 Dose calculation
0.02 0 5 10 15 20 25
0.00 d w-eq (cm)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
PW - 200 MeV mono-energetic
E (MeV)
Fig. 6. Secondary alpha production cross-section per nucleon for different 1.01
incident proton energy, from ICRU-63 (ICRU-63, 2000).

k fl
0.99 Fluence calculation (P)
0.98 Fluence calculation (P+α)
Dose calculation
PWDT - 200 mono-energetic 0.97
1.02 0 5 10 15 20 25

d w-eq (cm)

1.00 WT1 - 200 MeV mono-energetic

k fl


0.99 Fluence calculation (P)

0.98 Fluence calculation (P+α) 1.01
Dose calculation
0.97 k fl
0 5 10 15 20 25

Fluence calculation (P)
dw-eq (cm)
0.98 Fluence calculation (P+α)
PW - 200 mono-energetic 0.97
Dose calculation

1.02 0 5 10 15 20 25
1.01 d w-eq (cm)
1.00 Fig. 8. FLUKA calculated fluence correction factors with respect to graphite for

plastic-water phantoms. (a) PWDT, (b) PW and (c) WT1 in a 200 MeV mono-

0.99 Fluence calculation (P) energetic proton beam as a function of water equivalent depth.
0.98 Fluence calculation (P+α)
Dose calculation
0.97 penetration depth in different target materials (AL-Sulaiti et al.,
0 5 10 15 20 25
2010). Thus, for high proton energies the increase in gkfl at
dw-eq (cm) shallow depths of less than 10 cm indicates that the secondary
WT1 - 200 mono-energetic proton production is higher in graphite than in plastic-water.
1.01 4. Conclusion
k fl

In this study, the water equivalence of the three plastic-water


0.99 Fluence calculation (P)

Fluence calculation (P+α) phantoms was investigated in term of the fluence correction
Dose calculation factor for 60 MeV and 200 MeV proton beams. Both the experi-
0.97 ments and the Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that the
0 5 10 15 20 25
fluence correction factor with respect to water, wkfl, in 60 MeV
dw-eq (cm) protons for the three plastic water phantom was close to unity.
Fig. 7. FLUKA calculated fluence correction factors with respect to water for
However, at 200 MeV it increases up to 1%. Thus, for accurate
plastic-water phantoms. (a) PWDT, (b) PW and (c) WT1 in a 200 MeV mono- measurements in radiotherapy planning and quality assurance
energetic proton beam as a function of water equivalent depth. measurements it is recommended to use a correction for the
fluence for PW, PWDT and WT1 in high energy beam.
The fluence correction factors with respect to graphite, gkfl,
For 200 MeV protons the wkfl increased from about 0.5% below showed a good agreement between the experimental results for
unity at the surface to about 1% above unity at 20 cm depth for all modulated and un-modulated 60 MeV beams and FLUKA simula-
plastic water materials in both methods as described in Fig. 7. tions yield values of gkfl deviating less than 1% from unity for
However, gkfl exhibits a different pattern. Fig. 8 shows that gkfl the three plastic-water phantoms. Graphite has previously been
increased with depth in a rate of 0.1% per cm up to 10 cm, and at shown to exhibit good water-equivalence at 60 MeV proton beam.
larger depths it decreased with a higher rate of about 0.35% per At higher energies, the gkfl changes with penetration depth over a
cm until 23 cm for the three plastic-water phantom. A previous few percent and the fluence correction factors need to be applied for
analytical study for 200 MeV primary protons without secondary accurate dosimetry, e.g. when comparing absolute dosimetry using a
particle productions showed that gkfl was decreased with graphite calorimeter with dosimetry in plastic-water phantoms.
L. Al-Sulaiti et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2012) 1052–1057 1057

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