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Newscast - Presentation and Planning : Community Garden Video


Teacher Name: Megan Sweat

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Total Points

Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Does NOT speak
and distinctly all and distinctly all and distinctly clearly and
of the time and of the time but most of the time distinctly most of
mispronounces mispronounces 1 and the time
no words. or more words. mispronounces AND/OR
no words. mispronounces
more than 1
word. /4
Posture and Eye Stands or sits up Stands or sits up Slouches or Slouches or
Contact straight and straight. appears too appears too
looks confident Establishes eye casual but casual AND
and relaxed. contact with establishes good establishes little /4
Duration of Establishes
The newscasteye audience during
The newscast eye
The contact
newscast with eye
The contact with
presentation was between 1.5 was between 1.5 was between 1.5 was too long or
and 3 minutes and 3 minutes and 3 minutes too short.
and did not seem but seemed but seemed /4
Research hurried
Group or too SLIGHTLY
Group hurried VERY
Grouphurried or Either no
researched the researched the researched the research was
subject and were subject and were subject and were done or it was
able to integrate able to integrate able to integrate not clear that /4
Point of View - 3 or more
Newscast 2 benefits the
Establishes a 1 benefit
The the is
purpose the group
It was usedtoit
Purpose establishes a purpose at the somewhat clear figure out the
purpose at the beginning, but but many apects purpose of the
beginning and occasionally of the newscast newscast. /4
Feedback: maintains that wanders from seem only

Date Created: Dec 04, 2022 03:24 pm (CST)

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