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ENGL Shifty drafts

Estrella Alvarado 9/9/22

1. What does Lamott mean when she says, “Very few writers really know what they
are doing until they’ve done it”?
What she means is that at first writers don’t know what they are really doing. They do
several drafts to see if they are on the same page so they leave what they started to write
about or what they try to make others understand about a single topic. At first they don’t
have exactly what they are writing about but once they have ideas in a specific pattern
they know what they are now on the same page and understand what they are writing
2. Lamott identifies three different drafts—what does she name each one and what
characterizes each one? She identifies the
child’s draft which is just write all the ideas you have in a page. It is all mixed up with
ideas all over the place. Once that is done you will move on to the second draft which is
to now stop and think how these ideas will become a second draft to start on the final
draft of the essay. The final draft would be all done with the ideas all well explained in an
orderly way and well written.
3. What is the most important lesson you learned from reading this essay? Most
important is that it takes time to do a perfect essay. It takes about three drafts to do the
final draft of the actual essay. Every writer takes time to do an orderly well explained
essay like it says in the reading that very few writers know what they are doing till they
get what is going on in their way.

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