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Anc ieu non l'aic mas elha m'a I never held it but it holds me

totz temps en son poder Amors all the time in its bail, Love,
e fai'm irat let, savi fol and makes me glad in anger, fool in wisdom
cum selhui qu'en re nos torna, as one that never can fight back,
c'om no's defend qui ben ama, because one who loves well cannot defend himself.
qu'Amors comanda
qu'om la serv'e la blanda: 'cause love commands
per qu'ieu n'aten that men serve and soothe it:
sufren for which I expect,
bona partida suffering,
quan m'er escarida. a good reward,
whenever it is granted.

Eu dic pauc q'ins el cor m'esta I tell little of what's in my heart:

q'estar me fa temen paors; fear makes me silent and scared;
la lenga's feing mas lo cors vol tongue hides but heart wants
so don dolen si sojorna: what on which, in pain, broods so:
ie'n languis, mas no s'en clama I languish, but I do not complain
qu'en tant a randa because so far
cum mars terra guaranda as the sea embraces the earth
non a tan gen, there's none so kind,
prezen actually,
cum la cauzida as the chosen one
qu'ieu ai encobida. for whom I long.

Tant sai son pretz fin e certa I so know her value, certain and true,
per qu'ieu no'm puesc virar alhors; that I cannot turn elsewhere;
I do so that my heart aches,
per so fatz ieu que'l cor m'en dol, when the sun sets and rests:
can soleilz clau ni sojorna: I don't dare say who inflames me;
eu non aus dir qui m'aflama; my heart burns
lo cor m'abranda but my eyes are fed,
e'ill uelh n'an la vianda, because only
quar solamen seeing her
vezen has been left to me.
m'estai aizida. See, you, what keeps me alive!
Ve'us que'm ten a vida!

Fols es qui per parlar en va Foolish is he who, for the sake of speech,
quer com sos jois sia dolors, turns his joy into pain,
que lauzengier, cui Deus afol, because slanderers, God curse them,
non an ges lengua adorna: never have a nice tongue:
l'us cosselh'e l'autre brama, one whispers, the other brays,
per que's desmanda and so withdraws
amors c'als fora granda; a love that would be great;
mas ieu'm defen but I fight back,
fenhen disguising,
de lor bruida their blame,
e a em ses falhida. and love with no hesitation.
Pero jauzen me te e sa That's why it keeps me happy and fine
ab un plazer ab que m'a sors; with a favour with which it has raised me;
mas mi no passara ja'l col but it will never pass trough my throat,
per paor qui'l no'm fos morna, for fear that she gets gloomy,
q'enquera'm sen de la flama since I still feel the flame
d'Amor qui'm manda of Love, that orders me
que mon cor non espanda: not to spread my mind:
si fatz coven, I swear it,
temen, frightened,
pus vei per crida because I've seen many a love
manht'amor delida deleted by its fame.

Maint bon chantar levet e pla Many a light and easy song
n'agr'ieu plus fait si'm fes secors I would have made, had she come to my help,
cil q'em dona joi e'l me tol, the one who gifts me with joy and takes it away,
q'er sui letz er m'o trastorna, 'cause now I'm glad and now she turns me:
car a son vol me liama. I am bound to her will.
Re no'il demanda Nothing asks
mos cors ni no'ill fai guanda, my heart, nor does it flee her,
mas franchamen but, earnestly,
li'm ren: I surrender to her:
donc, si m'oblida, if she then forgets me,
Merces es perida. mercy is dead.

Mielz-de-ben ren, Tell Better-Than-Good,

si't pren, if she takes you,
chanzos grazida gracious song,
qu'Arnautz non oblida. that Arnaut does not forget.

Mai l’he tingut però Amor em té completament sota el

seu poder i em torna la tristesa en alegria i el seny en
bogeria com aquell que no fa res, i jo no poso resistència
perquè bé estimo perquè Amor comanda i jo el serveixo
en tendresa per la qual cosa jo n’espero, patint, una bona
recompensa quan tingui sort.

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