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English B1

Worksheets for videos English

Unit 1 Reading
Before you watch:

Look at these celebrity families. Do you know who they are?

What are the pros and cons of growing up in a celebrity family? Make a list with your partner.
Then discuss in class.
3 Would you like to be part of a celebrity family? Share your ideas with the rest of the class.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1 Jaden Smith was born in Malibu, California. T/F
2 Jada Pinkett Smith is a famous Hollywood singer. T/F
3 Jaden’s sister, Willow, is older than him. T/F
4 Jaden starred in a film with his father when he was eight years old. T/F
5 Jaden Smith has his own beauty and make-up brand. T/F
6 Jaden is a successful young actor and rapper. T/F
7 Jaden and Willow are always allowed to do or have anything they want. T/F
8 Jaden and Willow have been involved in activities which help people in need around the world. T/F

After you watch:

Jaden Smith’s family doesn’t believe in punishment but in the freedom to express yourself. Discuss these
statements in small groups. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.
● Positive discipline is better than punishment.

● Having a good relationship with your child helps with discipline.

● Teenagers should be encouraged to express their opinions freely; they shouldn’t be afraid to talk to
their parents.

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English B1

Unit 1 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Look at these famous festivals and traditions from
around the world. Do you know which ones they are?

What festivals and traditions do people celebrate in your country?
Discuss with a partner. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.
3 What is your favourite festival? How does your family celebrate it? Discuss your answers in class.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then match the sentence halves.

1 Castelling started
2 The people forming the base of the human tower
3 There can be nine or ten levels
4 Young children must wear helmets
5 The children should raise their hand
6 A team is successful
7 Watching a team of castellers form a human tower
8 Castelling is an excellent

a is a breathtaking experience.
b in each human tower.
c example of teamwork.
d in the 18th century in Spain.
e to show that construction of the tower is complete.
f are usually the strongest.
g if they can build their tower without a fall.
h to climb to the top of the tower.

After you watch:

Castelling is an excellent example of teamwork where everyone really matters. Discuss these
statements in small groups. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.
● Participating in team activities can help people develop essential social skills.

● Teamwork improves self-confidence.

● ‘Coming together is a beginning. Staying together is progress and working together is success.’

- Henry Ford.

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English B1

Unit 2 Reading
Before you watch:

1 What is your home like? What is your favourite room in your home? Why do you like it?
If you could choose, would you rather live on a houseboat, in a palace or in a cottage in the woods? With a
partner make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of living in these places. Then share your ideas with
the rest of the class.
Look at these famous homes. Match the pictures to the right names. Then check your answers with the rest of
the class.

1 Windsor Castle 4 The Moscow Kremlin

2 The White House 5 The People’s House in Bucharest
3 The Palace of Versailles

a b

c d e

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word from the box.

rooms oldest Windsor Castle palaces heaviest White House

1 The British royal family spend most of their weekends in .

2 Windsor Castle in England is the castle in the world.
3 The has been the home of every American president since 1800.
4 The Palace of Versailles in France has 2,300 .
5 The Moscow Kremlin includes three and it is also a famous museum.
6 The People’s House in Bucharest Romania is the building in the world.

After you watch:

Have you ever thought about what makes you truly happy? Are you happiest when you’re at home?
Discuss these statements in small groups. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.
● ‘Home is not a place, it’s a feeling’ - Cecelia Ahern.

● ‘Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms.’ - William J. Bennett.

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English B1

Unit 2 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Look at the people below. Do you know who they are? They are different, but they have something in
common. What do you think that is?

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘nomad’? Nomads are people who move from place to
place, instead of living in one place. There are less nomads nowadays than in the past. However, some
people still have a nomadic lifestyle. Would you like to live like a nomad?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of living like a nomad? Make a list with your partner. Then share
your ideas with the rest of the class.

While you watch:

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.
The first nomadic society developed 10,000 / 20,000 years ago.
Nomads usually live in groups or families which are called clans / tribes.
The Mongolian tribes only move when there is a change of weather / season.
Traders and craftsmen often travel to sell their goods / camels and make a living.
There are only a few things inside the tents / cabins where Nomads usually live.
Two famous nomadic tribes are the Bedouins and the Toubou / Tuaregs.
The Bedouins can be found in the desert areas of North America / Africa.
The Tuaregs live in the Sahara / Kalahari Desert.

After you watch:

Look at this woman. Where do you think she is? What is she doing?

As the world of work is constantly growing and changing, a new generation of workers has appeared: The
Digital Nomads. Digital Nomads are independent workers who have chosen a technology-based lifestyle that
allows them to travel and work remotely from anywhere in the world. Imagine you are a Digital Nomad. Where
in the world would you like to work and why? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Look at these statements. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.
● Digital Nomads have the freedom to choose when and where they want to work.

● It is important to keep work and home life separate.

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English B1

Unit 3 Reading
Before you watch:

Look at these games. Match the pictures to the right names. Then check your answers with the
rest of the class.
a b
1 Chess
2 Scrabble
3 Monopoly
4 Rubik’s cube
5 Jenga

c d e

Do you like playing board games? What’s your favourite board game? How often do you play
board games? Discuss with a partner. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.

Look at this quote: ‘Chess is not always about winning. Sometimes it’s simply about learning’.
Do you agree or disagree? Can games really help us learn?

While you watch:

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
1 The oldest board game which was played by the Egyptians is called Mehen. T/F
2 Chess originated in China about 1,500 years ago. T/F
3 About 3,000 Monopoly games are started every hour. T/F
4 People have been playing Monopoly since 1904. T/F
5 Rubik’s cube was invented in 1874. T/F
6 The highest tower of Jenga was 40 storeys tall. T/F
7 Board games can teach people the importance of teamwork. T/F
8 It is always important to win when you’re playing a board game. T/F

After you watch:

What benefits of playing board games were mentioned in the video you watched? Make a list
with a partner. Then check your answers with the rest of the class.

Now rank the benefits from 1 to 6, 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important
to you.

Discuss your choices with a partner. Do you agree or disagree? Share your ideas with the rest
of the class.

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English B1

Unit 3 Skills Building 1 2

Before you watch:

1 Match the pictures below to the right words.

Then check your answers with a partner.
4 3
a video game
b player
c science fiction
d console

Look at the word cloud below. What is an MMORPG?

Do you play online video games? What is your favourite video game? Do you usually play video games alone or
with friends? Discuss with a partner. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then match the sentence halves.

Minecraft, Black Desert and Star Wars a and that is why they are so popular.
Online games became popular b after 2000.
Even when players are offline, c they get a reward.
Popular online games can have d in the US are extreme users.
Online games are extremely goal-based e are all Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.
When players achieve something, f they don’t enjoy the game.
Players often get stressed and g over 100,000 monthly players from around the world.
About 9% of children who play online games h the fantasy world continues to develop.

After you watch:

Look at the statements below. Which ones do you agree or disagree with? Write A or D. Discuss your ideas with
a partner.
● Video games make people more antisocial.

● People who play video games can make decisions faster than others.

● Interactive video games can help people’s motor skills.

● A large number of people who play video games are addicted.

● Playing video games can make people feel happy and reduce depression.

Which factors should people consider when choosing a video game? Look at the ideas below and rank them from
1 to 6, 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important to you. You can also add your own ideas.

● The story
● The characters 1
● 2
The number of levels included
● The graphics 3
● The music 4
● Multi-player features 5
Discuss your choices with a partner. Do you agree or disagree? Share your ideas with the rest of the class.
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English B1

Unit 4 Reading 1 2 3

Before you watch:

Look at these pictures.
Match them to the right
names. Then check your
answers with a partner.
4 5
a bionic arm
b smartphone
c tablet
d robot
e electric car

Do you use your smartphone or tablet a lot? How much time do you spend online? Do you think that new
technology has taken over our lives? Discuss with a partner. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.

Work with a partner. Imagine you could create a robot. What would its name be? Which three things would you
like your robot to be able to do to help you at home and at school? Share your ideas with the rest of the class.

My robot:


While you watch:

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.
1 It is believed that twenty years from now ten / nine billion people will be living on our planet.
2 Science is extremely important in the treatment of environmental issues / medical conditions.
3 Scientists have successfully created bionic / automatic arms and legs.
4 Researchers at the University of Chicago are trying to introduce the sense of touch / smell to the latest bionics.
People will be able to move their bionic arms and have all the information about an object’s colour / size
and shape.

After you watch:

What are the benefits and drawbacks of 2 
Look at the word cloud below. The term ‘bionics’, which
implementing technology in healthcare? you heard about in the video you watched, was first
Look at the ideas below and make a list used in the 1960s. What do you think it means?
with your partner. Then share your ideas
with the rest of the class.
● prevention
● research
●  improved treatment and healthcare
● security and privacy
● cost

According to the video you watched, bionic body parts are constantly evolving and becoming more lifelike in
both their form and function. Should we embrace this development or should we be worried about it? Discuss
your ideas in small groups.

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English B1

Unit 4 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Look at these pictures. Which environmental problems do they show?

a b c

Work with a partner. Make a list of other environmental problems. Which one/ones do you think is/are the
biggest threat to global security?

Do you use a lot of plastic in your daily life? Does plastic harm the environment? If yes, in what ways?
Discuss with a partner. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word from the box.

oceans materials replace recycled plastic

1 Plastic is one of the most used in the modern world.

2 Only a very small percentage of the plastic products used around the world is .
3 About eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our every year.
4 Researchers believe that by 2050 there will be more than fish in our oceans.
5 Experts are working to create new forms of packaging in order to plastic.

After you watch:

What can we do in our everyday lives to reduce plastic pollution? Discuss with a partner. Then share
your ideas with the rest of the class.
a b
Look at the pictures below. Which ideas
to reduce plastic waste did you hear
about in the video you watched?

d e

How useful do you think these ideas are? How would you feel about using them in order to reduce your plastic
waste? Discuss with a partner. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.

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English B1

Unit 5 Reading
Before you watch:

Make a list of the foods that you often eat and one of the foods that you never eat. Is your diet healthy
and balanced? Compare your answers with a partner.

Look at the pictures below. Which dish would be chosen by a vegetarian and which one by a vegan?

a b

Do you know anyone who is a vegan or a vegetarian?

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then match the sentence halves.

The woman has been vegan
Vegans don’t eat food
Computers control the heating and feeding systems
Farm animals often suffer from illnesses and injuries
The woman decided to give up eating meat
Vegan meals can be made
Beans and mushrooms can be used
Junk food can

a when she watched a documentary about raising chickens in farms.

b for the last five years of her life.
c sometimes be healthy.
d in nearly all modern factory farms.
e with fresh fruit and vegetables.
f that comes from animals.
g to make vegan burgers.
h as they are locked in dark and dirty sheds.

After you watch:

Look at these statements. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.
● A vegan diet promotes weight loss.

● Vegans are less prone to serious illnesses.

● Vegans may lack essential nutrients.

Many people believe that going vegan can help save the planet. Do you agree or disagree?

According to scientists, if we all went vegan, the world’s food-related emissions would drop by 70%.
Would you consider going vegan in order to reduce the environmental problems our world is facing?

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English B1

Unit 5 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Look at these popular foods from different places around the world. Match the pictures to the right countries.
Then check your answers with a partner.

1 2 3

a China
b India
c Japan
d Italy

Have you tried any of the dishes shown in the pictures above? Do you enjoy experimenting with
different cuisines?
Work with a partner. Make a list of the most popular traditional dishes from your country. Are these foods
associated with any festivals or special events? Share your ideas with the rest of the class.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
Food can bring back memories of the past. T/F
There is no connection between food, our body and our senses. T/F
Cooking as a family or with friends brings people together. T/F
The Chinese combine salty and bitter flavours. T/F
The Japanese use a variety of spices in their dishes. T/F
Italian is the most popular type of ethnic food in America. T/F

After you watch:

Do you share a meal with your friends and family on special occasions? Do you cook or help with the other
preparations? Discuss with a partner.

According to the video, Italian is the most popular type of ethnic food in America. Do people in your country
prefer traditional dishes or foods from other places?

Look at these statements. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.
● ‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.’ - Virginia Wolf.

● ‘The best memories are made around the table.’

● ‘You have to taste a culture to understand it.’ – Deborah Cater

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English B1

Unit 6 Reading
a b c
Before you watch:

Look at these school subjects.
Match the pictures to the
right words. Then check
your answers with a partner.

PE d e f

Which school subjects do you enjoy and which do you dislike? Make a list. Then discuss your ideas with
a partner.

Which school subjects from the ones mentioned in exercise 1 are the newest? Which ones do you think
will be in the highest demand in the next ten years? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

While you watch:

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.
1 History / Education technology has made learning more interactive in the modern classroom.
Students and teachers can use interactive whiteboards / blackboards to connect with other online student
3 Information Technology / Robotics was introduced to schools after 2000.
4 Traditional education is not used / is widely used in schools.
5 Students can benefit / don’t benefit from subjects such as music, acting and drawing.
Combining subjects like science and technology with robotics / fine arts can help students develop a number
of skills.

After you watch:

Look at the different learning styles below. Work with a partner and
match them to the right descriptions. What kind of learner are you?

visual auditory kinesthetic

1 This learner must see information in order to learn and remember it.
2 This learner learns best through doing things.
3 This learner develops understanding and memory by hearing things.

According to the video, it is important to promote 3 
Look at these quotes about education. Do you
a life skills-based education at schools. Work with agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small
a partner. Look at the skills mentioned below and groups.
rank them from 1 to 5, 1 being the most important
and 5 being the least important to you. You can
‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.
also add your own ideas. Involve me and I learn.’ – Benjamin Franklin
● teamwork 1
‘He who learns but does not think, is lost.’ –
creativity 2 Confucius


● problem-solving 3 ‘We need technology in every classroom and in

● critical thinking 4 every student and teacher’s hand, because it is
● organisation 5 the pen and paper of our time.’ – David Warlick

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English B1

Unit 6 Skills Building

Before you watch:

What is education? Why is it so important in our life? How valuable is education to you?

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about education is gaining knowledge. Is that, however, its
sole objective and purpose? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

3 The benefits of education are many. Look at the ideas mentioned below. Work in small groups to add more
ideas to the list. Then share your ideas with the rest of the class.
● socialising and networking
● discovering and pursuing your passion in life
● increasing your productivity
● developing communication and critical thinking skills.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
Malala Yousafzai was born in Bangladesh in 1997. T/F
Malala wrote an essay in which she spoke out for the right of all children to have an education. T/F
Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize when she was 17 years old. T/F
The Nobel Peace Prize is given out every three years to those who promote peace in the world. T/F
Malala is trying to help young girls who have no access to education. T/F
World leaders don’t always realise how important education is in our life. T/F

After you watch:

What do you think of Malala’s actions? Why has her story been inspiring for so many people?

How would you feel if you could not go to school and get a formal education? Discuss your thoughts
with a partner.

Malala Yousafzai spoke out for the right of all children to have an education. The Convention on the
Rights of the Child sets out the rights that must be protected for children to develop to their full potential.
Work in small groups. Write down any other children’s rights you are aware of. Then share your ideas
with the rest of the class.

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English B1

Unit 7 Reading
Before you watch:

Do you enjoy travelling? Which is the most interesting place you have travelled to?

Have you ever visited New York? What do you know about ‘The city that never sleeps?’

Look at these famous sights and landmarks in New York City. Work with a partner and match the pictures
to the right names. Then check your answers with the rest of the class.

a b 1c

d e f

1 The Statue of Liberty 4 Times Square

2 Brooklyn Bridge 5 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
3 Central Park 6 The Empire State Building

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word from the box.

neighbourhoods population compassion languages landmarks tourists

1 New York City has a of about eight million people.

2 More than 800 are spoken in New York City.
3 60 million visited New York in 2015.
4 The Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge are two of New York’s most famous .
5 Jay-Z grew up in one of the dangerous of Brooklyn.
6 Jay-Z believes that the most important thing we need to teach young people is .

After you watch:

Are you a fan of Jay-Z? Do you enjoy listening to rap? What kind of music do you prefer?

Many people believe that music is a universal language. How can music connect people and cultures?
Discuss your ideas in small groups.

According to Jay-Z, young people should have a loving heart, a sense of fairness, compassion and the
ability to understand what others feel. Do you agree? What values and skills should the new generation
be equipped with?

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English B1

Unit 7 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Do you like mysteries and adventures? Do you find history fascinating or boring? What is the most interesting
historical fact you know?

Throughout history, many great civilisations and thriving cities existed but then mysteriously disappeared. Do
you know any stories about them?

Look at the pictures below. They show achievements of lost civilisations. Can you match them to the right
names? Compare your answers with a partner.

a b


The Maya
Easter Island
The Minoans

While you watch:

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
People are positive that Atlantis existed many years ago. T/F
One of the possible Atlantis locations includes the Gobi Desert. T/F
Most researchers believe that Atlantis was located somewhere within the Mediterranean Sea. T/F
It is believed that Atlantis was a large island surrounded by sea. T/F
The Greek philosopher Plato claimed that Atlantis sank beneath the waves. T/F
A number of researchers believe that there might be a link between Atlantis and the Maya civilisation. T/F

After you watch:

Do you believe Atlantis was real or simply a myth?

What do you think happened to Atlantis and what did it look like before it disappeared? Discuss your ideas
with a partner.

How likely is it that there are more ancient lost cities and civilisations that we haven’t discovered yet?

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English B1

Unit 8 Reading
Before you watch:

What are the most beautiful places in your country? Which ones have you visited?

Look at the pictures below. They all have something in common. What do you think it is?

1 2 3

4 5 6

Work with a partner. Match the places above to the correct names. Then share your answers with the rest of
the class.

a Sahara Desert d Grand Canyon

b Niagara Falls e Mount Everest
c Great Barrier Reef f Northern Lights

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then match the sentence halves.

1 Niagara Falls is a group of a is made up of 900 islands.
2 The famous Grand Canyon b can reach 49 ºC.
3 The Great Barrier Reef c three waterfalls with the highest flow rate on Earth.
4 The Northern Lights can be seen d in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
5 Temperatures on Mount Everest e can be found in Arizona USA.
6 Temperatures in the Sahara Desert f can drop to -60 ºC.

After you watch:

Which of the extraordinary places you saw in the video would you like to visit and why?

Which of the natural wonders you learned about is the most attractive? Work with a partner and rank them
from 1 to 6, 1 being the most attractive and 6 being the least attractive. Then share your thoughts with the rest
of the class.

Work in small groups. Can you add three more places of remarkable beauty from around the world to the list?
Remember to justify your choice.

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English B1

Unit 8 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Do you prefer spending your free time in the city or near nature? What activities can we do in natural
surroundings and what can we learn by observing nature?

Look at the sentences below. Work with a partner and decide which ones are True (T) and which ones
are False (F). Write your answers on the lines provided.

Flowers produce a special protein called Flowering Locus T
in their leaves when it is time to bloom.
Plants absorb water and nutrients from the ground using
their roots so that they can grow.
3 Spiders can build a web in an hour.
4 Spiders usually build a new web every two days.

Have you ever seen the process of flowers blooming or the one of plants growing? Have you ever
noticed a spider spinning a web from beginning to end? Do you think it is possible for us to observe
these procedures?

While you watch:

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking
as a class.
Directors / Cinematographers have given us amazing views of the world around us.
By speeding up / slowing down a film, we can observe plants growing over time.
Spiders have a special liquid / claw in their bodies.
Spiders create a new web every week / every day.
Different species of spiders make different types of webs / silk.
Some spiders use the silk they make to jump / travel.

After you watch:

Which fact from the video you watched did you find the most interesting? Why? Discuss your ideas
with a partner.

Look at these quotes. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.
● ‘To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.’ – Mary Davis
● ‘In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.’ – John Muir

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English B1

Unit 9 Reading
Before you watch:

Look at the pictures below. Answer the questions with a partner. Do you agree or disagree?

a b c

Look at this tunnel. Are the lines Are the lines straight or Look at these men. Are they the
moving or are they still? crooked? same size?

What are optical illusions? Do you think that they are fun and interesting or challenging?

Look at the questions below. Work with a partner and choose the correct answers. Then compare your answers
with the rest of the class.

1 Optical illusions deceive our brain / nose.

2 Plato / Epicharmus was the first philosopher who attempted to explain optical illusions.
3 Optical illusions can use light, patterns and music / colour to create images that can be misleading.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then match the sentence halves.

1 Optical illusions trick our brains a to create a visual illusion.
2 Mirrors are used in kaleidoscopes b , but they are actually not.
3 Contrasting colours create c into seeing things which aren’t real.
4 Sometimes we look at pictures and think d the illusion of motion.
they are animated e understand how the brain and our senses function.
5 Optical illusions can help us

After you watch:

Do artists use optical illusions? What do you think ‘Op art’ is?

Look at this quote. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
‘Exercise is the single best thing you can do for your brain in terms of mood, memory
and learning.’- John Ratey

3 What can we do to exercise our brain and improve our memory and focus? Discuss your
ideas in small groups.

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English B1

Unit 9 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Do you smile often? Have you ever had to fake a smile?

Make a list of the things which make you smile. Then share your ideas with a partner. Do you have anything
in common?

Do you believe there is a link between good health and smiling? What other benefits of smiling can you
think of? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

While you watch:

Watch the video. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?
Smiling can affect your mood in a beneficial manner. T/F
Smiling can make others feel worried and stressed. T/F
Smiles can help us connect with other people by making us seem more attractive T/F
There is no connection between smiling and physical health. T/F
We are often drawn to people who smile because they seem friendlier. T/F
Smiling can help you become more successful. T/F

After you watch:

Smiling is a universal language, but does it always convey the same message? How many different types of
smiles can you think of and what do they mean? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

How many different smiles do you have? Depending on the occasion and the people that surround you, do you
use a specific type of smile?

Look at the statements below. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your ideas in small groups.
● There is always a reason to smile.
● Smiles are free but they are worth a lot.
● A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.

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English B1

Unit 10 Reading
Before you watch:

What kind of art do you like? Do you have a favourite artist or painting?

Look at the paintings below. Are they examples of traditional art or abstract art? Work with a partner and think
of three adjectives to describe them.

Do you prefer traditional art or abstract art. Why? Do you know what action painting is?

While you watch:

Watch the video. Then complete the sentences with a word from the box.

music expensive messy inspires footprints identify

1 Jackson Pollock is famous for his paintings.

2 There are in some of Pollock’s paintings because he stepped in the paint.
3 Pollock would often listen to while he was painting.
It is hard to the objects in Pollock’s paintings because he was an
abstract artist.
5 Pollock’s work still artists from all over the world.
6 In 2006, one of Pollock’s works became the world’s most painting.

After you watch:

What do you think of Jackson Pollock’s work and technique? How do his paintings make you feel?

How often do you go to exhibitions or art galleries? Have you ever seen an art installation? What can we learn
from visiting such places?

Look at the following quotes by Jackson Pollock. What do you think he means? Discuss your ideas in small groups.
● ‘Every good painter paints what he is.’
● ‘It doesn’t matter how the paint is put on as long as something is said.’

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English B1

Unit 10 Skills Building

Before you watch:

Look at the pictures below. What do they show?

Do you like or dislike graffiti? Is graffiti common in the area you live? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

Is graffiti and street art the same thing? Are they forms of art or vandalism?

While you watch:

Watch the video and circle the correct words. Compare your answers with a partner before checking as a class.
1 Graffiti is usually made on a surface in a private / public place.
2 Graffiti should be done with / without the property owner’s permission.
3 There is a mixture of signs / writing and pictures in graffiti.
4 The special signatures graffiti artists use are called tags / dashes.
5 Graffiti artists use a folio / sketch book in which they draw and plan out their graffiti.
6 Street artists create art in order to get a reaction from other writers / the public.

After you watch:

Why do you think people do graffiti in public places?

Is all graffiti the same or are there different styles? Can graffiti be understood as a form of communication?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.

What is the difference between legal and illegal graffiti? Would ‘permission walls’ prevent acts of vandalism
from graffiti artists? Is there a place where artists can go to do legal graffiti in your area? Discuss your ideas in
small groups.

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