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In the bedroom In the kitchen In the bathroom

1. Clock = jam dinding 1. Spoon = sendok 1. Towel = handuk
2. Picture = gambar 2. Fork = garpu 2. Shampoo = shampoo
3. Shelf = rak 3. Glass = gelas 3. Tooth brush = sikat gigi
4. Cupboard= lemari 4. Plate = piring 4. Tooth paste = pasta gigi
5. Lamp = lampu 5. Cup = cangkir 5. Soap = sabun
6. Sofa= sofa 6. Frying pan = panci 6. Dipper = gayung
7. Table = meja penggoreng 7. Water = air
8. Vase= vas bunga 7. Pan = panci 8. Brushes = sikat
9. Wardrobe = lemari 8. Stove = kompor 9. Bathtup= bak mandi
pakaian 9. Knife = pisau 10. Bucket = ember/timba
10. Pillow = bantal 10. Kettle = ketel 11. Toilet = toilet
11. Bolster = guling 11. Refrigerator = kulkas 12. Tap = keran
12. Blanket = selimut 12. Bottles = botol
13. Bed = tempat tidur/ 13. Bowl = mangkuk
14. Mirror = cermin
15. Chair = kursi
Latihan Soal

1. There are 2 _________ on the bed.

2. There is _____ betwen two bolsters.

3. There _____ blanket on the ______________.

4. There _____ a mirror ______ ______________.

1. Is Cici’s pencil on the chair? ____________________

2. Where is her pencil ? ___________________

3. What are on the sofa ? ___________________

4. Where does Cici sit? ___________________

5. Where is Cici’s bag? _________________

I take a bath in my ____________ .

I use _______ to clean my body and ________
to wash my hair. I never forget to brush my teeth using _______
and ________ After all I dry my body using ________.
1. Sita and I do the group project together, I do the reading, and she ... the writing.
2. My parents ... the house work together.
3. My cat ... its funny habit, it catches her tail.
4. My brother cooks for dinner, and I ... the dishes to help him.
5. We ... not want to buy the snack.
6. ….you like strawberry ice cream?
7. I want to go the Italian restaurant, but she ... not want to go there.
8. William does like spaghetti, but I ... not like it.
9. The boss ... not want to raise the salary.
10. ... Mr. Harold like the cake?
11. Hello Mr. Fitzgerald, ... you have pencils?
12. Lukas, ... Emma like coffee?
13. Cici eats in the dining room. She…. eats in the garage
14. Edo plays the ball in the yard. He……play it in the living room.
15. My parents……read newspapers in the bathroom


Tenses terdiri atas empat bagian, yaitu:

1. Present Tense (bentuk-bentuk waktu sekarang)

2. Past Tenses (bentuk-bentuk waktu lampau)

3. Future Tense (bentuk-bentuk waktu yang akan datang)

4. Past Future Tense (bentuk-bentuk waktu akan datang-lampau).

Present Tenses, dibagi menjadi 4 macam yaitu:

1. Simple Present Tense

2. Present Continuous Tense

3. Present Perfect Tense

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Simple Present Tense

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