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Document #: CPL-115

Conflicts of Interest Revision #: 00

Policy Revision Date: 08/02/2021

Page(s): Page 1 of 2

1. Conflicts of Interest
1.1. It is Total Safety’s policy to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Directors and
employees are prohibited from accepting employment or engaging in a business that may conflict
with the performance of their duties or Total Safety’s interest. You should ensure that your private
actions and interests do not interfere with your responsibilities or the interests of Total Safety. A
conflict of interest occurs when one’s personal interests interfere in any way – or even appears to
interfere – with the interests of Total Safety as a whole. Conflicts of interest can also arise when
you or a member of your family receives improper personal benefits due to your position at Total
Safety. Also, Total Safety employees are prohibited from personally taking an opportunity for
business or profits that belong to Total Safety. In all instances you should not enter into situations
that could result in even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
2. Questions
2.1. Any question related to the policies and standards of the Company or laws or regulations of the
countries in which Total Safety does business should be directed to your supervisor or appropriate
Total Safety legal counsel.
3. Version Control

Date Published Author Approved by Revision Reason for Revision

08/02/2021 Diane Dix 00 Original

Total Safety proprietary and confidential. Do not reproduce or redistribute. ©2020 Total Safety, U.S., Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may
be accessed electronically via SafetyNet. Employees are responsible for ensuring they are using the latest revision. Printed copies of this document
should be considered obsolete until they are verified current with the latest revision on SafetyNet.

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