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Jean Henri Fabres The Storybook of Science

Chapters 1-14 with extra pages

Notebooking Pages for

Blossom Barden

Chapters as they correspond to pages Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Pages 5 & 6 Pages 7 & 8

Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Pages 9 & 10
Pages 11 Pages 13 Pages 14 Pages 16 - 19 Pages 20 - 23 Pages 24 - 27

Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Suggestions for using Pages Extra Notebooking Pages

Pages 31
Pages 32 - 34 Pages 35 Pages 36 Pages 37 Pages 38 - 46

2011 Blossom Barden, North Laurel Home & School These notebooking pages were created by Blossom Barden for North Laurel Home & School. They may be reproduced by anyone for use in home or school. They may be altered to suit individual needs/wants with the exception of the image on the front cover; it must not be altered and must be credited to 2007 Blossom Barden as the creator of image. All other images are in the public domain. These pages were created for a student who is in middle school. Some of the words or activities may not be grade/age appropriate for younger students.

Created using Power Point 2010 In the Power Point version: To change each page, click on the image, shape, or text that you would like to change. Page numbers are included on each page but to remove, simply click on the number and delete. Suggestions for some pages are also included, in the Notes section below the slide. To remove, highlight and delete. Ive tried to keep them from being lengthy or distracting, and are of course simply suggestions. For PDF version: Unfortunately, the only way that I know of to be able to change a PDF document is to have the software (not free) from Adobe. Or you may be able to convert the PDF to a word document (or other format) for editing purposes. Suggested uses are on the final page before the extra notebook pages. I hope that these pages are helpful in some way to those using The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre. Please feel free to pass this along to any one else that would benefit or enjoy it. Do not alter or copy as your own the image on the front cover. It may be used but must be attributed to me: 2007 Blossom Barden

The Six

Uncle Paul has no family, he is alone; yet he is never happier than when with children, children who chatter, who ask this, that, and the other, with the adorable ingenuousness of an awakening mind.

Compared with truth, fiction is but a pitiful trifle; for the former is the work of God, the latter the dream of a man. Uncle Paul

Innumerable black velvety lice, immobile and so close together as to touch one another, cover the under side of the leaves and the still tender wood.




There are people who, well fed themselves, think everybody else has dined. They are called egoists. God forbid your ever bearing that sorry name, of which the ant, paltry little creature, would be ashamed!



Twilight Communion Divert Gilt-edged Veneration Quartered Ingenuousness Insatiable Reprimands Opportunity Trifle Subterranean Dormitories Jostling Excavated Edifice Perseverance Prodigy Glutton Gorging Paunch Pasturage Fodder Chalet Foresight Egoists Wily dervish Vizier

The little bird


The ants lion



The ladybug


Let us say that one plant-louse produces tenEach of these ten plant-lice borne by the first one bears ten more, making one hundred in all; each of these hundred bears ten, in all ten thousand; and so on, multiplying always by ten, eleven times.


Trees and Their Age


Draw pictures of trees from the book (look them up in an encyclopedia or online)



Three thousand years, my dear child; and we might still go further back, if I were to tell you of certain foreign trees. Some are known to be almost as old as the world.




Let us remain small; that is to say, let us content ourselves with the little God has given us; let us beware of the temptations of envy, the foolish counsels of pride; let us be full of activity, of work, and not of ambition. That is the only way we are permitted to hope for length of days.



Visit to find and draw two birds from the reading.




Species Suffice Prosperity Hemerobius Fecundity Imminent Hectares Prodigious Marrow Annual Hermitage Despoiled Personages Repose Patriarch Verdant Pretensions Esteem Galleries Peculiar Grenadiers


Weight of Metals




So they plate copper, that is to say they cover it with a thin bed of tin, to prevent its rusting, and thus prevent the formation of the dangerous poison that might, some day or other, be mixed with our food.


Gold and Iron


Suggestions: Page 5 In each of the boxes draw a picture of the six characters in the first chapter. Or write a few descriptive words about them. Page 7 Draw the image of the white ant or write some descriptive words from the reading. Page 9 Draw what it might look like inside of the ant hill based on the reading. Page 11 Write about the Plant-louse or something that was interesting from the reading. Page 12 Go to the website and find the ant in the picture. Write some of the information that is discovered. Page 14 Describe the concept of the plant-lice multiplying or write about the Wily Dervish. Page 15 Write the words in alphabetical order or write brief definitions of the words from the reading. Page 16-18 Draw a picture (perhaps a short life cycle) of each of the three things that endanger the plant-lice. Page 22 Write the trees in order of their age and size. Give some information about the location, circumstance and/or something interesting about each tree. Page 24 Draw a picture of an ox. Write information about the ox, horse and donkey (ass) on the lines. Page 25 Use for free drawing of whatever they wish. Page 27 Visit to find and draw two birds from the reading. Page 28-29 Use for more notebooking on different birds or for free drawings. Page 30 Write the words in alphabetical order or write brief definitions of the words from the reading. Page 31 Write about what the kettle is made out of, color the kettle, or skip this page. Page 32-34 List the different metals in order of weight and draw a picture of what can be made with each metal. Page 36 Draw pictures of what is made from Gold and Iron or write what you know about rust. 37










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