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First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand

Engineering Economics HS132

 Consumer’s behavior )‫ (سلوك المستهلك‬is mainly

based on psychological factors
 Variables that affect market demand:
◦ Price
◦ Consumer’s taste and preference
◦ Consumer’s income and purchasing power
◦ Prices of related items:
 E.g. when the price of power increases (electricity) the
demand for air conditioners decreases
◦ Expectation of future prices
 buy more quantities if the prices are expected to rise
◦ Number of consumers and size of market

2018/2019 1
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 As the prices increase the demand decreases

 Higher prices discourage sales

D (Demand)


 A decrease in demand (from

curve D to D1) can have one
or all of the following D1 D
◦ Consumer’s taste switched to a
competing product
◦ Consumer switched to a less
expensive substitute
◦ The number of possible
consumers decreased
◦ Expectation of lower prices in
the future
◦ Decline of buyer’s income
decreases demand on goods

2018/2019 2
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 It is the amount of product that the producers

)‫ (المنتجين‬are willing to make available
 Factors that affects supply:
◦ Prices of raw materials:
 an increase in the prices of raw materials of a certain
product may raise price of the final product
◦ Expectation of higher future prices:
 This may cause producers to immediately increase the
◦ Firms leaving the market decrease the supply
◦ Government policy such as taxes and subsidies

 Higher prices encourage greater production

S (Supply)

2018/2019 3
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 The point of intersection of the two curves of represents the

point of equilibrium (E)
 E represents the point where a price is agreed upon
between the consumers and the procedures “the price at
which an amount of goods is willingly supplied and
demanded (Pe)”

Pe E (Equilibrium Point)

 At a price less than Pe (P1) the quantity of the demand is more than the
supply; thus, a SHORTAGE happens. The consumers will derive the
price up by their willingness to pay more than P1 until Pe is reached
 At a price more than Pe (P2) the quantity of demand is less than supply;
thus, a SURPLUS will happen. The suppliers will rationally decrease
their price to sell the surplus until Pe is reached

Pe E (Equilibrium Point)
Shortage Q

2018/2019 4
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 If the relationship between the supply and the demand

for a given commodity )‫ (سلعة‬is linear such that:
Quantity (1000 units) Supply Demand
2 4 24
22 24 4

 It is required to determine the following:

◦ Equilibrium unit price
◦ Equilibrium quantity
◦ If the price is 18, is there a shortage or surplus? What is its


2018/2019 5
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 It is the sensitivity of the quantity demanded of a

product to a change of price
 Three things can happen to the total expenditure (P *
Q) along the demand curve:
◦ Inelastic: the total expenditure falls when the price falls - the
quantity demanded (Q) is not changed by the change in
◦ Elastic: The increase in price causes a decrease in total
◦ Unitary elastic: In this case a change in P causes a change
in Q but in all cases the total expenditure (P * Q) is constant


 Most demand curves have the three types of

elasticity – depending on the price range

 Consumers are unresponsive to price changes in

one range (inelastic), while in other ranges of price a
change of price causes a significant jump in the
amount purchased


2018/2019 6
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 When the producers are responsive to price

change, the supply is elastic, while when they are
relatively unresponsive, the supply is considered

 The two extremes of a supply curve are when it is:

◦ Inelastic, it will be a vertical line (e.g. when fishing boat
returns, it will sell at whatever prices available
◦ Elastic supply, it will be a horizontal line, where any cut in
P cause Q to be zero


 Coefficient of demand elasticity

𝐸𝑑 = − =−
 Coefficient of supply elasticity
𝐸𝑠 = =

E > 1 → Demand (or Supply) is elastic

E < 1 → Demand (or Supply) is inelastic
E = 1 → Demand (or Supply) is unitary elastic


2018/2019 7
First Year Civil Engineering Supply & Demand
Engineering Economics HS132

 For the following Demand Curve, calculate the

elasticity in each segment ab, bc and cd



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