Brian Williams - Traditional Conference Sheet-2

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Name: _Brian Williams_____________________ Conference Date: _11/21/22_________________

Project Title: _The Brian Williams Instrument Flight Training Simulator________________________

SMART Goal I set for this conference:

The Smart Goal I set for this conference was to focus on downloading the flight network that allows

me to connect with multiple pilots and air traffic controllers while taking my instrument flight lessons. I

also began researching how to create my own instrument flight file that will allow me to fly in low-

visibility weather on my simulator.

Steps I took to accomplish my SMART Goal:


To prepare myself for my first flight lesson, I watched PilotEdge 101 - A Starter's Guide | Learn what you
multiple videos and did research on how pilot edge can do with PilotEdgePilotEdge recommended first
works. I did this ahead of time, so I know what I’m flight WALKTHROUGH! 1S5 to KYKM ... Online ATC
getting into before I have to start paying a monthly for Flight Sim | Mr MPW
I also started my free trial with PilotEdge which will
give me clearance to fly on their western map which
includes southern California. I have yet to take my
first flight due to my busy schedule but I will be taking
it soon.

I began doing some research on how to create my

own instrument flight computer file that will allow me real-weather/
to fly in low visibility. I used some of the previous
knowledge that I learned from Mr. A to do some more weather-in-x-plane-10/
in-depth research on how the METAR file works and
how I can customize it.

Employability skills that I worked on this month and specific ways I have improved. How have you shown
growth with the goals listed above? Do you need to make any adjustments? Which skill has been the hardest
for you to practice and improve? Why?:

This month, the two biggest skills that I have worked on this month were my technology

literacy skills and my information literacy skills. The month of November has been solely focused on

research for my project. I had little to no previous knowledge about PilotEdge and how to create my
own METAR file. I sat down and began watching videos, reading articles, and studying techniques to

further my knowledge about PilotEdge and computer files. I don’t normally find research to be fun and

interesting, but watching and learning about how I can improve my simulator really made the

experience better.

With the goals listed above, I have shown growth by taking in new information and applying it

to my project. Watching the videos really helped me understand how PilotEdge works and how it can

be a useful tool when flying my lessons. For my computer file, the X-plane websites showed me what

the file does, how I can download it, and how I can customize it to my own settings. Without this

newly found information, I wouldn’t know where to start and how to successfully complete my flight

lessons. I have found that researching is an important skill to use when you are trying to learn about

new technology and programs. Personally, I don’t believe I need to make any adjustments to my

research skills because I have not only learned new information, but I have also retained the

knowledge needed to start flying with PilotEdge.

To my knowledge, none of the employability skills have been hard for me to practice and

improve on.

What I have learned since my last conference: (brief reflection on learning and evidence)
Since my last conference, I have learned that I know how much work and responsibility I need to put

on myself during certain times of my life. I am glad that my smart goal this month was more moderate

than my previous one. As I have said before, November has been a busy month for me and I have

had many obligations to attend to. If I had set my goal this month as rigorous as my goal in October, I
would not have successfully completed it. Given that I am ahead of my timeline, I can take this time to

relax and not stress out about upcoming deadlines. I’m glad that we as students can set our own

goals and be responsible for the work we require ourselves to complete. It simply makes the project

easier and less stressful.

SMART Goal I am going to work on for next month:

The SMART goal I am going to work on next month is to start working on my computer file and

finish it. Once it is finished, I will upload it to my computer. I will also start to take my instrument flight

lessons and complete as many as I can.

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