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A scripted mathematical way to reveal the Zodiac Sign, Date of Birth and Month of Birth that
will leave your spectators astounded. 100% Bang on!
All the steps have a unique script to it that the process feels seamless and you will be able
to predict their zodiac 100% bang on every single time!

After telling the spectators how important numerology and zodiac signs are and their
significance you claim that you have found divinity in numbers and maths and you would
like to prove that with a simple experiment of calculation. Then you ask the spectator to
open his calculator and do exactly as you say. After the process is complete you would be
able to tell the spectator their zodiac sign, day of birth, and month of birth.
The complete method and the script behind the method are as follows:
“Numbers, surround us in different forms, it is all around us in form of information about
almost everything and I have been very curious about the mystic side of Numbers known
as Numerology, and how they have been used throughout the ages. Today we will create
an experiment using math as its base we will go through the process of creating a unique
number for you that will certainly have some clues about you.”
• Enter the number 7

“Do you have any lucky numbers let’s say between 1 and 10?” (If the spectator says
anything other than 7) Do you know in ancient mythology the number 7 was regarded as
the luckiest number and people born on this day are known for their brilliance and more
than often, they become famous for example Mr Beast the famous YouTuber is born on
the 7th of May! Now may I ask you to enter the number 7 on your calculator.”

• Multiply by the month of your birth

“As you sow, thou shall reap. Now let me tell you a proverb that has been told around for
ages, which means that how much effort you put into your life reflects on how you live
your life and to commemorate this I will ask you to multiply the month of your birth with
• Subtract 1

“Now tell me, do you have any one bad thing that you want to get rid of from your life?
That one thing which has been bothering you for a very long time? If you do have
something like that then subtract 1 from the total.”

• Multiply by 13

“Where good prevails, bad things are not far away and when there is light then the
shadow is lurking just around the corner. So, we need to take both hands in hand and
thus, I will now ask you to multiply the total by 13 which has been deemed as unlucky in
most of the ancient myths.”

• Add the day of your birth

• Add 3

“Now we add your day of birth and along with it we add 3 the symbol of the holy Trinity,
The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost”

• Multiply by 11

“Once the total has been reached let us again multiply it will 11 which is the symbol of
prosperity in ancient Egypt. Since the birth of numerology in ancient Greece, the
number 11 has been revered as one of the master numbers – commanding an extra-
strength presence in the cosmos.”

• Subtract the month of your birth

• Subtract the day of your birth

“Now for the final part, we will extract you in spirit from the total by first subtracting your
month of birth and then subtracting your day of birth. So, can you tell me the total? Do
these numbers mean anything to you?”

These later steps are for the mentalist to do at an off-beat during the performance:

• Divide by 10
• Add 11
• Divide by 100

“Now that we have gone through the process, we have invoked all the right ingredients
and NOW! I am now ready to tell you what these numbers mean and what it had
conveyed to me.”
At the end bring out a chart (examples given below in stand-alone pages you can cut them
out individually and use any one of them as per your choice.) and ask the spectators to
concentrate on their zodiac sign and that is it! You are now able to tell them exactly what
their birth day and month are along with their zodiac sign.
If you are in Europe or Australia, you probably want February 29 to look like 29.02, not 2.29.
In that case, wherever you see the month, write the day, and vice-versa. For example:

• Enter the number 7 (7)

• Multiply by the day of your birth (7x29=203)
• Subtract 1 (203-1=202)
• Multiply by 13 (202x13=2626)
• Add the month of your birth (2626+2=2628)
• Add 3 (2628+3=2631)
• Multiply by 11 (2631x11=28941)
• Subtract the day of your birth (28941-29=28912)
• Subtract the month of your birth (28912-2=28910)
• Tell me the result

Then, mentally, do these steps

• Divide by 10 (28910/10=2891)
• Add 11 (2891+11=2902)
• Divide by 100 (2902/100 = 29.02)

Math tricks are very hard to pull off because they lack the foundation of a story, here I have
tried to provide a story that is fit for a mathematical trick because the story will propel the
method and at the end, you simply reveal the unexpected first which is the zodiac sign
which will the kicker and then their birth day and month which will add on as the second
Previous Works

1. Impromptu Pin Revelation - PDF



5. Encrypted - PDF

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