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Prelims Sans Pareil 10

Fill in all your answers to the following questions in the spreadsheet at: 1OWnBUYktQWjF4cDUyalRfVlE6MQ by 10 45pm, 1st December, 2010 Questions
1. What does the chart below represent? It is a concept extensively used in new media.

2. What is the leap of faith taken by visionaries to adopt products before others in the technology adoption model called?

3. What is the concept often used in marketing Consumer Financial Products which refers to the market selection and is quite the opposite of traditional FMCG marketing?

4. Identify this pioneer, currently a professor in Harvard, who wrote a seminal article on the trade off between product line extension and profitability in an organization.

5. Rev. Dr Robert Wallace (1697-1771), a mathematician of repute, set up this institution in 1743. It is regarded as the first of its kind. Just identify. 6. A razor manufacturer keeps the cost of the razor low, but keeps high margins on the replaceable blades that are used along with the razor. What product-pricing strategy is he following?

7. In some of Sprites ads, yellow and green colours have been used on objects such as cars to depict lemon and lime respectively. The objects were then shown discreetly in the same setting, while showing the word "lymon" on screen, for a second at a time. What advertising technique is Sprite using here?

8. Relate these three images to arrive at a relationship-marketing terminology that has gained relevance in recent times.

9. When you call customer care on your mobile phone number, the telecom operators promotional message plays out while you are being connected to the desired extension. What specific type of marketing/advertising technique is this an example of? 10. A company plants a number of people in a bar or coffee shop or some other setting and instructs them to use a particular brand and/or talk it up. What marketing technique are we talking about?

11. Link the following visual clues to unearth the name of this online retail-specific term that has speedily gained momentum in the last five years.

12. There is a specific term for the unethical act, peculiar to corporations (both small and large), being depicted in the following pictures. What is it?

13. Jaipur Tours and Travels charges a fixed amount per customer which includes travelling, sightseeing, staying and fooding expenses. What pricing strategy are we referring to? 14. Connect to get a quote from the ad guru and name the Guru.

15. Youre a partner for a consulting business and go to the Race Course Road Golf Course to play a game with a prospective client. Here, you deliberately mess up your chances of a win, make the client feel good and, after the client has won the match, strike a business deal with him. What term describes this? 16. In the 2nd edition of the Indian Premier League, Coca-Cola gained extra mileage by sponsoring the Delhi Daredevils and Kolkata Knight Riders, and getting their stars like Virender Sehwag, Ishant Sharma and Shah Rukh Khan, who were otherwise contracted with Pepsi, to endorse Coke. What marketing strategy does this describe? 17. Identify the product and its specialty, by cracking the code of the following pictures:

18. The worlds biggest selling brand in its category, it was founded on Christmas day over a century ago. Deer, King George and Angels share should lead you to the name of this connoisseurs delight. 19. This retailer is a world class example of pioneering an initiative towards building long lasting relationships with customers. It uses a loyalty card as a very effective data

gathering tool and creates a DNA profile for each customer based on their buying patterns, which is then used for creating customized and targeted offers for these customers. Name the retailer and the loyalty program scheme. 20. A while ago, Bingo chips sold packs offering consumers 100g for the price of 75g (25% more of the product for the same price). What is this promotion tactic called? 21. Connect the two for a term used to describe sales agents for an ambitious and successful rural marketing initiative launched by an FMCG company in rural India.

22. Some companies pay additional commissions to retail store employees to push their products. Whats this additional commission (used as a form of trade promotions) called? Hint:

23. Consider when youre recharging your cell phone online, say on Vodafones site. In one of the steps of the recharge process, youre asked if you would like to receive emails from Vodafone for any future offers. Give me the term coined by Seth Godin to describe this practice, especially used online. 24. Harley Davidson tried to capitalise on its strong brand name, and launched line extensions like aftershave, perfumes and wine coolers to milk the brand. The negative

reaction this received shows that the Harley Davidson brand has low brand _________. The blank, please? 25. As part of its promotions, Walmart sometimes sends emails about sweaters to only those customers who purchased the matching trousers online the previous week. What tactic are they employing here, that is more focused than typical Niche marketing techniques?

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