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Copyright © 2018 by Fabulous Body, Inc.

All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever—electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, on the
internet, recording or by any system of storing and retrieving information—
without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

Published by Fabulous Body, Inc

340 S Lemon Ave #6416
Walnut, California 91780
United States

For more information about Fabulous Body please visit



Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 3


The ideas, concepts and opinions expressed in this book are intended to be used for educational
purpose only. The information contained in this book should by no means be considered a
substitute for the advice of a qualified medical profession, who should always be consulted
before beginning any new diet, exercise or other health program.

This book is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical
condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own physician.

The information in this book has been carefully researched, and all efforts have been made to
ensure accuracy. The publisher and author assume no responsibility for any injuries suffered or
damages or losses incurred during or as a result of following the exercise and diet program in
this book.


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Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 5

IN FITNESS accredited by CPD Certification Service, which is an
independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most
current professional standards.

This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of

Continual Professional Development (CPD) and have been structured to meet
the criteria of personal development plans.

CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have
been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and
industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.
Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!

Course Pre-requisite: None

Course Duration: 5-12 weeks

Course & Exam Location: Online


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The Certificate that I will send you will look something like this:

Internationally Accredited by CPD


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Hi Guys, Welcome to Advanced Diploma in Fitness.


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Please don’t let the word ‘Advanced’ worry you…Hehe…

Yes, even though it’s advanced and the modules may seem overwhelming or
even downright scary, but let me assure you they are not.

I am not saying it will be easy, but I will make it simple for you. I will try and
minimize the use of scientific words. There are many trainers who use big
complex scienc-y words to probably impress you, but my approach is
completely opposite.

My aim has always been this:

To help you understand fitness (or nutrition or any topic on hand) in the
easiest manner possible.

This is only possible when the teacher himself is well versed with the concepts
being discussed and obviously he has at least a decade worth of experience
in the respective field, which fortunately I have.


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Combine that with passion and willingness to teach (yes a willingness to teach
is very important). I know few fitness guys, who have great physiques, good
knowledge, but have no desire to teach others.

Again, I let you be the judge of that, but I will do my very best not to
overwhelm or confuse you.

The core topic in this advanced fitness diploma is FBX training. Its basically a
short form of Fabulous Body training system which is named after my
company Fabulous Body Inc.

The prerequisite for this course is Diploma in Fitness and this goes without

If you want to pursue this, and have not done, the fundamental course in
fitness, well, you will have trouble understanding this course.

So, please graduate from Diploma in fitness first and then pursue this one.


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When it comes to FBX training, the core activity is strength training, besides
HIIT, cardio, yoga, flexibility and neuromotor training and walking.

Now, strength training is a huge huge topic, and is the bedrock of FBX-

Strength training has become hugely popular in the 70’s when Arnold
Schwarzeneggar’s pumping iron came out. People started to flock to gyms,
and to cater to this increasing demand more and more gyms started to
mushroom in every nook and corner around the world.

If you are almost new to my courses, then let me also share that I have been
in part of the gym industry for 10+ years out of which I have the privilege to be
a gym owner for 6 long years. It was actually a pretty big set up with yoga,
zumba and spa services along with a complete weight training and cardio
area. Thousands of people joined and I had so much fun and learned a lot.


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My desire to reach to more and more people, enabled me to concentrate full
time on e-commerce side of fitness, launching my website fabulousbody.com.
More details in About Me lecture.

So strength training forms a core of FBX training and it will form the bulk of
this course.

If you think strength training is not for you, then think again. Any teenage after
he turns 14 years can start with weights, and studies have proven that
strength training has immense benefits for the elderly people.
Ladies, its the biggest myth that weight training will make you bulky, it will not.
Just take a look at so many Hollywood, and Bollywood actresses and regular
women who look amazing when they do weights.

The best way to build muscle is through weights, the best and the most
effective way to lose fat is with weights, and when you do that the fabulous
way, the exact and detailed way that I will teach you in this course, not only
will you build a fab body but also will become optimally healthy.


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I have no desire to build huge bulky bodybuilder muscle, nor do I believe in
physique competitions, where one becomes obsessed in trying to perfect their
physique. Thats a big ‘no’ for me. I like lean and sure I would prefer more size,
but my goal, my priority has always been the other benefits weight training
provides me.

It helps me save time. Just 3 hours of weights a week is good enough.

Its the best way to build lean muscle and lose fat. Keeps me looking good and
in shape.
It also provides a big boosts to my metabolism and allows me to eat enough
calories which also allows me to include my favorite foods like icecreams,
cookies, cheesecakes and some alcohol.

There are many other benefits, when it comes to weights, and if you are
planning to start with then I strongly recommend it.

If not, and you prefer zumba, yoga, or play a sport thats fine too, you can get
fit and healthy and also look good with those activities as well.


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And I have provided a lot of FBX modifications for special populations like:

Muscle building routines
Fat loss routines
People with lower back/knee issues and so forth. So there is a little for


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As always, this course is neatly divided into modules and each modules have
various lectures.

Module 1 is saying Hi and hello, introducing my myself, knowing about the

CPD your certifying agency, and so forth.

The real deal starts with Module 2: Body Part/Anatomy. Now, there are 604
muscles in human body, but my aim is not to make you a doctor neither this is
a course in anatomy (may be in future, I will come out with a diploma in
anatomy and physiology), but for now, I have explained all major muscle
groups that is good enough to know if your plan is to become a personal
trainer or a fitness consultant.

Moving on, Module 3 is an in-depth discussion about the workout variables

[sets, reps, amount of weight, rest intervals, volume etc] which makes up a


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We will be answering questions like:

How much weight should you lift and use for each exercise?

Number of reps you should do for each exercise.

How many sets should you perform for every muscle group?

Which are the best and most effective exercises for every muscle group?

Which are the best weekly training schedule?

and so forth.

Module 4 is Program Design where we shall put together all the variables
discussed in Module 3 like a zig-saw puzzle!

Here I will discuss about different types of workout splits, which are the best
exercises for each muscle groups and why, and will finally introduce FBX-Cut
& FBX-Gain!

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Module 5 will deal in FBX Modifications, FBX progressions. For example, the
workout volume, number of reps and sets will different for a beginner when
compared with a trainee who has been working out for more than 2 years!

FBX Women is introduced here. Although the protocols for women and men
are 95% similar, but here I will discuss the 5% difference applicable for

30+ FBX Workout Charts are provided which are neatly divided into:

Beginner Workout Charts, Phase-1 & 2

Intermediate Workout Charts, Level-1 & 2 [Further sub-divided into FBX-Cut &

Advanced Workout Charts, Level-1 & 2 [Further sub-divided into FBX-Cut &


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Furthermore, same workouts charts are provided when training 2 times a

FBXWomen workout chart, modifications if any one wants to train more than 3
times a week and much more!

FBX Training system is not complete without cardio, HIIT and flexibility

Comprehensive discussion related to the above modalities are discusses in

Module 6 & 7 respectively!

Module 8 is a BONUS module where I discuss how to build an ideal male


You see being super-specific is very important if you want more passion in
your workouts. If you have a clear goal of where you want to go, you become
efficient and effective.


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The use of Golden Ratio, Sexy-Weight Range and how to figure out your ideal
body fat percentages and a lot more is discussed in this module.

Finally, 21 top fitness and weight training guidelines and a complete course
manual [250+ pages] is attached so that from time to time you keep referring
back to these lectures to completely imbibe the key concepts.

A 100 Question Graded Exam is there for anyone who wants to secure a CPD
certificate [provided that you secure 50% or more] is included in the price.

Students, I am always there for you. Unlimited doubts/queries can be

immediately cleared with me through the Udemy portal.

I hope you enjoy this course and find it useful:)

Your coach and instructor,



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MO DULE 2 : A na tomy & M us cl e Gro u p s


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Lecture 1: Introduction

Welcome to Module 2, Anatomy and Muscle groups. I am Akash your

instructor and coach.

Here I will give you a basic anatomy lesson which is more than enough to help
you understand program design.

You see our ultimate goal as a fitness professional and a personal trainer is to
know the fundamentals and understand it so well, that you are able to explain
it clearly enough when your clients asks you.

There are many trainers I have come across over a period of time, who will
use big and fancy words to complicate and overwhelm their clients and they
that to probably come across as learned ones.

The reality is far from the truth. Your clients are smart. If they are willing to pay
you hundreds of dollars you cannot take that for granted.
And thats why you need to stay at the top of your game.

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Fortunately, it does not involve you to become a doctor and know the smallest
muscle groups, their exact functions, nerve endings and so forth.

You need to get the basics right and build upon that. Of course, there is no
harm in doing a exercise and science degree if you are young and just starting

But if you are in for a career change and are above the age of 25, I like to
think, going for a degree is not only time consuming, but also not worth your

In a future course, where I want to teach a person how they can become a
fitness pro, you’ll be surprised to know that having technical knowledge what I
am teaching in this course, will only contribute to roughly 20% of your

I cant believe I said that. Yes, just 20%. In the end, passion is a beautiful thing.
Ask me. The day I stated my NASM and various other certifications more than

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15 years back, I was unstoppable. Scored almost 100% in all. Extra reading
came effortlessly. It wont be an understatement that I used to read for few
hours almost everyday. Just about any stuff I came across on health fitness
and nutrition.

But soon it dawned on me, that I need more skills which were far more
important that just acquiring knowledge.

I want to share those things with you in my future course, which will any
person who is passionate about helping others in fitness and nutrition in the
most effective manner. I really want to help you avoid or at least minimize all
the mistakes I made, how I made my money and struggled a lot during my
early years.

Its easy to say, oh I am passionate about this and that, but when you face the
real world and the skills that you require are missing, you will suffer and most
will quit.

I will show you a very effective way to earn money both offline and online.

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I will advise you how to make a gradual shift from your current job into the field
of health and fitness.

Health fitness, nutrition, well, Wellness is a huge field and I will teach you how
to choose your niche, and make it big in that.

At the same time, I will tell you lot of other things, that will make you a well
rounded health and fitness professional and take this beautiful and fabulous
professional into your full time work.

Having said that, technical knowledge even though is a small percentage of

your success, is very very important so lets get right into it.

So I will discuss various muscle groups in this module. For the sake of
simplicity I have divided them into major and minor muscle groups.


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4 Major Muscle Groups are:

Upper Legs

5 Minor Muscle Groups are:

Lower Leg: Calves

Lets discuss each of them, their movement pattern, and all the exercises
related to them.


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Lecture 2: Upper Legs (Thighs and Hamstrings)

Lets start with Upper Legs (Thighs and Hamstrings)

Upper Leg comprises of Thighs and hamstrings.

The front portion of the thigh muscle is also called quadriceps. Quad means
four and therefore its a combination of four different muscles:

1. Rectus Femoris
2. Vastus Lateralis
3. Vastus Medius
4. Vastus Intermedius

The functions of quadriceps is to extend and flex your hip and knee joint.

The inner portion of thigh muscle is a combination of five muscles:


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These Five muscles on the inside of the thigh are quite large and considered
to be important adductors. They are: Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus,
Adductor Magnus, Pectineus and gracilis.
Adductors are any muscles which help to draw a body part toward the median
of the body. They adduct your thigh and hip.

The back portion of your thigh muscle is called hamstrings.

The hamstrings biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus form
the hamstring complex and assist the quadriceps to extend and flex the knee
and hips.

Main Exercises Related to Upper Leg:



Leg Press

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Leg Extension

Leg Curls


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Lecture 3: Shoulders (Deltoid, Rotator Cuff)

The shoulder complex comprises of Deltoid & Rotator Cuff

The deltoid muscle is constructed with three main sets of fibers: anterior,
middle, and posterior, also known as:

1. Frontal Head
2. Medial Head
3. Posterior Head

The functions of deltoid is mainly to do with arm rotation and carrying objects.

The rotator cuff is a combination of four muscles and provide strength and
stability during motion of the shoulder. They are also referred to as the SITS
muscle with reference to the first letter of their names:

1. Supraspinatus
2. Infraspinatus

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3. Teres Minor
4. Subscapularis

Main Exercises Related to Shoulders:

Shoulder Press

Military Press

Lateral Raise

Posterior Raise
Front Raise

All raises with the help of cables as well

and finally, upright rows and shrugs.


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Lecture 4: Chest (Pectoralis Major & Minor)

The chest muscle comprises of Pectoralis Major & Minor.

The functions of chest muscles is to produce shoulder flexion/extension,

adduction and internal rotation of your humerus (that is your arm).

Main Exercises Related to Chest:

Flat Dumbbell Chest Press

Flat Barbell Chest Press

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press

Cable Crossover


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Lecture 5: Back

The back complex comprises of upper and lower back musculature.

The upper back muscles are mainly:

1. Latissimus Dorsi [Lats]

2. Rhomboids

The functions of deltoid is flexion, abduction and external rotation of the 

humerus. Whereas the function of rhomboids is scapular protraction and
upward rotation.

Main Exercises Related to Back:



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Front Lat Pulldown

Bend-Over Barbell [Dumbbell Row]

Cable Row

Single-Arm Dumbbell Row


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Lecture 6: Biceps

The biceps comprises of biceps brachii—long and short head and brachialis.
The Biceps Brachii is responsible for flexing the elbow and rotating the
forearm. It works in direct opposition to the triceps muscle when flexing the
elbow. The brachialis is a deep muscle under the biceps brachii that is solely
responsible for flexing the elbow.

Main Exercises Related to Biceps:

Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curls

Barbell Curls
Incline Dumbbells Curls
Concentration Curls


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Lecture 7: Triceps

The tricep muscle comprises of three heads:

1. Triceps brachii (long head)

2. Triceps brachii (lateral head)
3. Triceps brachii (medial head)

The Triceps Brachii is responsible for extending the elbow and rotating the
forearm. It works in direct opposition to the biceps muscle when extending the

Main Exercises Related to Triceps:

Triceps Pushdown
Seated Single Arm Tricep Extension
Close Grip Bench Press
Lying Tricep Extension

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Lecture 8: Calves

The calve muscle is comprised of:

1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus

These muscles are responsible for planter flexion of the foot. Gastrocnemius
is the outer calve muscle whereas soleus is a deep muscle underneath

Main Exercises Related to Calves:

Standing Calve Raise

Seated Calve Raise


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Lecture 9: Abdominals (Abs)

The abdominal area which is also part of your core complex, consists of:

1. Rectus Abdominis
2. Internal and External Oblique
3. Transverse Abdominis

Honestly, the most important out of all the ab muscles is the transverse
abdominis muscle located deep inside your ab area.

It has been given many nicknames like ‘natural weight lifting belt, the ‘corset
muscle’ rightly so as it protects the viscera, providing thoracic and pelvic

Lastly, if you need a flat belly, just training your rectus abdominis or lowering
your body fat percentage in single digits is not enough, you need to provide
enough stimulus to transverse abdominis to achieve that flat and six pack

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Rectus abdominis is your six packs, and once you work this area effectively
and with weights, your abs pop out. Along with internal/external obliques,
rectus abdominis is reponsible for rotation of your trunk and flexion.

Main Exercises Related to Abs:

Leg raises


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Lecture 10: Neck

The neck muscle is mainly comprised of:

1. Sternocleomasiod
2. Scalnes

These muscles are responsible for neck extension and flexion of your neck.

Main Exercises Related to Neck:

Neck Extension
Neck Flexion


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MODULE 3: FBX Strength Training Variables


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LECTURE 1: Introduction

This module and the next one, will be by far the most comprehensive guide
on strength training you will ever come across. I will literally break down
everything related to weight training into small fundamental pieces and then
we will analyze and understand them and then in next module will put them
together to create FBX-CUT AND FBX GAIN like a jigsaw puzzle.

We will be answering questions like:

How much weight should you lift and use for each exercise?

Number of reps you should do for each exercise.

How many sets should you perform for every muscle group?

Which are the best and most effective exercises for every muscle group?

Which are the best weekly training schedule?


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Should you train each muscle group once/twice or thrice per week?

How much rest should you take between each sets for each exercise?

Which one is good: Full Body Routines or Split Routines?

How many times should you train with weights every week?

What is the optimal volume (sets*reps) for each muscle group i.e. chest,
shoulder, legs etc per week?

You may need to watch and learn from these modules at least few times
to really grasps key concepts and once you do and put them into practice,
then my friend you will become a rockstar trainer.

Very very few trainer will ever come close to you, when it comes to creating
fabulous weight training programs for yourself and your clients based on their
fitness levels i.e. beginners, intermediates and advanced, goals and abilities.

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Ok, enough of talk, now its show time….

Lets start with the most important concepts of all: Intensity in the next lecture.


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Intensity is defined as the “effort” you put in your workouts. One of the best
ways to increase intensity is to increase the weight you lift.

For example, if you lift 20 kg on a bicep curl for 8 reps and in the next session,
you increase it to 22.5 kg for 8 reps, you my friend have increased your

Intensity can be increased in many ways. If you workout for 1 hour and then
the next session you workout for 1.5 hours you have increased your intensity
as the effort it takes to workout longer is more.

If you do more reps for the same weight, intensity is increased. If you replace
many isolated lifts with compound lifts, you definitely have increased your

I hope its crystal clear what intensity is.


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There are six main variables by which one can vary their intensity levels
(although the amount of weight used is the most important one). Let’s discuss
each variable in detail and figure out how they can be combined together to
form a workout routine that is personalized and customizable according to
one’s goals.

The six variables are:

1.Number of reps
2.Amount of weight used
3.Tempo of each rep
4.Number of sets
5.Rest interval between sets
6.Total volume/muscle group/session/&/week


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Lecture 3: Number of Reps and Amount of Weight Used

Lets start with the first two: Number of reps and amount of weight used as
they are interrelated.

In order to understand this, we need to grasps more 2 more concepts. I told

you its an advanced diploma.

(How many reps to build muscle and to lose fat?)

(When trying to figure out how many reps you need to do for any given set
you need to learn the simple concept of 1 Rep Max.

But first lets learn what a rep or a repetition is. A repetition is a complete
movement through a particular exercise. When you do a bicep curl, you go
through three motions, concentric, isometric and eccentric.

And the amount of weight is pretty obvious.


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Lets start with the first concept and that is the One Rep Max.

One rep max is the maximum amount of weight a trainee can lift for any given
movement for one rep.

If you can lift 300 pounds on a deadlift for just one rep no matter how hard you
try, your one rep-max for deadlift is 300 pounds.

Now, I don’t recommend you go out there on the gym floor and figure out your
one-rep max, especially if you don’t have any experience in lifting weights or
are still a beginner. Its not advisable as it may lead to injury, fortunately there
is a easy way out to figure out your one rep max.

Go to your web browser now, and type in this url: http://www.exrx.net/

Calculators/OneRepMax.html) or open your Training manual for this course
and open this module and the lecture and find this link and click on it.

Say you are in the gym you you pick up 30kg dumbbells to do chest press.
With that weight you are able to do 8 reps.

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As you can see, the different weights have come up in different boxes and the
subsequent reps are being given.

For example, if you lift 26kg you can do close to 10 reps.

If you pick up, 31 kg, the intensity

The relationship is very clear: If the amount of weight you lift increases the
number of reps decreases.

And using this table is a brilliant way to figure out at what intensity which is
shown in percentage of your 1 rep max is shown.

Lower the intensity, higher the number of reps. Just remember this for now as
we shall use this knowledge in just a moment.

Ok, now the question is:


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Just how many reps should we perform for each set?
Should we go all out, i.e. focus on one rep max, by lifting super heavy weights,
close to 100% intensity, or should we go light and focus on lifting, 15 reps
which has an intensity of 15 reps or more…

This will require to briefly discuss (another) concept no 2.

Lets move on Concept number 2.

Once we have an idea about the relationship between the intensity level and
number of reps, we need to know eventually at what intensity should we lift.
I.e. should we lift light weight and focus on higher reps like 12, 15 or more, or
should we focus on low reps like 10 or less.

I have dedicated a complete Module where I discuss the specific details on

how one can build an ideal physique. And building muscle is a big part of it.


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Contrary to what you think or believe, building muscle is slow process and
especially for people like me who are ectomorphs and have skinny fat genes,
its even more painfully slower. ladies, for you its very very slow….

My point that I am trying to make here is that its a biggest myth that lifting
weights, will make you look bulky. it does not, as we discussed in the diploma
in fitness, so when trying to figure out our rep range we need to pick an
intensity level that helps us:

to build muscle and lose fat in the most effective manner.

Now, this is not a muscle building course, or even a fat loss course but a
course on fitness, but still I need to bring forth and discuss the principle of
muscle building in order to explain you just what rep range you should focus
on and why.
The in-depth detail of the principles of muscle building will be discussed in the
future muscle building course which I am planning to call: MUSCULAR duh…
as I don’t want to cramp up too many concepts in one course, but please bear
with me for the big scienc-y words coming up:

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Its related to building muscle.

To build muscles you need to lift weights between 70 – 85 percent of your

1 rep max, which creates greatest hypertrophy (a fancy term used when
referring to muscle size). If you notice in this table , this means you would
do 5 – 12 repetitions for every set.

A meta-analysis[Rhea MR, Alvar BA, Burkett LN, Ball SD, A meta-analysis to

determine the dose responses for strength development, Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2003 Mar;35(3):456-64]

A meta analysis of 140 studies was done in 2003 in relation to strength

training, and the researchers concluded that “training with a mean intensity of
60 percent (15 reps) of one repetition maximum elicits maximal gains in
untrained individuals, whereas 80 percent (6 – 7 reps) is most effective in
those who are trained.”


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Now, some fitness experts swear by the low rep range (3 – 5), whereas others
advocate a more moderate range (7 – 12). Which is the best for optimal
hypertrophy? To answer this question, we need to figure out what exactly
muscle hypertrophy is and what types exist.

Muscle hypertrophy is increase in the size of skeletal muscles.

Hypertrophy is of two types: Myofibrillar hypertrophy is increase in the size
and number of the myofibril contractile proteins actin and myosin. When they
grow in number within a muscle fiber, the amount of force that can be
produced goes up too. Heavy lifting (80-100% of 1 rep max) induces this type
of hypertrophy. Focusing on this kind of hypertrophy gives you rock hard,
dense muscles.

On the other hand, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is increase in non-contractile

components (collagen, glycogen, water, etc.) in the muscle cell. This type of
hypertrophy may result in greater muscle bulk without increases in strength.
Moderate weights (70 – 80 percent of 1 rep max) induces this type of


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hypertrophy. Focusing on this kind of hypertrophy gives you those puffy
bodybuilder muscles.

So keep this in mind:

Myofibrillar hypertrophy: Heavy Lifting: Above 80% intensity : 6 reps or


Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy: Moderate Lifting: 70-80% intensity : 7 reps to

12 reps.

The former is a more permanent type of muscle growth whereas the latter is
somewhat temporary. You’ll be happy to know that building muscle is like
learning how to drive a car.

Once you have learned how to drive a car, you really don’t forget it even when
you drive after a year of gap, same thing with muscle building. Once you have
reached a good level of muscle mass, and you take a break, your muscle
really never goes away…sure there is a loss of glycogen stores, water loss,

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and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, so size does decrease, but the size and
number of myofibril does not decrease. but do note this is not for life, and the
point that i am trying to make here is that its possible to maintain your muscle
mass with very little maintenance work, although the same cannot be said
about gaining fat…as when you stop gyming, fat gain is very prominent .

So after analyzing scores of studies, and from my own experience of over a

decade in the fitness and muscle building field, I can say that the….

The optimal rep range for muscle growth is 5 – 7 reps. A nice mix of both
types of hypertrophy.

Our main focus will be to get as strong as possible with this rep range (which
is good enough for some sarcoplasmic hypertrophy as well).

Now, in my experience, working out with a rep range of 5 – 7 throughout the

year is close to impossible for most trainees and can be very mentally
challenging (especially for beginners and intermediates), and that’s the reason
some kind of periodization is essential.

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The variety of a higher rep scheme (8 – 10 reps) will add an element of
enjoyment and fun and can be a nice break from all that heavy lifting.

The bottom line is lifting moderate weight is fun, whereas lifting heavier
weight is tough. Most trainees focus on the former and end up with a
mediocre physique. Over the long term, your muscle growth will depend on
how strong you have gotten.

Ok I hope you found this lecture useful. Watch it again, as very important
information that we are going to use to create a weight training program for
ourselves and our clients.


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 56

Lecture 4: TEMPO

Tempo of a Rep

Tempo of a rep is the speed at which you perform that rep.

Most people use momentum to complete a rep and usually do it fast.

Idea is to establish a controlled speed for every rep. You need to make it count
and for that focusing on the muscle being worked (and not the weight) is the

Most people are too distracted when gyming. They are either thinking about
what their boos said to them, or they are worrying about the argument with
their spouse the previous night. Hey, I get it we are all stressed and worried
about something. But this is not the time.


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You need to focus, you need to build the mind-muscle connection and its
really. When doing a rep you need to concentrate on the muscle being

Most importantly you need to choose the right weight for the given rep range.

I will teach you how to select the right weight for a given exercise as well as
how to progress in the next module, for now, know this: If the weight you are
lifting is too light, then well, you wont be able to focus compeltely, if the weight
is too heavy, you will try and use momentum, bring other muscles into play
which is cheating, or perhaps, take too much help from your training partner.

Throughout the rep, you need to feel the connection, more like a sweet spot.

Its imperative, that you learn the correct technique for every exercise we
discussed in the previous module. My weight training technique course is very
good and detailed. Its not rocket science, learn it, before you injure yourself.

I needed to establish the "feel" of the sweet spot when hitting the ball.

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Ideally, the concentric phase should be 1 – 2 seconds, whereas the eccentric
phase should be around 2 – 3 seconds, although my suggestion is to not
focus on timings too much and simply go with controlled reps.

A controlled rep is lifting weights without using momentum, which also

establishes superior communication between your brain and muscles. This
can only happen when you concentrate on the muscles being worked and not
too much on how much weight you are lifting.

Ideally one should enter into a meditative state and shut everything out. It
becomes difficult to do so if you are working out in a crowded gym.

Not only you should select your gym wisely, but also try and make an effort to
select a timings when less people are present in the gym. obviously if you
schedule does not allow you to do so, then just try and do your best….


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One pro tip: Always focus on the muscle being worked. Imagine yourself in the
weights room. Now recall what goes on in your mind when you are in the
middle of a heavy squat. Are you thinking about your boss, are you thinking
about an argument you had with your partner?

or are you thinking about how heavy the weight is? or are you thinking about
the shit music playing in the gym.

This is wrong thinking. The only thing that you need to do is: Put your mind
into your muscle being worked.

Its like entering into a mediative state. The moment you lift the bar, everything
around you blurs. You are one with the set. Nothing else matters. If great
music puts you in the zone, great listen to it. I know some people listen to jazz
or some instrumental stuff, whereas a friend of my mine like heavy metal.

See what works for you, but your pure focus should be on your muscle being
worked. Your thighs, hamstrings, your core area and rest of the musculature
supporting the moment.

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You need to think about one rep at a time. Don’t worry whether you will make
it to 10 reps or not. Just grind one rep after the another with perfect technique.

Push yourself each time. bUT I believe in being conservative. If your focus is
doing 10 reps at no cost, that kind of thinking can result in injury dont. Pull
yourself back. But that does not mean not giving your 100%. Instead it’s about
pushing yourself slightly over your comfort zone.

The amount of weight one should lift should be at a level when the last two rep
should feel like a struggle.


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Lecture 5: SETS

A set is a group of repetitions.

Based on scores of studies, its pretty clear that two sets of maximum effort are
far more effective than one, and it appears that three sets are slightly more
beneficial than two.

Now the question is when to use two sets or three sets for any given exercise.
Well, that really depends on your overall program design, your goals etc.

If a variety of exercises are needed for a muscle group, like for back, you are
recommended 4-5 exercises instead of 3, then one can do, 2 sets per
exercises. More details in the coming up lectures, for now, the most common
number is 2 or 3 sets per exercise. In very rare cases, the number of set can
be 1 or even 4.

Do note there is a huge difference between warm up sets and overload sets


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As we all know that warm up and cool before and after your weight training
session is very important.

Now, warmup can be general and specific. General warmup is like jumping
jacks, jog on the spot and so forth
whereas, specific warmup is related to the muscle group you are about to
embark on.

One of the most common mistakes people make in the gym is they
perform far too may sets before they actually come to their main sets
(where progressive overload happens).

Bottomline, the 2 or 3 sets for any given exercise are the overload set, the set
where you give you best and exclude any warmup set.

and now before we discuss the total volume, lets discuss rest intervals.


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Lecture 6: Rest Intervals

A rest interval is the time you take between each set to recuperate.

Rest between sets should be at least 45 sec and no more than five minutes.

Lets recall some concepts that we discuss in the previous lectures to really
figure this out.

Myofibriller Hypertrophy=Muscular tension=80% of muscle growth

Sacroplasmic Hypertrophy-Metabolic Stress= 20% of muscle growth

Quickly very quickly, the mechanisms of muscle growth happens through

three ways:



Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 64

Muscular Tension: You put maximum tension, or force when lifting super
heavy. A low rep range and anything above 85 to 100% intensity (rep range
1-5) will induce muscular tension.

Metabolic stress happens when you lift moderate weights for a more reps,
anything above 7 and beyond. This induces a pump in your muscles, which
will prevent the veins from letting blood escape, resulting in high levels of
metabolic stress and cell swelling.

Muscle damage: When do many sets and workout with optimal volume that
we shall discuss in the next lecture, your muscles are damaged and soreness
occurs. This of course is very important if you need to build muscle. First you
need to stimulate muscle through weights, and then repair the damage by
sleeping enough and providing good nutrition.

But overdoing damage to muscles, like excessive volume, may result in



Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 65

Shorter rest intervals: 45 seconds to 1.5 minute generate significant
metabolic stress, which heightens many anabolic processes that help build

but a minute or less doesn't give sufficient time for the lifter to regain muscular
strength, which then impairs his ability to lift the required poundage. Therefore
the greater muscular stress is offset by a subsequent decrease in the amount
of weight lifted, i.e. there is less muscular tension.

If you are lifting weights near 80 – 85 percent of your 1 rep max (5 – 7 reps),
you need to take at least a two to four minute break.

FBX-Gain: 5 to 7 reps at intensity level of 80-85% you will require a rest

interval of 2-4 minute between sets to recuperate fully before you can lift the
heavy poundage.

Whereas, with FBX-Cut if you are using a 8-10 rep scheme then your intensity
is moderate and you can manage 45 sec to 1.5 min of rest.


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However, do note, when you changing muscle groups, for example if you are
doing shoulder and legs on one day, and when you are done with shoulders
and moving on to legs you can take bigger rest intervals.

FBX Gain it can be unto 5 minutes

FBX Cut it can be 3 minutes.

We shall discuss FBX-Gain and cut in depth in the next module, program


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 67

Lecture 7: TOTAL VOLUME Part-1

TOTAL Volume is sets * reps.

For example, if you are doing 3 sets of seated shoulder press and you do 8
reps for each set, then total volume is 24 reps.

and if you are doing 3 exercises for shoulder for that day, like lateral raise and
posterior raise, agin for 3 sets each and 8 reps, then total volume for
shoulders is: 3*3*8= 72 reps.

And lets assume that you do shoulder only once a week, then total volume for
shoulder muscle group is 72 reps.

Now, few questions that demand attention here is this:

Is 72 reps less or more for best results?


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and should we do 72 reps in just one session a week, or its best to divide it
into 2 or 3 session per week?
Based on studies and my obsessive research in the past decade on training
variables, I can say with reasonable confidence that the rep range for:
Study 1:
Study 2: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16287373

Major Muscle Group: 60-120 reps

Minor Muscle Group: 30 to 60 reps

If you can recall our discussion in Module 2, regarding various body parts, our
major muscle groups are:

Back (including lower back)

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 69

Thighs, Hamstrings

Minor Muscle Groups:


The mystery of this puzzle is far from solved, but at least now we have a
framework to work with.

There are so many variables that it’s unbelievable. But let me try and break
them down for you.

Remember the term Intensity. It is the level of ‘effort’ one exert and mostly it is
related to how much weight you are lifting.

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 70

Now, higher the intensity i.e. above 80% of 1RM, lower the volume.
In simple words, if you are lifting only a pair of 10 kg dumbbells for shoulder
press you can do more reps and you wont get tired that easily, whereas if you
are lifting 25kg dumbbells you wont be able to do too many reps.

So higher the intensity of your workout, lower the volume.

So it’s fair to say that, if you lift heavy weights, you will on the lower end of the
volume continuum.

For Major Muscle group you will most probably be somewhere around 60-80
reps and for minor muscle group, it will be 30 to 40 reps.

Now lets take a break before you get overwhelmed, and continue our
discussion in Part-2 by discussing ‘The Quality of a Rep’


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 71

Lecture 8: TOTAL VOLUME Part-2

Would you agree that a rep of a deadlifts, is metabolically not as taxing as a

rep of bicep curl.

Of course, the former is a compound movement, where almost your entire

body is at play. These compound lifts taxes your CNS, that is your central
nervous system quite a bit, and only good nutrition, lot of rest and break in
between the session will allow you to recover and recoup before you come
back to the gym for another session.

Doing squats and deadlifts etc also works your lower back to the T, and your
lower back takes it own sweet time to recover. And therefore the need for a lot
of rest.
Another important variables in determining the total volume is your genetics.

Yet again, I will curse my genetics, as being an ectomorph, with a thin

skeleton frame, having skinny fat body type and so forth, deems it necessary
for me to keep my overall volume low.

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 72

A high volume scheme with moderate-heavy weights cannot work for people
like me, we will wear out, and instead of building muscle, we will burn it. So I
need to be really careful about the volume of my workouts.

Even if you are blessed with great genetics, eat great wholesome foods, get
8-9 hours sleep every night and have little or no stress in your life, going
above and beyond the continuum is futile.

Your training level matters. Training volume will be different for beginners
when compared with advanced trainees. Which we shall cover in the next

Next is the technique. Most people use momentum when lifting their weights.
They cheat, they take extra support, they bring into play out muscle group to
lift the heavy weight and in the process they end up injuring themselves.

Weight training is one of the safest sport on the planet.


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Its not rocket science. learn the technique. There are common checkpoint
shown doing each movement almost perfectly. Go ahead check out my
course: Weight training technique. You will find over 50 weight training and
other basic bodyweight movements and I show you how to do them with
proper form.
Of course, a lot will depend on whether you had a good night sleep the
previous night, or you had enough calories to fuel your workout, or perhaps
you are not majorly stress out about something. Its a lot to take in, but then
with practice all this becomes easy and enjoyable. But this the mindset when
adopted can give you really great results.
and lastly, should we cover 72 reps in just one session or divide it. In other
words, how many times should we train each muscle group per week for
maximum results?
I’ll answer this and much more in the next module: Program Design.


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Lecture 1: Introduction

Hi Guys, Akash here, and here we are at: Program Design where everything
comes together like all pieces of a puzzle.

Lets try and summarize what we learned in the last module.

We started off with a concept called Intensity: which is the effort that is
required. It’s mainly determined by the weight you lift for any given movement.

Higher the intensity lower the number of reps you can lift. The intensity level
can be determined by using this table and every column determines the
number of reps.

At the same time, studies have shown that there is an intensity range set
when anyone is trying to build muscles.

That range is between 70-85% of one’s 1 REP MAX which corresponds to 5 to

12 reps.

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Ideally, what I propose is to stay between 5 to 7 reps for most part of the year,
as at this intensity myofibrillar hypertrophy is triggered which is the increase in
contractile material in muscle increases. This also gives your muscle a dense
and hard look whereas an higher rep range of 8 to 12 or even 15 for beginners
will induce more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy which is the increase in muscle

The Quality of a rep matters a lot, mind-muscle connection is real, and its best
to workout with a calm mind, and completely concentrating on the muscles
being worked.

The ideally number of sets for each exercise is 2 or 3, which excludes any
warm up sets.

The tempo, that is the speed at which one does a rep needs to be controlled
and not necessary slow. No need to count, just ensure no momentum, no
cheating and extra support from your gym partner.


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The rest interval is between 45 sec up to 4 minutes in between sets of same
muscle group. When lifting heavy weights, i.e. one can rest from 2 minutes to
4 minutes, whereas for moderate weights, a shorter rest interval will suffice i.e.
45 sec to 1.5 minutes.

And finally the total volume, sets * reps. For major muscle group it is: 60 to
120 reps per week, and for minor muscle group it is between 30 to 60 reps per

All this variables when combined together will help us to create FBX-Cut and

The next lecture, we shall select the best exercises for each muscle group
after which we shall discuss the best workout splits.

We will then progress further and discuss workout frequency and then
ultimately construct FBX-Cut and FBX-Gain.

I am super excited about it, and I hope you are too, so lets dive right into it.

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Use this line, at the end of this Module [4]
Now, you don’t need to follow FBX routines exactly the way they are, they are
not written in stone. I prefer flexibility as we all are unique and have different
goals and abilities.

FBX-Modifications/Progressions & Periodization which is the next module will

help you further customize FBX not just for yourself but also for your clients in
a detailed yet simple way.


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 79

Let me start by comparing compound lifts over isolation exercises and then
why I prefer free weights over machines.

Obviously, this does not mean that machines and isolation lifts have no place
in one’s workout routine.

Sure, lat pulldown is a great exercise machines to workout your lats, and so
are cables especially for elderly adults.

But when it comes to strength training for adults they should prioritize
compound lifts using barbells and dumbbells which in my opinion are a
necessity if you want a fabulous physique.

Recall from Diploma in Fitness, Compound exercises are multi-joint…

Compound Lifts Vs Isolation Exercises: Which is better?


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 80

When a newbie joins a gyms and eyes a guy with a 18 inch biceps doing
concentration curls and cable crossovers to train his chest, he starts to feel
that the secret to building a muscular physique and a 18 inch arm is to
perform isolation lifts because that what a concentration curl or a cable
crossover are!


What he fails to imagine is that that muscular guy with a 18 inch bicep has
spend thousands of hours in the gym for many years doing compound lifts
building up his size and therefore his physique. What he is now doing is
simply refining and perfecting his physique.

So first lets try and understand what exactly do we mean by compound and
isolation exercises and then see which one is better!

Compound Exercises


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 81

Any exercise that involves multiple joints and muscle groups can be termed as
a compound movement.

For example, when doing a squat, the ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint are
all involved in doing the movement. Multiple muscle groups like quadricep
complex, hamstring complex, hip musculature and the entire core musculature
is involved

So besides squats, some more common examples are deadlift, military press,
chest press, incline presses, lat pulldown etc.

All these above exercises have a prime mover i.e. a main muscle group doing
most of the work and secondary muscles support the prime movers in
completing the required movement.

5 Benefits of Compound Exercises

Compound Exercises mimics real-life movement and build functional

strength. My boy who is now 4 years old, squats (natural free squat and not

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barbell squat…hehe…) all the time. Its a completely natural movement that
mimics real life movement. In fact, when visiting my village in Haryana, India a
few times a year, I notice that the villagers there sit in a low squat position
most of the time. My dad calls this position “Ukudu,” meaning a low squat.
When females clean the house with a broom, they do this low squat as well.

Same thing with deadlifts, even so more with a trap bar. Its like squatting down
and lifting an object. When your workouts comprise of these functional
movements, you build real-life functional strength that otherwise is not
possible with isolation exercises which we shall discuss in just a while.

Compound Exercises helps you build muscles faster: Studies have shown
that compound movements helps release a lot of testosterone and human
growth hormone which are key hormones when it comes to building muscles.

Compound Exercises helps you burn more fat and also provides
significant cardiovascular benefits. Squats involves almost 200 muscles,
that pretty much your entire body. A rep of a compound lift is metabolically
much more challenging than a rep of a bicep curl, as more muscles are

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 83

recruited to perform the action. The EPOC effect when doing compound lifts is
much higher than when your workouts comprise of isolation lifts. This not only
gives your heart a good workout but also burns more calories even after you
have done your workout (EPOC-Exercise post-oxygen consumption).

Compound Exercises works your stabilizing muscles to the T. You might

wanna reach this post to understand this point better: Free Weights Vs

Compound exercises helps save a LOT of time. Just three movements,

squats or trap bar deadlifts, incline dumbbells press and pull-ups can pretty
much cover your entire body. For people who are short on time, can easily
perform 3-5 main compound lifts few times a week to train their entire body
and also get good results. The total time commitment in this case wont exceed
90-120 minutes!

Compound exercises helps you build a fabulous body: Ok, I know you
don’t want to look like a bodybuilder (no pun intended). Bodybuilders have this
different look, puffy muscles, and a unique look. Infact, they walk different, this

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 84

is because of their focus on isolation exercises and working out only in one
plane of motion. Muscles don’t work that way. They work in three planes of
motion and always as a unit. Too many isolation lifts disrupt the natural firing
and motor recruiting sequencing causing a person to look and walk differently
than a person who focus on functional and compound lifts.

With so many amazing benefits of compound exercises, does isolation

exercises have any place in a workout routine?

Let’s find out.

Isolation Exercises

Any exercise that involve a single joint and only one muscle group (with no or
very little help from other muscle groups) can be termed as an isolation


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 85

Some more common examples of isolation exercises are calve raises, bicep
dumbbells curls, triceps pushdown, leg extension, leg curls etc.

Any benefits of isolation exercises?


Isolation exercises help you bring up a lagging body part. Need a 3-D
look on your shoulders? Add few sets of lateral and posterior raises to train
your medial and posterior heads respectively. What about your calves?

They don’t get enough stimulation when doing squats or trap bar deadlifts,
and since they are a stubborn muscle (comprising mostly of slow twitch
muscle fibers) you need to work them out with many sets a week if you need
to see them grow.

Although, your biceps get a good pounding when you do back compound lifts,
so does triceps when you do heavy overhead presses and bench presses,

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 86

and infact in a beginners workouts, I don’t recommend too much of isolation
arms movement, but as your progress and have gone past your beginners
gains, you need to add few sets each for biceps and triceps and train them
every 4/5th day if you want to see them grow.

And lastly, who does not want a nice good looking mid-section, with abs
popping out?

Compound lifts give your core area (abs included) a damn good workout but
wont make your abs blocky. Therefore, in order to flaunt an impressive
midsection you need to train your abs with weights using couple of isolation
movement few times a week!


The final verdict is that no exercises are superior to one or the another. Both
compound and isolation exercises have their place in one’s workout. However,
do note, compound lifts should always be a priority and should comprise at


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 87

least 70-90% of your total workouts and should be performed before isolation
exercises for any given muscle group.

In real life, our muscles are used to working in all three planes of motion:
sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Yes, there are three planes of motions.
Sagittal plane is forward or backward. Most gym movements, like lat
pulldown, bench press, and biceps curl are in this plane of motion.
Frontal plane is side to side. Movements like lateral raise, side lunges, and
side shuffling are in this plane.
Transverse plane is rotational. Swinging a golf club is an example of moving
in the transverse plane.

It therefore becomes imperative to include movements in the frontal and

transverse planes as well.

Ideally, this can be achieved by using functional whole-body exercises

involving multiple planes of motion and multiple joints, which mimics real-life
activities. Think squat, deadlift, wood chop, and medicine ball side throw
(rotational exercises) to name a few using only barbells and dumbbells.

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So if you want a physique that is not just for show, but also has athletic and
real-life functional strength choose free weights over machines.

Can one use machines when you have a pre-condition or when it is


Yes, you can.

With that being said, let me list the best exercises one should include in their
workouts for best results i.e. to build muscle and lose fat in the most effective
and efficient manner.


For shoulders, the overhead press is the name of the game. It’s the ultimate
mass builder for shoulders.


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 89

There are many variations of overhead press you can do. You can do them
standing or seated (to give your lower back a break from all the squats and
trap bar deadlifts), and instead of a barbell you can use dumbbells.

Military presses are simple a variation of overhead press and is typically done
with feet/heels pressed together to resemble how the military stands at
attention, hence the name.

Overhead presses which is an umbrella term for all shoulder presses are
typically performed with feet staggered or apart and one can use a little bit of
hip movement to lift more weights.

Over head presses trains the frontal and medial head of the deltoid but does
not cover your entire shoulder muscle (posterior deltoid still needs isolation

Lateral raise and the posterior raises are isolation exercises that directly target
the medial and posterior deltoid respectively. They definitely have a place in a
good overall shoulder workout and gives the 3-D look that you so desire!

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Shrugs are a good addition to a shoulder workout routine, but do note, don’t
overdo them. As when you do deadlifts, they get a good workout too!

And too much of trap development makes your shoulder looks smaller and
gives you more of a bodybuilder look as opposed to a fitness model look.
Decide which look you prefer and proceed accordingly.

Best Exercises for Shoulders

Standing Overhead (or military) Press

Seated Overhead Press

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Posterior Raise

Barbell (or Dumbbells) Shrug

Cable (or Dumbbell) Internal Rotation


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 91

Cable (or Dumbbell) External Rotation

Upper Legs

The two mass builders that will work your thighs better than any exercise out
there are squats and trap bar deadlifts. Initially, they may seem tough and
intimidating, but once you start doing them, you will love them, and when you
start getting stronger doing them, you will love them even more.

You will become so passionate about doing squats and trap bar deadlifts that
people around you will start doing them too. Recently, I joined a gym and
luckily they have a trap bar. For one month, it seemed only I was the only
person doing it. But now, I sometimes have to wait for the bar which I don’t
mind. But seeing other people doing it, gives me hope that very soon trap bar
will be as common as other bars in most gyms around the world.

Yes, squats and trap bar deadlifts are addictive, as they have decades of
history of building ultimate male physiques behind them. However there are

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 92

barriers, myths, and common concerns that come up for a weight lifter when
these exercises are discussed.

1.I have a weak lower back and I may hurt myself if I perform squats/
trap bar deadlifts. The beauty about progressive weight training is that it
is for the weak and for the strong. Squats and trap bar deadlifts actually
make your lower back strong—very strong. If you have a weak lower back,
you have even more reason to include squats and trap bar deadlifts in
your workouts!

2.Squats and trap bar deadlifts are too tough for me. Honestly, if you
think you cannot bear the discomfort of heavy weights and compound
exercises like these, please choose moderate activities like yoga,
swimming, or any sport—they are good enough to keep you in shape. But
if you want to build a lean, admirable physique that people stop to admire,
you need to pay the price, and that price comes in the form of some


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 93

3.I am not flexible enough to perform these movements. Performing
squats and trap bar deadlifts will make you flexible. Weight training in
general makes you flexible; if you exercise with good technique and with
complete range of motion you will become as flexible as you need to be
[Study] Morton SK, Whitehead JR, Brinkert RH, Caine DJ, Resistance
training vs. static stretching: effects on flexibility and strength, J Strength
Cond Res. 2011 Dec;25(12):3391-8

4. I can get good results without doing squats and trap bar deadlifts.
Squats and trap bar deadlifts are the core movements of any strength
training program, and if any program excludes these exercises, it is
missing tons and tons of benefits. Squats and p.g deadlifts are like the
engine of my program; without them, the FBX training system will not be

Note: In a few cases where individuals have slipped discs and other clinical
lower back issues, there are alternatives to these exercises that I recommend.
However, if you simply suffer from lower back pain, its main cause is likely


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chronic sitting; this should not be used as an excuse not to do these

I have written long articles backed by scientific studies done on these

exercises. You can read them here:

The Ultimate Guide to Squatting

The Ultimate Guide to Trap Bar Deadlifts

(Be particularly sure to read this article, as trap bar deadlifts are a great
functional exercise and could be a good solution for individuals with long limbs
for whom squatting with good range of motion is an issue.)

Read and study the articles, then apply them, starting light and building up the
correct technique, and I promise you squats and p.g deadlifts will become
your best friends in the gym.

Exercises for Upper Legs:


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Barbell Squat
Trap Bar Deadlift or
Sumo Deadlifts

For anyone who is suffering from clinical lower back problems:

Leg Press
Dumbbell Lunge

Note: We generally believe, that barbell squats and trap bar deadlifts are
meant to train your thighs. I disagree! Yes, it’s true that both squats and
parallel grip deadlifts directly target your leg muscles, but they also train your
lower back and core muscles. Since leg muscles are the largest in the body,
there is a huge hormonal burst after doing these exercises that helps in
gaining tremendous amounts of muscles in the fastest time possible.


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Beautifully developed calves give the whole body (especially your lower half) a
complete look. Still, they are the most neglected body part, and they can
easily be covered by not wearing shorts, so the vanity muscles (chest and
arms) get the most attention.

Calves are usually an afterthought, and one usually perform one or two sets of
halfhearted sets of calf exercise. Lucky ones with good genetics don't really
feel the need to work out the calves. Over time, I have made my calves a
priority, and I give them more attention than my arms! I am obsessed about
building a balanced and pleasing physique; it’s one of the main goals of
Fabulous Body. Calves are utterly stubborn muscles, and you need to include
a lot of specialization work if you really want to build them up.

Exercises for Calves

Standing calf raise

Seated calves raise

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Honestly, I am not a big fan of building too much chest muscle. Overbuilt
pectorals makes you look more like a bodybuilder, plus it overshadows the
development of your shoulders and makes them look smaller.

Also note that chest muscles only form part of your chest circumference (CC).
The size of your rib box and your latissimus dorsi are part of CC.

In MODULE 8, I discussed the golden ratio. My target has always been a CC

at least 1.4 times my waist, which gives it the perfect V shape. That’s a
difference of at least 11 inches between my chest circumference and my
waist. So for example, if my waist is 30 inches then my chest circumference
needs to be 41 inches and beyond. (which I have achieved by the way:))

The best exercises to build your chest are incline dumbbell (barbell) press
and/or weighted dips. Dumbbell flyers are to chest what lateral raises are to
the shoulders, so focus on your primary compound chest exercises first.


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Best Exercises for Chest

Incline Barbell Bench press

Incline Dumbbell Press

Weighed Chest Dip

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Flat Barbell Bench Press
Cable Crossover
Dumbbells Flyes


Pull-ups are by far the best compound exercise for your upper back. If you are
strong enough to pull your body weight at least 10 times, buy a weighed belt
and increase resistance as you go along.


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However, if you are still not that strong (don't worry, the majority of men in the
gym can’t even lift their bodyweight a few times), you can start with lat
pulldowns until you get strong enough to start doing pull-ups.

or if you are fortunate enough to have a machine (see I told you I am not
completely against machines), which is called assisted dips and pull-ups then
you are in for major luck. As this assisted machines allows you to do pull-ups
and dips with a pad where you can rest your knees. Idea is to get stronger and
stronger until you are able to pull your body weight for more than 5 reps
without any assistance.

A band or perhaps even a chair can be handy when trying to build up strength
with pull-ups. Don’t avoid this amazing movement which covers your whole
lats just because it looks tough. Weight training is suppose to be tough and
thats what makes it amazing.

All rowing movements like cable rows and single arm dumbell rows add
thickness to your back and target more of your middle back whereas lat


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pulldown and pull-ups adds width to your lats and drastically increase your
chest circumference.

Best Exercises for Back

Weighed Pull-up
Front Lat Pulldown [behind the neck can be dangerous]
Single Arm Dumbbell Row
Cable Row
Barbell Row [If you are doing enough deadlifts and squats than avoid this one]
Trap Bar Deadlift

Lower Back

Your lower back will get enough work from squats, deadlifts, and military press
(if you perform them standing), still I would recommend performing stiff leg
deadlift once every two weeks to give your lower back a really good dose of

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Exercises for Lower Back

Stiff leg deadlift

Cobra pose

Arms [Biceps + Triceps]

The majority of average Joes going to the gym will easily devote a day per
week to working out their arms, especially their biceps. They will perform
preacher curls, kickbacks, concentrates, and all sorts of fancy but useless
exercises to pump their arm muscles. You look at them after six months, and
their arm size is still the same (some of them may even have lost some size).

What they are unaware of is that when they perform shoulder and chest
exercises, their triceps get a good workout. When they work their back, their
biceps get worked out. Personally, I have worked out my arms with very

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limited volume in over a year now, and I think I have gained half an inch or so.
How? By increasing my lean weight of course.

To increase one inch on your arms you need to increase your muscular weight
by 10 pounds, and the way to do that is to perform compound exercises.

Having said that, your arms still need some isolation work which I have
covered very clearly in the volume related to minor muscle groups and in the
forth coming modules, you will get access to all FBX workouts which will tell
you exactly what needs to be done.

Exercises for Arms

Incline dumbbell curl

Barbell curl
Seated Dumbbell Curl
Triceps pushdown
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
Seated Triceps Press

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Again, genetics play a very important role. I have friends who have never
done any weight training or any direct neck work, yet they have big necks.
When you wear a suit, your neck is visible, and if you have a pencil neck, no
matter how much muscles you have beneath that suit, you are going to look

As an ectomorph, I have always had an underdeveloped neck, and I do a lot

of isolation work to bring it in balance with my arms and calves.

Steve Reeves had the most pleasing physique ever. His measurements of
neck, arms and calves were all 18 inches! Again, it’s a personal preference,
but I can promise you one thing: If you bring your neck, arms and calves
measurement in line, you will dramatically enhance the “pleasing” aspect of
your physique.


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A thick strong neck also signals physical strength and vigor, and it can save
you from potential injury. Ask any boxer or rugby player about the importance
of a strong neck.

Exercises for Neck

Neck Flexion
Neck Extension

Note: You can use your hand as a form of resistance, however I would
suggest a neck harness (Harbinger has good products) to really build a
massive neck.


FBX workouts are built on compound exercises using dumbbells and barbells,
which stimulates your abdominals to a T. Still I have included some direct work
to strengthen and build them further.


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 105

Exercises for Abs

Basic crunch
Oblique crunch
Leg raise
Knee/Hip Raise on Parallel Bar

by the way, keep an eye on my course titled Ripped: Six pack masterclass
coming in next few weeks. I am super excited about this course, as one in a
lifetime, every one should build a six pack..its like a prize or a trophy that
everyone should strive for:)


Compound movements using dumbbells and barbells should comprise of at

least 70-80% of your workouts where the remaining of 20-30% of your
workout should comprise of isolation movements.

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Most movement is using the free weights like barbells and dumbbells as this
will build real-life functional strength.

I hope you’d agree with me on the best exercises for each muscle group.and
now the next lecture is about the different workout split routines out there and
discussion of the most common ones that people follow.

I’ll see you in the next lecture. Thanks for listening.


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There are a plethora of working spilt with different volume and rep and set
scheme that promises amazing results!

Your goal is to build muscle and lose fat. You also want to get stronger in the
process, be efficient with your time and are willing to commit 3-4 times a week
for training.

You type the keyword: Best training spilts on Google. A plethora of working
spilt with different volume and rep and set scheme that promises amazing
results show up!

Every websites talking about dozens of spilt like upper body, lower body, one
body part a day spilt, two or even three body part a day spilt.

Some say its best to do full body routines, some say not to combine muscle
group A with muscle group B, others say its ideal to combine A & B!


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Who is right and who is wrong?

Well, the way I see the world is not in black or white, but in shades of grey!

No one is right, no one is wrong. It all depends!

It all depends on your goals, your abilities, your body type, the time you can
devote to your workouts, your training level and so forth.

There are many pieces to this puzzle, and by writing a series of articles on
Program Design I have tried and made it simple for you.

You will need a holistic understand of the key variables that form the core of
one’s training program.

For sake of simplicity, let me divide the workout spilt routines into:

2 days per week workout spilt


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3 days per week workout spilt

4 days per week workout spilt

5 days per week workout spilt

Please note, the most common workout frequency I recommend is training 3

times per week and in only in very rare cases 2 or 4 times per week can

Under no circumstances I advise a 5 day a week workout spilt and obviously

training once a week does not make sense.

So lets dive right into the best workout spilt based on how many times a
person will be training per week.

2 Day Split Workout per week

When it comes to training two times a week, its best to focus on Full Body
Workout routines.

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This type of training split (it’s actually not a split per se) is ideal for people who
are true hard gainers, ectomorphs and are skinny fat who have trouble gaining

You see when it comes to gaining weight, idea is to just to stimulate muscles
with enough volume not too much, and eat a surplus diet to gain weight.
Although, 3 times a week is best for majority of people including ectomorphs,
but in very rare cases, a 2 day spilt can used for a short period of time.

This kind of split is also good for people short on time. Just Monday and
Thursday or Tuesday and Saturday is best to train your entire body twice

Here is a sample full body workout routines. In the next module, I have given
pdf files of dozens of FBX workouts, so make sure to download those.
Now, lets move on to 3 day split workouts per week.

3 Day Split Workout per week


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3 days training with weight is for 95% of you people. Just majority of you will
do amazing on this kind of training frequency.
Before I provide you examples of why you should train 3 times let me give you
5 advantage of training 3 times per week with weights rather than 5-6 times.

Training three times a week with FBX workouts will leave you ample time
to recover.

There are two components to training: stimulating the muscular system, which
happens in the gym, and being able to recover, which happens outside the
gym. I created this system mainly for individuals like you and me who have
average genetics, who are pressed for time, who have occasional late nights
out, and who have a life outside of training.

Recovery, therefore, needs to be a priority, and that means getting enough

sleep, good nutrition, and less stress overall with more rest in general.


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Well, you may tell me that your muscles are recovering even after working out
six times a week (very rare unless you have exceptional genetics or are on
drugs), but what about your nervous system?

Oh yes, your nerves also get a workout every time you train! Therefore, if your
nervous system is not recovering from your training, you’re not maximizing
your progress.

Your workouts will be stale and performed with no enthusiasm, and your
intensity levels will drastically drop!

FBX workouts are practical.

Just relying on science is not enough. Being practical is important. Lets

assume your gym is around 30 min from your place. You are fortunate if your
gym is on the way to your office. Well then you simply need to pack your bags
in the morning, workout get ready and leave to your office directly from your
gym. Or perhaps once you are done from your office in the evening, you can


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head straight to your gym and then workout take a shower enjoy a tall glass of
protein shake with your pals and come home and have dinner.

So far so good. You are doing a 5 day bro split by training one body part per

Ok, what if one day, your boss gives you extra work and you have to miss
your legs day. The next evening, would you do legs or skip it, because you
prefer doing your arms!

What if one day you cannot fall asleep and you are watching netflix till 2am.
Happens with all of us right? And you have a training session at 6am the next
morning. Your friend call up to confirm if you are coming…He’s like bro we are
going to go all out on squats today. But you can hardly stand let alone put 300
lbs on your back.

The point that I am trying to make here is that going to the gym 5-6 times a
week is not sustainable.


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But if you are following a FBX Workout split, 3 times a week, there is more
flexibility and less changes of missing a body part.

If on a day you had a late night, simply do an HIIT session at home for 15 min
and do your weights session the next day.

Personally, I don’t want something so regimented that it needs to be done in a

particular way. I want a training schedule with more flexibility to suit my
motivation and energy levels, and of course, my lifestyle. In Neghar
Fonooni’s words, “Hustle one day, and flow the other.” That’s how I’d like
to function.

Yes, there are individuals I know who are in the gym every day no matter what
comes up, and I applaud their commitment and dedication. But there are
definitely times these people ignore the signal their body is giving them, which
may lead to overtraining.
Over time, overtraining can be detrimental with a nasty injury waiting to
happen. Working out is a stress to the body. I would rather be conservative
with exercise protocols than overdo it.

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 115

FBX workouts are sustainable.
When I shared my three-times-a-week routine with my friends and clients in
the gym, of course, they were reluctant first, but once they were following the
routine for a while, they really started to enjoy it.

They’d mention how they really look forward to their workouts. Whenever they
came to the gym they were full of energy and gave their best, their poundage
started to increase and results were there to show.

When you know that you only have to be in the gym three times a week, you
are more likely to be consistent with your workouts.

Working out will become a lifestyle, not a compulsion, and you will be less
likely to give up. Over time, this will mean better results. And your wife will be
thankful too!

FBX workouts create a real, natural-looking body.

Fabulous bodies are not chiseled to perfection.


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The FBX routine won’t get you first place in a physique competition, but then,
the majority of us simply want to look good in a shirt, so why do we want more
isolated training to hit our muscle from every angle? Here, the idea is to look
good and optimize our gene expression in as little time as possible.

FBX workouts eliminate most isolated exercises, which I deem to be useless.

The focus is on compound functional movements that mimic our real, lifelike
movement in order to grow stronger in those.

If you do this, you will never go wrong, and I promise you will build a physique
that will turn heads in the shortest time possible.

One other benefit with FBX is that you are not likely to skip a body part—the
result is a more balanced looking physique. With spilt routine workouts, I have
witnessed people conveniently skipping body parts they are not fond of
(calves, neck, thighs, back, shoulders, in this order).

In most cases, mirror muscles (chest and arms) are worked the most, which
creates a rather imbalanced physique.

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FBX workouts save you money.
Naturally with fewer workout days, you will be less inclined to have post-
workout shakes; instead, you will consume your daily quota of protein mainly
from whole foods.

My whey protein consumption usually drops on the day I don’t workout,

though this is not always the case—it depends on my meal plan for that day.
But overall my supplement consumption has definitely been reduced since I
started doing FBX workouts.

FBX workouts save you time.

My total workout time (including HIIT and yoga) is no more than three to six
hours a week. Many spilt routine advocates also vouch for the same number
of hours. Well, I disagree!

With every workout, we want to give our best and possibly progress, right? It
could be a progression with a little more weight on your squat, or it could be
decreasing the rest intervals between your sets.


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Whatever the case, progressing requires a lot of mental strength and planning
ahead—pre-workout meals, getting a good night’s sleep the night before, etc. I
sometimes take a power nap right before my workout, which definitely helps

All this takes time, as does getting ready to go to the gym and time in traffic to
get there and back. It can take a good three hours or so overall to complete a
one-hour workout. For anyone working out five or six times weekly, this would
mean anywhere from 15 – 18 hours per week.

With FBX workouts, my clients have reported a total time commitment of no

more than 10 hours including their traveling time. That’s a total time
commitment of just 6 per cent of the total number of hours in a week!

Note: If you love going to the gym five or six times a week, that’s awesome! If
you feel that you can easily devote 15 – 18 per week to workouts, and going
to the gym is something you look forward to, that’s great; by all means go


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I won’t stop you.

But please consider my point here: I don’t support working out with weights six
times per week. Equal importance needs to be given to HIIT and to yoga or
other balance protocols, including a comprehensive flexibility regime.
All you gym lovers can perform these other movements at your health club
instead of your home.

We all want to optimize the effort versus benefit ratio, right? We all want
exceptional results in the least time possible. It’s possible to get exceptional
results working out only three times a week. You will never need to do more!

If you have spent a lot of time on split training and more workout days rather
than fewer, you may feel attached to your routine despite much frustration.
Have the courage to know that whatever hasn’t gotten your results in the past
will never get you results in the future. Break away from the norm, and stop
following what others are doing; it will get you nothing except misery and


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Honestly ask yourself: Is there any more time to waste?

i guess i made my point here…haha…3 times a week it is akash…we get it…


[A] Workout Spilt # 1: FBX Workouts

Workout [A] is Shoulders/Thighs/Calves: In purple
Workout [B] is Chest/Back/Arms: In Grey
Each workout will be performed every 4-5 days. Here’s how YOUR month will
look like* :


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* Alternatively one can perform their workouts on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
As you can see from the table above, both Workout [A] & [B] are coming 6
times a month or every 4th or 5th day.

Here are sample workout routines:


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The other kind of split where you weight train 3 times a week is:

[B] Workout Split # 2: Two Body Part a day

This is a very common type of split. And I like it. The muscle group
combination is somewhat ideal.

You start off your week with a major muscle group: Chest. Your triceps get
warmed up as its a secondary muscle group for all press movements and
ultimately you finish your workout with 3-6 sets of single arm triceps extension
and push down. And then you can rest your triceps until about Friday, where it
gets hit again doing shoulder exercises.


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Do note, during all chest exercises, the anterior deltoid (the front part of the
shoulder) also gets a good beating and in this workout split it gets rested until
Friday too!

Provided that you adhere to the optimal volume guidelines, the recommended
reps and sets, rest intervals and intensity meter, you can get good results with
this kind of training split. However, there is a con with this workout routine.

Con: Every muscle group is been trained only once a week. I believe that
training your muscle only once a week is less and for best results, an
intermediate/advanced trainee should train each muscle group every 4/5th
day or twice a week. For beginners, this frequency should be 3 times/week.
Let me also compare this routine with the FBX workout routine.


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As you can clearly see that in FBX workout routines, each muscle group is
being trained every 4/5th day as opposed every 7th day in the other routine. I
believe this increased frequency can promote more muscle growth.


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Having said that, the most important factor when it comes to muscle growth is
still the optimal volume for each muscle group per week, the intensity at which
you train, which is determined by the amount of weight you lift and obviously
the number of reps and sets you perform.

The exercise selection needs to be the best i.e. compound exercises mostly,
which needs to be done with free weights i.e. barbells and/or dumbbells
instead of machines.

Working out 3 times a week, I strongly feel is the most effective, sustainable
and enjoyable way to train and build a fab body!

Lastly, there are many full body routines that can be done with this workout
frequency. you will know more about beginner workout routines in the next


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4 Days a week’ workout routines.

I am not a big fan when the the frequency of weight workouts are increased to
more than 3 sessions a week. The reasoning is related to one’s lifestyle which
I have discussed in this comprehensive post.

Do note, the most important factors when it comes to building muscle and
losing fat are workout volume per week and the intensity at which you train
and NOT workout frequency.

This is good news for people who are kind of addicted to going to the gym
almost everyday of the week! [No pun intended].

I get it guys. Going to the gym is fun. Gyms are not just a place to workout, but
a place to socialize as well. Infact, you really look forward to meeting your
training partner after a long day at work and working out with them and then
catching up over a tall glass of protein shake.


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Well, there are many option to choose from if you like going to gym, say from
Monday to Friday.

You can stick with weight training: Monday, Wednesday and Friday and
reserve Tuesday, Thursday for cardio/HIIT or even a session of Hatha Yoga.

But, if you prefer weight training, 4 times a week, or even 5 times a week
(coming next), then read on….

You’ll be happy to know, that in my advanced diploma in fitness (yes, I provide

these too), I discuss in depth FBX workout modifications, periodization, how to
progress with weights and much more.

Here is a FBX modification of the workout routine I provided above:


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As you can clearly see that everything is almost the same, but in the modified
version of FBX workout routines, I have moved legs on a weekend.

This can be possible when a trainee feels tired on a Friday and unable to do
more than a body part i.e. both shoulders and legs. So he just focus on
training his Shoulders on a Friday and shifts his leg training on the weekend
either a Saturday or Sunday.

Another modification of FBX Workouts can be made when training chest, back
and arms. Usually I don’t give too much volume for arms and few sets for
each biceps and triceps are good enough for them to grow.

However, from time to time, you feel like increasing the arms volume and
really going in for arm annihilation (hell…yeah), then you can simply train your
Chest and Back on Friday and reserve your arm training on the weekend!

Alright, moving on there are few very common 4 days week spilt that are
recommended by fitness experts around the world.

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Workout Spilt No #2: Upper Body + Lower Body








Here, you are training you entire body twice a week. Training each muscle
group twice a week is a great workout frequency for an intermediate/advanced


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This can be a good workout spilt for those who like to weight train 4 times a
week. Another advantage of this workout spilt is that there is increased volume
for leg muscle. Now, this is good news for Ladies, as lower body is where
most females struggle with. It is also good for people who lower body is
lacking and they want to make it a priority by giving it a separate day!

Ladies, I have created FBX Women specially for you, so make sure to take a
look at the workout charts I have provided for Upper body and lower body
split. Having said that, the general FBX workouts will also yield great results
for you in case you want to follow that one.

Also please note, Upper and lower body split can be either be 4 times a week
or 3 times a week. I’d still prefer 3 times a week!

And finally, what we are left with is:

5 day a week workout spilt (My least favorite)


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It’s not uncommon to see beginners and people who have hardly any
experience with weights being put on this schedule by their trainers. Well, for
most parts, trainers are themselves on this kind of spilt and find it easy and
comfortable to put their clients on it.

The workout frequency for each muscle group is only once a week, which is
less. Actually this is not the main problem, as I mentioned earlier that one can
get good results on this type of spilt too provided that they keep their workout
volume in the optimal range, lift with the intensity of 75-85% of their 1 Rep
max and choose only compound lifts using free weights.


I do strongly recommend training 3 times a week for most people. However, in

rare cases, a trainee may do well on either a 2 times a week workout routine
or a 4 times a week workout routine.


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F.B.X stands for Fabulous Body Training Systems and the workout are

FBX Workouts.

For sake of simplicity, I have divided FBX workouts into:


FBX Gain.

As the name suggests FBX Cut is for cutting i.e. to lose fat and FBX Gain
is for clean bulking.


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If you are a beginner you should not be concerned about bulking or

You become an intermediate once you satisfy two condition:

You have gained 10-15 lbs of pure muscle mass

You have at least 6 months of continuous weight training experience

under your belt. Note I said ‘continuous’ training for 2 months and then
taking a break for another two will not count. The training needs to be
continuous and therefore its recommended to go for beginners workouts
for a short period of time once you start weight training after a long

Alright, so here I am assuming you are either an intermediate or an

advanced trainee. In that case, dividing your training into a cutting phase
and a bulking phase is the best and the most effective way to build a


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Lets discuss the Cutting Phase

Cutting phase is a phase where your main focus is to cut fat and hence
the name.

It can last anything from few weeks and go on for few years!

For example, a person who is obese and has a body fat percentage of
over 40 percent, may take easily more than an year to cut his body fat
percentage down to 15 percent or less.

On the other hand, a fitness model by profession may need only 4 weeks
to take his body fat percentage from 11 percent to 6-7 percent to get
ready for a shoot.

A cutting phase in my dictionary means a LOT more than just cutting fat.

For me, cutting phase is a time when I:


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-Reduce the intensity of my workouts.

I usually lift very heavy weights. Since 5—7 is the rep range I focus on
most months in an year and this range allows me to lift between an
intensity of 75-85 percent of 1 Rep Max. Not sure what 1 Rep Max
means? And what is the relationship between the weight being lifted and
the number of rep? Then read this.

But when it comes to FBX Cut workouts, the rep range recommended is
between 8—10 reps. This rep range allows me to reduce the weight that I
am lifting i.e. the intensity stays between 70-75 percent of my 1 Rep Max.

-It may trigger more muscle growth as well.

Note: Before I discuss this point let me clarify one thing:

FBX-Cut does not necessarily mean that these workout routines should
always be employed when you want to cut your body fat. Its possible to
gain muscle on these workouts as well.

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Weight training in general helps with building muscle and losing weight
and variations in total calories you consume will make the difference in
what you achieve.

Recall the discussion of the three mechanisms of muscle growth and two
different types of hypertrophy (increase in muscle size), and when you
vary the rep range i.e. [5—7] or [8—10] you trigger sarcomere and
sarcoplasmic hypertrophy respectively.

So coming back to point no #2, working out in rep range of [8—10] and
this will help with sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

This obviously will require you to be in a slight calorie surplus unless you
are a beginner or still have made good initial muscle gains, in that case
you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time. My LEAN clients do it
all the time.

-It a much needed break from all the heavy lifting.


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I stronger recommend lifting in the rep range of [5—7] for at least 6-8
months a year! This rep range creates the maximum muscular tension
which is the leading driver of muscle growth.

Lifting super heavy doing barbell squats and trap bar deadlifts, overhead
and bench presses can not only take a toll on your ligaments, tendons
[which takes longer to recover] but also on your Central Nervous System

Lifting moderate weights is fun and somewhat easy and can be a nice
break from the heavy stuff! Not that heavy lifting is not fun:) but a change
is always welcome and I and my clients actually look forward to it.

-You can prioritize other things during FBX-Cut.

You see focusing on things in a given phase is the key for great results.


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With FBX Gain the focus is progressive overload i.e. progression with
weights almost every session but with FBX-Cut you can focus on:

- Your lagging body part. You can easily give more volume to your calve,
neck, traps, posterior deltoid, abs and so forth. Which means you can
add more isolation exercises and increase the overall volume of your
workouts. This initiates metabolic stress and damage and may lead to
more muscle growth.


Let's discuss the Clean Bulking Phase & FBX-Gain.

Clean bulking phase is a phase where your main focus is to build muscle (and
very little fat if any) and hence the name.

It can last anything from few weeks and go on for few years!


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For example, a person who is Skinny Fat and is hovering around 25 percent
body fat and have very little muscle mass, can enter into a clean bulk phase
for the longest time possible. Personally, I recommend for my LEAN clients
[Ideal program for Skinny Fat people] to drop their body fat percentage to less
than 15 percent at the same time gaining lean muscle.

On the other hand, a skinny guy with hardly any body fat percentage and in
the underweight category can go for a clean bulk for a year or more and gain
10-15 lbs of rock solid muscle before he can even think about cutting!

A clean bulking phase in my dictionary means a JUST one thing: Progressive


That's the prime focus of this phase and everything should revolve around
this. Therefore when it comes to FBX Gain workout routines will have the
following parameters:

-Rep range is between [5-7] & intensity is [75-85] percent of 1 Rep Max.


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This rep range can make your dreams come true if your desire is to build a
#fabbody which will require you to gain somewhere between 30-40 lbs of lean
proportionate muscles!

The main driver of muscular growth is muscular tension and the best way to
create muscular tension is to lift heavy weights, between an intensity of 75-85
percent of 1 Rep Max.

Not sure what 1 Rep Max means? Then read this. In the article linked, you will
also understand the relationship between the weight being lifted and the
number of rep.

By the way, when it comes to FBX Cut workouts, the rep range recommended
is between 8—10 reps. This rep range allow to reduce the weight that a
person is lifting to between 70-75 percent of my 1 Rep Max.

-The MAIN focus with FBX Gain is Progressive Overload

Note: Before I discuss this point let me clarify one thing:


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 144

FBX Gain does not necessarily mean that these workout routines should
always be employed when you want to bulk. Its possible to lose fat on these
workouts as well. But in general, FBX Gain should be employed for bulking, as
lifting heavy weights will require you to eat your maintenance (or a slight
surplus) calories to fuel these workouts!

Weight training, in general, helps with building muscle and losing fat and
variations in total calories you consume will make the real difference in what
you achieve.

So coming back to point no #2, working out in the rep range of [5—7] will allow
you to keep total volume in check and enable progression with every exercise
you do.

The best way to progress is by increasing the amount of weights you are lifting
for the given rep range of [5-7].


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Weight Progression

In case, a trainee is not able to progress effectively, its recommended that

they further reduce the volume of the FBX Gain workouts by removing the
isolation exercises for each body part.

-FBX Gain workouts are ideal for ectomorphs/hard gainers.

I stronger recommend lifting in the rep range of [5—7] for at least 6-8 months
a year! This rep range creates the maximum muscular tension which is the
leading driver of muscle growth.

Lifting super heavy, doing barbell squats and trap bar deadlifts, overhead and
bench presses can not only take a toll on your ligaments, tendons [which
takes longer to recover] but also on your Central Nervous System [CNS].

Whereas, lifting moderate weights is fun and somewhat easy and can be a
nice break from the heavy stuff! Not that heavy lifting is not fun:) but a change
is always welcome and I and my clients actually look forward to it.

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-FBX Gain workouts can make you strong, very strong.

Ok, let me be clear about one thing. I am not a powerlifter, nor do I

recommend [1-2] rep training. My frame is not build to do 1 Rep maxes.

My focus is clear: To build lean, proportionate muscles and drop body fat
percentage. More than performance, my priority has always been aesthetic
with obviously a strong focus on becoming optimally healthy.

Now, gaining muscle will require you to be strong in a moderate rep range
anything above 5 reps!

My point of view on getting strong

Strength is celebrated. Over the centuries, men have played the role of
protector, defender, and warrior. Strength is one of the main things that
separates a man from women. DUH!


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In these modern times with all the technological advances, men are often
required to sit behind a desk all day, but even then there is something primal
in us that makes us want to become a stronger version of ourselves—to take
care of ourselves and our families if need be, to push back if being pushed,
etc. It’s my belief that strength is an essential virtue for every man to have.

In my experience, the strength that we build in the weight room does

transcend into other forms of strength (strength of character, strength of spirit,
etc.), but that’s a topic for some other day. For now, let’s focus on the
benchmarks of physical strength.

How strong should be a man be?

For starters, if you can pull your bodyweight a few times over and can perform
dips for at least 5 – 8 reps, you are considered strong. (You'd be surprised to
know that the majority of men are not able to perform these simple feats.)

In the gym fraternity, strength is measured with four exercises


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-Bench press

-Overhead press

The following numbers are guidelines, not definitive numbers. Reaching these
numbers can take years and roughly correspond to reaching your genetic
potential (the amount of muscle your body is able to gain naturally).

Squats: 2 * bodyweight

Deadlift: 2.5 * bodyweight

Bench press: 1.5 * bodyweight

Overhead press: 1 * bodyweight


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For a 180-pound man, these number corresponds to:

Squats: 360 pounds

Deadlift: 450 pounds

Bench press: 270 pounds

Overhead press: 180 pounds

Also note that these numbers corresponds to your 1 Rep Max.

Always remember no one has built a kickass #fabbody by progressing on a

bicep curl or a cable crossover machine, you need to sweat it out and get
stronger on key compound lifts as mentioned above and doing FBX Gain
workout for at least 6 months every year or ideally 8-9 months is the best long
term strategy ahead.


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Who is a beginner?

There are types of beginner. The first type who haven’t weight trained before.
Ever. They join the gym for the first time no matter their age.

The second type is an eternal one. They are never consistent with their
workouts. They workout for 2 month, then leave for another 2. Then they
somehow motivate themselves for 1 month, and then leave for 6 months.

With the second type, I highly recommend to start with beginner routines
especially when you have been off weights for more than few months time. Of
course you don’t need 3 to 6 months to get back in the groove, just 2 to 4
weeks of beginner workout should suffice.

Characteristics of a gym workout routine for beginners


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Weight training is a skill and like any other sports, you need to train your
neuromuscular system so that your muscles fire in correct sequence.

guys, weight training is not rocket science, learn the techniques, invest time in
focussing on compound movements using dumbbells and barbells instead of

Because if you listen to your trainer, who will probably ask you to do
machines, because of the ease of use, dont. Don’t get used to machines,
because after few months, you will be so used to machines, that chances are
high that you may fear squats or deadlifts.

And then probably you may not do them. You may still build muscle and lose
fat as working out burns machines, but in that process you will create muscle
imbalance. Your stabilizing muscles will never be worked out as in the case of
using free weights, and this may potentially lead to an injury.

Don’t worry about anything else like adding more weights, just make sure you
completely concentrate on learning the exercises.

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Full body routines 2 to 3 times a week

Virtually every expert will agree on this point. Trust when there are very very
few things that people agree on and working out with full body routines for
beginners is one of them.

Working out with full body routines 2 to 3 times a week will prevent
overtraining, this way you don’t overtax both your muscular and nervous
system which then accelerates your body’s recovery abilities that allows you
to build a good foundation. The FBX workout routines are about working out
maximum 3 times a week which we shall discuss in some time.

Sets, reps, tempo, total volume and exercises:

ok now lets look at the FBX beginners workout routines I have created for you.

For first three months, you start with 1 set of each exercise with a weight that
you can handle 15 reps in perfect form. You will then slowly progress by

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increasing weights until you are performing 12 reps in a set (and never going
below 12 reps ). The tempo of the reps needs to be controlled and it should
take about 4 to 5 sec to complete. Remember for beginners the focus should
be on the muscles being worked and to learn the movement, don’t worry
about the weight too much.

Most of the movement will be compound in nature i.e. squats, parallel-grip

deadlifts, military press, dips and pull-ups. I have added one exercise each for
biceps and triceps as beginners are very excited to train their arms.

The rest interval will be no more than 2 min, and the complete workout
including warm up and cool down should not take more than 45 min each

It may take more time, when you are spending time to learn the movement
first. Don’t be embarrassed just to hold the empty barbell when doing squats
or the lightest dumbbells on the rack.

Leave your ego outside the gym, and in long term it will serve you well.

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Once you are done with 3 months of consistent training, move to Phase 2 by
increasing the number of sets for each exercise to 2, reduce the reps to 10-12,
rest everything will be the same. Stick with this workouts for another 3 months.

You will then be ready to become an intermediate after 6 months of consistent

weight training. When done with a good diet, you can easily gain 10-15 lbs of
muscles with this routine.

Besides building lean muscle the other benefits of this kind of training system
are immense:
1) You establish a solid foundation for more years to come.
2) You prevent over-training
3) Understand and learn the important skill of how to perform key compound
exercises properly
4) Don’t overtax your nervous system
5) Accelerate your body recovery abilities that allows you to build good
amount of lean mass


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LECTURE 2: Intermediates /Advanced Trainees

When a beginner does 6 months of consistent training, and during those six
months gain at least 10 lbs of muscles at the same time lose fat, then he can
be categorized as an intermediate.

If you are a type 2 beginner, then following the beginner routine for 4 weeks
will enable you to start with FBX Intermediates workouts.

So, now you can either focus on cutting or clean bulking.

Its best to start with FBX Cut and still focus on building lean muscle and lose
fat at the same time.

Your rep range in phase 2 beginner routine was 10-12 and in FBX-Cut it will
be slightly reduced to 8-10. This will allow you to progress with weights.

A major change with intermediate workouts will be a shift from full body
routines to an FBX Split

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We have already studied, FBX Splits in previous module.

Workout A is shoulders and legs

Workout B is chest, back and arms.

Each workout will be alternated every 4th or 5th day and will come 6 times per

Lets shift our focus on the volume continuum.

Recall from module 3, total volume is sets * reps for each muscle per week.

For major muscle group it is 60 to 120 reps per week for minor muscle group it
is 30 to 60 reps per week.

When you look at Level-1 intermediate FBX-Cut workouts, you will see that
the volume for major muscle group is on the lower end of the range and as


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 158

you progress into Level-2 intermediates workouts and then finally into
advanced workouts, the volume will go up.

Its very easy to calculate the volume.

Let take FBX-Cut Intermediate workout Level-1 as an example.

Major muscle group are shoulders, chest and back and upper leg.

Lets look at shoulders.

Calculate volumes for different FBX programs.

Ok now, your turn. You do it. Pause this lecture and pick up few workout
routines, and calculate the volume. Some exam questions will obviously
comes from this topic.

An intermediate will enter the advanced level once he has a 2 year continuous
experience behind his back.

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 159

If there is a break in training, its best to follow to start with intermediate
workouts and then move on to advance workouts

Make sure to take a look at the case studies as you will learn how to create
annual workout charts for people of different goals.

in the next lecture, we shall look at some of the FBX modifications…and then
finally i will discuss FBX Women….


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 160


With FBX Workouts there are 3 types of Modifications.

1. We discussed how we can change FBX Workouts from 3 times a week to 4
times a week in the previous module! Watch 'Workout Splits' again to revise
this point.
2. FBX workouts for people with people who have previous lower back/knee or
hip injuries can swap deadlifts/squats with Leg Press and Dumbbells Lunges.
Reps and sets will be same.
3. FBX Women. See last lecture of this module to know more.
If you are not a weights person, I get it! It's ok:)
Do you prefer to workout from home?
How about with just a pair of dumbbells?
Watch the Promo for my course [0-20] where you can get fit and lose tons of
fat in only 9 weeks!


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 161

Lecture 4: FBX WOMEN

Ladies, you’ll be happy to know that the fitness and workout protocol for
women and men are 95 percent similar.

Whatever you have learned in this course so far, is very much applicable to
you and if you follow it diligently you will also get amazing results.

And in this lecture, I want to discuss the 5% difference.

The 5 percent differences when applied to FBX

Introducing FBX Women

Just like men, in order to build your fabulous body, your primary goal needs to
be body re-composition.

You need to lose fat and build muscle.


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You will not look bulky never ever. I want you to pause this lecture and click on
this link: https://legionathletics.com/workouts-for-women/

It will take you to a website called muscleforlife.com.

Its operated by an amazing guy called Mike. He is honest, knowledgeable and

has a great physique. I couldn’t explain it better than he did in this article.

Understand exactly what body-recomposition means. Mike has provided great

pictures of some women comparing their before and after at same weight. The
difference their before has more fat than muscle, where the latter has more
muscle than fat. But overall the weight is same. And what you will see is a sea
change difference in how they look.

See for yourself and come back to this lecture…

I hope you enjoyed that article.

The fundamental that Mike teaches is also same as mine.


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 163

Progressive overload with a moderate rep range in key compound lifts using
barbells and dumbbells.

Its the best way to look your best.

Ok, now lets discuss the brief changes I have in FBX workouts for you.

FBX Women

The MAIN change is:

Shifting your shoulder muscle group to workout B.

Workout A was Shoulders and legs
Workout B was Chest, Back and Arm right?
Workout A: Legs and Butts

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Workout B: Shoulders, Chest, Back and Arms


you will be required to do Workout A twice a week (8 times a week)

and Workout B: Upper Body will only come once a week! ( 4 times a week)

-Women also prefer more variety with exercises than men.

So feel free to alternative exercises as given for each body part every month
or so
-At the same time, most women are intimidated with weight training and too
many compound movements like squats etc can cause them to completely
abandon weight training.
Therefore, I have given relatively less intimidating movement like instead of
focussing mostly with squats, I have given equal sets to dumbbells lunges etc.
-Lastly, since we are increase leg volume and adding butt training, we need to
further decrease the total volume when it comes to upper body.


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So instead of 6 session per month for upper body, total workout sessions will
be reduced to 4 sessions and workout frequency will be lowered to just once a
But for legs and butts, it will 8 times a week (twice a week) which is optimal to
burn maximum calories, tone and shape your lower body, at the same time
take care of your upper body too!

REST everything is the same!

Your workouts will look something like this:


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Cardiovascular training commonly known as cardio. Lets recap what we

learned about cardio in the fundamental course: Diploma in Fitness.

We discussed about how to calculate our Maximum Heart rate which is 220-
age. Then we discussed about Zone-1, 2, & 3.

We discussed cardio myths and finally we discussed what exactly is aerobic

and anaerobic training and their pros and cons.

ZONE-1: 65-75% OF YOUR MHR

ZONE 3: 85% TO 95% OF YOUR MHR

AT around 85% is your lactate threshold. This is where you enter the
anaerobic zone.


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Zone 1: is essentially what your trainer would term as the fat burning zone.
when your heart rate is between 65 to 75% beats of your MHR at least
50-60% of the energy comes from fat (this may vary from individual to
individual ) but generally speaking at low-moderate intensity a large part of
calories comes from your fat reserves and thats why its termed as a fat
burning zone.

However its actually a misnomer a common cardio myth, because its actually
the total calories you burn that matters the most even if less percentage of
calories come from fat sources.

Because when you go into Zone 2 and Zone 3, the EPOC is higher. That is
energy post oxygen consumption…in simple words…your metabolism stays
elevated even after your training and 100% of calories come from fat when
you are at rest.

So when you do cardio in the fat burning zone for 30 minutes and 60% of
calories come from fat and another individual does, HIIT for 15 minutes and


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lets say only 30% of calories are burned from fat resvered…but the overall
calorie burn and the fat loss will be greater in case of HIIT because of EPOC.

As you will also learn that HIIT has a positive effects on your endocrine
system that it boosts HGH and testosterone which has a solid effect on fat

Ok, zone 2: is between 75 to 85% this is for aerobic endurance and builds up
your aerobic capacity.

Somewhere between 80-85% is where you have your anaerobic threshold,

this may be lower in untrained individuals.

What do you mean by anaerobic threshold?

A.T. also known as lactate threshold, is the point where lactic acid begins to
accumulate in the blood stream exponentially. this is where you need to take
rest from exercise so that your body can work towards removing the lactate
buildup in your blood.

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Aerobic training does not go beyond….85% of your MHR and therefore can be
sustained for a longer time, as there is oxygen inside out system to remove
the lactate buildup…

an aerobic training is which cannot be sustained for more than 2 minutes as

lactate builds up exponentially ….and one needs to take rest before another
bout of high intensity can be pursued.

The anaerobic energy system is highly inefficient and happens without the
presence of oxygen.

HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training

A beginner can do HIIT. But the work and rest will be more relaxed for you
guys when compared with anyone with advanced trainees.

either ways, its important to be conservative and gradually increase the

intensity slowLy progress, be safe than sorry.


Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 171

I know many people get a torn hamstring when they have gone overboard with
sprints…start slow and build it up slowly…

But you can start with HIIT

Ideally start with HIIT on a cardio machines. Not treadmill, but a recumbent
cycle or a cross trainer…this is good especially if you are an overweight
person because you may be de-conditioned with muscle imbalances and

if you put stress viz a jog your weight will put a greater tress on your ankle and
your knees.


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Lecture 2: How to incorporate Cardio and/or HIIT in FBX Training.

The question is that: When and how to incorporate HIIT & Cardio in FBX
Weekly exercise routine?

Lets say you are doing FBX Workout routines: Mon, Wed & Friday.

Let me begin by saying that, never do cardio before your weight training. Any
activity requires energy, and weight training requires the most. You need a lot
of energy to lift weight, and if you expend that energy doing hIIT/Cardio
training then your weight training will suffer.

Always prioritize weights and do cardio/HIIT training either after weight

training or on OFF days.

Now, once we have determined when to do Cardio/hiit the next questions are:

How long should be each cardio or HIIT sessions and how many times should
you do them each week?

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 173

ok, if you have gone through Diploma in Fitness thoroughly, you know FBX
training system recommends working out only 3-6 hours a week maximum.

These are the number of hours anyone should workout per week.

Your weight training session usually may vary between 30 min each session
to as long as 1.5 hours per session, and since its only 3 times a week, it will
be 1.5 hours to 4.5 hours.

6 hours- 1.5 hours= 4.5 hours

6 hours-4.5 hours= 1.5 hours.

So if you are not really a weight training person, and only do 30 min of weight
session, its ok, something is better than nothing, now you have 4.5 hours left
to choose from any activity that you enjoy.


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Please note that it is not necessary to complete 6 hours every time. This may
vary. I use the range 3 to 6 hours.

Recall that intensity is inversely proportional to workout volume.

If you are doing FBXGain and lifting very heavy weights, with a low volume
approach, suitable for ectomorphs and really cutting down on total volume,
then your total workout time commitment may be just 3-4 hours a week, and
no HIIT/cardio. Obviously your main goal is to gain weight and build muscle.

What if you are obese and wanting to lose a lot of weight. You like weight, but
prefer aerobic activities. something which is light-moderate intensity.
In that case, 6 hours a week is what you will be able to easily accomplish.
Only in very rare cases will a person exceed 6 hours and may have to train or
7 or even 8 hours a week, but this is very rare and for a short period of time,
and even in that case, the intensity will be overall low/moderate.

But 95% of you guys the framework will remain intact: 3 to 6 hours a

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Lets say you are a big fan of HIIT. You have no medical issues and have a
clear go to do HIIT. You decide that you will perform only HIIT session a week
along with weight training 3 times a week.
How many sessions and how long those sessions should be?
You are an intermediate person and your main goal is to lose fat and at the
very least preserve lean muscle.


HIIT Phase-1 Phase-2 LEVEL-1 LEVEL-2 LEVEL-1 LEVEL-2
FBX-Cut FBX-Gain FBX-Cut FBX-Gain FBX-Cut FBX-Gain FBX-Cut FBX-Gain

No. of 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3

Time 10 15 15 10 15 10 15 15 20 15

Total Minutes 30min 45min 45min 30min 45min 30min 60min 45min 80min 45min
per week

No. of 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3

Time 20 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20

Total Minutes 60min 80min 75min 60min 75min 60min 100min 60min 100min 60min
per week


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Let figure this table out.

Lets assume you are skinny fat or anyone who wants to gain weight. You are
an ectomorph and overall your preference is to gain weight or lean muscle.

You are doing 3 sessions of moderate to heavy weight training using FBX
workout, 3 times a week. Each weight workout take around 1 hour to complete
and you are left with 3 hours of training time.

How many sessions of cardio or HIIT should you do for best results?

Being the body type I just mentioned and based on your goal, I strongly
recommend only HIIT training. So if you are an intermediate trainee, and
currently in Level-1, then you will be required to do 3 sessions of HIIT training,
for 15 min if you are doing FBX Cut or 10 min each session for FBX Gain.


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Idea is not to exhaust complete six hours, and focus on heavy lifting and
intensity rather than volume.

What if you prefer a swim, a regular old fashioned breast stroke, nothing too
intense. That will count as cardio training and you can increase the time to 25
min each session and therefore your total time commitment from cardio
session will be 75 min weekly on top of your weight training session 3 times a

Your total time commitment will be 180 min for weights (60 min*3) and 75 min
for cardio (3 sessions), total time for training= 255 minutes or 4.25 hours.

As I mentioned previously your HIIT/Cardio sessions needs to be done, on off

days or after weights.

Your FBX Weekly schedule may look like this:


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SUNDAY OFF 3.75 hours 4.3 hours


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Guys, let me ask you a question: If you have the option to simply press the
button and look like this man, you will press it without blinking an eye. This
legend is and most of you are aware of is Steve Reeves. More than Arnold
Schwarznneggar I am more inspired by Steve Reeves, when it comes to

186cm, 215 lbs, 50 inch chest, 29 inch waist, and equal measurements of
neck, arms and calves that is 18 inches.

The quest for a perfect physique has led me down to the path of obsession for
many years.

Over time, I had this reality check that we all have different genetics, body
type, and even destiny.

This is Steve Reeves when he was just 16 years old, standing tall at 190 lbs, I
mean I don’t even look like that even after so many years of training behind
me. This was Arnold when he was 16 years old!


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Genetics, Plays a huge role in determining literally how much muscle one will

Ok, I didn’t won the genetic lottery, but I was surely first in line, when it came
to hard work and perseverance.

Even if it will take me the longest time possible to reach as close to 190 lbs as
possible, I will continue on this journey till I achieve the look I desire.

Sure, I cannot reach 50 inch chest like Steve Reeves, as if you really try and
understand the anatomy that your chest measurement depends largely on
how enlarged is your rib cage which is a function of your head size, your neck.

Actually everything is determined by your wrist measurement for your upper

body and ankle measurement for your lower body.

So students, it is not really how much you weigh, but how proportionate you


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Each muscles intelligently build in ideal proportion to each other. The end goal
is to look amazing and fabulous right? Unless you are a professional
bodybuilder, what should matter is you look lean and muscular and never

Thats why I have created this BONUS module for you as we shall go deep
into body proportions, body types, ideal weight ranges and much more.

Your super power when it comes to building a great physique is being specific,
actually super specific about things.

When you know your proportions, your weight target, your body fat
percentage, every session in the gym becomes meaningful. Every rep, every
set you pursue is taking you close to your ultimate goal that we shall try and
discuss about.
Now, have you ever wondered why big shoulders and a narrow waist in a man
is always a hit with the female-counterpart? Or why someone’s face looks
more attractive than others? Or why the pyramids in Egypt are shaped that

Fab Academe—A Fabulous Body Inc Social Initiative 183

Did you know that the secret lies in a number. Yes, a number!!

This ‘secret’ number or should I say ratio is termed as the- The Golden Ratio,
also known as the divine proportion. This ratio has been around for centuries.

From biologists, to artists, musicians and architects have pondered and

debated the basis of it’s ubiquity and appeal. This ratio has inspired thinkers of
all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics.[1].

In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same
as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The figure below
illustrates this geometric relationship:


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Where b is 1 unit long, and a is 1.618 unit long and algebraically they can be
explained as:
a+b/a = a/b =(GR)= 1.6180

Let me use my body as an example to illustrate the use of this fascinating

ratio: At the time of creating this course, my waist is 31 inches and my
shoulder width is 46 inches. Therefore my golden ratio will be 46/31: 1.4838.


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In order to reach the ideal of 1.6180, I need to decrease my waist to 30
inches, and increase my shoulder width to 48.5 inches which I am working
hard to achieve!

Why don’t you grab an inch tape and calculate your own Golden Ratio?

Calculating your golden ratio is a great starting point, however it’s not a
comprehensive analysis of an ideal male body.

We all know weightlifters/bodybuilders who have a V-taper but still don’t look
attractive, sexy or pleasing. What do you think is missing? Are they violating
any principles or guidelines that is causing them to move away from an ideal
or should I say the pleasing aspect of a physique?
I like to think so!

So if you want to find out the key principles and laws that when applied to your
workouts, that will not just ensure that you get a V-taper but also a physique
that is proportionate and pleasing to look at then keep on reading.


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I will discuss just 2 steps that you should take that will take your towards
building your dream physique that will make you look very attractive to the
opposite sex.

There is a third step which is for anyone who wants to go into minute details of
their physique. Instead of a video, I have provided a write up, that they can
read in the last lecture in this module and its related to body proportions
related to one’s wrist and ankle measurements.

I will also discuss the main principles and laws that you should apply to your
workouts that ensures that you don’t deviate from your ideal physique and at
the same time will give you suggestions and recommendation on what type of
movements you should choose for best results.

Lets start with the first step in building your ideal male physique in the
next lecture.


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Step no #1: Get your body fat down to less than 12% percent.

Arnold Schwarzenegger competed at around 9 percent body fat in world

bodybuilding championships. Steve Reeves had a similar body fat percentage
when he became Mr. Universe 1950. Why then do average people like you
and me, who simply want to look good in a slim fit shirt or on the beach, want
to go below 9 percent body fat? Well, again it’s a matter of personal
preference, but in my mind, focusing on achieving low body fat ranges is
counterproductive and can take the fun out of working out.
Related posts: Is being ripped worth it?

Most of our fat cells are located in our abdominal area. When we lose fat, our
waist starts to decrease which gives us an improved V-taper. Basically we
move closer to the Golden Ratio without even adding mass on your shoulders,
chest and back.

At the same time, we also start to lose face fat. There is no hint of a doubt that
a chiseled face has more sex appeal. Your eyes start to look bigger and your


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check bone appear to pop out, giving a certain personality to your face. Look
at all the movie stars.

The best way to predict your body fat percentage is clearly explained in
the next lecture. Make sure to watch it till the end.

Also know that, you cannot know the exact absolute number, even if you
choose expensive methods like dexa scans etc. They cost hundreds of
dollars and are a serious waste of money for folks like you and me.

Step no #2: Calculate your “Sexy Weight Range” and decide whether
you want to become ‘Lean’ or ‘Muscular’.

Here is a beautiful quote to live by: “Too many muscles can get in your way.
You have got to have enough to get people interested, but not so much to
scare them off.” —Steve Reeves (the most admired bodybuilder of the 20th


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How much is too much? That depends on you. What is your preference?

Do you like a lean look, like Brad Pitt in “Fight Club,” or do you like more size?
How about Chris Hemsworth in “Thor,” or Brad Pitt in Troy?

Dr. Casey Butt has done a brilliant job of finding us a sexy weight range for
men that women find attractive.

Sexy Weight Range = Minimum Lean Body Weight: 23 * H 2 – Maximum

Muscular Body Weight: 26 * H 2
In this equation, height (H) is in meters and weight is in kilograms. You can
convert feet and inches to meters here. www.feettometres.com

Let’s take an example of an individual who is 6 feet tall to illustrate this point

His sexy weight range, assuming his body fat is between 9 percent and 14
percent, is 77 kg – 87kg (170 – 192 pounds).


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This sexy weight range came from a study by MJ Tovee funded by Newcastle

For a complete explanation of sexy weight range please see the next lecture
till the end.

Also, use the formulas on yourself, only then you will get a clarity of how to do

Step no #3: Calculate your muscular girths

While, its impossible to be 100 percent accurate when using these formulas
as people vary so much in genetic determined factors like height, body types,
muscle insertion points and bone structures (small, medium or heavy). But
they give us something specific to work with.
Lets head in straight in details:
John Mc-cullum’s formula:


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John McCallum, both literally and figuratively, shaped an entire generation of
would-be musclemen with his unparalleled ability to simultaneously entertain
and inform. His formulas are based on one’s wrist measurements as stated in
his wonderful book “The Complete Keys to Progress”:
Chest: 6.5 * Wrist
Hips: 85% * Chest
Waist: 70% * Chest
Thigh 53% * Chest
Neck 37% * Chest
Arm 36% * Chest
Calves 34% * Chest
Forearm 29% * Chest
If one’s wrist is 7inches, his measurements would be as follows:
Chest = 6.5 * 7 = 45.5
Hips = 0.85 * 45.5 = 38.6
Thigh = 0.53 * 45.5 = 24.11
Neck = 0.37 * 45.5 = 16.8
Arm = 0.36 * 45.5 = 16.3
Calves = .034 * 15.4

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Forearm = 0.29 * 45.5 = 13.1
Steve Reeves’s formula:
When we think about a pleasing physique, almost 9 out of 10 times people
think of Steve Reeves.
In his book “Building The Classic Physique, The Natural Way” he provides us
the classic standards of symmetry:
Arm Size: 252% Of Wrist Size
Calf Size: 192% Of Ankle Size
Neck Size: 79% Of Head Size
Chest Size: 148% Of Pelvis Size
Waist Size: 86% Of Pelvis Size
Thigh Size: 175% Of Knee Size
Weight: 295% Of Height
Note that Steve has also included the ankle measurement which is in fact a
more accurate way to go as some people have a heavier lower-body i.e. they
have a heavier lower body skeleton frame than their upper body skeleton
He elaborates further to provide us a chart which depicts one’s ideal weight
according to one’s height:

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5’5 160 (72.7)
5’6 165 (75)
5’7 170 (77.2)
5’8 175 (79.5)
5’9 180 (81.8)
5’10 185 (84)
5’11 190 (86.3)
6′ 200 (90.9)
6’1 210 (95.4)
6’2 220 (100)
6’3 230 (104.5)
6’4 240 (109)
6’5 250 (113.6)
These numbers assume that you have a solid body (not ripped), but fat levels
no over than 15% for men.
Steve reeves was a professional bodybuilder and won lot of titles including the
most prestigious Mr Universe title therefore these weight depict one’s full
genetic potential.


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For someone who wants to achieve a lean (or muscular) physique the ‘sexy
weight range’ provided in Step-2 would be a more reasonable and achievable

Lastly, many would argue against applying these formulas and would rather
rely on going after a certain “look” as opposed to a certain “measurement”.
However, I strongly feel applying these formulas gives you a long term vision
of how you want to look. It further allows with the correct selection of exercises
so that you can bring up your lacking body parts & stop training parts that are
already well developed when compared with the rest of the body!

You will start to get a clearer idea only when you have entered the ranges
(both weight and muscular girths) and then accordingly you can play with the
numbers. But once you start to go outside the range especially the weight
range there is a high probability that the mere size of your muscles disturb the
pleasing aspect of your physique. Again its a personal preference, you decide
what you want.


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The image of the ideal male physique has been continued to be distorted by
the bulk craze. Is more always better?

When you look at a guy with an 18inch arms, chest popping out (in some
cases looking like breasts), do you look with admiration and respect, or in

Now, think of Brad Pitt’s type physique in Troy. What comes to your mind?
What’s about his physique that is pleasing and attractive? Two words:
Proportion and Symmetry.


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In Part-1, I have emphasised, that proportions and symmetry are more
important than just building more mass. The moment you start to build more
mass (basically go outside of your sexy weight range), you start to grow out of
proportion and deter yourself from the pleasing aspect of a physique.

In order to build a classic Greek ideal you need to ditch the old saying of “No
pain, no gain” and replace it with “No Brain, No Gain” Lets straight head into
the 5 principles that will help you build your ideal physique.

Principle No #1: Focus more on the posterior chain than the anterior
Posterior chain muscles include your entire back, deep core muscle
(multifidus), buttocks (glutes), hamstrings and calves.
If you are someone who has been following conventional wisdom and
following workouts out of a muscle mag, then chances are high you are
focussing more on your anterior chain i.e. your mirror muscle—Chest and
arms. This leads to muscle imbalances.


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The problem is further compounded when you train on machines rather than
using free weights.

For example, when doing squats on a smith machine, your quadriceps

(anterior chain muscle) are doing most of the work, whereas while doing a free
squat, you are activating muscle of your posterior chain which includes your
deep core stabilisers like multifidus, transverse abdomens. Similarly, there is a
lot going on in your posterior chain when you are performing standing military
press versus simply resting your whole body doing seated shoulder press on a
set trajectory!

Do note that almost three-fourths of your musculature is located in your back,

glutes, and your legs, and avoiding them is a great way to be injured.

Exercise selection: Train only using free weights, and include a lot of
compound lifts like standing shoulder presses, bend over barbells, barbell
back squats, deadlifts, good mornings, standing and seated calve raise. Using
dumbbells and barbells will ensure that you deep core stabilisers are worked
to the T. This will give your posterior chain a great workout at the same time

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give you that herculean look. Just look at all the Hollywood movies. Which
body parts really stand out in their physique? Back and legs, or chest and

Principle No #2: Avoid doing shrugs, and side bends.

This is important. Check out the picture below. The one on the left is a great
example of a classic physique that we are after. Notice he doesn’t have much
trap development, because of bigger the traps, the narrower your shoulders
appear. Instead of a square-shouldered look, a person with over-developed
traps looks round-shouldered (the picture on the right)


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Other things that you want to avoid doing are the side bends or the obliques. I
see scores of people doing side bends using dumbbells. Guys, this movement
will not burn fat from your abdominal area, instead will build muscles giving
you a wide waist, and thereby deterring you from that broad-shouldered
Having said that, differences in waist size is largely based on your genetics.
Principle No #3: Don’t avoid your legs, especially your calves.
Training legs for most gym trainees is still an afterthought! If your arms
measure way more than your calve and neck, then I strongly recommend you
to stop training (or at the least minimize) your arms and put more emphasis on
calves and neck.
Include the following movements in your workout routine to achieve a
balanced looking physique:


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Deadlifts and Squats: These movements should be the linchpin of any
workout routine. They are functional in nature, and not only they build your
thighs, but they also boost overall muscle growth.
Standing (& Seated) Calve Raise: Calve muscle are very stubborn in nature.
And you need to overload them with really heavy weights and train them at
least 2 (or 3) times a week with high volume. I would recommend a total of 10
sets per week with rep range between 15 to 20. The tempo should be slow
and controlled, and squeeze them at the top and bottom for maximum effect!
Note: I have hardly trained my arms in the past year or so and have not
dropped size. Did you know that your biceps are engaged when you do your
back, and triceps get a good workout when you do shoulder and chest

Principle No #4: Lift heavy at least 5-6 months a year.

Overall, if you are looking to build a sculpted Greek god type physique, you
need to focus on lifting seriously heavyweights in the rep range of 3-10 most
of the time. Why? Besides the obvious benefit of becoming strong, improving
your bone density and joint health, you are increasing the myogenic and
neurogenic tone of your muscles.

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In the words of John Romaniello Founder of Roman Fitness Systems:
“Neurogenic tone refers to the level of tension in a muscle during a working
or flexed state. That is, how “hard” a muscle is when it’s in action–whether that
means at the gym, or just flexing.
Myogenic tone, on the other hand, is the residual tension in a resting muscle.
What this really means is how hard, full, and dense your muscles are when
you’re just hanging out. Rather than some artificial pump, an increase in
myogenic tone is a permanent increase in the appearance of your muscles.”

Concluding thoughts:
I urge you to perform an honest judgement about your physique and figure out
the lagging body parts and give them a priority instead of simply going to the
gym and blasting your chest and arms (when probably they are already your
strong points).
For example: If you already are good at flat benching, and have a huge chest,
doing more of it, will only deviate you from looking your best. You must have
seen many bodybuilders, with their pectoral muscles popping out. What we
are after instead is a flat-squared chest. So in order to do so, replace your flat


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or decline presses with incline presses. This will allow you to build a squared
chest look that looks the best!


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1-Choose known and safe exercises

All the exercise and movements that I have mentioned in this course and in
my weight training technique course are safe provided if you do them with
good technique. Therefore its imperative that you learn the technique before
loading up the barbells.

2-Perform key check points when doing any exercise

Breathing should be proper and in sync with your movement, the rep should
be controlled, the mind should be on the muscles being worked, the floor
should not be slippery nor any object should be blocking your movement.

3-Always warm up and cool down


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I have stressed the importance of a warm up and cool down in many of my
courses. Lifting heavy weights requires your joints to be already lubricated
with synovial fluids, your heart to be beating faster. All this will enable enough
blood flowing into your muscles to help you with the movements.

A general warm-up should be 5-10 minutes and in addition a specific warm up

needs to be done before training each muscle group.

A cool down is equally important as it prevents blood pooling in the lower

extremities potential leading to dizziness or even someone fainting. All details
are provided in my weight training technique course.

4-Always keep your muscle warm

In continuation of the above point, once your muscles are warmed up, ensure
that it stays that way. And in order to do that, don’t take more rest than
otherwise needed.


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I see scores of trainee carrying their phone with them when they are working
out (nothing wrong with that if you are using it for music purpose) but if you
are taking long calls in between your sets, i.e. more than 5 minutes and then
you come back and do a heavy set, cold muscles may lead to injury. So be
carefully, avoid any phone calls during your workouts.

Come on guys, as it is your are training 3 times a week, with no more than 6
hours of workout commitment per week, so give it respect and purely focus on
training and delay everything else.

5-100% focus when doing a set

Don’t talk during a set, focus on your muscle being worked. Just a moment of
mis-directed attention can lead to injury.

6-Respect others gym trainees

Don’t grunt or make loud noises. Don’t weight train near the dumbbell rack so
that you are blocking access for other trainees to use the dumbbells. Re-rack

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your dumbbells. Wipe the equipment once you are done including benches
and equipment (which means you need to keep a towel with you), and try and
not grope a particular piece of equipment for the longest time possible.

Be friendly and approachable and in fact be the first one to ask if a person
would like to share a piece of equipment in case he/she has been waiting for
their turn!

7-Use spotters where required

For example, when bench pressing, you don’t want to be pinned down
beneath the barbell. Neither you want to get stuck at the bottom of a heavy
barbell squat. In the former case, always have your training partner/trainer/
spotter help assist you throughout the movement, especially in the initial and
towards the end of the movement. Similar, when squatting have someone
stand behind you to assist you throughout the movement. A power rack is also
very helpful when you don’t have a spotter, as the safety bars help if you are
not able to get back up when squatting

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8-Leave your ego outside the gym

Guys, no ego lifting, otherwise, sooner or later you WILL end up injuring
yourself. I have been through that and have suffered an injury as a result of it.
You are in competition with yourself and not others. Ego lifting is simply a term
which your let your ‘ego’ cloud your judgement and in the process you usually
lift heavy weights than you can handle probably to impress the opposite sex or
beat other gym trainees probably your friend!

9-Progressive overload in small increments

Always progress in small increments. For example, when doing compound lifts
like squats, you should progress gradually.

10-Keep a training diary/journal


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The majority of people don't maintain a training diary because they think it’s
hard work to do so, or they simply think it’s not important.

If the weight is too light and you don't maintain a training diary, chances are
high that you will select a weight that is too light for you when you want to
perform 5 – 7 reps. Once you are into the set, you realize that you can easily
perform 12 reps with that weight. What do you do? Of course, you increase
the weight, which enables you to perform somewhere close to 6 reps.

You give your all with this X amount and you perform 8 reps (you take this set
to failure) and you are happy. What are the chances that you come back next
week and remember your 8 RM weight if you have not logged it? You start to
guess. Over time, what really happens is you are performing far too many sets
where you are not achieving progressive overload, which then short changes
your results.

11- Variety is the spice of life

As a weight lifter, I am obsessed with weight training. I love lifting, but I am not
in the gym six times a week. I prefer a variety of physical activities. I work out

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in the gym two to three time a week, and the rest of the week I do HIIT, hatha
yoga, swimming, and calisthenics. I am charged about the 10,000 steps daily
challenge on my Fitbit device, and I stand and work most of the time. All of this
ensures that I am building a well-rounded body that is not only good looking
but is functional and healthy.

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and that includes your health and fitness routine.
Working out doesn't need to feel like a chore, and variety in your training
ensures that it won’t. Variety promotes enjoyment and consistency and
ensures that you don't get bored.

FBX is not just about weights, cardio, and abs. In fact it’s a multifaceted
training system that encompasses flexibility and balance, allowing you to use
your muscles in all planes of motion as well as use all of your energy systems.
This doesn't mean that too much variety is good, though. I perform activities
specific to my goals. If I don't like something, I move on, and I usually stick
with things I am passionate about. The key is to find things you enjoy doing
that are also in alignment with your health and fitness goals


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12- Be specific.

One of the most common reason a person drops out of a fitness program is
lack of clarity about fitness goals. In one of his fabulous videos, my favorite life
coach, Robin Sharma, states that clarity precedes mastery.

This idea changed my life. I started contemplating the concept a lot. Do we

really know how much muscle we need to gain to have a pleasing look? Do
we know the benchmark of how strong should we be? What should be the
optimal range of key health indicators, and so on and so forth? At Fabulous
Body, I take the idea of clarity very seriously. That’s why I have built a whole
paradigm with pillars, laws, and criteria surrounding it. During more than a
decade of experience in the fitness industry, 90 percent of the people I’ve
worked with simply want to look good and feel good. Fortunately, there is a
formula for looking good, which you will read about later in this section.

Once you follow this course to the T, I promise you one thing that it will make
you so passionate that I promise that over time, working out and eating
healthy won’t seem like chores to you anymore.

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13- Progress: Live outside your comfort zone.

If you want to be a better person, you need to progress from old habits to new
ones. Similarly, if you want a fitter, better-looking, and healthier body, you
need to progress. To do this, you need to go outside of your comfort zone.

Progressing in the weight room (and in your training and life in general) is both
a science and an art, and getting the balance right is something that comes
from practice. If you do too much too soon, your momentum will break, and
you’ll become overwhelmed by the sheer effort required to reach your goal.
You’ll fail, and you’ll become fearful.

On the other hand, if you progress slowly and realistically, you will build up a
nice momentum in a safe manner. Before you know it, you’ll have entered new
territories you wouldn’t have believed you could achieve.

Let me illustrate this principle with an example. My ultimate goal is to reach

400 pounds in deadlift for ten reps. My previous approach included adding at
least 5 kg (about 11 pounds) every week, thinking it would help me reach my

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goal faster. This was fine in the beginning when my poundage was close to
my body weight, but eventually I started compromising my technique to
maintain this rate of progress! My knees and lower back started to hurt.

What did I do? As you might have guessed, I dropped the idea of deadlifting
altogether, convincing myself it was not a safe exercise. But the real problem
was that with this quick approach, I didn't give my body enough time to adapt
to the stimulus. If you apply the slow-building yet effective method that I
discuss in this book, you’ll enjoy every minute of your training reps!

14-Go high (or low).

There is a growing body of research that suggests you can get fit in relatively
little time. With the recent mega-success of Paleo diets, which mimic the diets
of ancient hunter gatherers, researchers are turning to a similar concept in
fitness and suggesting a fitness routine similar to the physical activity our
ancestors engaged in.


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Our genes were built millions of years ago, and if you think about the lifestyle
back then, you’ll see that our ancestors were either doing short burst of high
intensity activities (like saving themselves from wild animals or even hunting
them) or low intensity activities for a long period of time, like walking to find
shelter or something like that.

Forget about doing long, boring moderate-intensity cardio workouts, and

perform activities that you are genetically suited for.

15-Less is more: Apply the 80/20 rule to everything you do.

Recently, I read Perry Marshall’s amazing book 80/20 Sales and Marketing,
which is based on the premise that the 80/20 rule applies to everything you

The 80/20 Rule is the idea that 80 percent of your results come from 20
percent of your effort. It’s a principle that can be applied to every facet of your
life, and your training is certainly no exception.

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For example, out of all the exercises that you do (especially in the gym), just
20 percent of them yield 80 percent of the results you see. Compounded
further, only 4 percent of the exercises yield 64 percent of the results. Think
about that for a while!

Thousands and thousands of beautiful bodies were sculpted this way in the
era before 1959. One such example is Peary Rader, the editor of the famous
Iron Man magazine. Peary Rader gained almost 100 pounds in two years
performing just four exercises and working out twice a week at the most!

This 80/20 principle has worked wonders for me. Over the past few years, I
have been cutting my workout time dramatically from around fourteen hours a
week to just three to six hours, and I’ve seen exceptional results!

Shifting your focus to performing those magical 4 percent of exercises in every

workout will double your results while freeing up more of your precious time
for more meaningful pursuits.


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(If you still haven’t enrolled, then do so by clicking on the link above!)


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