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CLASS – XI (2021-22)
Subject Syllabus
English 1. GRAMMAR
CH-1 Unseen Passage
CH-2 Business Letter
CH-3 Determiners, Tenses And Re-Ordering Of Sentences
CH-4 Modals
BOOK- HORNBILL: CH-1 The Voice Of The Rain(Poem)
CH-2 The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role(Prose)
CH-3 The Browning Version (Play)
CH-4 Childhood (Poem)
CH-5 Silk Road (Prose)
BOOK-SNAPSHOTS CH-1 Albert Einstein At School (Prose)
CH-2 Mother’s Day (Poem)
CH-3 Birth (Prose)
Hindi I. आरोह
गद्य खण्ड -
1. स्पीति में बाररश 2. जामुन का पेड़ 3. भारि मािा
काव्य खण्ड -
1. घर की याद 2. गज़ऱ 3. आओ ममऱकर बचाएँ
II. वितान
पाठ - 1. राजस्थान की रजि बँदें 2. भारिीय ऱोक कऱाएँ
III. अभिव्यक्तत और माध्यम
पाठ -
1. जनसंचार माध्यम 2. विमभन्न माध्यमों के मऱए ऱेखन
3. पत्रकारीय ऱेखन के विमभन्न रूप और ऱेखन प्रक्रिया
IV. व्याकरण खण्ड
1. अपठठि काव्यांश 2. पत्र 3. रचनात्मक ऱेख
Economics Micro Economics:
1. Production Function and Return to a Factor
2. Cost of Cost
3. Concept of Revenue
4. Producer’s Equilibrium
5. Theory of Supply
6. Forms of Market
7. Market Equilibrium under perfect competition and effects of shift in demand and
1. Dispersion
2. Correlation
3. Index Number
Accountancy 1. Trial Balance
2. Bills of Exchange
3. Rectification of Errors
4. Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship
5. Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship with Adjustments
6. Accounting from Incomplete Records: Single Entry System
7. Computers in Accounting
Informatics Ch- Dictionary
Practices Ch- Understanding data
Ch- Numpy
Ch- Database concepts
Ch- Structure query language(SQL)
Ch- Emerging Trends
Physical CH 1- Physical Activities And Leadership Training
Education CH 2- Test Measurement And Evaluation
CH 3- Fundamental Of Antomy, Physiology and Sports
CH 4- Training And Doping In Sport’s
CH-5 Psychology And Sports
Business 1. Formation of Joint Stock Company
Studies 2. Sources of Business Finance
3. Small Business
4. Internal Trade
5. International Business
Maths CH-1 Trigonometric Function
CH-2 Linear Inequalities
CH-3 3D Co-Ordinate Geometry
CH-4 Derivatives
CH-5 Conic Section
CH-6 Permutation And Combination
CH-7 Probability

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