TVL CSS11 Q4 M16

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Computer Systems

Servicing 11
Quarter 4
Self-Learning Module 16
Network inspection procedures
Development Team of the Self-Learning Module
Writer: Ronald S. Bobis
Reviewers: Felix C. Vergara Jr.
Illustrator: Name
Layout Artist: Name
Management Team: Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin
OIC-Schools Division Superintendent
Aurelio G. Alfonso EdD
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Victor M. Javeña EdD
Chief, School Governance and Operations Division and
OIC-Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Education Program Supervisors

Librada L. Agon EdD (EPP/TLE/TVL/TVE)

Liza A. Alvarez (Science/STEM/SSP)
Bernard R. Balitao (AP/HUMSS)
Joselito E. Calios (English/SPFL/GAS)
Norlyn D. Conde EdD (MAPEH/SPA/SPS/HOPE/A&D/Sports)
Wilma Q. Del Rosario (LRMS/ADM)
Ma. Teresita E. Herrera EdD (Filipino/GAS/Piling Larang)
Perlita M. Ignacio PhD (EsP)
Dulce O. Santos PhD (Kindergarten/MTB-MLE)
Teresita P. Tagulao EdD (Mathematics/ABM)

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

1. identify the procedure in network inspection.
2. explain the procedure of checking the network;
3. appreciate the importance of network checking.


Directions: Carefully read the following questions. Choose the letter of the best
answer and write it on your notebook.

1. Reduces the chances of a single point of failure in your security

procedures and makes breaking into your device even more difficult.
A. Security audit C. Filtering email
B. Layered security D. Computer password

2. What should only approved workers have access to?

A. Security audit C. Computer password
B. Layered security D. Filtering email

3. Filtering Email viruses and spyware are often distributed via what?
A. Email Attachments C. Passwords
B. Harmful files D. E-mail

4. Can serve as a last line of protection by inspecting outgoing traffic and

preventing confidential data from exiting the network.
A. Passwords C. Security audit
B. Firewall D. E-mail

5. Command to ensure that the machines on your network can

communicate with one another.
A. Config C. CMD
B. Ping D. Diskpart
In the previous module, you have learned about configuration of patch panel.
Specifically, advantage of patch, and cable management of patch panel. You were
made aware that a patch panel is a piece of hardware with different ports that aids
in the organization of a group of cables. Each of these ports has a wire that connects
to a separate place. Patch panels can be very small, with just a few ports, or very
large, with hundreds of ports. They can also be configured for fiber optic cables, cat5
cables, RJ45 cables, and other types of cables. The patch panel in a LAN links the
network's computers to one another as well as to the outside lines that enable the
LAN to link to the Internet or another WAN. Patch cords are used to connect devices.
Circuits may be arranged and rearranged on the patch panel by plugging and
unplugging patch cords. This module focuses on topic about network inspection


The Network Inspection System is a network-based IDS/IPS system that

makes use of the GAPA programming language to create NIS signatures quickly. On
both the Internet and the intranet, NIS inspects network traffic for a list of the most
widely used protocols and assesses the traffic for possibly malicious programs. NIS
is currently available with the TMG firewall, which inspects traffic to and from the
Internet, as well as with Microsoft Security Essentials, which inspects traffic entering
and exiting Windows hosts. Since NIS is based on the Windows Filtering Platform, it
is only compatible with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. NIS is the best
IDS/IPS for Windows hosts since it focuses on Windows-based vulnerabilities. All
these features allow the TMG firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials to provide a
high level of security for networks with Windows servers and clients.

You have always heard the adage that "pulling all the cables out of their
Ethernet jacks is the only way to protect your network." While such an answer is
given jokingly, and would not work in today's wireless world anyway, the idea is that
if one computer can communicate with another computer (or computing device, as
tablets and smart phones are making up a growing percentage of network connected
devices compared to PCs), there is always the risk that one of the machines will
compromise. Of course, exploits can be taken from one system to another using
disposable media, so you do not need a wired Ethernet network or even wi-fi to carry
out the compromise (CDs, DVDs, floppies, USB keys, etc.). Given the growing use of
wi-fi and mobile phone carrier-based "G" (3G, 4G) networks, network attacks are
likely to be "over the air" in the future.
To make sure your computer network keeps functioning properly, you need to follow
procedures and steps for network security.

Computer Passwords - Only approved workers should have access to passwords,

and you should maintain a list of employees who have access to company servers.
Do not leave your password on your desk if you need to write it down. At least once
a month, all passwords should be updated.

Use Layered Security - A layered approach to network security, according to

ComputerWorld, is the most successful. For example, the Internet traffic should be
protected by a firewall, and each server should be protected by antivirus software
and the operating system firewall. Layered security reduces the chances of a single
point of failure in your security procedures and makes breaking into your device even
more difficult. Users are often prevented from accessing restricted files or servers by
several protection systems.

Security Audit - According to the online network security resource IT Security, a

routine security audit of your computer network is important to good network
security. Every week, print out security logs and review the operation. If you detect
a pattern of security breaches, improve the areas that are being targeted and notify
the relevant Internet service provider about the attackers' IP addresses. You should
also keep track of which websites your workers visit and see if they are visiting any
pages that could contain viruses or other security risks.

Filtering Email - Viruses and spyware are often distributed via email attachments.
Install an email filter on your server that looks at attachments and looks for
potentially harmful files. Have a segment advising people not to open attachments in
emails from strangers.

Why Are Network Inspection Devices Necessary?

More than just perimeter protection, network inspection devices are useful.
They can be set up to filter traffic between individual network assets, providing
protection in depth and slowing the pace at which an attack spreads through the

Finally, firewalls can serve as a last line of protection by inspecting outgoing

traffic and preventing confidential data from exiting the network. Outgoing data
packet inspection on the network may help detect unusual requests and prevent
them from being completed. As a result, data breaches can be avoided—though
attackers often attempt to circumvent the firewall's blocking of outgoing traffic.

Testing Your Computer Network

You have installed all your network switches, connected all your cables, and set up
all your computers. You still have one task to complete before you can declare your
network complete: you must verify that it functions as intended.
Here are a few quick tests you can run to ensure your network is up and

➢ Make sure the physical links are safe.

On each screen, make sure the Connection light — the small red or green light next
to the RJ-45 port — is turned on. This light should be checked on both the device
and the switch or router to which it is connected. If this light is not on, you are
dealing with a link problem, most likely a faulty cable.
➢ Check to see if you can log in.
After you have confirmed that the physical connections are safe, try logging on to
each of your network computers with a legitimate domain user account.
➢ Examine the network's setup.
Press the Enter key after clicking the Start button and entering cmd. Then, press
Enter to run the command ipconfig /all. This command will spit out many lines of
data. This is the kind of line you are looking for:

If you do not see a valid IP address in this section of the output, double-check that
your IP configuration is right and that your DHCP server is operational.
➢ Verify that the computers can ping each other.
You can also run the ping command from a command prompt to ensure that the
machines on your network can communicate with one another.
In Windows 10, go to the taskbar and type:
• To open the Command Prompt, type "cmd."
• Open a Command Prompt window.
• In the black box, type "ping" and press the space bar.
• Ping the IP address that you want to ping (e.g., 192.XXX.X.X).
• Examine the ping results that have been shown.

Figure 1.0

A. Direction: WORD SEARCH: find the following words listed below. Encircle it.

B. Direction: Make an infographic about testing your computer network.


Direction: To assess yourself about the things you have learned from the lesson, fill
in the details below.

Today I learned that ______________________________________________


DIRECTION: Read and answer the following questions carefully in two to three
sentences each number.

1. How will you use the knowledge you acquired about Network inspection


2. Cite a situation in which you can apply the knowledge of understanding

Network inspection Procedure?

Direction: Write T on the line if the statement is correct and F if the statement is

___1. Given the growing use of wi-fi and mobile phone carrier-based "G" (3G, 4G)
networks, network attacks are likely to be "over the air" in the future.

___2. According to the online network security resource IT Security, a routine

security audit of your computer network is important to good network security.

___3. After you have confirmed that the physical connections are safe, try logging on
to each of your network computers with a legitimate domain user account.
___4. On both the Internet and the intranet, NIC inspects network traffic for a list of
the most widely used protocols and assesses the traffic for possibly malicious

___5. Do not leave your password on your desk if you need to write it down. At least
once a month, all passwords should be updated.

B 5.
T 5.
B 4.
F 4.
A 3. T 3.
C 2. T 2.
B 1. T 1.

Pretest key to correction Posttest key to correction

• Google.” Testing your computer network” Accessed April 17, 2021.
• Google.” Procedure in network security” Accessed April 17, 2021
• Google.” Network inspection devices” Accessed April 18, 2021
• Google.” Network inspection system” Accessed April 18, 2021

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