The Bulletin - July 31, 2011

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Weekly Announcements July 31, 2011

the bulletin

First Christian Church

Disciples of Christ
Minneapolis, MN

A Movement for Wholeness in a Fragmented World.

July 31-August 7, 2011
Give to Plaster House
First Christian is in the middle of a drive to raise $2000 to go towards the expansion of Plaster House. We will be accepting donations between July 17 and August 15. You can write a check and put the words Plaster House on the memo line or donate online by going to the FCC website. Please give generously.

The latest issue of the Courier newsletter is available in the lounge.

Church Picnic
First Christian will have their annual Church Picnic on Sunday, August 14 at the Upper Mississippi Regional Park. For the second year in a row, we will also have worship at the park, so plan to come the park to worship and have a wonderful time of fellowship in the great outdoors! If you are in need of a ride to park, the church bus will be available. Please call the church in advance.

Live at Greenleaf
The Greenleaf, affordable apartments going up next to the our soon to be new church home, is taking names to get applications out to people who may be interested in renting an apartment at 28th and Lyndale. If you call, tell them you are a member of First, Lyndale or Salem. Call them now and you'll receive and application and be in the first round that's processed quickly. They want to be a resource for us. The number to call for BDC Management is: 612-371-0766.

Missed a service? Wanted to know about more about First Christian? Check out our sermon podcasts: A www.fccminneapolis. org/podcasts

We Want Your Stories!

Were writing a book! Deb Murphy and Becki Whitaker are taking on the project of writing a book (or books) about the history and stories of members of First Christian Church with a focus on our time here on 1st Avenue. We want your stories! Weve set up some times to sit and reminisce about events that have happened in our space, important ministries weve done, and anything else you think would be relevant. Well start you off with some questions, which will hopefully spark some fun discussion. Everyone is invited to come to one or more sessions to talk, listen, snack, and have fun. Please sign up in the lounge or contact one of us. Bus transportation is available upon request. Are you part of a church group that meets regularly? Would you be willing to devote a meeting to this discussion? Wed love to come visit you. We will also be visiting homebound members, so let us know if youd like a visit or know someone who would. Written submissions (preferably electronic!) are also welcomed. Whether youve been with us for a day or 70 years, we want to hear your stories. Contact us if you have questions or would like to set up a time to talk. You can sign up in the lounge, or contact Becki Whitaker( or 651-686-6571) or Deb Murphy (

First Christian is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Disciples are denomination known for an Open Theology and an Open Table. To find out more about our heritage, check out our denominational B page:

Upcoming Mission Events

Feed My Starving Children: We will join our new partners in ministry from Salem Lutheran and Lyndale UCC to pack food for hungry children around the world. Please join us at the Coon Rapids facility Saturday, August 20 from 9AM-11AM. Signup sheets will be available starting today.

the bulletin july 31, 2011

First Christian seeks to be a place of welcome to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons. All are welcome to Gods Table. To find out more about our LGBT ministry, please go to www.fccminneapolis. org/opentable.

Backpack Sunday 2011: We will again be collecting backpacks and school supplies in August to help children and adults as they head back to school. The stuffed backpacks will be donated to the Restoration Center, a ministry of Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. We will start collecting backpacks starting Sunday, August 21st and bless them in early September. Cookout: Open Table, our LGBT ministry, will have a cookout on Friday, August 5 starting at 5:30pm here at the church. This event is open to all LGBT youth and their allies. For more information, please contact the church.

Minnesotans Standing Together 9/11/11

Sunday, September 11, 2011, 2:00 4:00 p.m. Minnesota State Capitol Steps On this September 11 remember the tragedies of ten years ago by joining together peacefully with all Minnesotans, despite our differences, and committing to the common purpose of rejecting violence, hate, and divisiveness. This public ceremony for all Minnesotans will be led by representatives of the diverse and rich faith communities of our state. The ceremony will include prayers, music, and inspiration from many religious traditions, offering comfort for those who are suffering. We will demonstrate Minnesotas values and identity. We will create a space for hope and the possibility of moving forward from the tragedies of the past as we seek inspiration for greater cooperation across differences for the common good.

Children are welcome here at First. A childrens church takes place after the childrens sermon where kids learn about the different aspects of Christian worship. The kids will be back before the celebration of communion. If your little one is in need of nursery care, feel free to ask an usher for help.

2011 School for Congregational Learning Great Awakening!

The School for Congregational Learning (SCL) is the largest regional event of the year where almost 500 Disciples of all ages gather to learn & fellowship together for one short day. There are dozens of workshops to choose from, activities for children and youth, and Christian Piatt as this years keynote speaker. This year the SCL is on Saturday, August 27 at West Des Moines Christian Church in Des Moines, IA. The days scheduled events include Worship, a morning workshop of your choice, a family style lunch, a keynote speaker, and an afternoon workshop of your choice.

Want to get involved in the life of First Christian?

Please feel free to contact the following people: Bob Brite , Transitional Pastor Dennis Sanders, Associate Pastor Deb Murphy, Director of Spiritual Formation

the bulletin july 31, 2011

This W eek @ First Aug. 2- Worship Team, 7PM Aug.3- Staff Meeting, Noon Aug.4- Handcrafters, 9AM Aug.5- Open Table LGBT Cookout, 5:30PM Aug. 6- Mens Group, 9AM

Cost for everything is only $20 per adult, free for infants-4 years old, and $5 for ages 5-18. Workshop Opportunities, descriptions of classes and registration forms are available in church lounge and on the Upper Midwest Christian Church web site Our own Associate Pastor, Dennis Sanders will be teaching a class on communication and the small church, drawing from his experiences at First. Lunch is included in your registration cost, however if you have special dietary needs, call the West Des Moines Church office by August 15: 515-223-1639 The Keynote speaker will be presented after lunch, before your afternoon workshops.This year our keynote speaker will be Christian Piatt! Christian speaks, preaches and facilitates workshops nationally on congregational transformation, young adult spirituality, church and technology, faith and culture and postmodern spirituality. He consults with religious and educational institutions on communications, social media and public relations. He is a musician, spoken word artist and co-founder of Milagro Christian Church in Pueblo, Colorado. Christian brings new ideas on understanding the Church in todays changing culture.

Ministry Team
All Members of the Congregation Robert Brite, Interim Minister Dennis Sanders, Associate Minister of Diversity and Mission Chris Wogaman, Office Manager James Baumgartner, Director of Music Bryon Wilson, Interim Organist Rick Bowman, Building Manager Deb Murphy, Director of Spiritual Forma-tion & Community Ministry Serena Carlson, Nursery Attendant Martha Harris, Courier Editor Telephone: 612.870.1868 Prayer Phone: 612.870.0984 E-Mail: Fax: 612.870.1860

A Movement for Wholeness in a Fragmented World. Worship Time: 10AM, Summer Childrens Worship, after Childrens Sermon

2201 First Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55404


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