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Gestarum Alexandri magni, an abridgment made in the 4th or

natures except shrapnel) is contained in a flannel or canvas

Lee joined him (August 17) with the corps of Longstreet.

conference of the Hague. The outcome of the war, Alexander

some disparaging words about the queen-mother; but he was

to save his own life. He died in prison in Africa in 1095.

admiral of France. In 1515, at the request of the Scottish

till Dr W. Dorpfeld resumed the work at Hissarlik in 1892

can give more time to the careful investigation of points of

in the Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti (Paris,

Quincy. Jefferson died on the same day. In 1764 Adams had married

delighted in showing that words, fables, customs, &c., which

Total 10,381,765

thus discovered are the more remarkable when it is considered

indeed to improvements of the land, but to what were still


which contains a certain proportion of imperfectly converted

its entirety till 1901, when a new act came into operation.

records, but at the Domesday survey most of the land was held

law. The engineer corps was abolished in 1899, the then

Serge Tatischeff, Alexandre I. et Napoleon d'apres leur

Canada. As early as 1883-1885 there was a considerable mining

Maryland, "America" (1832) by Samuel Francis Smith (1808-1895)

five are combined to form a set, but it has the drawback that

boiling betbeen 175 deg. and 185 deg. C. is redistilled. The

his reign, when M. Katkov had acquired a certain influence

cattell, nor by his cattell without corne. And bycause that

expedition made its way, encountering immense difficulties,

About 1772 the lord of the manor of some commonable lands

the effect of the explosion, may be destroyed by the shower

1005, the district includes the eastern part of the Ajanta

official exercised nearly all the executive power. At the

provinces, and also by foreign merchants from the seaports

iii.). By him the term was confined to the territory of

(1904); A. Furtwangler and G. Loschke, Mykenische

Milan, 1875 ff.). LITERATURE: Th. Forster, Ambrose, B. of

neighbor. His services to the allies received their reward.

relations by blood. The marriage having made them one person,

operations. Stifel introduced the sign (+) for addition or

market, has greatly facilitated the acquisition of other

St Augustine's Holiday, and other Poems. His wife, Cecil

to Tirah in the summer months. The Adam Khel (5900 fighting

Town and Christiansborg, indicative of its tripartite

Vienna. Pop. (1890) 38,742; (1900) 57,930, or with garrison

Pygmies, who live in the inmost recesses of the forest and

all magnetism has to be replaced by a distribution of current;

fathoms. The bora (north-east wind), and the prevalence

are subjected to pressure and interstitial movements during

action of which are precisely similar to the wireless tube already

written, would easily be confused in writing, and Professor Hempl

electric railways connecting with neighbouring cities.

geologists have considered to represent an old arm of the

24 On the later investigations into musical consonance and

vinifera (bamboo-palm), not found, generally speaking, in

universally regretted, from the gentleness and graciousness

to Plato. (See Bosanquet, Hist. of Aesth. pp. 51-52). For

Russia, which began in 1825, was attended with the same want of

remains of large baths ( Thermae Herculis) and a theatre.

(Vulpes Bengalensis) is found; also V. flavescens, common

off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein to the south of

Lord Granville, then at the British Foreign Office, had

father of Pericles. On several coins of Teos he is represented,

ability in the period now in question, it is not easy to

of the glacier of the Aar near the site of the old Hotel des

1566. Letters which he wrote to Lord Burghley, describing the

in favour of France and the Roman Catholic missionaries. After

the death of his elder brother in 1865, he began to study

became acquainted with Thomas Harriot, John Dee and other famous

means of preventing rising of cream, milk-cooler and cooling

numerous. The resorts most frequented are in the vicinity

of March 1891 an agreement between Italy and Great Britain

places a height of 7000 ft. In the west the zone of high

of the Rabbinic traditions which, using the Mishnah as text, led

On the summit of the mound were large phalli of stone.

value of such an object will be viewed as consisting in the

hiber Albus it was strictly observed in the days of Edward

Marine follows the lines of a Roman street. Roman cemeteries

1894 60,704 78,601 190,863 7,198 6229

been erroneously cited as the first among newspaper

1621, the Dutch invaded the Portuguese colony of Brazil,

Kinross-shire. He was gazetted an ensign at the age of

the ``Cereal Belt.'' In 1906, according to the Year-Book

AETHELFLAED (ETHELFLEDA), the ``Lady of the Mercians,''

Lango and ja-Luo tribes, all four being practically pure

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