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Nowadays, many people want to be success like the richest man in the world, Elon musk, smart as

Albert Einstein,Discipline as Vladimir Putin. However, many people cannot achieve it because of fear
failure. For your information,Albert Einstein, known as the genius person also known as the founder
of energy formula E=MC2 cannot create it only a night. He never stop trying and discover every
aspect and possibilities that can happen before he found it. Hence, I will agree that students should
experience many failures before they taste success.

In the beginning, students must be brave to discover something new. At school, They have provided
many co-curricular activities such as tennis,football,badminton and debates. However, students
prefer to not involve because they are lack of confidence and motivation. Besides, they want to stay
at class and play with their friend every day without trying something new. Many people argued that
school is a place for study only, but at the same time school also is a place that can explore new skill
and development of soft skill. In other words, school is a suitable place to shape a person not only
smart at academic but also smart in life. So, students must be brave to try something new and fail
before they taste success.

Next, failure also offer student to see the new paths. Many student have many ambition when they
are little, but when they are grow up they realise that they cannot achieve all of that. Hence, by
trying and fail, they can discover something new that can be unexpected thing in their life. Some
student are excellent at mathematics but weak at history. Every human has their own uniqueness
that can be known by themselves . So, with failure, they can explore the other thing that can be one
of the factor why they have been created in this world. However, some people argued that failure is
a factor of depression and anxiety. This may be true in some cases when the student serves his
feeling without trying to get back up. If students are keep trying and did not serve their feeling they
can be a excellent person in the future. In conclusion, when we are keep trying and fail, we can see
that failure offer us a new path of success.

Lastly, failure is a great lesson for our self growth. Many parent say they want their children to learn
from our mistake. This may be true because of failure teach us how to be a strong person and can
accept every challeng with a strong mind. People with ‘no fear’ mentality allows us to benefit from
whatever action oucome combination may arise. It is not about seeking out failure but rather
accepting the challenges that are no guarantee to go in your favor. The key of success is to keep
trying eventhough you are down or sad. This can be a stepping stone to become a successful person
in the world. Finally, student must face of the failure because it a great lesson to be half of our
journey to achive the success.

In conclusion, success is not about to be richest person or smartest person or discipline person.
Success is about how your action to face off the failure happen in your life. Hence, failure is success
if we learn from it

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