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SoSt 124 Human Resource Management

Theories of motivation and some negative factors which may

hinder motivation of staff.
Answer what is asked on the following:

1.   Identify some negative factors which may hinder motivation of staff

in the school setting and explain in your words the reason/s why it
hinders them.

Frequent and unnecessary circulars- This factor may constrain employee

motivation within a company as it can lead to confusion and boredom since
employees will be unsure of what to do first or prioritize, which may cause
them to become bored since they have a lot of things to do, and they may
simply stop doing them because they are no longer motivated.

Crowded staff room- This condition may make employees in the

organization feel discouraged since they will be distracted and anxious.
Because some activities require specific attention and comprehension, having
a large number of people in an office might produce excessive noise, which
can distract or annoy other employees who are trying to do their tasks.

Favouritism and Victimization- Employees may become uninspired as a

result of this behaviour, since they see injustices and toxic management
inside the firm. They may feel not giving in their best, since they know that
whatever they do will have no impact as there is a favoritism inside the
organization. As a result, the camaraderie and cooperation between
employees and administrators will be ruined.

2.  Describe briefly in your own words and cite example/s on the two
theories of motivation emphasized in the discussion.

Theory of Human Need

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological, motivational theory. This

hierarchy, which encompasses five categories of human needs,
(Physiological needs, Safety, Love and belonging, Esteem and Self-
actualization). Each level has its own set of requirements that a person must
meet in order to feel fulfilled and for them to proceed to the next level. The
hierarchy is frequently shown as a pyramid to represent the need to finish the
lower levels before moving on to the next. A person cannot progress until they
are content on the level below, since they will be unable to do so due to a lack
of motivation. For instance, in Physiological needs which deals with the
most basic needs of human such as air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth,
sex, sleep. If a person could achieve this needs he or she would and cannot
proceed to the next level which is security as he/she must fulfil it before
proceeding to next level due to how could you seek for security if your basic
needs are not met.
Theory X and Theory Y

McGregor initially defined Theory X and Theory Y in his book "The Human
Side of Enterprise," and they pertain to two management styles: authoritarian
(Theory X) and participatory (Theory Y) (Theory Y).

Theory X

Theory X supervisors have a gloomy attitude toward their employees,

assuming that they are innately uninspired and detest on doing their jobs.
Moreover, this management style presupposes that employees: Dislike their
work, Avoid taking responsibility and require continual guidance, To deliver
work, you must be controlled, forced, and intimidated, At all times, the staff
must be monitored ave little motivation to work or ambition, and must be lured
to attain goals through rewards. As a result, they believe that team members
must be continually reminded, rewarded, or penalized to ensure that they
accomplish their jobs and for them to be motivated. Work in such companies
may be monotonous, and individuals are frequently motivated using a "carrot
and stick" strategy. Performance evaluations and pay are often based on
measurable outcomes, like as sales statistics or product output, and are used
to manage and "keep eyes" on employees. Like, they will received a salary
based on the job or task they have done.

Theory Y

Theory Y managers have a good attitude toward their employees and

employ a decentralized, participatory management style. This motivates
managers and their team members to work together more collaboratively and
trustingly. Administrator push employees to enhance their abilities and
recommend improvements as they take on more responsibility. Appraisals are
held on a regular basis, but they are intended to foster open dialogue rather
than to manage employees, as they are in Theory X businesses.
Organizations are becoming increasingly interested in Theory Y. This
underscores workers' growing demand for more fulfilling jobs that offer more
than simply a salary.

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