Rules and Procedures Educ 474

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the Warrior Band family! Your child is now a member of an

organization with a long-standing tradition of excellence. Being in this program is an
amazing opportunity for your child to learn life and leadership skills through the study of
music. Experiences in band include extensive music skill development, opportunity for
creative expression, public performance, travel, and development of lifelong friendships.
This is all coupled with the dynamics of participation in a student lead organization that
thrives on teamwork, goal-based achievement, and pride.

To succeed in this program students must exemplify exceptional behavior in

class and on the marching field. Their hard work, dedication, spirit, enthusiasm, service,
clear communication, and constant commitment to the band is crucial to the quality of
their band experience. I have attached the rules and expectations to this letter so that
you are aware of the behavior each student is expected to uphold. If all expectations are
met then your child will be able to fully participate in our marching band, jazz bands and
concert bands. These ensembles will include off-campus trips and performances such
as football games, gigs and their Music Performance Assessment. If the student does
not follow the procedures and expectations then I will use a tear system for discipline.
Tier System
1) Verbal warning
2) Student / Teacher Conference
3) Call home/ E-mail home
4) Parent conference
5) Behavior Contract

Whether their motivation for being in the band is musical, social, leadership oriented, or
simply for fun, your student is the most integral part in ensuring our band’s success.

Let's have a great year together!

Ms. Swantic
Classroom Rules

It is important to create a positive and safe environment to allow the chance

for every student to succeed. These rules are in place to allow for optimal

student learning and productivity.

● Students will be respectful to their peers. This includes keeping

hands, feet, and objects to themselves; and allowing a quiet

● Technology is to be silenced before class and out of sight for the

entirety of class.

● All food, beverages and gum are to be disposed of before entering

the band room. Only water is allowed.

● Only students enrolled in a band class are allowed in the band room,

friends can wait in the hallway.

● Students will only touch and play their own instruments, never touch

somebody's instrument without their permission. Students are

responsible for their instrument and should never leave it unattended.


Before School
The band room will be open 30 minutes before school begins each day.
Students will be able to enter and drop off their instruments every morning
before the warning bell.
Every student will be assigned a personal locker for their own instrument.
Instruments should never be left unattended and should remain in their
LOCKED case when not being used.

Start of Class
Please enter the room in a calm manner and quickly retrieve instruments
from your assigned locker. When getting your instrument from your storage
locker, take your instrument out of the case, replace the case in the locker,
then move to your assigned seat. All students should be ready in their
seats within 2 minutes of the last bell.

After School
The band room will be open for 45 minutes after the end of each school
day. Students are welcome to come and practice during this time but must
have a ride ready to pick them up afterwards.

Practice Rooms
The practice rooms are only to be used for practicing or private lessons.
Before and after school, the band hall and practice rooms are areas of work
or practice. No more than two people are allowed in a practice room at a
time and rooms should always be left clean.
Tardy Policy
At the designated time, students must be in their seats with their
instrument, all necessary band supplies, and in the “ready to play”
position to be considered on time.

Consequences for tardiness are handled by the front office.

Layout Plan

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