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Question 1

a) Frequency table to represent the responses of 48 randomly selected respondents:-

very important important fairly important very important fairly important important

important slightly important not important fairly important important very important

fairly very important very important

important fairly important important important

important very important important slightly important fairly important fairly important

important slightly important not important very important important important

important very important important slightly important fairly important fairly important

important slightly important not important very important important important

important slightly important not important fairly important important very important

slightly fairly importan very
Responses (x) importan Total
important important t important
Frequency (f) 4 6 12 16 10 48

Table 1: Number of responses in the survey

b) Relative frequency distribution table :-

Relative frequency =
Total Frequency

not fairly
importan slightly importan very
Responses (x) Total
t important t Important important
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Frequency (f) 4/48 = 6/48 = 12/48 = 16/48 = 10/48 = 48
0.083 0.125 0.250 0.333 0.208

c) Bar chart for Distribution based on the frequency table in (b) as below :-

Responses in Survey
0.35 0.333



0.1 0.083


Frequency (f)

not important slightly important fairly important Important very important

Figure 1: The Bar Chart shows the current responses in survey

d) The bar chart show that the responses by 48 respondents in a survey on the
importance of introducing science and environmental education to early childhood.
The respondents were most of the time will answer that it is “important” by 16
responses, 12 respondents on “fairly important”, 10 respondents on “very important”,
6 respondents on “slightly important” and only 4 respondents took the answer as “not

e) This study use the 5-point Likert Scale as below:

not important slightly important fairly important important very important

1 2 3 4 5

Responses not slightly fairly Importan very Total

(x) importan important important t important
t (2) (3) (4) (5)
Frequency (f) 4 6 12 16 10 48

i. Mean

Total Frequency
Mean =
No of Scale

Mean =

Mean = 9.6

ii. Mode

Responses importan slightly fairly Importan very
(x) t important important t important
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Frequency (f) 4 6 12 16 10 48

Since the “4” occurs 16 times (the highest frequency), the mode is “4”.

iii. Median

Median = ½ (n + 1)

Median = ½ (48 + 1)

Median = ½ (49)

Median = 24.5; Thus, the position of median is 24.5 which in 4

iv. Variance
Variance - σ2 = ∑ (x − x̅)2 / n
Sample Variance - s2 = ∑ (x − x̅) 2 / n − 1
Sample Mean = 9.6; as in i.
Variance, σ2 = ∑ (x − x̅)2 / n-1
Variance, σ2 = ∑ ((42 + 62 + 122 + 162 + 102) – (9.6)2 / n-1
Variance, σ2 = ∑ ((16 + 36 + 144 + 256 + 100) – (9.6)2 / n-1
Variance, σ2 = ∑ (552 – 92.16) / n-1
Variance, σ2 = 459.84 / 5-1
Variance, σ2 = (459.84 / 4)
Variance, σ2 = (114.96)

v. Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation, s2 = ∑ (x − x̅) 2 / n − 1
Standard Deviation, s = √(459.84 / 4)
Standard Deviation, s = √(114.96)
Standard Deviation, s = 10.722

vi. Pearson's coefficient of skewness

Pearson's first coefficient of skewness, sk1 
= (Mean−Mode)/ Standard Deviation
= (9.6 – 4)/10.722
= 0.522
Question 2
Bachelor Master’s
Diploma Total
Degree Degree
B40 25 20 10 55
M40 35 60 57 152
T20 15 35 43 93
Total 75 115 110 300

i. Tree Diagram




The Binomial distribution is a probability distribution that is used to model the probability

that a certain number of “successes” occur during a certain number of trials.

In this article we share 5 examples of how the Binomial distribution is used in the real world.

Example 1: Number of Side Effects from Medications

Medical professionals use the binomial distribution to model the probability that a certain
number of patients will experience side effects as a result of taking new medications.

For example, suppose it is known that 5% of adults who take a certain medication experience
negative side effects. We can use a Binomial Distribution Calculator to find the probability
that more than a certain number of patients in a random sample of 100 will experience
negative side effects.

P(X > 5 patients experience side effects) = 0.38400

P(X > 10 patients experience side effects) = 0.01147

P(X > 15 patients experience side effects) = 0.0004

And so on.

This gives medical professionals an idea of how likely it is that more than a certain number of
patients will experience negative side effects.

Example 2: Number of Fraudulent Transactions

Banks use the binomial distribution to model the probability that a certain number of credit
card transactions are fraudulent.

For example, suppose it is known that 2% of all credit card transactions in a certain region are
fraudulent. If there are 50 transactions per day in a certain region, we can use a Binomial
Distribution Calculator to find the probability that more than a certain number of fraudulent
transactions occur in a given day:

P(X > 1 fraudulent transaction) = 0.26423

P(X > 2 fraudulent transactions) = 0.07843

P(X > 3 fraudulent transactions) = 0.01776

And so on.

This gives banks an idea of how likely it is that more than a certain number of fraudulent
transactions will occur in a given day.

Example 3: Number of Spam Emails per Day

Email companies use the binomial distribution to model the probability that a certain number
of spam emails land in an inbox per day.

For example, suppose it is known that 4% of all emails are spam. If an account receives 20
emails in a given day, we can use a Binomial Distribution Calculator to find the probability
that a certain number of those emails are spam:

P(X = 0 spam emails) = 0.44200

P(X = 1 spam email) = 0.36834

P(X = 2 spam emails) = 0.14580

And so on.

Example 4: Number of River Overflows

Park systems use the binomial distribution to model the probability that rivers overflow a
certain number of times each year due to excessive rain.

For example, suppose it is known that a given river overflows during 5% of all storms. If
there are 20 storms in a given year, we can use a Binomial Distribution Calculator to find the
probability that the river overflows a certain number of times:

P(X = 0 overflows) = 0.35849

P(X = 1 overflow) = 0.37735

P(X = 2 overflows) = 0.18868

And so on.

This gives the parks departments an idea of how many times they may need to prepare for
overflows throughout the year.

Example 5: Shopping Returns per Week

Retail stores use the binomial distribution to model the probability that they receive a certain
number of shopping returns each week.

For example, suppose it is known that 10% of all orders get returned at a certain store each
week. If there are 50 orders that week, we can use a Binomial Distribution Calculator to find
the probability that the store receives more than a certain number of returns that week:

P(X > 5 returns) = 0.18492

P(X > 10 returns) = 0.00935

P(X > 15 returns) = 0.00002

And so on.

This gives the store an idea of how many customer service reps they need to have in the store
that week to handle returns.

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