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Migpangi Elementary School

Lesson Plan in English 6

I. Objective: Evaluate or look at the ways how the author developed the
character in the story.

II. Subject Matter: How the Author Characterized the Character.

Reference: Joy in Learning English 6

Materials: laptop, projector

Values Integration: Discuss the importance of understanding one’s character


III. Procedure: Explicit Teaching

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preparation:

1. Review
What was our previous lesson all Our previous lesson was about
about? the types of characters.

What are the types of character? Protagonist and Antagonist.

2. Motivation
Who is your favorite character in a ( Pupil give his/her answer)
story or movie?
Why do you like him/her? ( Pupil give his/her answer)

B. Presentation:

1. Modelling
Today we will discuss about how the
author characterized the character.

Characters do things. They feel things.

They hear things. They say things. They think
things. And these actions show us what kind of
people these characters are: friendly, sad, nosey,
happy, confused, angry, or inventive.
Authors characterized the
character based on what the character says, do,
thinks, feels, looks and how other characters react.

The way the author gives information or

describes the characters can be done through
direct and indirect characterization.

Now, let’s try to look at the ways how the

author developed the character of the story
a. Direct Characterization – the author tells
readers about the trait of the character or
what the character is like. Details about the
character are directly stated and it can be
found in the narration.
Let’s read the text below and see how
Cinderella is described by the author.
Once upon a time a girl named Cinderella
lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. She
was very kind, hardworking and diligent. She had
to work hard all day long so the others could rest.
It was she who had to wake up each morning when
it was still dark and cold to start the fire. It was she
who cooked the meals. It was she who kept the fire

In this text, the author clearly states the

characteristic of Cinderella as kind, hardworking
and diligent girl. The way the author describes
Cinderella is through direct characterization.
Direct means it is stated in the text.

b. Indirect Characterization - the author

shows what a character is like through what
the character says, thinks, does and how
the other characters react and how the
character look like. Let’s read the text
below and see how the author gives
information about the attitude of
Cinderella’s stepmother and step-sisters.
This is how Cinderella’s stepmother and step-
sisters reacted when they knew that Cinderella
also wanted to go to the ball.
You?” yelled the stepmother. “Who said you were
going to the ball?”
“What a laugh!” said one step-sister. “Such a
mess!” They pointed at Cinderella. All of them
In this text, the author does not clearly state that
Cinderella’s stepmother and step-sisters were
cruel. It is through the characters’ speech and
action we can say that Cinderella’s stepmother and
were cruel. In this example, the author gives
details about the character through indirect
You?” yelled the stepmother. “Who said you were
going to the ball?” This line means that the
stepmother is cruel. This is a major trait or
characteristic of her stepmother. She did not want
Cinderella to be happy. She is not kind.

2. Guided Practice

Directions: Read the passage below. The

character in each passage shows certain character
trait. If the character trait given is directly stated in
the text, write Direct. However, if the character
trait is not directly stated, write Indirect.

1. Dove’s Character Trait – Helpful

A Dove saw an Ant fall into a brook. The Ant
struggled in vain to reach the bank, and in
pity, the Dove dropped a blade of straw close
beside it to save the ant.

2. Shepherd’s Boy Character Trait -irresponsibly

To liven up his day, the shepherd boy
thought it would be fun to scare the villagers
and scream, “Wolf, wolf!”

3. Kyle’s Character Trait- tired and bored

Mrs. Galindo was teaching the students
about characterizations. Kyle felt tired and bored.

4. Dog’s character trait- greedy

The greedy dog thought he saw a real dog
carrying a bone much bigger than his own. Is this
character trait directly stated or not?

5. Ivan’s Character Trait- dishonest

While playing football with his friends, Ivan
overthrew the ball and accidently broke his mom’s
picture window. Nobody was home, but all of the
other boys soon found excuses to leave. When
Evan’s mom came home, she asked what had
happened. Ivan looked her in the face and said, “A
bird smashed into the window, Mom.”
3. Independent Practice
Directions: Read the text below taken from
the story “The Boastful Turtle”. Mark
check on the appropriate column that tells the way
the author developed the character turtle. Do this
in the attached activity sheet.
What What What
the the the
Text others
turtle turtle turtle
Says Does Thinks
1. There was
once a turtle
who talked
so much
2. The other
creatures on
avoided him.
3. One day
when the
turtle saw a
goose flying
above him.
He said,
"Teach me
how to fly."
4. “I can’t
right now,"
the goose
"My flock is
migrating for
the cold
season”. But
I want to
the turtle
cried. “And I
want to fly
5. “They
must think I
am a
creature, to
have come
so high
above,” the
“Well, I
4. Value Integration
Is it good to be boastful?
That’s right!
We should always remain humble and
kind no matter what our achievements
in life.

C. Evaluation
Directions: Select the statement or statements
written inside the box that give you the clue about
the trait of the turtle. Write the letter/s of the
correct answer. Which statement supports the idea
that the turtle is
1. boastful -_______________
2. ambitious -_______________
3. demanding -_______________
4. lack self- control -_______________
5. vain -_______________

a. There was once a turtle who talked so much about

b. The turtle envied the geese as he saw them flying up
in the sky. “It must be wonderful to be up so high,” he
c. “I can’t right now," the goose answered. "My flock is
migrating for the cold season”. But I want to fly!” the
turtle cried. “And I want to fly now!
d. "They must think I am a magnificent creature, to
have come so high above," the turtle thought. "Well, I
really am so marvelous! I feel like I am the greatest
turtle in the world!"
e. The turtle became so proud, while looking down on
his earthbound brothers. This feeling made him forgot
what the geese had reminded him. He opened his
mouth to boast. The poor being’s mindless conceit
made him plunge to his untimely death.

D. Assignment
Choose a character from a story you
want to “become”. Act out what the
character says, think and does. Show your
acting to your brothers and sisters. You can
video record your performance if you can.
Good luck!

Prepared by:

Teacher- 1


Principal – 1

Lesson plans like this of my COT 2 enable me to function more
effectively in my class because it gives me a detailed outline of what I
want and how I will be able to provide my learners a successful
learning experience.

In this lesson integration of different subject areas was evident.

Pupils/learners are asked to Sing, Dance and act out the
character/characters that they want. The learners were also
encouraged to use technology in their presentation.

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