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Tourism Organizations
This has led to the establishment of several public
and private organizations at the international,
national, regional, state, and local levels.
International Organizations

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)​

•The UNWTO is the chief international

organization in the field of travel and
tourism. It is an intergovernmental
technical body which deals with all
aspects of tourism. It began its legal
existence on January 2, 1975. ​

•It was born of the International Union

of Official Travel Organization (IUOTO),
a nongovernmental technical body
first set up at The Hague, Netherlands
in 1925 to promote tourism for the
economic, social, and cultural
advancement of all nations.​
International Organizations

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)​

•The UNWTO has created a number

of regional commissions such as the
•The UNWTO works in cooperation with Regional Commission for Tourism in
all international organizations, Europe, the Regional Travel Commission
particularly the United Nations, as well as for the Americas, African
with commercial and noncommercial Travel Commission, and others. Technical
bodies involved in Tourism.​ commissions deal with specific problems,
such as travel barriers and
travel development.​

•The UNWTO has the same legal

character as the United Nations and its
specialized agencies. It has three
important legally functioning bodies: the
General Assembly, the Executive Council,
and the Secretariat directed by a
International Organizations

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)​

•The primary aim of the UNWTO is to

promote and develop tourism; and to
contribute to the economic
development, international •To pursue this aim, the UNWTO pays
understanding, peace, prosperity, and particular attention to the interests of
universal respect for human rights; and developing countries. ​
fundamental freedoms for all without
distinction as to race, sex, language, or
religion. ​

•To establish its central role in the field of

tourism, the UNWTO establishes and
maintains effective collaboration with
the United Nations and its specialized
Regional Organizations

•Some countries and regions feel

that it is important to
bond together to strengthen their
respective tourism
programs. These regional
organizations have become
excellent sources of information.​
Regional Organizations

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)​

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) was organized

in Hawaii in 1951. It is composed of more than 1,000
organizations, including governments, air and
steamship lines, wholesale and retail travel agencies,
ground carriers, hotels, publishers, advertisers,
public relations firms, and travel associations with
major interests in the Pacific area.​

Its purpose is to develop, promote, and facilitate travel

in the Pacific area (including Pakistan, the United
States, and Canada).​
Regional Organizations

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)​

PATA was an early leader in recognizing the need for an environmental

ethic among those involved in the tourism industry. ​

PATA has initiated the “PATA Code for Environmental Tourism.” In this
code, environmentally responsible tourism means tourism which
recognizes the necessity of ensuring a sustainable future. It meets the
needs of the tourism industry at present and does not compromise the
ability of this and future generations to conserve the environment.​

•PATA’s model for an environmental ethic for the travel and tourism
industry foreshadows the power of industry coalitions in directing
future tourism trends and their relationships with international
economic affairs. PATA organizes a wide range of conferences, reports,
advertising, training programs, and seminars.​
National Organizations

Roles of National Organizations in Tourism

• The government plays an important role in formulating policies to guide

tourism development and promotion in line with other national economic
and social objectives.
1. Planning – attracts foreign investment and funds infrastructure development
2. Employment and Training – determines manpower needs, develops tourism
training programs
3. Coordinating Public and Private Sectors – determines roles in mixed
• In order to achieve national development, the government should clearly
delineate its policy with regard to tourism and other development options.
National Organizations

National Tourism Office (NTO)​

• The national tourism office is responsible for the promotion of tourism in

a particular country and for the overall development of the tourist
Examples: United States Travel and Tourism Administration and the
Department of Tourism in the Philippines
• Countries that are visited by tourists have an official organization that
regulates and encourages tourist activities. Its importance varies from one
country to another.
National Organizations

Department of Tourism (DOT)​

•The Department of Tourism (DOT) is the

primary government agency charged with the
responsibility to encourage, promote, and
develop tourism as a major socioeconomic •The Assistant Secretary for Internal Services
•The Department of Tourism is headed by the
activity; to generate foreign currency and and Legislative Liaison is responsible for the
Secretary of Tourism who is assisted by three
employment; to spread the benefits of tourism Legal Service, Administrative Service, as well as
undersecretaries and one assistant secretary. ​
to a wider segment of the population, and the Financial and Management Service. ​
to assure the safe, convenient, enjoyable stay
and travel of foreign and local tourists in the

•The Undersecretary for Planning, Product

Development, and Coordination is responsible •The Undersecretary for Tourism Service is
for the Office of Tourism Development responsible for the Office of
Planning, Office of Product Research and Tourism Standards, National Capital Region,
Development, as well as the Office of Tourism and all Regional Offices. ​
Coordination. ​

Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone

Authority (TIEZA),

Tourism Promotions Board (TPB)

Intramuros Administration (IA)

National Parks Development Committee (NPDC)

Nayong Pilipino Foundation (NPF)

National Organizations

Department of Tourism (DOT)​

•Directly under the Secretary of

•The 15 regional offices of the DOT are
•The Undersecretary for Tourism Tourism are the National
Parks Development Committee, the responsible for domestic
Promotions is responsible for the
Tourism Promotions Board, the tourism promotion, tourism marketing
Bureau of Domestic Promotions,
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise accreditation, tourism assistance,
Bureau of International Tourism
Zone Authority, the public relations, and coordination with
Promotions, as well as the Office of
Intramuros Administration, and the local government units and
Tourism Information.​
Nayong Pilipino Foundation, Inc.​ tourism stockholders in the region.​

•The regional offices are also tasked to •The DOT regional offices are also
undertake planning and actively involved in the formulation
product development projects in of Regional Tourism Master Plans
support of the government’s policy (RTMP) that will serve as the
of decentralization under the Local framework in the development of
Government Code. ​ travel and tourism in the Philippines.​

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