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Temperamental Aspect: An analysis

Chapter 7

Mr. Rudy B. Necor Jr., MBA

The fast pace of the society posts challenge for man to
possess a strong character to go along with the society’s pace.
But there are people who exude strength of character through
their emotion.
What is emotion? In Latin, it is “emoverse” meaning to “stir
up” or to move.” While, according to Sferra, Wright, and Rice
(1971), it is “a strong feeling o some kind that impels a person to
do something.”
Major Kind of Emotion
• Fear. This is a kind of emotion that arise when there is
suddenness and unfamiliarity of situation where the person
involved has difficulty in making decision or action.
• Anxiety. This is a kind of emotion where the person anticipates
something that has not existed yet.
• Worry. This is a kind of emotion where the person grows out
of fear. It is a repetitive action that produces no adjustment
whatsoever, since it involves no plan of activity.
• Anger. This is a kind of emotion that arises when the needs of
a certain individual is thwarted.
• Love. This is a kind of emotion that arises when a certain
individual exudes affection or passion for something or
Effects of Emotion
• Psychological effect. Emotion is one of the responsibilities of
the brain. If there are strong emotions that are not fully
satisfied, something might happen to one’s psychological
processes, such as:
- Positive effect. Fear often helps us to protect ourselves
from danger. Worry often helps us to get close to other
- Negative effects. Fear often threatens a person to injure
oneself. Anxiety gives difficulty in coping to certain
• Physiological effect. If emotions have effect on one’s
psychological process, it also has effect on one’s biological
functioning, such as:
- Galvanic Skin Responses (GSR). This is defined as
electrical resistance or conductance to the flow of a very
weak electrical current from the point of the skin to
another, which decreases with increase in arousal. If a
person has heightened emotions, sweat glands will
produce more sweat.
- Blood Changes in pressure, volume, and composition.
People’s blood pressure will eventually increase if they
experience intense emotion.
- Respiration or breathing cycle. One’s breathing will
either increase or decrease depending on the emotion
he/she is currently experiencing.
- Pupillary response. Pupil of the eye constricts of dilates
depending on the current emotion of the person.
- Salivary gland secretion is impeded. If an individual has
an intense emotion dryness of the mouth will be
- Muscle tension and tremor. This is the uncontrollable
shaking or tightening of some parts of the body when a
person experience powerful emotion.
- Pilomotor responses or goose bumps. This happens
when hair ends tighten because of powerful emotion.
- Gastrointestinal motility. This happens when there is a
presence of nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
- Metabolic rate increase. This happens when a person
gives out more sweat and feels thirst and hunger every
now and then.
- Glandular activity increase. There is an increase activity
in the glands of an individual.
Preventing Emotion Outburst
So, how will you prevent emotional outburst? Try this:
• Accept responsibility and achieve work without prejudice.
• Respect and love others as you respect and love yourself.
• Be sensitive to the needs and right of other people.
• Be flexible and use time, money effort in constructive way.
• Have a sense of humor and do not take everything seriously.
• Follow directions and accept criticisms without being
• Admit that you are currently having an intense emotion.
• Do not let others know that you are experiencing a powerful
• Incorporate your emotions with your intellect and
determination for you to learn and grow as a person.

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