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Chapter 6
Suggested Art Activities for Different Grade
Levels and Quarters

School-age development

During the school years, children gain independence and competence quickly.

Friends become more important and influential. A child’s self-confidence will be affected
by the academic and social challenges presented in the school environment.

Despite their rapid growth and development, they still need parents and
caregivers to set limits and encourage healthy habits.

Here are some things you can do to ensure that your child continues to be healthy:

 Make sure they get enough sleep.

 Provide opportunities for regular exercise and individual or team sports.

 Create quiet, positive spaces for reading and studying at home.

 Limit screen time and monitor online activities carefully.

 Build and maintain positive family traditions.

 Talk to your children about consent and setting boundaries with their bodies.

Developmental Characteristics and Interests of School-Age Children
Transition Years Grades K-1 (5-6 years)

 Enjoy long periods of free play

 Developing eye-hand coordination
 Enjoy small group cooperative games
Physical  May require rest after high energy play
 Improved body coordination; yet still can fall easily
 Eager to receive adult praise
 Enjoy dramatic play
 Eager to engage in new activities/adventures led by involved
 Eager to identify with older children
 Enjoy exploring new materials and equipment
Social-  Can be easily frightened by novel or strange events
Emotional  Prefer play in small groups
 Like responsibilities they can handle
 Learning to cooperate with others, but may at times display
selfish behavior
 Understand language better than they speak
 Are interested in present; vague concepts of past/future
Cognitive  Eager to learn
 Ask many questions
 Define things by their use
 Developing a sense of humor
 Communicate best within a small group of peers
 May need guidance of adult when starting a new task

Middle Years Grades 2-3 (7-9 years)
 Enthusiastic about games
 Experiencing improvement in both gross and fine motor skills
Physical  Possess a high activity level
 Practice to mast variations of movement for physical activities
 Enjoy games that allow for comparison of skills
 Enjoy games that allow for self-improvement
 Have a strong drive toward independence
 Develop a strong sense of loyalty to friends
 Need to belong to a group
 Play with and are friends with same-sex peers
 Like to take on responsibility
 Live in a world of games, rituals and humor inhabited only by
Social- children
Emotional  Like to have a best friend
 Have a rigid sense of right and wrong
 Need help accepting peers who are different or left out of a group
 Like to talk; use language to express feelings/tell stories
 Developing a sense of time
Cognitive  Enjoy collecting things
 Enjoy problem-solving games like treasure hunts
 Can plan and carry out projects with adult support
 Becoming more self-directed in activities
 Better able to understand and appreciate differences of opinion

Pre-Adolescent Years Grades 4-6 (10-12 years)
 May be careless about their clothes, room and body cleanliness
 Girls may have sudden growth spurt and beginning signs of
Physical puberty
 Enjoy physical activities that master specific skills
 Enjoy competitive games
 Possess a high activity level
 Enjoy games that allow for comparison of skills
 Enjoy games that allow for self-improvement
 Enjoy small, peer-dominated group discussions
 Like to join organized groups
Social-  Are anxious to grow up
Emotional  Are intensely loyal to their peer group
 Form a close one-on-one friendship
 Have a growing desire to assert individual-ity and independence
 Can be daring and competitive
 Can be critical of peers and adults
 Are self-conscious of their abilities
 Ask many questions and want thoughtful answers
Cognitive  Can often understand other points of view
 Developing strong interests, hobbies and collections
 Engage in daydreaming
 Enjoy problem-solving games and puzzles, etc.
 Enjoy rule-based games
 Are beginning to develop view about social/global issues
 Beginning to enjoy humor by telling jokes and understanding

Arts Activities for Elementary Grades
Arts activities are a terrific way for kids of all ages to express themselves
creatively. Kids games and activities range from indoor fun like kids arts & crafts,
science experiment, learning games and brain teasers.

Visual Art Activity

Visual arts activities enable the student to communicate in a unique way and to
organise experiences, ideas, feelings and imaginings in a visible and tangible way.
Through drawing, painting, constructing and inventing, the student is enabled to
assimilate, respond to, and make sense of, his/her experience of the world.
In the interest of the learner, as far as possible, all the media of creative arts may
be placed before them to facilitate selection of one form or a combination of art forms.
These are :
Visual Arts
1. Two-dimensional or Pictorial
 Drawing and Painting
 Collage Making
 Printing
 Photography
 Computer graphics
2. Three-dimensional

 Clay modeling and pottery

 Carving and sculpture
 Construction

Performing and Language Arts

 Music (Vocal, Instrumental)

 Movement and Dance
 Creative Drama and Puppetry
 Creative Writing and Poetry

Performing Arts
Music (Vocal)
 Theory
 Basics knowledge of notation systems.
 A brief introduction of Filipino music
 Practical Activities
 National Anthem
 Songs for community singing

Music (Melodic Instrument)

 Theory
 Knowledge of the terms : Kundiman, Kumintang
 Short notes on at least four musical instruments, their main components and
the characteristics of the sound (music) they produce.
 Practical Activities
 Tuning and playing of any one of the following instruments: Guitar and Bandura
 The candidates playing musical instruments may be allowed to opt for community
singing or for instrumental assemble based either on the ragas from the syllabus
or light and folk dhun (Melodies).

Creative Drama
This is the stage at which young people are to be introduced to theatre and related
crafts to broaden their understanding of drama through literature.,e.g, Play-writing:
unscripted play to be written down in the form of a script to be acted.

Dance & Movement

 Movement and rhythm, as expressed through dance, have long been the heart
and soul of all cultures.

Guide Question

1.Describe the developmental Characteristics of children based on their grade Levels

(Kinder to Grade 6)

2.What is visual art? Give examples.

3.What is performing art? Give examples

Learning Activity

1.Prepare Arts activities under visual Arts ,e.g drawing ,painting, and collage making .
One per category and use long bond paper.

2. Choose at least 2 for Music, 1 for Dance, and 1 for Literary Arts and present them by
using short videos or blog. Imagine that you are teachers to your learners.

Key points

1.School-age development.During the school years, children gain independence and

competence quickly. Friends become more important and influential. A child’s self-
confidence will be affected by the academic and social challenges presented in the
school environment.

2.Developmental Characteristics and Interests of School-Age Children (Physical,

Social-Emotional, and Cognitive)

3. Arts activities are a terrific way for kids of all ages to express themselves creatively.
Kids games and activities range from indoor fun like kids arts & crafts, science
experiment, learning games and brain teasers.

4.Visual arts activities enable the student to communicate in a unique way and to
organise experiences, ideas, feelings and imaginings in a visible and tangible way.

5 Two types of Performing Arts 1.Music (Vocal) and 2.Music (Melodic Instrument)

6.Creative Drama is the stage at which young people are to be introduced to theatre
and related crafts to broaden their understanding of drama through literature.

7.Dance & Movement - enhance the appreciation and understanding of the different
forms of dance and movement as practiced across cultures today.

References and Supplementary Materials

Ortiz, M. et al (2000), Art Perception and Appreciation. Quezon City, Philippines.
University of the East Publishing

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

Date Retrieved (August 17, 2020)


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