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Phase 1:

My hypothesis would consist of: Using the historical evidence given to narrow down the general area,
then searching for similar landscapes and higher elevation. Using old documents like maps, and folklore.
Natural vegetation as well could help as well.

Phase 2:

Ground survey would be very useful given the general area had already been found. Remote sensing
techniques could be used. Also the natural agents that I mentioned above like flora and vegetation that
looks out of ordinary.

Phase 3:

1. I am looking for turrets, corbels’s, towers, a wooden bridge, any of the areas of the castle. Very
Victorian/U.K architecture.

2. We would most likely start with a test-pit then move onto clearing excavation.


Phase 4:

We could find the a Fang from a basilisk, used to destroy Rom Riddle’s diary or any horcrux. The sword
of Gryffindor could be found, given to whoever shall be worthy, the Gryffindor sword was used to kill
Nagini. Lastly we could find the Womping Willow in the land, a tree that is more than just alive, gives
Harry, Ron, and all the students trouble every now and again.

Phase 5: For the fang we could use Fluorine Dating. For the sword we could use relative dating methods
like the typology. For the tree we could use stratigraphy for how the old the tree is, or even

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