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Según las versiones Puquio (Ayacucho) Inkarri fue martirizado y decapitado por los españoles,

quienes enterraron su cabeza en el Cusco. Pero la cabeza de Inkarri está viva y le está
creciendo de nuevo el cuerpo debajo de la tierra. «Cuando el cuerpo de Inkarri este completo,
él volverá». Este movimiento se difundió por Ayacucho, Ancash, Junin, Cusco y estuvo
relacionado a un mito el de Inkarri, el cristo (Dios) inca que resucitara, los pobladores andinos
pensaron que esta Inca era Tupac Amaru I, decapitado por el gobierno del Virrey Franciso de
Toledo (1570), y que algún día resucitaría, y vino aquel día: 4 de noviembre de 1780 en el
cusco, los pobladores vieron a José Gabriel de Condorcanqui (descendiente de los últimos
incas de vilcabamba, su linaje provenía de Juana Pilco Huaco, hija de Tupac Amaru I ) el Inkarri
resucitado, le denominaron Tupac Amaru II.

Michael Jackson:

Born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana (United States), Michael Joseph Jackson was the
seventh of nine children born to Joseph and Katherine Jackson. He began his career as an 11-
year-old boy with his brothers in the Jackson Five. The pressure of sales, fame, disputes with
his brothers, traveling companions in the Jackson Five, all formed an inseparable part of a
childhood that culminated when at the age of twelve he was already considered a world star.
The five Jackson brothers sold, while performing together under the patronage of Diana Ross,
more than one hundred million copies. World fame came to him with his solo career, which
began in 1979 with the album Off The Wall, which included hits like Don't Stop 'Til You Get
Enough and Rock With You. His second album, Thriller, from 1982, is the best-selling album in
history. His later works -Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and History (1995)- also reached
millionaire sales around the world.

With a unique style and personality, Michael Jackson is an icon in the history of music that has
influenced many artists of subsequent generations. Enigmatic, ambiguous, mysterious with his
big quirks and touches of generosity, Jackson won 13 Grammy Awards and sold over 750
million records. He also stood out for his charitable work, helping a multitude of charitable
causes through his foundation, especially those related to children. Fame brought him the
adoration of the public and his style, always original and groundbreaking. He has become
obsessed with cosmetic surgery. His figure was involved in the scandal after being accused
twice of child abuse: the first, in 1993, for which he was not tried due to lack of evidence; and
the second, in 2005, for which he was tried and acquitted.

The move was already popular with West Coast street dancers who used a precise,
mechanized style of movement called popping. The style included pulse sequences or stop-
start movements. Jackson bridged the gap between West Coast street dancing and East Coast
break dancers, who were part of the early days of hip-hop.

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