Basic Properties of Sets

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Mathematical Language

and Symbol
GE 112
Mathematics in the Modern World

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

College of Arts & Sciences
University of Southeastern Philippines
Sets: Basic Properties of Sets


Any group or collection of objects is called a

set. The objects that belong in a set are the
elements, or members, of the set.

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Methods for Designating a Set

1. Describe a set in words.

2. List the elements of the set inside a pair of
braces, { }. This method is called the roster
method. Commas are used to separate the

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Example 2

Word Description and the Roster Method

Description Roster Method
The set of
denominations of U.S.
paper currency in
production at this time
The set of states in the
United States that
border the Pacific

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Example 3

Use the roster method to represent the set of

days in a week.

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Well Defined Sets

A set is well defined if it is possible to

determine whether any given item is an
element of the set.

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Set Builder Notation

Another method of representing a set is

set-builder notation. Set-builder notation is
specially useful when describing infinite sets.

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Example 7

Use set-builder notation to write the following

a. The set of integers greater than -3
b. The set of whole numbers less than 1000.

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

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Sets: Basic Properties of Sets

Mathematical Language
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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

Universal Set

The set of all elements being considered is

called a universal set.

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

Venn Diagram

The English logician John Venn (1834-1923)

developed diagrams, which we now refer to as
Venn diagrams, that can be used to illustrate sets
and relationships between sets. In a Venn
diagram, the universal set is represented by a
rectangular region and subsets of the universal
set are generally represented by oval or circular
regions drawn inside the rectangle.

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

Venn Diagram

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

Proper Subset of Sets

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

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Sets: Complements,
Subsets, and Venn Diagrams

Example 14

A restaurant sells pizzas for which you can

choose from seven toppings.
a. How many different variations of pizzas
can the restaurant serve?
b. What is the minimum number of toppings
the restaurant must provide if it wishes to
advertise that it offers over 1000 variations
of its pizzas?

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

Intersection of Sets

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

Disjoint Sets

Two sets are disjoint if their intersection is the

empty set

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

Union of Sets

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

Example 18

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Sets: Set Operations

Example 18

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations

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Sets: Set Operations
Properties of Sets

Venn diagrams can be used to verify each of the following properties.

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Sets: Set Operations
Application: Blood Group and Blood Types

Karl Landsteiner won a Noble Prize in 1930 for his

discovery of the four different human blood groups. He
discovered that the blood of each individual contains
exactly one of the following combination of antigens.
a. Only A antigen (blood group A)
b. Only B antigen (blood group B)
c. Both A and B antigens (blood group AB)
d. No A antigens and no B antigens (blood group O)

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Sets: Set Operations

Application: Blood Group and Blood


In 1941, Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener

discovered that human blood may or may not
contain Rh, or rhesus, factor. Blood with this
factor is called Rh-positive and is denoted by
Rh+, Blood without this factor is Rh-negative
and is denoted by Rh-.

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Sets: Set Operations

Application: Blood Group and Blood


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Sets: Set Operations

Example 19

Use the previous Venn diagrams to determine

the blood type of each of the following people.
a. Sue
b. Lisa

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Sets: Application of Sets

Example 20 (Survey of Preferences)

A movie company is making plans for future

movies it wishes to produce. The company
has done a random survey of 1000 people.
The results of the survey are shown below.
1. 695 people like action adventures.
2. 340 people like comedies.
3. 180 people like both action adventures and
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Sets: Application of Sets

Example 20 (Survey of Preferences)

Of the people surveyed, how many people

a. like action adventures but not comedies?
b. like comedies but not action adventures?
c. do not like either of these types of movies?

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Sets: Application of Sets

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Sets: Application of Sets

Example 21

A school finds that 430 of its students are

registered in chemistry, 560 are registered in
mathematics, and 225 are registered in both
chemistry and mathematics. How many
students are registered in chemistry or

Mathematical Language
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Aufman, R. N., Lockwood, J. S., Nation, R.

D., & Clegg, D. K. (2013). Mathematical
excurssions (3rd ed.). Belmont:
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

Measures of Central
Tendency Page 56

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