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• A hydrograph shows how a river is affected by a storm. This helps to understand discharge patterns of
a particular drainage basin and helps to predict flooding and plan flood prevention measures.
• The peak rainfall is the time of highest rainfall. The peak discharge is the time when the river reaches its
highest flow. There is a delay because it takes time for the water to find its way to the river. This is
called lag time.
• The normal (base) flow of the river starts to rise when run-off, ground and soil water reaches the river.
This is shown on the hydrograph as the rising limb.
• The falling limb shows that water is still reaching the river but in decreasing amounts. The run-
off/discharge of the river is measured in cumecs - this stands for cubic meters per
second. Precipitation is measured in mm - this stands for millimeters.
Type of drainage basin
• Large basins receive more precipitation than smaller basins, therefore they have a larger runoff. Larger
size also means a longer lag time as water has a longer distance to travel to reach the main river.
• An elongated basin will produce a lower peak flow and a longer lag time than a rounder basin. Basins
with a higher drainage density (number of tributary rivers) collect rain water more quickly, therefore
the lag time will be shorter.
Type of slope
Flow can be faster down a steep slope, resulting in a steeper rising limb and a shorter lag time.
Rock/soil type
Permeable rocks mean rapid infiltration and little overland flow, resulting in a less steep rising limb.
Impermeable rocks will lead to an increase in overland flow and a steep rising limb.
Infiltration is generally greater on thick soil, although less porous soils eg clay act as impermeable
Other factors
Urbanization, with bare concrete and tarmac forming impermeable surfaces, creates a steep rising limb
and shortens the time lag.
In urban areas concrete, tarmac and buildings will channel precipitation to gutter and drainage systems
quickly. This water will quickly reach the sewer and river systems, shortening the lag time.
Forest areas will intercept the precipitation, creating a less steep rising limb and lengthening the time lag.
Vegetation will intercept precipitation and store and absorb it, therefore preventing the water moving
quickly into the river.

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