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The Poisonous Goodies:

  Once upon a time there lived a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever

seen. Her mother had a little red riding hood made for her. Everybody called her Little

Red Riding Hood.

One day her mother said to her: “Go my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing,
for I hear she has been very ill.”

Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately.  But as she was 20 minutes away from her
house she secretly got out a poisonous green goopy liquid.

“Ha, granny will never know, then I will be the center of attention…” little Red said. 

She poured the green goop all over the goodies… then all of a sudden they lit up and
the green goop had disappeared…

“Good, it worked.” Red said with an evil smirk.

As she was going through the woods, she met a wolf. He asked her if he could have
some of those goodies to eat because he was starving! He had not had food in days
because he did not want to eat any of his forest friends.

“May I please have some of those yummy looking goodies of yours?” the wolf askes.

“ Well, I guess so...” Red riding hood replied.

“Who are these for anyway?” The wolf said, tilting his head while taking a bite of his

“Well, this is for my sick grandma you see…” 

“Where does she live?” the wolf said realizing that these were no ordinary goodies and
cookies, these were poisonous treats!

“It is beyond that mill you see there”.  Little red pointed at a mill at the top of a hillside.

“Thanks, these are delish by the way, well I better get going now… bye!” The wolf yelled
as he ran off towards granny's house.

“...” Red thought the wolf should die before sundown… but is she right or not?

It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old woman’s house.
“ Good thing those poisonous cookies and goodies don’t affect me!” The wolf whispered
to himself. And he puffed up His chest and sorted his hair.  Then he knocked on the

Tap, tap, tap.

“Who’s there?”

“A friend of yours…” The wolf said in a sweet voice.

The grandmother called out, “Pull the string, and the latch will go up.”

The wolf pulled the string and the door opened. To the wolves' surprise there was
already a visitor there! The wood cutter.

“WOLF!! KILLER!!” The wood cutter yelled getting his ax from off the floor beside him,
as he was aiming his ax at the wolf…:

“Please don’t hurt me! I am not here to eat anybody I am here to help!” The wolf
squeeked in terror.
                                    . . .
Meanwhile… “La, la, la…” Red hood skipped around trying to act like a normal girl on
the dusty pathway.

“This plan will go perfectly!” Red said.  Once she got there, she picked 1 blue tulip, 1 red
poppy and 1 yellow sunflower for granny.

Tap Tap Tap

“Who is it?” Granny said.  Little Red had a big smirk on her face.

“It’s, Your granddaughter Little Red Riding hood!” little Red said in her cutest, prettiest

“Oh, come in my dear, come on in.” Granny said as she thumbs up to the woodcutter
and the wolf hiding under her bed.

The grandmother called out, “Pull the string, and the latch will go up.”

Little Red pulled the string and the door opened.

“I brought you some delicious goodies grandma!” Red said.

“Oh, how wonderful dear.” granny replied.  Once granny and Red were in deep
conversation, the wolf and the woodcutter crawled on the wooden creaky floor, behind
Red and grabbed her pink and purple satchel from beside her chair.  Once they were
under her bed they looked in her bag and found: Keys to her house, a pink bow, bird
seeds and a water bottle.

“It's not here!” the wood cutter whispered to the wolf.

“Check the other pocket!” the wolf whispered back.  So, the wood cutter put everything
back in the satchel and closed it. Then he opened the outer pocket on the front of the
bag.  Inside there were only two things: Green goop inside a transparent bottle and blue
goop in a clear bottle.

“Found it!” the wood cutter and the wolf chorused quietly.

I've got to get grandma to eat those cookies! Red thought.

“Grandma, are you starving! Because I am! Common take one! They are amazing!” Red

“I’ll have some in a minute, anyway about those flowers you got me…” red was forced
to go back into conversation with granny again.

“Ok, now what?” the wolf asked.

“Now we jump out and catch that criminal!” the wood cutter said proudly.

“YA!” the wolf and the woodcutter jumped out and said as they both chorused:

“STOP RIGHT THEIR CRIMINALS!” Red turned around in surprise!

“AHHH, you caught me!

                             . . .   
Days later Red was arrested for her crime of trying to murdur her granny to only just get

more attention from her mother!! :O

“Now wolf what are you going to do now?” Granny said.

“I don’t know…” the wolf replied with his ears back.

“Well you can stay with me!”

“Realy?!” Wolf excitedly pinning his ears forward immediately and his fur bristled in the

willowing wind.

“Yes.” Granny said. “Yes, you can.”


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