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Critical Reading, Writing and Thinking

Critical reading is an essential skill that a student must have or must learn while they
are studying. The meaning of it is bigger than just a simple reading where you can skim
or skip because critical reading involves deeper thinking. It can help improve your
ability to think critically and write effectively. As they said, vocabulary and knowledge
will improve as you read more. It's crucial to learn how to read critically in order to
create effective study habits.

As a student, it will be a great advantage if you know how to use critical reading skills
specially on doing your research/ thesis as well as surveys and when making essays.
Also, it will help us to communicate better in the future. Knowing about anything that
you don’t know is big achievements for us, students, even it is just a proper grammar,
answering the questions starting with “why and how.”, thinking critically and etc.

As a learner, being able to read critically helped me identify the validity of the facts of a
written piece, the credibility of the sources, and as well as the credibility of the author.
This way, when a student develops critical reading skills, he or she learns not to accept
information from a piece of writing on the spot. He/she will learn to ask questions and
evaluate it.

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