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Review for CIS 515

One page of cheat sheet

Lecture 1:

- What is computer graphics

- Application areas of CG
- Technical components of CG
- Graphics pipeline
- API of CG

Lecture 2:

- Event loop
- Display callback
- Display mode
- Polygon issues
- Using z-buffer algorithm
- GL_flush(), Glut_SwapBuffer()

Lecture 3:

- Affine transformation
- Translation
- Scaling
- Rotation
- Shearing
- reflection
- Homogeneous coordinate

Lecture 4:

- 3D transformation
- gl_MatrixMode( )

Lecture 5:

- Parallel projection
- Perspective projection
- OpenGL implementation

Lecture 6:

- What is clipping
- Point clipping
- Line clipping (Cohen-Sutherland)
- Polygon clipping

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