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Question 1: Relative motion. (10 mks) Question 2: Kinematics. (15 mks)

Given: t↑ = 5 min, d = 100 meters, t↓ = 2 min. 2.1. Show that the particle moves with constant
The velocity is

v = ṙ = −Ωρ sin(Ωt) î + Ωρ cos(Ωt) ĵ + c k̂,

and the speed is

v = kvk = (−Ωρ sin(Ωt))2 + (Ωρ cos(Ωt))2 + c2 ,
= Ω2 ρ2 (sin2 (Ωt) + cos2 (Ωt)) + c2
v = Ω2 ρ2 + c2 .

v is constant because it depends only on the con-

stants ρ, Ω, c.
2.2. Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
The acceleration is

a = v̇ = −Ω2 ρ cos(Ωt) î − Ω2 ρ sin(Ωt) ĵ,

~bl : velocity of the boat relative to the bank
(land); V~bw : velocity of the boat relative to the river and its magnitude is
(water); V~wl : velocity of the stream (water) relative p
a = kak = (−Ω2 ρ cos(Ωt))2 + (−Ω2 ρ sin(Ωt))2 ,
to the land (bank). q
2.1. Speed of the stream relative to the banks and = Ω4 ρ2 (sin2 (Ωt) + cos2 (Ωt))
Full speed of the boat on still water. a = Ω2 ρ.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We have Vbl = Vbw + Vwl =⇒ Vwl = Vbl − Vbw , ~
where V ~wl = Vwl x̂, with Vwl being the speed of the 2.3. Consider the particular case when c = 0.
stream relative to the banks. Hence Vwl x̂ = V ~bl −V ~bw . (a) Find the trajectory of the particle.
Vbw is nothing but the boat’s full speed. When c = 0, we have r = ρ cos(Ωt) î + ρ sin(Ωt) ĵ,
Upstream sailing: V ~bw = −Vbw x̂, V~bl = −Vbl x̂, and then
d 100 1
and Vbl = t↑ = 5×60 = 3 m/s.
x = ρ cos(Ωt), y = ρ sin(Ωt)
=⇒ Vwl = −Vbl + Vbw = − + Vbw . Squaring and adding gives
Downstream sailing: V ~bw = Vbw x̂, V
~bl = Vbl x̂, and x2 + y 2 = ρ2 ,
Vbl = td↓ = 2×60 = 56 m/s. Hence Vwl = Vbl − Vbw
which means the trajectory is a circle of radius ρ in
5 the x-y plane and centered at the origin.
=⇒ Vwl = − Vbw .
6 (b) Find the scalar product ~a · ~v , and deduce the
Solving the 2 equations, we get: angle θ between the acceleration ~a and the velocity ~v
1 7 of the particle.
Vwl = = 0.25 m/s; Vbw = ≈ 0.583 m/s.  
4 12 ~a · ~v = −Ω2 ρ cos(Ωt) î − Ω2 ρ sin(Ωt) ĵ ·
2.2) What direction, relative to the river bank, do  
we need to point the boat? −Ωρ sin(Ωt) î + Ωρ cos(Ωt) ĵ
Given AB = D = 200 meters. Let us find the 3 2
angle θ we need to take from the departure point: = −Ω ρ cos(Ωt) î + sin(Ωt) ĵ ·
Vwl 1/4 3 − sin(Ωt) î + cos(Ωt) ĵ
sin θ = = = =⇒ θ = 25.4◦ .
Vbw 7/12 7
= −Ω3 ρ2 (− cos(Ωt) sin(Ωt) + sin(Ωt) cos(Ωt))
Hence we have to head the boat at 25.4◦ upstream
to achieve the straight crossing. = 0.

~a · ~v = 0.
Besides ~a · ~v = av cos(~a, ~v ), then cos θ = 0

=⇒ θ = π/2.

(c) Tell if the motion of the particle along its tra-

jectory is uniform, accelerated or decelerated. Jus-
We have ~a ⊥ ~v . Since ~v = vτ ~t, then aτ = 0 ≡ dv
(and an = a ≡ vr ). From where v = const. The
motion is uniform and circular.

Question 3: Moment of inertia. (5 mks)

Compute the moment of inertia of a rigid system of 3
particles of mass m each, located at the vertices of an
equilateral triangle of side a about an axis perpen-
dicular to the triangle and passing through a point
located at the middle of an edge (see figure).

Using the parallel axis theorem, we have

IO = IG + (3m)OG2 .

Let us find IG . We have

IG = m · AG2 + m · BG2 + m · CG2 = 3(m · AG2 ).

=⇒ IO = 3m(AG2 + OG2 ).

2 1 4 1
Besides, AG = OA and OG = OA =⇒ AG2 +OG2 = + OA2
3 3 9 9

5 5 5
=⇒ IO = 3m OA2 = m(AB 2 −OB 2 ) = m(a2 −a2 /4).
9 3 3
=⇒ IO = ma2 .
• Alternatively, we have

IO = m OB 2 + m OC 2 + m OA2 = 2m OB 2 + m OA2

IO = 2m OB 2 + m (AB 2 − OB 2 ) = m (AB 2 + OB 2 ).
IO = m (a2 + (a/2)2 )
=⇒ IO = ma2 .

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