1st Quarterly Examination in DIASS

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas


October 26-27, 2022
Test I. Directions: Determine whether the field of study is Social Science or Applied Social Science. Write
your answer in the blank before the number.
___________________1. Political Science
___________________2. Sociology
___________________3. Social Work
___________________4. Linguistics
___________________5. Counseling
Test II. Matching Type. Directions: Read and analyze each statement in Column A to its corresponding
answer in Column B. Write the letter only in the blank before the number.

Column A Column B

______6. Needs helped to manage well a life changing situation or A. Community counseling
personal problem or crisis and other support needs.

______7. These are individuals and groups of people who receive from B. Marriage Counselors
various counseling professions
______8. When people experience something collectively, which may C. Consultation
be socially troubling and constitute the danger of blocking their
collective capacity to move on.
______9. Examples of Individual problems that may be difficult to D. Organization
endure alone.
______10. An entity, such as a company, an institution, or an E. Workplace Counseling
association, comprising one or more people and having a particular
______11. It is a therapy offered to employees of a company, often F. Exploratory
through an employee assistance program, that provides employees with
a safe place to discuss any issues that they’re struggling with
______12. These professionals provide the need for conflict resolution G. Alcoholism, loss of job,
skills to parties, couples, children to deal with various stresses and divorce
issues that threaten their unity or peaceful coexistence.
_____13. A social unit (a group of living things) with commonality H. Clients and Audience

Ocaña, Carcar City, Cebu

Tel. No.: 032 234 3387
E-mail Add.: ocananhs303066@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity.

______14. It is the process of helping a client through a third party or I. Community
helping system improve its service to its clientele.
_____15. It is of the human dimensional goals of Counseling that is J. Individual
examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities,
Test III. Read and analyze the statements carefully. Draw a 😊 if the statement is True. Write ☹ if the
statement is False.
________16. Teachers are not counselors; but counselors can be teachers.
________17. Individual student Inventory is very important of for needs assessment and problem
identification and assessment.
________18. Referral is done when an expert assistance is needed that the counselor cannot provide.
________19. Test Anxiety is an example of prevention services.
________20. Counselors are trained professionals whom everyone could seek help in times of personal and
mental health crisis.
Test IV. Matching Type. Choose the words from the box to match the terms being referred to in the
following statements. Write your answer on the space provided. Make sure to write the CORRECT
Values Acceptance Client-worker relationship Right to Self fulfillment
Self-determination Confidentiality Responsibility to Common Good
Individualization Worker self-awareness

_______________21. Fundamental norms and preferred behavior patterns, shared by members of a society
or a subgroup which aim at integrating and channeling the organized activities of the members.
_______________22. Each person has the right to self-fulfillment which is derived from his/her inherent
capacity and thrust toward the goal.
_______________23. Each person has the responsibility as a member of the society to seek ways of
fulfillment that contribute to common good.
_______________24. The society has the responsibility to facilitate self-fulfillment of the individual and the
right to enrichment through the contribution of its individual members.
_______________25. Each person requires for the harmonious development of his powers socially provided
and socially safeguarded opportunities for satisfying his/her basic needs in the physical, psychological,
economic, cultural, aesthetic, and spiritual realms.

Ocaña, Carcar City, Cebu

Tel. No.: 032 234 3387
E-mail Add.: ocananhs303066@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

________________26. The idea behind this principle is that the clients-individuals, groups, or communities)
who are in need have the right to determine their needs and how they should be met.
________________27. The principle reminds the social worker that while dealing with the client it is to be
kept in mind that the worker is not dealing with an inanimate object or inferior being.
________________28. Client should be accorded with appropriate projection, within the limits of the law,
with no any harm that might result from the information given to the social worker.
________________29. The social worker consciously examines her/his feelings, judgments, biases and
responses whether these are professionally motivated.
________________30. The purpose of client-worker relationship is to help the client in some area of his/her
social functioning in which, at the present he or she is experiencing some difficulty, and where the worker is
in the position to offer help.
Test IV. Identify the role of a social worker listed in the box relative to the given descriptions. Write your
answer in the blank provided before each number. Make sure to write the CORRECT SPELLING.

_________________31. Provide guidance to individuals who are suffering from any difficulty. Help
individuals to find answers to their problems. Assist individuals to recover from a physical or mental health
_________________32. Study the dynamic interactions between individuals, groups and communities
Collect, organize and analyze information or data relative to a particular study. Formulate suggestions and
recommendations pertaining to a problem statement.
__________________33. Help in capacitating people to become productive Empower individuals, groups
and communities to become socially functional. Motivate people to believe in their potentials and
__________________ 34. Help resolve conflicts between individuals and groups Assist individuals in
looking for resolutions to alleviate their sufferings. Facilitate communication between parties involved in a
dispute or conflict.
__________________ 35. Assist in finding resources and services to help in augmenting client’s resources.
Negotiate with possible grantors for the acquisition of resources and services. Represent the client in
transacting with identified sponsors or grantors.
__________________ 36. Teach individuals in schools or in any other learning environments. Help
individuals cope with the realities in life. Guide individuals in achieving a better and brighter future.

Ocaña, Carcar City, Cebu

Tel. No.: 032 234 3387
E-mail Add.: ocananhs303066@gmail.com
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas

__________________ 37. Initiate for the discussion of issues. Disseminate information relative to the issue
or concern he/she stands for. Take necessary actions to advance the interest of a sector affected by an issue.
__________________ 38. Help people in working together as a group Encourage active participation for the
performance of tasks. Assist in doing specific tasks effectively.
__________________ 39. Initiate practices to achieve effectiveness in the organization Adopts measures
that will help improve organizational culture. Monitors trends and updates that affect organizational
__________________ 40. Assess client’s physical and mental or economic and social conditions. Monitor
the client’s progress vis-à-vis intervention provided. Links clients with appropriate residential facilities or
rehabilitation centers.
Test V. Multiple Choice. Read the sentences carefully and write the letter in the blank before the number.
______41. is a systematic process in which individuals interact with and through
symbols to create and interpret meanings. 
a. Oral Communication       b. Economics     c. Communication     d. Social Communication
______42. Message could be in form of a .
a. Object b. Sign & Symbol c. Person d. None of the above.
______43. is the process of assembling the message (information, ideas and thoughts).
a. Encoding       b. Source     c. Context     d. Feedback
______44. The is the person for whom the message is intended.
a. Receiver b. Encoding           c. Context      d. Source
______45. A better word might be “reaction” or “responses.”  
a. Context          b. Feedback           c. Channel        d. Source
______46. It is done through oral expression of the idea or message.
a. Sign          b. Symbol            c. Verbal Communication     d. Nonverbal Communication
______47. Nonverbal communication is done through actions or facial expressions or body language.
a. Sign          b. Symbol            c. Verbal Communication     d. Nonverbal Communication
______48. is an integral part of the process of communication.
a. Tasting          b. Listening          c. Seeing     d. Smelling
______49. Good communication entails good . 
a. Listening        b. Tasting            c. Smelling d. Seeing
______50. communication is talking to oneself.
a. Interpersonal           b. Intrapersonal            c. Verbal Communication     d. Nonverbal Communication

*********************************GOD BLESS!!!**************************************
“One’s work may be finished one day, but education never.”
--Mr. Angelo A. Llanos☺☺☺

Ocaña, Carcar City, Cebu

Tel. No.: 032 234 3387
E-mail Add.: ocananhs303066@gmail.com

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