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Ms. Vizzini

English 11

16 November 2022

Our New Kitten

Gritty litter scattered across the enclosure, her eyes staring at me. Like emerald shields

hiding her nervous interior. I picked up the frightened kitten, she felt as if a fuzzy blanket was

carefully wrapped over a hard interior. The moment I placed the kitten into my lap, a mental

switch was flipped inside of her. A quiet but steady purr emanated from the nervous fluff, like a

miniature boat motor revving up for the first time. As I pet the small but warm ball of orange

yarn, a sense of peace seemed to wash over her, it was official; we had a new cat. Nowadays

Jeddi is capable of sounding like an unoiled and enraged hinge at a moment’s notice, looks like a

copper sculpture half-painted in a creamy white, and has the texture of the finest fleece coats.

In the early days of having Jeddi, a quiet hiss would emanate from the kitten if one were

to approach from too high or quickly. Like the wind rushing through a field. Later, Jeddi learned

what talking was, and the power that comes with it. Now, when she’s hungry you will be

bombarded with an orchestra of squeaky gates opening, as she walks around in little circles.

When she’s happy or bored, you will hear an army of cooing pigeons rushing towards you.

Another characteristic of Jeddi is her signature gallop. A horse race begins every couple of

hours, with multiple laps around the house, ending with triumph and a nap under the table.
Jeddi has a multitude of distinctive features, all working together to form a beautiful and

unique kitten. She has a tail like a red panda’s in color and a candy cane in form and shape. All

four of her paws have been dipped in milk-like mittens, with exceptionally long digits. Her ears

are stained glass windows, emitting warm pink light when bathed in sunlight. Her nose being the

perfect expression of that pink hue, and with a white fuzzy path on her forehead leading down to


When Jeddi was still a fearful kitten, picking her up felt like carrying a tensed and hard

figurine covered in a layer of fuzz, but as she has grown in size and confidence, so has her feel.

Jeddi now portrays the signature texture of a kitten excellently. When she grabs onto your finger

or hand, her extra-long toes feel like tiny human hands, gripping on ever stronger. Her

windowpane ears feel cool and smooth to the touch, like the slightest layer of frost has rest upon

them after a frosty night. As she sleeps on people’s laps, she feels like a balled-up heating

blanket growing ever warmer as she is stroked lovingly. Perfectly happy to lay in that curled ball

of joy and content as people admire her, like a completed statue proud of its own beauty.

Jeddi will often start out her day galloping throughout the house, as loud and

enthusiastically as a prized racehorse on a sprint, before squeaking like an ancient metal gate that

hasn’t been properly oiled in over 50 years. This symphony of dramatic creaks allows her

spectator to admire her mittens and her tail that has been masterfully chiseled out candy cane, all

in held together in a soft orange vessel. It is incredibly important that people better understand

the appreciation cat owners have for their pets, and their pets have for them. Partly because

genuinely appreciating a fellow creature like a cat enough to think of elaborate similes and

metaphors for their features can change their life. Partly because letting a cat or other type of

animal into your life enough so that you could do the same, could change yours.
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