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Martinez 1

Jose Alfredo Martinez Gonzalez

Mrs. McCann

ENGL 1301 125

17 October 2022

Pollution in the ocean

Every ad has a meaning and a purpose to fulfill in a community. No matter what the artist

tries to say, it has meaning and purpose. There are a lot of things that add depth to an image. A

few examples are the purpose, what the objects represent, and the special effects used to show


First of all, every image has a purpose. The purpose of these images is to show people

how much their trash can affect the ocean. We don’t think much about it, but it will pile up. To

spread awareness about pollution in our oceans by showing the consequences of our actions. The

companies made these images. The companies are trying to encourage people to clean up after

themselves by showing the danger of our trash. The worst effect will be on the wildlife that calls

the ocean it is home. Once it is done, the effects can’t be undone for what has been done to the

wilderness. Only time can heal the wound that we left behind. The trash is like a fingerprint

(Lion's Heart, Lima, Peru) that we made. In the third image (WWF), there is a boat, and the

purpose is to show the source of all the trash. That source is us. We have been slow chip always

one of the beauties of the world. What is the point of filling something with litter that covers

about 71 percent of the world? That is why the image is trying to us. We must stop littering trash

into the ocean. Or we might live in a world that would be 71 percent covered by trash. Not just

that, but we are the ones that cause the pollution.

Secondly, color is not the only thing that adds meaning to an image, the items in the

image itself add context. In this case, you can see that the top half of the containers are

recyclable, and the bottom half is an explosive (WWF). The purpose of showing images like
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this is to show their importance. The top half is what we see these items are like, but the

bottom half is what these items can do. That is not the only thing that the editor adds to the

image. The seagulls represent life in the sky. While at the same time, there is nothing at the

bottom of the ocean that you can see, which is just like a void. The company also shows this

by making the sea dark and the sky bright showing his point. Look at the image, do you see

anything in the sea? Some may say yes that they do see something in the sea, but is that

something we want in the ocean? That something is plastic which can harm all wildlife in the

sea. Not just that, but imagine you walking on a beach. And you are trying to relax on the

sand, but all you see is plastic on the beach. It ruins what was once an area covered with

wildlife and beauty, which is now a garbage dump to litter. That is exactly what the fourth

image is saying. Not just that, but the plastic can be reused to make that plastic into

something worn. For example, that plastic can be more bottles or a pair of shorts. As the

saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” There is another way to show a

purpose of an image which is a visual effect.

Finally, the author uses special effects to show the audience why we clean up after

ourselves. He also uses this special effect to highlight the main message by making them pop out

more and show their importance. We see it as trash, but in plain daylight, we just see it as trash,

but in reality, it can do a lot of harm. The images say a lot about how we treat the ocean. When

you think about it, our trash has consequences for the world. An empty bottle of water is just an

empty bottle to us, and we just discard the bottle. Some people say a picture is worth a thousand

words which, in this case, is true. This picture shows the viewer that the more we pollute our

ocean, the more the environment is destroyed. Our trash has a tremendous impact on the sea. So

much so that the artist compared our garbage to a bomb dropped into the sea. The artist compares

the ocean to the void. By showing us that we are either scared or have killed everything in our


In conclusion, the image shows why we must clean up after ourselves. Also, showing
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visual imagery to display a larger image helps us understand the consequences of our actions.

These nine companies all have their purpose of showing us this image if it is trying to sell some

product. They all are trying to help the ocean in some way.


Kargın, Birsen. “7 Creative Water Pollution Ads.” Marketing Birds, 28 Nov. 2021,
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Lion's Heart, Lima, Peru. “The Pollution Footprint.” Ads of the World, 2018, Accessed 14 Oct.


WWF. “Pollution of the Seawater.” Ads of the World, 2018, Accessed 14 Oct.


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