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FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIETNAM) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Fushan ion eee hh eb ‘THOA THUAN BAO MAT NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT THOA THUAN BAO MAT ("Tha thug”) nly duge lip mpi .nfofe ss gl Vigt Nam bi vd lta cc ba sa diy: THIS NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (the “Agreement") is made in Vietnam on the date of ae ‘by and between the folowing partes (CONG TY TRACH NHIEM HUU HAN FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIfT NAM) FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIETNAM) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY hi 858, Duong 6, Khu Céng aghigp VSIP Bie Ninh, Phuong Phd Chin, Th xi Tir Son, Tinh Bic Ninb, Viet Nam Adiress No. 8, Siret 6, YSIP Bae Ninh Industrial Park, Phu Chan Ward, Tu Son Town, Bac Nink Province, Vietnam Dai din J+ Ongilt: CHEN, HSIAO-WU, Representative Chie wu Git de dd IDM Position General Director Sé dignthogi/- + Head of DMI Project Tele (sau diy go tli / hereinafter referred to as “Fushan") VAIAND ‘CONG TY TNHH TALENT SEARCH VIET NAM [TALENT SEARCH VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED] Biachi ‘8852 Lge Trung Quin Hal Bb Trg, Ha NG, Vie Nom Adress 52 Lae Trang, Hoi Ba Trang Dist, Hono, Pet Nam Dai din / + BAMsNguyen Thi Thanh Tue Representative ‘Chie va / idm abe Position Director ‘Sb ign thosi/- = (+84) 3821 9721, Telephone (au diy poi tt "Ben niga”) hereinafter referred to as “Reeipient") ‘Pushan vioje Dé uli sau dy yoi clung I ee Ben huge Ben riéng re Fushan andlor Recipient hereinafier referred to as Parties or Party collectively or respectively NET RANG! WHERE AS: "Nhim mye dich cung cp dé xu dich vu hoje sin phim lign quan één hos dng kinh doa ‘ba Fushan vivhoge ela Benno, Fushan St mazueetcrgtanmeesamuz cen teh eof vg pps fo sce eur prac ran oe Pere era ae «Strattera pti outgoing thude nhém cing ty cha Tép doa Foxconn (“Foxconn”) tiét Ij cho Bén niin thing tin ky. Aa ccs me nr hh as gm lsh dg Wo oe a pham, k¥ thut vi quy trinh duéi hinh thite tiét If bing migng, gidi thigu, thiét bj, dung ev, Mc idepcoits te cee tery arin sano de hhoge ban vé (bao gbm nhung khdng gidi hen théng tin chung hoge théng tin khong edn thigt theo hinh thie due &p dung cho hé thing théng tin trayén thong khdng dy) va quan sit hinh ret fet wn Cana an Sg etc) ibs ‘ti chinh va php ly, d€ xuit va dn; bin thigtké miu, ky tut, quy tind, phurome php, hg théng, thiét ké, chuomg trinh, mai code, eng thite, nghién céu, thir nghigm va dang thir nghigm li dge quyén cia Fushan vishoge Foxconn (got tit la “Théng tn”). Flot aor Poem eles Gey ana Foon Thi Crow's Sears thie tin Cp Paco dre Eel sca dlr commana bape Be, et tear apes er fr datece tran ie apparatus, model, sample of any kind, computer program, document, specification, circuit Spon devin ald ba aed gion poe co ee ree ees rere) pera pea a oe ae eee Spent ert ewok eas uel © Fok hasan bgt mas DO DO, cdc Bén nay dng y ky kit Thi thu vi ef dibu Khon va dibukign nh saw THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree to enter ino the Agreement withthe terms and conditions as follows: 1. King it, Trong thi ian lim vig cho Fushan vise Foxconn vas hi gin sau iy, Ben ain 9 khéng lt 9 cho Dr ky ba tba no ry Fashan ving Foxcons hofe bogs dung eho mye dich bt ngodtnhigm ved vgs ea Fashanvihoge Foxcom: 2) Thong tin cia Fushan vishoje Foxconn; hoe b) bit ky thing tin a Fashan wivhoje Foxconn nha ti bén We ma Fushan vvhoe Foxconn eb nghie wu bio mit hoe de gue. Bén in sé king it Tn tin cho nn va ela Fashan vfoge Foxconn hae te thi ba wir ki due php theo bit hoa thuln no gta Fashan vfhote Foxcom vi ben tha as ‘Nom Discosure During she working tine period with Fushan andor Foxconn and tall times three, Recipient shall not disclose to anyone ouside Fushan andor Foscom nor ‘efor ay purpose other than the tasknorks for shan anor Faxcon) any ormaton Of Fushanenudor Foxconn: or 8 any bnfrmenion Fushanandior Foxconn hs recelved rom eihers that Fashan andor Foxconn is bligated to treat as confidential or proprietary Recipient shall not disclose Information to other Fushan's andor Foxcom's employees or ‘hr party except as prmited by any applicable agreement Bebveen Fushan andor Foxconn dnd such third par: 'MGi Ben ("Ben nn"), cho mye dich cia ditu Khodn nay, s8 king tt 19 cho bea thirba etng ‘hu Khdng sir dung cho bat kj mye dich Khe ngoi vig the hign theo mye dich ea Tha 2 [FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIETNAM) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Fushan ssioruteayrere rer ere thus ny bit ky thong tn gn dye tr bén kia (*Bén it 1") duit KY hin thie no theo hoje ign quan dén Tha thuin nay ma khong o6 sy chip ab bing vin cia Béa tg rt trang, hop Ben nh e6 quyén it 1 thing tin nn dge cho cOng ty thnh vien hoe cho nd thu cua minh mi (cde) nha thu nay o6 nghia vy bio mat thong tn tong te nb hing ni ung tong Tha thn niy. BS cho #6 ring, bit kj thdng tn vé hogeién quan én én su, nh cung ep, nh thu phy, khich hing hode agua tu ding cubi cng eis Bén ahén, ma nhong tng tn ny e6 duge hog phithign ba Bm nh hod xr hote to align quan qk trn sin xuit,ché tg, sin xu, dich vu s€ dupe coil thing tin ea Fushan vvhoge Foxconn, ach Party ("Receiving Party") for the purpose ofthis Clause shall not disclose to third ‘partes nor use for any purpase orher than forthe proper fulment of the purpose ofthe ‘Agreement any Dyformation received from the other Party (~Diselosing Party") in whatever Jorm under or in connection withthe Agreement withow the prior writer permission of the ‘Disclosing Paty, except that the Recelving Party has the right to diselose received information to ts Affliates and to its contractors provided such contactors are bound by confidentiality ‘obligarions similar to those contained inthis Agreement. Fr the avoidence of doub, any Information of or relating to the Receiving Party's personnel, suppliers, contractors, customers or end-users, which Information Is obtained or detected by the Receiving Party or processed or generated inthe course of providing manufacturing, production. services, sll ‘he deemed information of Fushan andor Foxconn 2 Khong Xung dd¢ Loi ich. Bén ahjn the hign quyén vi nga vy, Kh sing va n Ive ea minh mit eich ung thy, tha tong di voi ee nim vylcong vie vi Bén an & si dng 1 lye cao nh cia minh lim gia tng Io ch cao nit ea Fushan vivhose Foxconn, Trong ‘thi gla Lim vge tai Fushan viiofe Foxconn, én nn s® khéng tham gia bit kj hogt ng Foe du tir mi: (a) xung dt oi feh inh doanh cia Fushan vi/hoge Foxconn; (4) fg rast «quan tim eta Bén nbn lim anh hung dén vgs hye hign cng vige mét ech thich hep Vi higu qui nghf vy ei Bén nn dbi vei Fushan vivhoge Foxconn, Non-Conflict of Interest. Recipient will dilgently perform Recipiem's righs and obligations, abilities and eforts to such duties'vorks, and Recipient will exert Recipient's best efforts 0 Jurthering the best inerets of Fushan andor Foxconn. During Recipient's working time ‘period in Fushan andor Faxconn, Recipient will not engage n any activity or investment that (@ conflicts with Fushan's andior Foxconn business interest, (8) occupies Recipient's attention so. to interfere with the proper and afcient performance of Revipentsdtes for Pushan and/or Foscon, ‘Ben nh dng tin tic chnh ich cia Fushan vvhofe Foxconn liga quan dén vie tit 1p va phe chuln chin sch ela Fushan vide Foxconn 6 thé dupe sa di tng th dim Reciptent agrees to comply with Fuhan's andor Foxconn s polices regarding disclosure and approval o the poleles of Fushan andor Faxon maybe amended fom tne to tie. ‘Ben nn s& han ché ip cn ThOng tin in duve te Fushan viybode Foxcqnn, chi di vi nhfng nn vignvilhoge ben thir ba ma nhimg ng ny vige tip ei ec hig 48 the hign cf cOng vige cho Fushan vihofe Foxconn. Natig nhin vign ny dupe néu ti Pi lye Inbued, Recipient shal resriet access to Information received from Fushan and/or Foxconn to only ‘those of ts employees and/or related third pares) to whom such acces is necessary for carrying out the dties/works for Fushan andor Foxconn and advise such employees ofthe obligaions assumed herein. Such employees are listed in Append I, fans 3 Fushon maryauca cummangumnsumur con 3 Ri in ue ig hn i Th na eyo ve Ting in ‘khéng tao thinh hoje ngu ¥ 1a loi hima hode ¥ dinh nhim mua bat ky hing héa hod dich vy SUUSat thelr nian eb aeons te et ‘vie quiing céo cho bat ky sim phim hoje dich vy hign tai hode tuomg lai bode li hita hog PEDERI ‘eee feuh fafa ae, i set rdf Se ey ree ees Saas oy ae ete ry Han nyc bya Ft Cepia ae neice fy ei cs ey nie 4. om tri Ta iu. Khi th gian lim vgs eta Bea ni ke tte hod hyp diet thus bi chm dt boi Fushan vishoge Foxconn, Bén nin ngay lp tie hodn th eho Fushan vihoge Foxconn tt cd hb so, lin v8, hi chi, bin ehinhd, hung dn sir dng, uy chain kf thu, hid ke thie bm code, email lig, dia ose bing vi bk) ti iu ty thong gb che ting tin bdo mit hofe de quyéa kinh doen, marketing, k thus, i chia hoe php hose thn tin kin doanh ke. Béa nh cing 5 hon tr bt) hia Kd, thea vo, thé tin dung, the dja dan vi cc ti sin va hitb huge shit oiaFushan vivhoge Foxconn. Tit ed ligu va thing tn dupe lout hoe tuyn ti sit dung eth bj do Fusha vive Foxconn sia hoge thu lth sn eta Fushan v/hoge Foxconn, Return of Materials. When Recipient's working time period ends with or contractagreement is terminated by Fushan andlor Foxconn, Recipient will immediately retwrsto Fushan andor Foxconn all papers, drsvngs, noes, memoranda, manuals, specications, designs, devices, code, ema documents, dskeres and tapes, and any other mater on ary medka containing ‘any confidential o proprietary sales, markeing technical, nancial. legcl or other business Information. Reciptent wil also ret any keys, acces cards, creat cards, identification ‘ars and ener property ant equipment belonging o Fushan andor Foxconn AU data and information stored on or transmitted using Fushan and/or Faxconn owned r leased equlpment is the property of Fushan andor Foxconn. 5, Kihing Idi kéo. Tiong thoi gian lim vige ti Fushan vihofe Foxconn v8 trong Khong tht ‘hg hat nm sau Kh thi gian lim vie, Bén nbn 38 king ti ko, cb ging Idi Ko hoe hb tepke d oi kéo hog ob png Ii kéo bt ngudi lao dng no cla Fushen vihoge Foxconn hoge é lim vige cho Bén ni hod cho bit ky bén thi ban. Non-Soliitation. Wale working time period at Fushar andor Foxconn and for a period of two years after Recipient's working tie periad ends, Recipient wil not induce, ate fo Indwee, or asist another 9 induce oF attempt to induce any employees of Fushan and/or Foxconn or to work for Recipient o for any third partes. 6 King bio dim, Foshan vvhoge Foxconn sé kd chu eich aig ia quan dé hing in ‘vie src thing in ting nvr Fehon vite Foxconn af hg Wi nn co Rn ‘br hope catch ign vib kj Ubi nica Ben hb iv ng tin oe vis ‘dng thong tin ‘Ne_warrantiesFushon andr Foxconn shall not bear any responsibiles for such information oan use hereof, nor shall he Fushan andor Foxconn inden the Recipient against or be lable for an third party claims with respect fo such infomation or any se thereof Fushan xanggigexuzyaan unary rutiry cosany “7.” King edp phép. Pushan vifhofe Foxconn khong elp php cho Beén nj dBi véi bt ky thuong higu, sing eh, ban quyén hoge bit ky quyén sir hi tri tof duge cp hoge neu ¥ ep so vigetrayén dat Tg tin cho Bénin tr Kh e6 tha haga Khe ing vn bin No license Fushan and/or Foxconn shall not license to Recipient, wer any trademark ‘patent, copyright or anyother intellectual proper) righ, i ether granted or implied By the ‘comveying of Information to the Recipient unless otherwise provided ina writen document. & Bea nha sé king cing bi, bop ho hofe dep dn Tha thug ny, hoe ‘ty ben thirbs hogc op tie pit ee Ben, Mexublety The Recipient shal ot make any publicity on, press release of or reference fo {his greement or ay third party or he co-operation between the Pars. 9. Khéng chuyén nhwong. Téa thudn nly s khong duge chuyén nhugng boi ede Bén ma khing fs ng bing vn bi oa Ben Kia ssignment. This Agreement may not be asigned by ether Party without the prior written eee 10. King sia ddihd sung-Thia thun, Cie didu Khon eta Ta thug ny’ s€khdng dae sm ‘i, didu chink cling nh due mig tr trie ki e6 vn bin chip thu ela Fushan vilhogec Foxconn. Noamendmentsupplement to the Agreement. The provisions ofthis Agreement may not be ‘modified, amended, nor waived, except bya writen instrument duly executed by Fushan and/or Foxconn hereto 11, Ta trade Tha thud may. Th thu ny sé ida chin tc cite i Lén quan én Thong in gitaFustan vfs Foxcona vi Bén nn wong thi han Ke i gly d& ren “Tha tn ny ln yma Bén niin in das thng bo bans vn ban te Fushan vio Foxconn bit dati tan i tee dy Khong dave du ehinh ‘Communications priors this Agreement. Ths dareement shal gover al communications relating Iformaion Between Fish andor Pexconn andthe Reclplem diving the period {rom the date ofthis Agreement tothe date on which the Recipient reeves a writen notice ‘rom Fushan eur Pexconn starting that sibsequent communications sll not Be 30 soverned 12, Hitu ge tang phn: NEw bk ida Kon no eda Tha thu nlybj v8 hg hob khong {hp ig dupe th ofc dda Khon Kb cd lea Tha than kg bn hug v 8 1igu lye th inh Biv oe Bén tho pham v dg nt cho php cla tpi ‘Seucznbilt If any provision ofthis Agreement shal be invalid or unenforceable, the other remaining provisions ofthe Agreement shall not be affected thereby and sal be enforced 0 the Parties under the greatest extent permite by a. 13, Gili que tranh chp, Tt i leah cp pit sinh ti hag e ia gun dn Tha hut mys dug pit gaye bing trong tl ti Trung tim Trong ti Qube té VigtNam (VIAC) theo Quy ti 6 tung ci Trung tim nay, Da diém trong ti tak Hi. Gi, Vige Nam. NgOn ng rong ‘ti la tiéng Vigt. Tat cit cic chi phi lign quan dén vige gidi quyét tranh chép bao gdm nbing ng it hn tong i, ph Tut su veh phi Ke s do bn hus Kesha fon, Dispute setlement liste rising ot of arn relation to this Agreenert shal be resolved ‘yyarbiration a the Vira ernational Arbitration Centre (VIAC) tn acordanc with is Rules of Ariration. The place of arbitration shal be Hanes, Veta The language of s Fushan ex 2angigexsuzyaan tauren rmtiry comany ‘arbliration shal be Viemamese. Al ofthe expenses related toa dispute surement including but not limited to arbitration fees, attorney's fees and other costs shall be setled bythe losing ary, 1M. Cfo phién ban. Tha thug ny dug tp thin 02 ha) bine ng song ng ing Vit vd idag An 6 gi tr pip if nh hau. Mii Ben git OF (mt) bin go. New eb su Khe nha sits bin ng Vig va ing Anh thi bin ing Vit 8 dye wu in Sp dn Versions. This Agreement 8 made in 02 (vo) orignal copies in bilgual language in Vietnamese and English with th same olga valu. Each Party shal keep 01 (on) original copy. If there are any discrepancies between the Vietnamese and Lxglish Yerson the etnamese version sll preva, CONG TY TRACH NHIEM CONG TY TRACH NHIEM HOU HAN HUUHAN TALENT SEARCH FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIET NAM) FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIETNAM) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY " FUSHAN TECHNOLOGY (VIETNAM) LIMITED LIARILITY COMPANY Fushan igusatnece See aaa tn oe a PHY LUC 1/ ANNEX Ching ti, nhimg ng ky tn dui dy Ia nb eng hn vién eta Ben mign 48 dge va higu “Tha thuin Bao mat kj ket gta Pushan vi Bn nbn vi dng g twin thi ede du Khodn va ditu gn ny We, the undersigned employees of the Recipient have rea and understood this Non-Disclosure Agreement made benween Fushan and the Recipent and agree to be bowl by is trms and ‘onitions. ‘Ching 16 nay ding ¥ Bén nn dye quyén cung lp thing tn Lén quan dé ching ti va cdng vie ea ching ti véi Ben nn di vt vig io mit sit dung eda Fushan viofe Foxconn. We hereby agree, tha the Recipient 1s allowed to give information regording us and our ‘enployment with he Recipen to Fushan’s andor Foxconn's confidential se Ho te FulName Nedy snl Date of Binh ChkyStgnaure Ney Date Nguyés Thi Thanh ee ae 21.04 AU ea Mant BRD

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