Zero Login

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ZERO LOGIN: Biometric

What is Biometric Authentication?
• Biometric authentication is the latest
authentication method( a new technology
• It makes the devices to recognize the
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users to login to computer systems
without requiring to type in the
passwords or codes.
• It is the automatic identification of a
person based on physical or behavioral
Why should we use Zero login
:Biometric authentication?
• Passwords are not reliable.
• Too many
• Can be stolen
• Forgotten
• Shared
• Many passwords are easy to guess
• Protect Sensitive information
• Banking
• Medical
• Commercial
• Government
Biometric Working System
• All biometric system works in a four stage process:

Biometric Working System
Sensor Matcher
Extractor Decision
Checker Maker

Zero Login Characteristics
• Based on two types of recognition Features:

• (1) Physical Biometrics

• (2) Behavioral Biometrics

Physical Biometrics
• (1) Fingerprint Recognition (2)Face Recognition

• (3) Hand Geometry Recognition (4) Iris Scan

• (5) Retina Scan

(1) Fingerprint Recognition
Fingerprint recognition is the identification by using
patterns of an individual's fingertips.
(2) Facial Recognition
• A way of identifying an individual's identity using their face.
• This system can be used to identify people in photos ,vidoes or in
real time.
(3) Hand Geometry Recognition
• This is an automatic measurement of many dimensions of the hand
and fingers.
(4) Iris Recognition
• Iris scanning measures the iris patterns in the colored part of our
(5) Retina Recognition

• Retina scanning is scanning the back of the eye and comparing the
blood vessels with the existing original data.
Behavioral Biometrics
3 Kinds of Behavioral Biometrics

(1) Speaker
Voice recognition
Signature recognition
(3) Patterning
Keystroke recognition
(1) Voice Recognition

• Voice or speaker recognition uses vocal characteristics to identify

individuals using a pass-phrase.
(2) Signature Vertification
• An automated method of measuring on individual's signature.

• This technology examines speed ,direction ,and phrases of

writing ;
• The time that stylus is in and out of contact with the 'paper'.
(3) Keystroke Dynamics

• Keystroke dynamics is an automated method of identifying an

individual's typing on a keyboard.
• Speed and pressure,
• The total time taken to type particular words.
Zero login systems
• Applications -

• (1) Banking ,ATMs , (2) Criminal identification

Cellular phone,
Desktop PCs.
To prevent unauthorized
(3) In automobiles biometrics can replace keys with keyless
entry device

• (4) Airport Security

Advantages of Biometrics
(1) Increase Security

(2) Convenient

(3) Faster authentication

(4) Can't be easily stolen

(5) Flexible
Disadvantages of Biometrics
(1) False acceptances and rejections

(2) Expensive

(3) Missing body part problem

(4) The scanning of eye is fearful of some people

• Biometric is an emerging area with many
opportunities for growth.

• Possibly, in the near future, we will not have to

remember PINS and passwords and keys in our
bags and pockets will be things of the past.

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