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Ever since the lifestyle of people has changed, almost everyone is preferring to shop online. Also, from

past one and half years due to COVID-19 virus all the shopping outlets has been closed. Not only

customers but also the sellers are preferring online mode of shopping to ensure safety. No one is willing

to take a risk of getting exposed to COVID. E-Shopping is a boon as it saves a lot of time and is hassle

free. Online selling is a process whereby sellers directly sell goods, services etc without an

intermediary service to the consumer. Another major advantage of online selling is that online stores

are usually available 24 hours a day and many consumers have internet access both at work and at

home. So, it becomes very convenient for them to sell online. If one wants to buy a product, he/she

can refer products reviews on the web which gives opinions of the existing users of the product. Also,

the return and refund policy became easy for both consumers as well as sellers. Online shopping has

also increased the number of jobs. For example, if we take Myntra, there will be app developers,

information security engineers, PR team etc. One major disadvantage of online shopping is

cybercrimes. One has to be more careful while purchasing or selling products on a new website. It is

good for all if they shop or sell on certified websites. In recent times the trending products are masks,

sanitizers, immunity building supplements like spices etc. Sellers should make use of the trending

products in-order to increase their profit. The sellers have to find different ways to advertise their

products to get good reviews and a strong foundation. And at the same time sellers need to focus on

user interface because most of the customers doesn’t want to stay in any online platform which is

difficult to access and understand. So, the user interface should be made as simple as possible. HD

images for a product should not be inserted in the web since it will take more time to appear in the user

end. Before sending the product into market the seller should use self-check or manual mechanism to

ensure quality of the product. It is very important to provide some information like quality checking,

specifications about the respective product. For maintaining healthy relationship between customer
and seller, an important thing seller need to take care about is the web security. There are a lot of

loopholes present in the internet. So, the seller has to install high secured firewalls to avoid cyber-

attacks. Let see some important things that has to be taken care of while buying the product in online.

One should buy the product from secure platform only. Never be in a hurry to buy the product with

less price than the original price. These are some of the techniques used to cheat people in online and

before buying any product it is better to go through the review section given by the old customers. This

is one of the greatest advantages we get from online. These day’s “Google Shopping” is providing the

price list of a particular product in all platforms. So, before buying any product go to google and search

the product since we can get the platform which provides for a lesser price. Let’s conclude the

discussion with a quote “for buying a product think like a seller and when selling the product

think like a customer”.

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