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-Globalization, as we know it, is the widening set of interdependent relationships among
people from different parts of a world that happens to be divided into nations. From this
fact, we may say that the world is increasingly behaving as though it were a part of a single
market, with interdependent production, consuming similar goods, and responding to the
same impulses. We may say that, through globalization and by eliminating the barriers to
movements of goods and services internationally, the economies of different nations are
becoming more integrated, and improved living standards, employment, and a greater
variety of goods for consumers’ enjoyment are all being made more accessible for
everyone. Given that, we may conclude that the world is continuously moving towards the
future where people and business can freely interconnect across the world. However, this
is not always true in every situation as there are areas where globalization that are
incomplete. For example, with the cases of migration, highly skilled professionals have a
relatively high degree of mobility, but those without skills often face obstacles in migrating
to higher-wage countries.
-One of the advantages of globalization is that it eases the commerce of goods and
services between two or more nations because through the elimination of the barriers to
movements of goods and services internationally. Through globalization, the products
and services which are available within one country are also made available to other
markets outside that specific country. For example, when our country needs military
equipment that we can’t produce domestically due to lack of resources, we may entertain
foreign sellers where we can outsource the necessary equipment at a lower price. This
way, we can save more and by being a part of a globalized economy, a nation’s citizens
may also have more job opportunities because of the trade and businesses that it will
bring to our markets.
-The disadvantages of globalization, on the other hand, is that it can affect the
unemployment rate in industrial countries, just like here in Philippines were the salary of
nurses are more likely higher on the foreign countries than in our own land. Moreover,
globalization also brings negative impact affect to our environment as more factories and
other carbon-emitting equipment from all over the world are being established and
produced. This factor greatly affects the environment by worsening pollution that can
affect, not only the earth’s atmosphere, but also the health of the people virus and they go
back here in Philippines they can be a courier of a disease or some viruses that can spread
to a million of people and can affect the economy so badly.

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