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Technical English 1 (Investigative 4.

Factual and Objective

Report Writing and Presentation) The report contains only facts, not
Preparatory to investigative report writing
A fact is a thing that has actually happened
Characteristics of an Effective Report
or that is really true.
Being objective is not injecting his/her own
1. Accurate and Specific
bias or prejudice into the report.
2. Brief and Concise
The police writer should be fair and
3. Clear and Complete impartial in conducting investigation and gathering
facts and pieces of evidence.
4. Factual and Objective
5. Well-organized and Grammatically
5. Well-organized and Grammatically
Chronological order is usually used in
1. Accurate and Specific organizing and writing the facts in police reports.
Accurate means not only being exact, but It is also important to follow the standard
also, non-commission of errors. format and required specifications prescribed by
Words presented must be precise and the PNP such as official font style which is Arial
correct. The report must be free from mistakes or and font size is 12 including quality paper, proper
errors. and clean printing, format, spacing, margin, and
indention, among others.
Akin to accuracy is specificity. The use of
specific words in conveying ideas most clearly to Aside from the fact that the report is written
the readers is very important. using the proper form and arrangement of words
and sentence structures, it should also be edited
In order to achieve accuracy and before submitting to the higher authorities.
specificity, all forms of correspondences and
reports should be thoroughly edited in spelling, Also avoid the use of full uppercase or full
punctuation, standard format, sentence structure, lowercase all throughout the document especially
mechanics, and grammar, among others. if it is not necessary to do so.
September 8, 2022
This means that reports should be short or Incidents and/or transactions, among others,
economy of words. Use necessary words only as that must be entered in the police blotter (Soriano,
you retain the natural tone of your sentences. 2005)

Conversely, being brief and concise does 1. Violations of laws and ordinances reported
not mean deleting important words to make your and recorded.
report short but write forcefully when using three or 2. All calls in which any member of the PNP is
more words where only one word is sufficient. dispatched or takes official action.
Good writers impress their readers with ideas, not 3. All firearms, reports, and information
words. received by the stations.
4. Movements of prisoners with
In order to make your reports brief and corresponding notations on the authority
concise, avoid the use of redundant or superfluity, for such movements.
jargons, triteness, and misleading euphemisms, 5. Cases of missing and found persons,
among others. animals, and property.
3. Clear and Complete 6. Vehicular and other types of accidents
which require police action.
This means that the report is free from 7. All personal injuries, bodies found, and
confusion and ambiguity and is easily understood. suicides.
The report should include all necessary 8. Damage of property.
information such as the 5Ws and 1H (Who, What, 9. All cases in which police member is
When, Where, why, and how). involved.
10. All arrests and returns made. B. WHAT?
11. Miscellaneous cases, general and special
orders, violations of rules and regulations, These questions are directed to the crime
and other reportable accident that the being committed.
substation, station commander, or higher Police reports sometime indicate the crime
authority desires to be recorded. committed based on the Revised Penal Code
(RPC) like Murder, Homicide, or Rape, among
5W & 1H: BASIC GUIDELINES IN others. In initial reports such as Spot Report, which
DRAFTING does not require a thorough investigation yet, this
is not essential. A report of a “Shooting Incident”
may be sufficient.
These questions include the complete and
It is the duty of the Investigator-on-Case to
correct name of all those who were involved in the
determine what crime was committed. What is
incident such as the victim/s, suspect/s, witness/es
more important is to present the detailed facts and
and whosoever may be listed as present during the
circumstances of what happened.
incident, or may not be present, but have
knowledge about the said incident. (PNPSOP No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005).
The wrong name results in failure to locate a 1. What type of property was attacked, e.g.,
witness or apprehend a suspect. building, residence, car, etc.?
The spelling should be correct including the 2. What type of property was stolen, lost, or found?
middle name, exact home address/es whether What items related to the crime were found at the
residence or hotel, telephone number, cellular crime scene? An accurate description of all such
phone number, and other contact details. property should be entered in the report.
(Soriano, 2005). 3. What felony/offense/infraction was committed,
e.g., murder, homicide, rape, physical injuries,
1. Who was the victim?
robbery, theft, or violation of special laws such as
2. Who was the complainant? RA 7610, RA 9262, etc.?

3. Who discovered the crime? 4. What type of evidence was found or recovered?

4. Who saw or heard anything of importance? 5. What was the crime committed?

5. Who had a motive for committing the crime? 6. What are the elements of the crime?

6. Who committed the crime? 7. What actions were performed by the suspect/s
before and after the crime?
7. Who helped in the commission of the crime?
8. What actually happened?
8. Who had access to the means for
committing the crime? 9. What do the witness/es say and know?

9. Who worked on the case? 10. What evidence was obtained?

10. Who had access to the crime scene? 11. What was done with the evidence?

11. Who searched for, identified, and gathered 12. What tools/weapons were used in the
the evidence? commission of the crime?

12. To whom did they turn over the evidence? 13. What did the officers take?

13. With whom did the victim associate? 14. What further action should be taken?

14. With whom did the suspect associate? 15. What knowledge, skill, or strength was needed
to commit the crime?
15. With whom was the victim last seen?
16. What other agencies were or need to be
16. With whom the witness/es associate? notified?
17. With whom did the suspect commit the 17. What type of transportation was used?
18. What was the motive or suspected motive for 3. When did they report the crime?
the crime?
4. When did the officers and investigators
19. What another crime/s could be associated arrive at the crime scene?
with this one?
5. When was the victim last seen?
6. When was the arrest made?
These questions are concerned with the
7. When will a complaint be signed?
geographical location of the crime scene, property,
or evidence. Describe in detail where the incident 8. When did the witness hear anything
exactly happened, e.g. “In the bathroom of a unusual?
bungalow house located at Block 41, Lot 3, Phase
6 Masangkay Subdivision, Bulihan, City of 9. When did they contact the witness/es?
Malolos, Bulacan” E. WHY?
(PNP SOP No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005). These questions provide the object or
1. Where was the crime committed desire which motivated the commission of the
crime. In crimes against persons, the usual object
2. Where was the crime discovered? includes revenge, ransom, and sexual pleasure,
3. Where was the entry made? among others. In crimes against property, the
reason may be to acquire money and property.
4. Where was the exit made?
(Soriano, 2005)
5. Where were the tools that were used in the
crime obtained? 1. Why was the crime committed?

6. Where was the victim found? 2. Why were certain tools/weapons used?
3. Why was the crime reported?
7. Where was the suspect seen during the
crime? 4. Why was the crime reported late?
8. Where was the victim last seen? 5. Why were the witnesses reluctant to give
9. Where was the suspect last seen? information?

10. Where were the witnesses during the 6. Why is the suspect lying?
crime? 7. Why did the perpetrators prefer that time
and day to commit the crime?
11. Where did the suspect live and where does
he live now? F. HOW?
12. Where is the suspect now? These questions pertain to the manner in
13. Where is the suspect likely to go? which the crime was committed.

14. Where was the evidence marked? The narrative on how the incident happened
shall be indicated to show the description of the
15. Where was the evidence found? chronology of events that led to the incident and all
the circumstances thereafter.
16. Where was the evidence stored?
The actions taken during the initial
D. WHERE? investigation at the scene shall also be included.
These questions include the date and time This shall include the weather, lighting,
when the felony/offense/infraction was committed, sounds, activities in the vicinity of the incident, a
property found, suspect apprehended, etc. description of the circumstances prevailing before,
(Soriano, 2005). during, and after the incident and all other peculiar
details that come to the senses of the trained
1. When was the crime committed? police responder.
2. When was it discovered? There is no limit to what to include in the
“How” portion of the narrative.
1. How was the crime committed?
2. How did the suspect/s get to the scene?
3. How did the suspect/s leave the scene?
4. How did the perpetrator obtain the
information necessary to commit the crime?
5. How was the crime discovered?
6. How were the tools/weapons for the crime
7. How were the tools/weapons used?
8. How was the crime reported?
9. How much damage was done?
10. How much property or money was taken?
11. How much known information is being
PART 1: TECHNICAL TERMS IN guilty party; and to provide evidence of his
(suspect) guilt.
DRAFTING INVESTIGATION REPORTS IN officer who is tasked to conduct the investigation
of all criminal cases as provided for and embodied
INVESTIGATION – While instigation exempts, under the Revised Penal Code/Criminal Laws and
entrapment does not; the difference between the Special Laws which are criminal in nature. A well-
two beings that in entrapment the crime had trained, disciplined and experienced professional
already been committed while in instigation the in the field of criminal investigation duties and
crime was not yet, and would not have been, responsibilities.
committed were it not for the instigation by the CRIMINAL JURISDICTION – The authority to
peace officer. hear and try a particular offense and impose the
- An inquiry, judicial or otherwise, for the punishment for it.
discovery and collection of facts concerning the
CRIMINAL LAW – One that defines crime, treats
matter or matters involved.
of their nature and provides for their punishment.
- It is the process of inquiring, eliciting, Punishment, in this sense, refers strictly to the
soliciting, and getting vital information/ facts/ penalty imposed.
circumstances in order to establish the truth.
CRIMINAL LIABILITY – Requisites. Under Art.4
SPOT REPORT – Refers to an immediate initial par. 1 RPC, a person may be held criminally liable
investigative or incident report addressed to even if the injurious result be greater than that
Higher Headquarters pertaining to the commission intended, provided these requisites concur: 1) an
of the crime, occurrence of natural or man-made intentional felony has been committed; and 2) the
disaster or unusual incidents involving loss of lives wrong done to the victim be the direct, natural, and
and damage of properties. logical consequence of the felony committed.

INVESTIGATOR/OFFICER – Shall refer to any CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE – It consists in the

law enforcement personnel belonging to the duly failure to take such precautions or advance
mandated law enforcement agencies (LEA) tasked measures in the performance of an act as the most
to enforce Republic Act 9208 such as officers, common prudence would suggest, whereby injury
investigators, and agents of the Philippine National is caused to persons or to property.

Police, National Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of POLICE BLOTTER – A record or log where all
Immigration. types of operational and undercover dispatches
shall be recorded containing the five "W"s (WHO,
JUDICIAL NOTICE – Requisites. Three WHAT, WHERE, WHEN AND WHY) and one "H"
prerequisites to judicial notice of any suggested (HOW) of an information.
fact have been stated, namely, 1) that it must be a
matter of common and general knowledge, 2) that POLICE CHECKPOINT – A location where the
it must be will and authoritatively settled, and not search is conducted which is duly authorized by
doubtful or uncertain, and 3) that it must be known the PNP to deter/prevent the commission of
to be within the limits of the jurisdiction of the court. crimes, enforce the law, and for other legitimate
JURISDICTION – The word “jurisdiction” as used
in the Constitution and statues means jurisdiction POST – A Philippine diplomatic and consular
over the subject matter only, unless an exception position such as an Embassy or Consulate.
arises by reasons of its employment in a broader
Comprehensive forensic inquiry specifically on a
CRIME SCENE – A venue or place where the bombing incident through conduct of various
alleged crime/incident/event has been committed. investigative techniques which involves recovery
of physical evidence mainly for reconstruction of
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION – It is the explosive fragments recovered to determine the
collection of facts in order to accomplish the three- device components, the modus operandi and
fold aims – to identify the guilty party; to locate the subsequently to identify the perpetrator(s).
POST BLAST INVESTIGATION TEAM – witness(es) to have had committed the crime in
Composed of the criminal investigator(s) assisted issue. Subject person is not considered as a
by the bomb technicians/EOD personnel and criminal unless otherwise his/her conviction is
SOCO personnel. pronounced in the court.


officials and employees, permanent or temporary, The report rendered by an interrogator/
whether in the classified or unclassified or investigator which contains the following
exemption service receiving compensation, event information of subjects: a) Personal and family
nominal, from the government. background; b) Educational background; c)
Professional background; d) Criminal activities/
SERVICE OF SUMMONS – A notice to the associates, armaments; e) Plans.
defendant informing him that an action has been
commenced against him which he must answer TERRORISM - Any person who commits an act
within a specified time, or else judgment with is punishable under the Revised Penal Code hereby
taken against him. It is the means by which the sowing and creating a condition of widespread and
defendant is afforded an opportunity, and rights, extraordinary fear and panic among the populace,
and thereby has them safe in the defense of his in order to coerce the government to give in to an
person, property, and rights, and thereby have unlawful demand shall be guilty of the crime of
those safeguarded. The principal object of this terrorism.
process is to give the party to whom it is addressed
THE STATE – Shall refer to the Philippine
a notice of proceedings against him.
government and its relevant government agencies,
SEXUAL ABUSE – Includes the employment, organizations and entities.
use, persuasion, inducement, enticement or
coercion of a child to engage in, or assist another
recruitment, transport, transfer or harboring, or
person to engage in, sexual intercourse or
receipt of persons with or without consent or
lascivious conduct or the molestation, prostitution,
knowledge, within or across national borders, by
or incest with children.
means of threat or use of force, or other forms of
SUMMARY OF INFORMATION (SOI) – An coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of
intelligence report rendered regarding any illegal power or of position, taking advantage of the
activity or violation of laws being observed by vulnerability of the person, or, the giving or
intelligence operatives within a given area of receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the
responsibility. This is the usual basis of case consent of the person having control over another
operations hence information received should be person for the purpose of exploitation or the
cared, validated, counter-checked, analyzed and prostitution of others or others forms of sexual
evaluated. exploitation, forced labor, or services, slavery,
servitude or the removal or sale of organs.
SUPERVENING EVENT – A doctrine in criminal
procedure which holds that where a new fact (such UNSCRUPULOUS – Unprincipled, or not
as a deformity) for which the defendant is scrupulous. So, a person who is without scruple
responsible has supervened and this new fact would be one who is lacking in moral integrity, or
charges the character of the crime first imputed to in principles; not adhering to ethical standards;
him, so that, together with the facts previously careless; imprudent.
existing, it constitutes a new and distinct offense,
VICTIM – The aggrieved party.
no double jeopardy exists.

SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS – Any paper or VENUE – Venues deals with the locality, the place
where the suit may be had, while jurisdiction treats
document which is required to be submitted with
of the power of the court to decide the case on the
the passport application supporting claims to
Filipino citizenship to complete the application for
a passport without which such application would VICTIM COMMUNICATOR – The person to
be deemed incomplete or otherwise become whom any demand has been or is likely to be made
subject to denial by the issuing authority. by the kidnapper and who is expected by the
SUSPECT OR SUSPECTS – Individual(s) who offender to respond.
is/are pointed to be by the victim(s) and
detailed account of the victim’s lifestyle and a documented agent who answers an intelligence
personality assists in determining the nature of the requirement.
disappearance, the risk level of the victim and the
type of person who could have committed the ALIBI – To establish alibi, a defendant must not
crime. Complete information regarding the victim’s only show that he was present at some other place
physical description, normal behavioral patterns, at about the time of the alleged crime, but also that
the family dynamics, and known friends and he was at such other place for so long a time that
acquaintances should be obtained as soon as it was impossible for him to have been at the place
possible. where the crime was committed, either before,
during, or after the time he was at such other place.
be voluntary, as mitigating circumstances in ALLEGED – The word “alleged” or “allegedly”
criminal law, must be spontaneous, showing the connotes something “claimed.” It leaves the truth
intent of the accused to submit him unconditionally of the averment an open question.
to the authorities. ALTER – To add, change, substitute or omit
WAIVER – The doctrine of waiver, from its nature, something from a pleading or instrument.
applies ordinarily to all rights of privileges to which AMEND – To add, change, substitute or omit
a person is legally entitled, provided such rights or something from a pleading or instrument.
privileges belong to the individual and are intended
solely for his benefit. ANSWER – The word “answer” in Sec. 1 Rule 19,
Rules of Court, envisions or includes the
LAW ENFORCEMENT – It involves PNP – affirmative and/or special defenses and
initiated project and activities geared towards counterclaim contained therein.
improving the peace and order situation and
professionalizing the people. JURISPRUDENCE – The groundwork of the
written law. The science of law; the particular
AFFIDAVIT - Summary judgment. The kind of science of giving a wise interpretation to the laws
affidavit necessary to support a summary and making a just application of them to all cases
judgment is that affidavit from which it may be as they arise. In an untechnical sense, the term
clearly drawn that certain fact pleaded by either sometimes means Cases Law
party are certain, undisputed and indubitable
which dispense with the hearing or trial of the case. MISFEASANCE or IRREGULARITIES IN
improper performance of some act which might
that may be rendered after any successful police
lawfully be done.
operation that leads to the arrest of any member or
some members of syndicated crime group. MOTOR VEHICLE - Any vehicle propelled by
means other than muscular power using the public
AFTER SOCO REPORT – It is a report rendered
highways, but excepting rollers, trolley cars, street
by the Team Leader of the SOCO that conducted
sweepers, sprinklers, lawnmowers, bulldozers,
the scene of the crime operations, processing, or
graders, forklifts, amphibian trucks and cranes if
not used on public highways; also, vehicles which
AGENT – A person who binds himself to render run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and
some service or to do something in representation traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for
or on behalf of another, with the consent or agricultural purposes.
authority of the latter. Trailers having any number of wheels,
AGENT OF PERSON IN AUTHORITY – Any when propelled or intended to be propelled by
person who by direct provision of law or by election attachments to any motor vehicles shall be
or by appointment by competent authority, is classified as separate motor vehicles with no
charged with the maintenance of public order and power rating. (Sec 2, RA 4136)
the protection and security of life and property. Any MURDER – Any person who shall kill another
person who comes to the aid of persons in person with evident premeditation, treachery,
authority. superior strength, aid of armed men, consideration
of prize and reward of promise and by means of
fire, poison, explosion and other means involving authority, it is an essential condition that they lend
great waste and ruin. (Under Art 248, RPC) such assistance, by virtue of an order or request of
such agent of authority.
NEGATIVE EVIDENCE – Evidence is negative
when the witness states that he did not see or PHYSICAL EXAMINATION - The conduct of
know the occurrence of a fact. examining the engine and chassis number of a
motor vehicle by a Crime Laboratory Technician
NEGLECT – Failure to provide, for reasons other and/or Police Officer through the use of the naked
than poverty, adequate food, clothing, shelter, eyes to determine whether there is a sign of
basic education or medical care so as to seriously tampering/alteration.
endanger the physical, mental, social and
emotional growth and development of the child. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE - Evidence addressed to
the senses of the court that are capable of being
NEGLECT OF DUTY – The omission or refusal, exhibited, examined, or viewed by the court. This
without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, includes but not limited to fingerprints, body fluids,
which it was the officer’s legal obligation to explosives, hazardous chemicals, soil/burned
perform. debris, bombs, electronic parts used in the
NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTIGATION – One of commission of the crime.
the most crucial steps in Kidnap for Ransom cases PHYSICAL INJURY- Harm done to a child's
which is often overlooked or underemphasized. psychological or intellectual functioning which may
The objective is to identify and interview in person be exhibited by severe anxiety, depression,
all individuals in the area where the victim was withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior, or a
kidnapped and/or last known sighting area during combination of said behaviors which may be
the window of opportunity (last time seen until the demonstrated by a change in behavior, emotional
time discovered missing). response, or cognition.
which the law affords the parties or the court to (PNP CMC) - A Committee created by the PNP
reach an enlightened determination of the case,
that specifically handles cases of kidnapping.
either to clear a doubt, to reach a conclusion, or to
find the truth, by viewing the object related to the POINT OF ORIGIN - The exact physical location
fact in issue. where a heat source and fuel come in contact with
each other, and a fire begins.
OFFENDED PARTY – In oral defamation or libel,
the “offended party” referred to in par. 4 Art 360, ANTE MORTEM – Before death.
RPC, and in Sec 4, Rule 110, Rules of Court, is the
person appearing to have been defamed, APPEARANCE – Voluntary submission to a
discredited, damaged, and prejudiced by the court’s jurisdiction.
imputation made. The “offender party” who
ARBITRARY – Willful and unreasoning action,
intervenes in a criminal action, under Sec 15 Rule
without consideration of and in disregard of the
110, Rules of Court, is the person who is entitled
facts and circumstances of the case. Action is not
to civil indemnity in the civil action arising out of the
arbitrary when exercised honestly and upon
criminal act for which the accused is charged.
consideration where there is room for two opinions,
PERSON – Includes natural and juridical persons, however much it may be believed that an
unless the context indicates otherwise. erroneous conclusion was reached.

PERSON IN AUTHORITY – Person in authority ARBITRARY DETENTION – Arbitrary detention

refers to all those persons who by direct provision begins not merely from the moment a person is
of law or by appointment of competent authority locked up in prison cell but from the moment such
are charged with the maintenance of public order person is deprived of his liberty without legal
and the protection and security of life and property, grounds. And it ends only when such person is
as well as all persons who come to the aid of absolutely freed from any restraint on his person.
agents of authority; it being public functionaries are
ARREST – It is the taking of a person into custody
entitled to be considered as agents of authority, it
in order that he may be bound to answer for the
being understood, nevertheless, that in order that
commission of an offense
the persons who come to the aid of an agent of
authority may be considered as agents of
ARSON - Is defined as the intentional or malicious affected. Several case operations may fall under
destruction of a property by fire. It is also defined one intelligence project.
as the criminal burning of property.
ASSAULT – The term “assault” in Sec. 87 (b) (2), where the responding agencies are conducting
Judiciary Act, on the original jurisdiction of case conferences, briefings and debriefings.
Municipal Courts, means physical injuries. It does
COMPLAINANT – A party or person who makes
not refer to the crime of direct assault in Art. 148 of
a complaint or file a formal charge in the court of
the Revised Penal Code.
ATTEMPT – Intent is a quality of the mind and
COORDINATION REPORT – A report which is
implies a purpose only, while attempt implies an
used as a means of formal coordination to be
effort to carry that purpose into execution.
made by the investigating agency with the police
AUTHORITY – A person or persons, or a body, unit or military unit having operational jurisdiction
exercising power or command; for those upon over the place where a police case operation shall
whom the people have conferred authority. be conducted.

CAUSE OF DEATH – A declaration of by what CORPUS DELICTI – Latin for the “body of the
means and by whom the declarant was injured is crime” It is the legal term used to
within the purview of the term “the cause of the describe/physical/or material evidence that a crime
declarant’s death” in a dying declaration has been committed such as the corpse of a
murder victim or the cleaned of a torched building.
BAIL – The word “bail” as used in the prohibition It is used to refer to the underlying principle that,
against excessive bail is inadequately translated without evidence of a crime having been
by the word “fianza,” as bail implies a particular committed, it would be unjust to convict someone.
kind of bond that is to say, a bond given to secure
the personal liberty of one held in restraint upon a
criminal or quasi criminal charge.

CADAVER - A corpse or a dead body.

CADAVER TAG - An identification tag attached
to the cadaver containing tag number, name (if
identified), date/time & place of recovery,
date/time/type/place of incident, gender, other
pertinent information, and name of investigator.
The tag shall be made using suitable materials
which can be used of in all types of weather.

CAUSE OF ACTION – A cause of action is the

act or omission by which a party violates a right of
another (Sec 2, Rule 2 of the Rules of Court). The
term “cause of action” has two elements: 1) the
right of plaintiff, and 2) the violation of such right by
the Defendant.

CARNAPPING - The taking, with intent to gain,

of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the
latter’s consent, or by means of violence against or
intimidation of persons, or by using force upon

CASE OFFICER – The person responsible for

and in charge of the investigation of a case.


definite target-specific activity conducted in
relation to an intelligence project under which it is
OF CRIMINOLOGY ■ Place of the incident as well as where it
was reported, where about of exhibits and
POLICE REPORT other evidential items or materials
Is a chronological or step-by-step account of necessary to enrich the investigation and
an incident that transpired in a given time at a if possible, prosecution and gain
given place. conviction
As an account of an investigation, or an official WHEN
statement of facts ■ Time frame
KINDS OF POLICE REPORT ■ when did the incident happened or occur,
Situational Report when was it reported to the police
Intelligence Report HOW
Crime Report ■ How did it occur, circumstances
Administrative Report surrounding it occurrence, how did the
Investigative Report incident or the issue get to police
Prosecutorial purposes ■ the question of why enables the police
Public information officer to ascertain the reason behind the
Information exchange commission of the act.
They serve as records for police administrators HEADING
in planning, directing, and organizing the unit’s ■ Well capture topic indicating what is in the
duties report or what the report is about the
Reports can be used as legal documents in incident or the event.
the prosecution of criminals INTRODUCTION
Reports can be used by other agencies ■ Brief sentence or statement directing the
Reports can be useful to local media which attention of the reader. It normally the brief
need access to public documents fact of the report or the complaint as
Reports can be a basis for research received by the Police. It includes some of
To report upward and outward information the following:
concerning progress, future needs and plans and • name of complainant and addresses
decisions being made • name(s) of whoever accompanied the
To report upward for purposes of complainant or the reporter
administrative control • the nature of complaint
To inform downward (in the organization) • date of offense
• name of offender or suspect
concerning policies, programs, resources,
• place of offense
procedures and all other matters concerning work
• any injury or casualty
in the police organization
■ Full details of police action and
■ WHAT investigation revelation which includes
■ WHERE the following:
■ WHY – It includes police response,
– Any medical form issued to an injured
persons or victim if any.
■ HOW – observation at the scene.
■ Heading – Statement taken from all parties
■ Introduction including complainant, suspects, and
■ Body witnesses.
■ Summary of statement – Arrest
■ Conclusion – Result of investigation
■ Recommendation – Bail of suspect (police officer
WHO concerned or involved)
Name of the victims, suspects, witnesses SUMMARY OF STATEMENT
involve in the commission of the crime ■ It indicates the various Police action and
WHAT necessary movement to the crime scene,
■ Elements of crime hospital, search as well as other important
■ Details of incident revelations relating to the incidents. It
■ offense committed or incident, source of contains a lot of paragraphs with each
complaint, issue at stake paragraph exhausting one issue/action or
■ Exactly if known
CONCLUSION having an interest in the case being
■ Summary of Findings of the investigation investigated.
based on evidence which hinges on ■ Considered internal communication, and it
senses. should be addressed to the chief or head of
■ State the offense committed with regard to a police unit and must be signed by officer-
the relevant section of the applicable laws on-case, and noted by the chief of the
or professional ethics or code of conduct. investigation section
RECOMMENDATION Parts of an Investigative Report
■ Suggest ways to stop, reduce or improve ■ AUTHORITY
the occurrence of the offense/crime or ■ MATTERS INVESTIGATED
incident. ■ FACTS OF THE CASE
■ State the appropriate mode of trial if
■ Report should be efficient ■ This section contains a brief statement of
■ Accurate and factual when, where and by whom the
■ Written in first person investigation was made. It should be also
■ Clear and concise cite the authority for making it.
■ Complete and timely ■ If the investigation is made on the basis of
Report should be efficient oral orders, this fact should be stated,
■ Not Wrong...but needless naming the individual issuing the order and
– Everything you just wrote should already be the date.
recorded in the basic information ■ If it is made pursuant to written orders,
Accurate and factual specific reference to the document, stating
■ Get to the point the date and the original directing authority,
– You might think that completes the narrative. It whether local or higher police offices, is
does pretty well describe what happened, necessary.
but it's not the end of your Investigation. As you MATTERS INVESTIGATED
interview the victim, other information may come to ■ This section of the report states the mission
light which was not immediately apparent. The of the investigator. In essence, it answers
victim may have observed the suspect (s) in the the question, “what is the investigation
past at another. about?” Most of these are written
Clear and concise complaints or reports alleging that some
■ Over time you should create your own persons have committed a crime of
format for your narratives. Make sure you impropriety, or that the writer has been
create it considering the fact that other unjustly treated
people are reading your reports. ■ If the allegations are too long, a synopsis
■ The information should flow smoothly be made, and the appropriate references
Complete and timely made to the copies of the papers in the
■ If you're writing your field reports by hand, appendix upon which the investigation is
neatness does count. Even beautiful based.
handwriting can be difficult to FACTS OF THE CASE
read. Most peoples’ handwriting is just ■ This portion presents the facts
plain terrible. Learn to print -- preferably in regarding the matter being
upper case. Your written reports, no matter investigated. “Completeness” and
what the process used, is a measure by “clarity” are particularly necessary in
which others will view your knowledge and this section. It should be a coherent
competence. presentation of all pertinent facts which
Written in first person shall be free of bias and should be fully
■ The author of a report should also consider supported by evidence.
that his (written) work is reflective of his DISCUSSION
personality ■ This section should indicate the
SAMPLES OF POLICE REPORT presumption and inference from all the
INVESTIGATIVE REPORT circumstances of the case to give the
■ Is the complete when it answers the six directing officer the clearest possible
interrogatives of police report writing – the picture. It should contain such related
5Ws and 1H. factual matters as may be necessary, in
■ It also provides in brief, the sworn addition to the facts presented, to establish
statements executed by the individuals the conclusions and recommendations
■ This contains the summary of the results of “A” - Complaint Sheet
the investigation as supported by facts. It “B”- Authority to Investigate
should contain no item not supported by “C”- Sworn Statement of Witness 1 “D”-
facts. The facts are usually stated in the Sworn Statement of Witness 2 “E” - Sworn
order suggested by the statement of the Statement of Suspect “F” - Arrest Booking
allegations or facts.
■ This contains the practical suggestions for
“G”- Laboratory Report “H”- Photographs
appropriate action to be taken to suitably “I” - Other Documentary Evidence
dispose of the case. It should follow, as far
as practicable, the same sequence as that Republic of the Philippines
used in the presentation of the conclusions. NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION
Republic of the Philippines Labo, Camarines Norte
National Police Commission July 17, 2009
SAN FERNANDO CITY POLICE STATION The Provincial Prosecutor Provincial
San Fernando City, Pampanga Prosecution Office Daet, Camarines Norte

SFCPS-IN Sir/Madam:
MEMORANDUM I have the honor to refer to your office
for appropriate action and inquest a case for
FOR : Chief of Police, SFCPS the crime of “Violation of PD 1866 as
FROM : Investigation Section, SFCPS amended by Republic Act 8294” against the
SUBJECT : INVESTIGATION REPORT persons listed below.
DATE : January 05, 2012 1. RUEL FEROL Y EQUIZA, 25 years old,
I. AUTHORITY married and a resident of Phase 10A,
1. Package, Blk 18, Lot 19, Brgy Bagong
2. Silang, Caloocan City/Brgy San
II. MATTERS INVESTIGATED: Antonio, Barcelona, Sorsogon.
4. year-old, married and a resident of
III. FACTS OF THE CASE: 6468 Atis St, Area D Camarin,
5. Caloocan City/Sitio Palali, Brgy
6. Exciban, Labo, Camarines Norte.
IV. DISCUSSION Victim/Complainant:
10. VALEROS, LABO MPS- Labo, Camarines
12. Evidence:
VI. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. S/S of the above-named witness
13. 2. One (1) Caliber .38, Armscor, tampered
14. serial number 791777, loaded with six
Idiot G. Dizon (6) live ammunitions with evidence tape
PO3 PNP containing complete data and initial of
Officer-on-case the investigator and ammunition with
NOTED BY: “WAC” black pentel pen markings.
EFRENILO F. RESTUA 3. One (1) Caliber .38, without trademark
Police Inspector Chief, Investigation Section and serial number, loaded with six (6)
live ammunition with evidence tape Reviewer in
containing complete data and initial of TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING
the investigator and ammunition with ---------------------------- oOo --------------------
“REF” black pentel pen markings. -----
4. and others
Like any other writings, ITRW
FACTS OF THE CASE: (Investigative Technical Report Writing) is a means
“That on or about 8:30 in the evening of of conveying idea(s) or information from the writer
July 16, 2009 at Brgy Talobatib, the above (author) to the reader(s). Public Safety Offices
named accused while riding in tandem in a (such as PNP, BFP and BJMP) adopted a system
Red Lifan motorcycle with plate number 2710 of written communication that is easy to
PM were accosted by the elements of Labo comprehend and understand.
MPS led by PSUPT ENRICO FILLE AMOR, Report writing includes but not limited to
OIC, that matched up with the text message the preparation of investigation report,
received by this station earlier that the same memorandum, letters, office orders or any form of
motorcycle was used as the gate away vehicle written communication, either in the plain or coded
languages. It is the medium through which the
of the perpetrators in the Robbery Holdup
communicator expresses his/her ideas.
incident that transpired at Brgy Bagong Investigative Report Writing is most widely used in
Silang 1, during the search/check, one of the the uniformed bureaus of the Department of the
suspects, Willie Castilar Jr Arugay was caught Interior and Local Government, such as the
while in possession and control of one (1) Philippine National Police, the Bureau of Fire
Caliber .38 revolver, trademark Armscor with Protection, the Bureau of Jail Management and
tampered serial number 797977 and Penology and the Philippine Public Safety College.
six (6) live ammunitions while the other Written Reports serve as the mirror of an
suspect identified as Ruel Ferol y Equiza was office because papers speak well of the
caught in possession and control of one (1) accomplishments of said office. Written
Caliber .38 revolver, without trademark and documents sent out or filed in the office be framed
to accurately depict the actual situation or
serial number and loaded with six (6) live
scenario. They must be written briefly avoiding
ammunitions same without legal documents or phrases that does not add meaning in the report.
license to possessed the said firearms which They must be in a manner that could be easily
is a violation of PD 1866 as amended by RA understood by the readers and with direct
8294.” emphasis with the idea being presented.
Writing a Police Report (usually referred to
SPO4 EMIRJOSPEH BADONG communications used in Public Safety Offices), the
VALEROS, officer making the communication must have
Investigator will represent this case. knowledge in grammar, investigation and law.
Very Truly Yours, These are basic principles that one must have for
the report to become functional.
Senior Police Officers 4 Chief Investigator The concept of the Investigative Report
October 6, 2022
Writing is to establish a language that could be
adopted to reach the levels of the formal and the
informal dictions. Formal diction is the language
of the scholars, intellectuals, poets, doctorals and
even politicians. This includes the use of
vocabularies that have deep meanings, high-level
phrases, or words and/or use of technical terms.
On the other hand, informal diction is the
fashionable, colloquial, and/or disrespectful
informality use of slang and jargon.

What is writing?Writing is the process of defining

what we mean to say accurately and without
The Five (5) W’s in Writing:

1. Who
2. What
3. Why the English rules, hence resulting to
4. Where uncertainty and losing direction in the process.
5. When
What is Report? A report is designed to fulfill a Example:
need to tell and need to know by communicating a WRONG: In school, his grades were barely
set of ideas from a writer’s mind to a reader’s mind. sufficient.
CORRECT: In school, his grades were
What is Police Report? Police Report is a average.
chronological or step by step account of an 3. Avoid illiteracy–
incident that transpired at a particular place and This refers to the wrong use of English words.
time Unaware writers sometimes mistake “advise”
from “advice”. The first is a verb and the
CHARACTERISTICS OF POLICE REPORT second is a noun. The use of “there” and
“their”, the first refers to a place and the
• Clarity second is a possessive pronoun.
• Accuracy The indefinite article “a” is used with words
• Brevity beginning with sounded “h” like “a holy day”
• Specificity ,“ a house ” and “u” pronounced as letter “y”
such as “a union” , “a university” ; and “an”
A. CLARITY - is the comprehensibility of the idea. to be used before silent “h” like “an honor”
The writer must consider that the reader does ,“an honest” and in “u” being pronounced as
not have enough time to look for the meaning “Uh”. “A” is generally used for words
of the words or phrases he used in the beginning with consonants and “an” is for
communication. The writer has an obligation to words beginning with vowels.
service his reader by letting him easily COMMON USAGE PROBLEMS
understand what he wanted to convey. AFFECT and EFFECT
Rules to observe in Clarity: Guideline. Use affect (a VERB) when
1. Avoid impressive expressions– expressing the action that means “to influence” or
The use of “big words”, “bombastic”, “have an impact upon”. Don’t confuse it with either
“highbrow”, “gobbledygook”, and the NOUN form of effect, which means “result”, or
“euphemistic” words should be avoided in the with the VERB form of effect, which means to
correspondence. “produce a result”.
Compare the following BIG WORDS with their AMONG and BETWEEN
respective SIMPLE counterparts: Guideline. Use between when you are
drawing a connection involving only two persons or
BIG WORDS SIMPLE things. Use among when three or more persons or
things are involved.
Magnitude size CAN and MAY
Maximize develop fully Guideline. Use can when you mean the
Accumulate gather ability to do something. Use may when you are
Acquaint tell seeking permission or using the word as a
Approximate about synonym for might.
Correlate match GOOD and WELL
Inadvertency mistake Guideline. Use good when the sentence
Liquidate pay calls for an ADJECTIVE (especially after the
Promulgate issue linking verb feel). Use well when the sentence
Terminate end calls for an ADVERB, but with one key exception:
Remuneration pay when you are describing the state of someone’s
Modification change health.
Commence begin FAMOUS and INFAMOUS
Guideline. Use famous to describe
2. Avoid unwitting language transfer – anybody who has achieved wide renown. Use
infamous to describe famous people with
Clarity is understanding the idea to be notorious reputations.
expressed and conveying it through the level ALL TOGETHER and ALTOGETHER
that could easily be understood. In some Guideline. Use altogether when you
cases, trying to know what to say, some writers mean “entirely” or “all told”. Use all together when
try to substitute literally local dialect into you mean “assembled” or “all in a group”.
English language. Unconsciously, his written
communication becomes literally deviated from
BRING and TAKE • Future plans strangled to death
Guideline. Use brings when the act of • General consensus totally destroyed Joined
carrying, or escorting is directed toward the together true facts
speaker or to a place normally identified with the • New recruit genuine original
speaker. Use takes when the act of carrying is • Past experience whether or not
moving away from the speaker. Brevity or conciseness means saying much in
i. e. and e. g. a fewer word. Notice the following wordy
Guideline. Use i.e. [(id est) that is or that is expressions changed to shorter interpretations:
to say] when the writer cites the related ideas to WORDY BRIEF
the one discussed in the sentence. Use e.g. At a point of time when when
[(exempli gratia) for example] when the writer gives At this present writing now
models of the idea or topic discussed. Due to the fact that because
B. ACCURACY - use of words for a particular In compliance with your request as requested
purpose. Choose the words exactly or are In a number of cases some cases
suited for your idea and circumstance. Let your In the event that if
readers or listeners feel and experience what In the majority of circumstances usually
you are trying to convey or what you are trying In this time and age today
to express. In view of the fact that as
When you are referring to an act, which is On the part of for
a violation to the Revised Penal Code, and the In the vicinity of near
act or omission is serious, it is a “crime”.
When it is a violation or breach of Special Laws D. SPECIFICITY - When we write about concrete
then you call the same action an “offense” examples or situations that bring ideas to life,
when you seem to judge it less seriously. When we need specific words that bring the reader
you want the readers appreciate it as against closer to firsthand experience. Words that
the teaching of the church or religion, then it is remain too general keep people and events
referred to as “sin” and “misdemeanor” if it colorless and anonymous.8
is a violation of an ordinance. When you are Observe the following sentences:
referring to behavior, which degrades or In describing persons, give description on how
corrupts the person involved and it becomes he/she look like. Describing things. Describing
habitual, you label it as “vice”. Places
When reporting an accident “the speeding To help you determine the specific word or
ten-wheeler truck run-over the man”, the expression to be used in your sentence,
writer must not mistake the context as “the observe and follow the “abstract ladder” Ms.
man run-over the speeding ten-wheeler Hurboda in her book-Police, Fire. Jail
truck”.5 Correspondence
C. BREVITY- is the conciseness of the REPORT WRITING
communication. Reader’s tire of wading Documenting an activity, results of
through a stream of verbiage in search for the undertakings, ideas and related matters are done
nuggets of sense. Avoid padded phrases. in writings. Most agencies require the so-called
Outright redundancy duplicates words that “black and white” communications rather than
exactly the same. verbal. In the Public Safety Offices, they follow
Take note of the following sentences: certain forms of communications which varies
1. This common misconception is completely according to its purpose, such as civilian letter,
wrong.” memorandum, office order, special order,
(Better is: This is a common investigation report, etc…
misconception.) SPOT REPORT – is one done after an important
2. “Another aspect that needs to be incident took place in a certain area at a particular
considered is the civilian relations angle.” date and time.
(Better is: We should also consider the POLICE REPORT – is the chronological or step-
civilian relations angle.) by-step narration of incident that took place at a
Avoid redundancy: given time and place.
Brevity or conciseness means saying much INVESTIGATION REPORT – is an arrangement of
in a fewer word. Notice the following wordy the materials, which follows a certain pattern to
expressions changed to shorter make the report easy to read and understand. It is
interpretations: the detailed account or narration of the events and
• Each and every one protest against circumstances after an investigation of a particular
• Completely eliminated qualified expert case is completed.
Controversial issue razed to the ground CIVILIAN LETTER – is the basic of all types of
• Definite decisions reason why communication. It is used when communicating
with civilian officials, offices and/or private Internet citations:
individuals or companies. As technology develops, more research is
MEMORANDUM – maybe of general application conducted using electronic sources, like the
requiring compliance by, or information of a internet services. Information taken from the
majority or all of the Officers and personnel of an internet must also be cited to acknowledge its
organization. They may also be of limited source.
application, such as those directed to, or requiring Example:
performance of an action by an individual or group
of individuals within a particular unit, section,
directorate, service, region, province or station.
OFFICE ORDER – are issuances for the regulation SUMMARY
of administrative matters in the General The reputation of an office is partly shaped
Headquarters, Regional, Provincial and Municipal with the style communications (especially, written)
Offices. Purely internal. Office orders contain sent out to other agencies or clientele. An accurate
administrative instructions, which are regulatory in report develops trust and confidence; a clear and
nature, mandatory in character, and requiring brief one makes the reader enthusiastic and a
personal conduct and other related matters. complete report gains respect.
COMPLAINT – is a sworn written statement
charging a person with an offense, subscribed by
the offended party, any peace officer or other
public officer charged with the law violated.
INFORMATION – is an accusation in writing
charging a person with an offense subscribed by
the fiscal (or prosecutor) and filed with the court.
CITATIONS – It provides the information
necessary for the reader to locate the reference
(e.g., specific statute, court opinion, law review,
encyclopedia, and others), thus allowing the
reader to check the content of the reference.
Citations are usually required in cases of Office
Legal Memorandum, Court Briefs, and Scholarly
Writings such as Law Review, Journals, Term
Paper, Thesis, etc.
Short Citation
Id as short citation. It means “the same”
and is used in the same way as “ ibid ” . Use id, not
ibid, in legal writing. Id is italized or underlined.
When it is underlined, the period is also underlined
(id.). Id is used in court documents and legal
memorandums when you are referring the reader
to the immediately preceding citation. In other
words, you must be referring to the same citation
as the last citation presented
“Discount bond. A bond sold for less than
face or maturity value. No interest is paid annually,
but all interest accrues to the maturity date when
is paid.”1
“Discount period. The period during which
the discount stated in an invoice can be claimed.”2
Books (full citation)
• Volume number (if any)
• Full name of author (or editor when name
is given)
• Full name of publication as it appears
onthe title page, in italics or underlined
• Number of the section or page you are
• Editor when there is an editor, edition or
series, publisher
• Year of publication

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