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Are they…? . They’re = They are . How much…?

DIALOGUE: How much are the apples and the bananas?

SONG: How much are they?

John: They’re nice apples. Juan: Son manzanas apetitosas
Mary: Yes. María Sí.
John: Are they dear? Juan: ¿Son caras?
Mary: No, they’re cheap. María: No, son baratas.

They are Son. El último de los pronombres personales es they (ellos). Se usa para referirse
a personas, tanto en masculino como en femenino, y cosas. Va acompañado de la
forma verbal are, lo mismo que you y we. La forma abreviada es they’re. Como
siempre, el orden de las palabras se invierte para formar la pregunta.

He aquí algunos números más:

20 twenty 50 fifty
30 thirty 60 sixty
40 forty

Y seguimos con los ejemplos de números:

21 twenty-one 46 forty-six
27 twenty-seven 53 fifty-three
34 thirty-four 69 sixty-nine

How much are the apples? How much are the bananas?
(Peter y Jane van de compras. Peter quiere comprar fruta)

Lesson eight: Shopping with Peter and Jane

(De compras con Peter y Jane)

Peter: I want some apples, Jane.

Jane: Apples?
Peter: Yes, they’re cheap.
Jane: Oh, look. They’re nice apples.
Peter: Oh yes, they are nice. How much are they?
Jane: Excuse me! Those apples, how much are they?
Shopkeeper: They’re cheap. Thirty pence for six.

Jane: Yes, they are cheap. Five pence for one.
Peter: I want three.
Jane: Can I have three apples, please?
Shopkeeper: Certainly, madam. Here you are. Three apples.
Jane: Thank you. How much?
Shopkeeper: Eighteen pence, please.
Peter: Eighteen pence. But three fives are fifteen.
Jane: Yes. Three fives are fifteen.
Shopkeeper: Thirty pence for six, madam. But six pence for one.
Three sixes are eighteen. Eighteen pence, please.
Peter: Six pence for one. Oh, they’re dear.
Jane: Yes, they are dear.
Peter: We’ll buy something else.
(Ahora Peter y Jane están mirando los plátanos.)
Jane: Look at hose bananas. They’re nice.
Peter: How much are they? Are they cheap?
Jane: Excuse me. Those bananas, how much are they, please?
Shopkeeper: Four pence for one.

Peter: They’re cheap.
Jane: Yes, they are cheap.
Peter: I want six.
Jane: Can I have six bananas, please?
Shopkeeper: Certainly, love. Here you are. Six bananas.
Jane: Thank you. How much?
Peter: Twenty-four pence, of course.
Shopkeeper: No, ducky. Four pence for one, but six for twenty pence.
Jane: Oh, they’re cheap.
Peter: Yes, they are cheap. I want twelve bananas.
Jane: Twelve bananas!
Peter: Yes, they’re cheap.

shopkeeper tendero
want querer
for por
can poder
nice apetitoso
how much? ¿cuánto?
can I have? ¿me pondrá?
certainly ciertamente
madam señora
here you are aquí tiene
buy comprar
we’ll buy compraremos
those esos
banana plátano
look at mirar
pence (1) peniques
I want some apples quiero unas manzanas
six for thirty pence seis por 30 peniques
how much is it? ¿cuánto vale?
how much are they? ¿cuánto valen?
we’ll buy something else compraremos otra cosa
love, ducky (2) querida, chata

NOTA: Las palabras terminadas en x, h o s añaden es para formar

el plural; por consiguiente, de six, sixes.

(1) En una libra inglesa hay cien peniques.

(2) Formas populares de dirigirse a una señora, utilizadas por los

dependientes de una tienda, mercado, etc.

Lesson eight. Drill one Lesson eight. Drill three

Listen to these examples (Escuche estos Listen to these examples (Escuche estos
ejemplos): ejemplos):
Cheap Are they cheap? Two tens are twenty
Dear Are they dear? Three tens are thirty

Now you (Ahora usted): Now you (Ahora usted):

Cheap …………. Are they cheap? Two tens are ………… Twenty
Dear …………. Are they dear? Three tens are ………… Thirty
Tired …………. Are they tired? Four tens are ………… Forty
Hungry …………. Are they hungry? Five tens are ………… Fifty
Nice …………. Are they nice? Six tens are ………… Sixty

Lesson eight. Drill two Lesson eight. Drill four

Listen to the examples (Escuche los ejemplos): Listen to the examples (Escuche los ejemplos):

Are they cheap? Yes, they’re cheap. They’re nice apples. Yes, and they’re cheap too.
Are they dear? Yes, they’re dear. They’re nice oranges. Yes, and they’re cheap too.

Now you answer (Ahora responda): Now you answer (Ahora responda):

Are they cheap? …… Yes, they’re cheap. They’re nice apples

Are they dear? …… Yes, they’re dear. ……… Yes, and they’re cheap too.
Are they tired? …… Yes, they’re tired. They’re nice oranges
Are they hungry? …… Yes, they’re hungry. ……… Yes, and they’re cheap too.
Are they nice? …… Yes, they’re nice. They’re nice pears
……… Yes, and they’re cheap too.
They’re nice bananas
……… Yes, and they’re cheap too.
They’re nice plums

How much are they?

Oranges , pears and apples.

How much are they?
Oranges pears and apples.
Are they cheap today?
Oranges, pears and apples.
They’re dear today.
Six for sixty-six pence.
It’s too much to pay
What about bananas?
How much are they?
What about bananas?
Are they cheap today?
You can have bananas.
They’re cheap today.
You can have bananas.
It’s not much to pay.
I want twelve bananas.
They’re cheap today.
I want twelve bananas.
How much are they?
You’ll have twelve bananas.
They’re cheap today.
Twelve for forty-eight pence.
But who is to pay?

oranges , pears : naranjas, peras

too much to pay : demasiado caro
what about bananas?: ¿cuánto valen los
you can have: usted puede
not much to pay: no son caras
you’ll have: usted tendrá
But, who is to pay? pero, ¿quién paga?

1. Practique los numerous en inglés. Repita en Invente diálogos similares con esos
voz alta: dibujos:

2. Repita las multiplicaciones en voz alta y Practique los diálogos con un amigo:
escríbalas, como en el ejemplo: 4. Construya frases como ésta:
1. 3x5 Three fives are fifteen 1. John’s happy.
2. 6x4 …………………………………. Mary’s happy.
3. 2x9 …………………………………. ……………………………….
4. 11 x 6 …………………………………. 2. Laurence Olivier is English.
5. 8x5 …………………………………. James Mason is English.
3. Repase el diálogo: 3. Anne’s tired. Peter’s tired.
Peter: Those apples are nice. 4. Cary Grant is American.
Jane: Yes, and they’re cheap too. Yul Brynner is American
Peter: How much are they? ……………………………….
Jane: Thirty pence for six. 5. Mary’s hungry. Anne’s hungry.



1. 1. are. 2. is. 3. am 4. is. 5. are.

6. is. 7. is. 8. are.
2. 1. Is. 2. Are. 3. Is. 4. Are. 5. Am.


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