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Unit 1: The History of agriculture / The development of agriculture.

Alumna: Micaela Diego Aurucci

1. Before you read the passage, talk about the questions

a. When did farming first begin in your country ?
Answer: Agriculture in my country began at the end of the 1960s when wheat expanded, in
the 1970s, soybeans are transferred.
From that moment, with soy in the lead, a productive growth begins that continues to this
b. What did farmers first grow in your country ?
Answer: The first farmers in my country grew wheat

2. Read textbook passage. Then, mark the following statements as true ( T ) or false ( F ).
a. Crops cannot grow in deserts. T
b. The Nile River floods every year. T
c. Farmers raised animals before plants. F
3. Match the words (1-6 ) with the definitions ( A-F ).

a. Agriculture
b. Crop
c. Cultivate
d. Produce
e. Domesticate
f. Plant
1- A large group of cultivated plants: Crop
2- To put seeds in soil: Plant
3- Growing plants and raising animals: Domesticate
4- To make something: Cultivate
5- To raise a crop from seeding to harvest: Agriculture
6- To tame an animal: Domesticate

4. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the

words best fit the blanks.

1 water supply / irrigation

A The river is the farmer's Water supply.
B irrigation helps farmers grow crops in areas with little rainfall.

2 harvesting / farming

A Farming includes raising animals and

B Farmers ai until crops are mature to start harvesting.

5. Listen and read the textbook passage again. Then. say three things you have
learn from the text.
Answer: I learned that deserts are dry and hot areas, despite that it has two of the
requirements for agriculture: good soil and water supply.
I learned that agriculture began in the area known as Fertile Crescent.
Ultimately he learned that many of the early farmers used the Nile River as a water supply.

6. Listen to a conversation between a student and teacher in a history class. Choose the
correct answers.

1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A a way to predict floods.
B an early irrigation method: talk about this
C the number of early farmers.
D the most common early crops.
2. How did farmers control water?
A They put gates in ditches: talk about this
B They filled ditches with dirt.
C They carried water in buckets.
D They planted far from the river.

7. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Student: 1 excuse me, Mrs. Anderson. I have a question about the first farmers.
Teacher: Great. What is it?
Student: Well, they were in a desert. How did they
irrigate their crops 2 ?
Teacher: Oh, with 3 ditches. They connected
their fields and the Nile River.
Student: Okay. So, 4 what moved through the ditches to the fields.
Teacher: Exactly.
Student: Then, I have another question. How did they 5 control the water?
Teacher: The ditches had 6 gates. They opened and water flowed through.

9. Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the student's notes.

Name: Micaela Diego Aurucci Date: 18/07/2021

Class: 5
Subject: The water and its history.

Farmers got water from: The Nile River

Water came to the fields in: The ditches

They controlled water by having the ditches have gates. They opened and water flowed

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