Sand (Dep Soil Moisture, Ind Permitivity) Outlier

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Sand (dep: soil moisture, ind: permitivity)

1.1 Linear Regression Mean Moisture Content for sand and Relative Dielectric
Permittivity for Sand

Table shows the linear regression between Mean Moisture Content for Sand and
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand. SPSS shows the equation for the fitted line:

Moisture Content for Sand = 12.273 + 4.144 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand

This equation rounds the SPSS parameter estimates to tree decimal places. The fitted
line has an intercept value of 12.273 and has a slope + 4.144. In short, increase of 1 unit of
Moisture Content for Sand will increase in average 4.144 units in Relative Dielectric
Permittivity for Sand.

Table 1 Linear Regression Mean Moisture Content for Sand and Relative Dielectric
Permittivity for Sand
Number of Observations Read 25
Number of Observations Used 25

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 77.509 1 77.509 10.885 .003
Residual 163.770 23 7.120
Total 241.278 24
b. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture
a. Predictors: (Constant), sandpermittivity

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .567a .321 .292 2.668413
a. Predictors: (Constant), sandpermittivity
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 12.273 4.558 2.693 .013
sandpermittivity 4.144 1.256 .567 3.299 .003 1.000 1.000
a. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture

To testing whether the model is significant or not, the following hypothesis is conducted,

The linear model for ANOVA show p-value = .003 is last than 0.05, it is significant,
with R2 = .321 and R = .567 it show the positive correlation. The Pr > F value is pvalue for
testing the hypothesis. Compare this pvalue with the significance level for the Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand data, the value pvalue is .003 is last than 0.05. Therefore,
the null hypothesis is rejected, the model is significant. The VIF is 1 so that not have

Graph 1
Graph 2

Graph 3

The graph 1 above show the histogram; graph 2 shows the box plot and the scatter
plot in graph 3 show it is R2 linear = .321.
1.2 Logarithmic Regression Mean Moisture Content for sand and Relative Dielectric
Permittivity for Sand

Table shows the Logarithmic regression between Mean Moisture Content for Sand
and Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand. SPSS shows the equation for the fitted line:

Moisture Content for Sand = 8.531 + 14.651 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand

This equation rounds the SPSS parameter estimates to tree decimal places. The fitted
line has an intercept value of 8.531 and has a slope + 14.651. In short, increase of 1 unit of
Moisture Content for Sand will increase in average 14.651 units in Relative Dielectric
Permittivity for Sand.

Table 2 Logarithmic Regression Mean Moisture Content for Sand and Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand
Number of Observations Read 25
Number of Observations Used 25

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 78.769 1 78.769 11.148 .003
Residual 162.509 23 7.066
Total 241.278 24
b. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture
a. Predictors: (Constant), logsandpermittivity

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .571a .326 .297 2.658125
a. Predictors: (Constant), logsandpermittivity
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 8.531 5.619 1.518 .143
logsandpermittivity 14.651 4.388 .571 3.339 .003 1.000 1.000
a. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture

To testing whether the model is significant or not, the following hypothesis is conducted,

The Logarithmic model for ANOVA show p-value = .3.339 is more than 0.05, it is not
significant, with R2 = .326 and R = .571 it show the positive correlation. The Pr > F value is
pvalue for testing the hypothesis. Compare this pvalue with the significance level for the
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand data, the value pvalue is .003 is last than 0.05.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, the model is significant. The VIF is 1 so that not
have multicollinearity.

Graph 4
Graph 5

Graph 6

The graph 4 above show the histogram; graph 5 shows the box plot and the scatter
plot in graph 6 show it is R2 Logarithmic = .326.
1.3 Second order polynomial Regression Mean Moisture Content for sand and Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand

Table shows the Second order polynomial regression between Mean Moisture Content
for Sand and Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand. SPSS shows the equation for the fitted

Moisture Content for Sand = -10.497 + 17.146 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand –
1.829 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2

This equation rounds the SPSS parameter estimates to tree decimal places. The fitted
line has an intercept value of -10.497, has a slope + 17.146 and slope – 1.829. In short,
increase of 1 unit of Moisture Content for Sand will increase in average 17.146 units in
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand and will decrease in average 1.829 units in Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2.

Table 3 Second order polynomial Regression Mean Moisture Content for Sand and
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand
Number of Observations Read 25
Number of Observations Used 25

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 80.933 2 40.467 5.552 .011a
Residual 160.345 22 7.288
Total 241.278 24
b. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture
a. Predictors: (Constant), sandpermittivity2, sandpermittivity

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .579 a
.335 .275 2.69970
The independent variable is SANDPERMITTIVITY.
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
(Constant) -10.497 33.536 -.313 .757
sandpermittivity 17.146 19.010 2.345 .902 .377 .004 223.774
sandpermittivity2 -1.829 2.668 -1.782 -.685 .500 .004 223.774
a. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture

To testing whether the model is significant or not, the following hypothesis is conducted,

The Second order polynomial model for ANOVA show p-value = .011 is last than
0.05, it is significant, with R2 = .335 and R = .579 it show the positive correlation. The Pr > F
value is pvalue for testing the hypothesis. Compare this pvalue with the significance level
for the Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand data, the value pvalue is .377 is more than
0.05 and Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2 data, the value pvalue is .500 is more
than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis is failed to rejected, the model is not significant. The
VIF is 223.774 so that have multicollinearity.

Graph 7
Graph 8

Graph 9

The graph 7 above show the histogram; graph 8 shows the box plot and the scatter
plot in graph 9 show it is R2 Second order polynomial = .335.
1.4 Third order polynomial Regression Mean Moisture Content for sand and Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand

Table shows the Third order polynomial regression between Mean Moisture Content
for Sand and Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand. SPSS shows the equation for the fitted

Moisture Content for Sand = - 5.295 + 11.679 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand +
1.161E2 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2 - .197 Relative Dielectric Permittivity for

This equation rounds the SPSS parameter estimates to tree decimal places. The fitted
line has an intercept value of - 5.295, has a slope + 11.679, slope + 1.161E2 and slope - .197.
In short, increase of 1 unit of Moisture Content for Sand will decrease in average 11.679 units
in Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand will increase in average 1.161E2 units in Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2 and will increase in average .197 units in Relative Dielectric
Permittivity for Sand3.

Table 4 Third order polynomial Regression Mean Moisture Content for Sand and
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand
Number of Observations Read 25
Number of Observations Used 25

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 8.062 2 41.031 5.670 .010a
Residual 159.216 22 7.237
Total 241.278 24
a. Predictors: (Constant), sandpermittivity3, sandpermittivity
b. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .583a .340 .280 2.690188
a. Predictors: (Constant), sandpermittivity3, sandpermittivity

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
(Constant) -5.295 22.620 -.234 .817
sandpermittivity 11.679 9.584 1.597 1.219 .236 .017 57.280
sandpermittivity3 -.197 .248 -1.040 -.793 .436 .017 57.280
a. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture

Excluded Variablesb
Collinearity Statistics
Partial Minimum
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance VIF Tolerance
sandpermittivity2 1.161E2a 2.381 .027 .461 1.041E-5 9.610E4 1.041E-5
a. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), sandpermittivity3, sandpermittivity
b. Dependent Variable: sandmoisture

To testing whether the model is significant or not, the following hypothesis is conducted,
The Third order polynomial model for ANOVA show p-value = .010 is last than 0.05,
it is significant, with R2 = .340 and R = .583 it show the positive correlation. The Pr > F value
is pvalue for testing the hypothesis. Compare this pvalue with the significance level for the
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand data, the value pvalue is .236 is last than 0.05 and
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand3 data, the value pvalue is .436 is last than 0.05.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is failed to rejected, the model is not significant. Furthermore,
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2 data, the value pvalue is .027 is last than 0.05.
Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, the model is significant. The VIF is 57.280 Relative
Dielectric Permittivity for Sand and Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand3 and The VIF
Relative Dielectric Permittivity for Sand2 is 9.610E4 so that have multicollinearity.

Graph 10
Graph 11

Graph 12

The graph 10 above show the histogram; graph 11 shows the box plot and the scatter
plot in graph 12 show it is R2 Third order polynomial = .627.

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