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SALES || October 21, 2022

Concepts on Oxygenation ▪ Diffusion - gas movement from an area of

Oxygen (O2) greater to lesser concentration thru a semi-
 is a chemical element that is considered as permeable membrane
essential to survival it is a primary
requirement for cells to release energy during Important systems involved in oxygenation
chemical reactions. ▪ Cardiovascular
 Nitrogen 78%, O2 20%, BCO2 1%, 1% other ▪ Nervous
gasses ▪ Musculoskeletal
▪ Respiratory
 is a combination of different processes that Basic requirements for good ventilation
contribute to bringing the oxygen from the 1. presence of patent passageway of air
environment into the cells of the body 2. Presence of elastic and expansive lungs and
tracheobronchial tree
Ventilation 3. Presence of adequate musculoskeletal
 involves inspiration and exhalation. apparatuses
 Air moves in and out of the lungs because 4. Presence of pressure gradient
intrathoracic pressure changes in relation to  Presence of pressure gradient (change of
pressure and the airway opening. pressure per unit distance)
 involves inspiration (movement of air into the
lungs) and out of the lungs thru exhalation. Normal protective mechanisms of the respiratory
 Respiration and ventilation are two different systems
things. Ventilation is mechanical and ▪ Nose-vibrissae - vibrissae (hairs of
involves the movement of air, Respiration is vestibules of the nose) When we breathe
physiologic and involves the exchange of through our noses, nose hair catches those
gases in the alveoli (external respiration) and particles. ... The second type of nose hair is
in the cells (internal respiration). called vibrissae. These longer hairs catch
RESPIRATION: The exchange of oxygen and large particles so they can't even get to our
carbon dioxide. cilia.
▪ Mucuciliary clearance - clearance is an
 The cardiovascular, respiratory and part of innate defense mechanism that protects the
hematologic systems function to supply the pulmonary system from the harmful
body’s oxygen demands. consequences of inhaled agents, including
 If these systems are dysfunctional → heart those of biological, chemical, and physical
failure, respiratory failure, hematologic system nature. Ciliated cells, which line the surface
problems → O2 deprivation epithelium of the airways, provide the force
necessary for mucociliary clearance by the
Respiration coordinated beating of their cilia.
 A process in living organisms involving the ▪ Cough reflex - Cough, an expulsive reflex
production of energy, typically with the intake initiated when the respiratory tract is irritated
of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide by infection, noxious fumes, dust, or other
from the oxidation of complex organic types of foreign bodies. The reflex results in a
substances. sudden expulsion of air from the lungs that
carries with it excessive secretions or foreign
Processes needed to maintain adequate oxygenation material from the respiratory tract.
▪ Ventilation - movement of air in and out of ▪ Reflex bronchoconstriction - Cough is
the lungs. beneficial; pneumonia frequently results when
▪ Pulmonary perfusion - supplying the lungs an effective cough reflex is lost
with blood from the right side of the heart. Bronchoconstriction is an important and
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[SUB] 1.01 TITLE OF LECTURE – Dr. Professor

effective component of the airway defense  If your heart rate is fast (over 100 beats per
reflexes protecting the lung and the rest of the minute), this is called tachycardia. A heart
body against inhaled irritants and airborne rate slower than 60 is called bradycardia. An
toxins such as cigarette smoke and acid occasional extra heartbeat is known as
aerosol. extrasystole. Palpitations are not serious most
▪ Macrophages - (large WBC, ingests foreign of the time. Palpitations are feelings or
materials) sensations that your heart is pounding or
▪ Surfactant - A fluid secreted by the cells of racing. They can be felt in your chest, throat,
the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) that or neck. You may: Have an unpleasant
serves to reduce the surface tension of awareness of your own heartbeat. Feel like
pulmonary fluids; surfactant contributes to the your heart skipped or stopped beats.
elastic properties of pulmonary tissue,
preventing the alveoli from collapsing. DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE FOR PROBLEMS IN
▪ HeringBreuer reflex - reflex (a reflex that OXYGENATION AG NEXT (LAIN NGA TRANS)
prevents overstretching and rupture of the

Risk factors
• Smoking
• Sedentary lifestyle
• Obesity
• Diet
• Stress
• Substance abuse
• Environmental factors
Non modifiable:
• Age
• Gender
• Race
• Heredity/Genetics

Diagnostic Procedures/Tests
Common Problems
✓ Chest pain
✓ Dyspnea
✓ Fatigue
✓ Cough
✓ Wheezing
✓ Hoarseness
✓ Palpitation
✓ Body weakness
✓ Intermittent claudication

 Angina is chest pain or discomfort caused

when your heart muscle doesn't get enough
oxygen-rich blood. It may feel like pressure or
squeezing in your chest. The discomfort also
can occur in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw,
or back.

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