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Auditing and Assurance: Specialized Industry

Business Analysis

1) Search for a business (bank or cooperative), or create your own

2) Create the following (must be your own)
a) Statement of Management’s Responsibility for Financial Statements
b) Independent Auditor’s Report (You as the Independent Auditor)
3) Create or Copy The Financial Statements of the Business you choose.
a) Statement of Condition
b) Statement of Comprehensive Income
c) Statement of Cash Flows
d) Statement of Changes in Equity

4) For the notes to Financial Statement (Points will be given to your statement)
You can copy the notes of the business plus “highlight those statements of yours
describing the notes to FS, it can be an additional explanation on the topic”

Criteria Remarks Grade
Completeness All data of the audited fs 30%
has been discussed and in
Content and Technical Student finds the task easy 40%
Skills to do, is able to
comprehend the topic
(based on “own statement
on the FS as a whole”).
The organization of ideas,
relevance and topics are
comprehensive and are
very well done
Presentation, Unity and Presentation, unity and 20%
Coherence coherence are excellently
Timeliness The analysis has been 10%
submitted on time or
ahead of time.

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