Module 1

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Module 1: Citizenship Training the entire people, represents the will of the

people to which it drives its claim to

PHILIPPINES 2. The Constitution establishes the basic
framework and underlying principles of
PREAMBLE government. It prescribes the permanent
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid framework of the system of the government
of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane and assigns to the different departments or
society, and establish a Government that shall branches, their respective powers and duties,
embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the and establishes certain basic principles on
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, which the government is founded. The
and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the constitution serves as the pillars in
blessings of independence and democracy under the governance.
rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, 3. The constitution empowers the state because
love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate it is the document that formalizes the
this Constitution. jurisdiction of the state over our territory and
establishes the government that will
This states that “the prime duty of the government is effectively exercise that jurisdiction.
to serve and protect the people”. The Government 4. The constitution gears
may call upon the people to defend the State and in
the fulfillment thereof, all citizen may be required, Bill of rights – It is the declaration and enumeration
under conditions provided by law, to render personal, of a person’s rights and privileges which the
military or civil service. constitution is designed to protect against violation
by the government or by an individual or groups of
In order to perform such role, the Government may individuals. It is the charter of liberties for the
call the attention of the people by requiring then to individual and a limitation upon the power of the
render personal, military or civic welfare services. state.

So, Constitution refers to the body of rules and CLASSIFICATION OF RIGHTS

maxims in accordance with which the powers of 1. Natural Rights – possessed by every citizen
sovereignty are habitually exercised. without being granted by the state for they
are given to man by God as a human being
It is also that written instrument by which the created to His image so that he may live a
fundamental powers of the government are happy life.
established, limited and defined and by which these 2. Constitutional Rights – these are rights which
powers are distributed among the several are conferred and protected by the
departments or branches for their safe and useful constitution. Since they are part of the
exercise for the benefit of the people. It is the rules fundamental law, they cannot be modified or
and principles which provide direction as to the take away by the law-making body.
manner of expression one’s authority or right as a 2.1 Political Rights – These are rights of every
citizen. citizen to participate, whether directly or
indirectly, in the establishment or
Purpose and function of the Constitution administration of the government.
1. The Constitution serves as the supreme or 2.2 Civil Rights – These are rights which the law
fundamental law since it speaks in behalf of will enforce at the instance of private
individuals for the purpose of securing them Rights of the Accused
the enjoyment of their means of happiness. a. Right to presumption of innocence
2.3 Socio-Economic & Cultural Rights – These are b. Right to speedy, impartial, and public trial
the rights which are intended to ensure the c. Right against cruel, degrading or inhuman
well-being and economic security of the punishment
2.4 Rights of the accused – These are the rights Statutory Rights
intended for the protection of a person a. Right to receive minimum wage
accused of any crime. b. Right to inherit property
3. Statutory Rights – rights provided by law,
promulgated and granted by legislative body
and consequently may be abolished by the CITIZENSHIP
same body. Citizen -a participatory member of a political
Natural Rights
a. Right of every individual to love as well as to Citizenship – gained by meeting the legal
hate. requirements of a nation, state or government.
b. Right of the child to be born regardless of
what unfortunate circumstances his or her Citizenship refers to the membership of a person to a
parents have democratic state which bestows upon him/her full
civil and political rights (unless especially disqualified
Political Rights by law), and the corresponding duty to support and
a. Right to choose one’s citizenship maintain allegiance to the state. Such membership
b. Right to information on matters related to underscores the symbiotic relationship of the state,
public concerns which on the one hand gives protection to the citizen,
and the citizen, who on the other hand is duty bound
Civil Rights to support the state.
a. Right to privacy of every person
b. Right against involuntary servitude Under Article IV of the 1987 Constitution, the
c. Freedom of speech, expression, or of the following are citizens of the Philippines:
d. Right of assembly and petition Section 1.
e. Right to form associations [1] Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the
f. Imprisonment for non-payment of debt or time of the adoption of this Constitution;
poll tax [2] Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of
g. Liberty of abode and changing the same the Philippines;
[3] Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino
Socio-Economic & Cultural Rights mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
a. Right to property reaching the age of majority; and
b. Right to just compensation for private [4] Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
property taken for public use
c. Promotion of social justice, conservation, and
utilization of natural resources
What are the modes in acquiring Philippine Hereunder are the important duties and
citizenship? obligations of every citizen in a democratic society
under Article IV Section 5.
1. Filipino by Birth
a. Jus Soli (right of soil) which is the legal
principle that a person’s nationality at birth is Duties and Obligations of Citizens
determined by the place of birth (Territory of
a given state) 1. To be loyal to the Republic. This means that
b. Jus Sanguinis (right of blood) which is the we have faith and confidence in the Republic
legal principle that at birth, an individual and love for and devotion to the country. We
have to be proud being Filipinos, respect our
acquires the nationality of his/her natural
customs, traditions, language and
parent/s. (The Philippines adheres to this institutions. He must not commit any act of
principle) disloyalty, such as treason, rebellion, sedition
2. Filipino by Naturalization which is the judicial or other similar act. On the contrary, the
act of adopting a foreigner and clothing him citizen must be willing and ready whenever
with the privileges of a native-born citizen. necessary to cast his life and fortunes in
defense of his country.
Section 2.
2. To defend the State. It is our prime duty to
Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of
love and defend the state at all costs
the Philippines from birth without having to perform regardless of our creed, religious beliefs, and
any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine wisdom. Love of country shown not by words
citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship in but by deeds. The citizens receive benefits
accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall and protection from the State in which they
be deemed natural-born citizens. are part. In return, it is their prime duty and
honorable duty to defend the State against
any perils, whether from within and from
Section 3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or
without (Article II, Sec.3), and be ready to
reacquired in the manner provided by law. sacrifice and due for it if necessary

Section 4. Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens 3. To contribute to the development and
shall retain their citizenship, unless by their act or welfare of the State. The development and
omission, they are deemed, under the law, to have welfare of the State should be the concern of
renounced it. every citizen for he will be the first to enjoy
the benefits thereof. Anything that affects
the country and the people as a whole
Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the indirectly affects him, individually and
national interest and shall be dealt with by law. personally. The citizen can contribute to the
development and welfare of the State in
As enumerated in the Philippine Constitution many ways such as paying taxes, by
there is a corresponding obligation that the citizens cooperating in its activities and projects,
should possess. Yes, they have all the rights of which patronizing local products and trades, by
engaging in productive works, etc. and also
they cannot deprive but they also have duties not to
by working together for the common good.
be disregard. People should be aware not only for The citizens do not live for themselves and
their rights but also for their obligations to attain their families alone. They are part of the
peace and order in the society. society to which they owe definite
responsibilities. They should all be working
for the common good and thereby “build a
just and humane society.”
The Flag and the Heraldic Code of the
4. To uphold the Constitution and obey the
laws. The Constitution is the expression of
the Sovereign will of our people. Laws are
Flags of the Katipunan
enacted in accordance with it for the good of
all. It is, therefore, the duty of every citizen to
The first Filipino flag can be
defend and respect the Constitution and
traced from the time of
obey the laws. If the people will disregard
them the government would collapse, and the Andres Bonifacio's
this would mean lawlessness and the secret society named:
disintegration of the social order. Kataastaasang
Kagalanggalang Katipunan
5. To cooperate with duly constituted ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Highest and Most Honorable
authorities. Community living imposes Society of the Sons of the Nation) or the Katipunan or
obligations and responsibilities upon the
KKK for short. Benita Rodriquez and Bonifacio's wife,
individual. In every organization, there is
always a leader to manage the affairs of all Gregoria de Jesus, made the first Filipino flag.
the constituents. If the members will not
cooperate, we can never expect to become
successful in all the undertakings that our The first Philippine flags was
government would like to do for the goods of
made of red cloth with
its citizens.
white KKK initials sewn in
6. To exercise rights responsibly and with due white. The red color
regard for the rights of others. “No man is an symbolized the blood of the members of the
island” and we have to live with others. It is Katipunan in which inductee to the society signed in
necessary that the citizen be imbued with a their names with their own blood.
sense of awareness not only of his rights but
also of his obligations to his fellow citizens.

7. To engage in gainful work. Every citizen The Filipino flag had

should be responsible and should strive to variations (from 1892 to
become a useful and productive member of 1896). Some members
the society to assure not only for himself but arranged the KKK in a
also to his family to have a better life. The triangle while some generals of the revolution
essence of life is work. Every citizen should
designed their own flags.
realize that the only way to live and survive is
to work hard and sustained.

8. To register and Vote. It is the prime duty of Of note is the black banner of
the citizens to register and vote. Suffrage is General Mariano Llanera in
both a privilege and a duty which every
Nueva Ecija with a letter K and
citizen at the legal age must perform. As to
constitutional obligation it is not only by a skull with two cross bones
registering and casting vote but it carries with underneath.
duty to vote responsibly through a mature
and independent judgment according to the
personal qualities and qualification of
candidates to become a better public servant.
Another variation of the Filipino flag The Philippine Flag Evolution
was that of General Pio del Pilar. It
The Filipino flag has an interesting story*
had an equilateral triangle with a K at
each angle with a rising sun behind a During his exile in Hongkong, General Emilio
mountain. Aguinaldo designed the flag as it looks today. Mrs.
Marcela de Agoncillo sewed it with the help of her 7-
In this Philippine flag picture,
the Sun with year old daughter Lorenza and Mrs. Josefina Herbosa
the KKK underneath was also a de Natividad (niece of Dr. Jose Rizal) in the tradition
derivative of previous Filipino of fine embroidery of Taal, Batangas.
flags. It was made of silk with a white triangle at the left
containing a gold sunburst of eight rays at the center,
a five pointed star at each angle of the triangle, an
In 1896, the upper stripe of dark blue, and a lower stripe of red.
Magdalo faction of the The white triangle stands for equality and the
Katipunan in Cavite headed emblem of the Katipunan; the upper blue stripe for
by General Emilio Aguinaldo
peace, truth and justice; and the lower red stripe for
had a red ensign with
a sun and at the center of the sun is the letter K patriotism and valor. The sunburst of eight rays inside
written in the ancient Filipino alphabet. the triangle represented the first eight provinces
placed under Martial Law by Spain because of the
insurrection, Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna,
Manila, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga and Tarlac. The three
Another variation is
the Sun of Liberty of the Naic stars symbolized Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
Assembly in 1897 and the
flag used by the Republic of The flag which Mrs. Agoncillo made in Hongkong was
Biak-na Bato. taken to the Philippines by General Aguinaldo aboard
the ship McCullough. After the Battle of Alapan in
Imus Cavite, this flag was first unfurled by Gen.
General Gregorio del Aguinaldo at the Teatro Caviteño in Cavite Nuevo (
Pilar also used another flag now Cavite City ) on May 28, 1898 before victorious
during the Battle of Pasong Filipino revolutionaries. It was witnessed by 270
Balite and at the Battle of captured Spanish marines, plus officers and men of
Tirad Pass. This Filipino flag
the U.S. Asiatic Squadron under Admiral George
is similar to the flag of Cuba, according to del Pilar.

The Philippine revolution of 1898 started at ten o'clock in

the morning, a fight that lasted till three o'clock in the
afternoon, when the Spaniards surrendered with all their
arms to the Philippine revolutionaries.
I took advantage of this glorious opportunity to introduce
and wave the national flag, which was saluted by an
immense multitude with cheers of delirious joy and
tremendous vivas for a Filipinas Independiente.
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
May 28, 1898
The same flag was first hoisted officially at Kawit on Due to availability of red and blue cloth with shades
June 12, 1898, during the proclamation of Philippine similar to the red and blue of the United States flag,
independence. From that date, it has served as the the Philippine flag adopted the navy blue color.
National Flag of the Filipinos.
The flag was banned December 1941 with the
Japanese invasion of World War II.
I visited Admiral Dewey, who after complimenting me on
the "rapid successes of the Philippine Revolution,"
informed me that the French and German admirals had
asked him why he permitted the Filipinos to use a flag
unrecognized by their navies, to which Dewey had replied
that the Filipinos used the same flag with his knowledge
and consent (because) by their courage and firmness in Flag used from 1943 to 1945.
war, they were worthy of such a right.
In October 1943, the flag of the Second Philippine
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Republic was hoisted by Emilio Aguinaldo with the
original Cuban blue and red colors restored. The flag
was initially flown with the blue stripe up, until
The Flag of the Philippines President Jose P. Laurel proclaimed the existence of a
state of war with the Allied Powers in 1944.

Flag used from 1898 to 1907.

Flag used from 1919 to 1941, then 1944 to 1981.
The flag of the Philippines as conceived by Emilio
The Commonwealth government-in-exile in
Aguinaldo, and first displayed in Alapan and Cavite
Washington DC continued to use the flag with the
Nuevo on May 28, 1898. Used from 1898 to 1901 (the
American colors, and had flown it with the red stripe
shade of blue is still a matter of debate.)
up since the initial invasion of the Japanese. With the
The Philippine-American war broke out in 1899. The combined forces of the Filipino and American soldiers
flag was first flown with the red band up, signifying a and the liberation of the Philippines in 1944 to 1945,
state of war, on February 4, 1899. the flag with the American colors was restored, and it
was this flag that was hoisted upon the granting of
After the Filipinos were defeated, the country was
placed under American rule. On August 23, 1907, Philippine independence from the United States on
display of the Philippine flag was declared illegal by July 4, 1946.
the Sedition Act of 1907.

Flag used from 1919 to 1941. Flag used from 1981 to 1986.

The Sedition Law of 1907 was repealed on October The shade of Blue used here is Light Blue, similar to
30,1919. The Philippine Legislature passed Act. No the shade used in the Cuban Flag at the time of the
2928 on March 26, 1920, which legally adopted the proclamation of the Philippine Declaration of
Philippine flag as the official flag of the Philippine Independence. In 1985, President Ferdinand Marcos
officially ordered the colors of the flag restored to the ng luwalhati’t pagsinta
original blue and red of the Cuban flag. Buhay ay langit sa piling mo.
Aming ligaya
Na pag may mang-aapi
Ang mamatay nang dahil sa iyo.’

Flag used from 1986 to 1998. *The Philippine National Anthem was composed by
Julian Felipe, a Filipino music teacher and composer
The Marcos order was reversed, and the flag with the of Cavite. It was first played by the band of San
American colors was used after the People Power Francisco de Malabon during the unfurling of the
Revolution. Filipino flag at Kawit during the Independence Day

For more than a year, the anthem remained without

words. Towards the end of August of 1899, a young
poet-soldier named Jose Palma wrote the poem titled
Flag used from 1998 to present. Filipinas. This poem expressed in elegant Spanish
verses the ardent patriotism and fighting spirit of the
For the 1998 centennial of the proclamation of
Filipino people. It became the words of the anthem,
Philippine independence, the Flag and Heraldic Code
and today, the anthem is sung in Filipino, its official
of the Philippines (RA 8491) was passed, changing the
lyrics translated by Felipe de Leon, from the original
shade of blue to royal blue, as a compromise. This
Spanish lyrics in the early 1900s.
was used for the Philippine Centennial Celebration
Reference: - Philippine Culture;

The Philippine National Anthem THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND R.A. 8491
Himig Collection, On Philippine History and Culture
Bayang Magiliw
perlas ng Silanganan Lupang Hinirang, the national anthem of the
Alab ng puso
Philippines is played or sung during flag ceremonies
Sa dibdib mo’y buhay
in schools and offices, “signing off” and “signing on”
Lupang hinirang
Duyan ka ng magiting of broadcast stations, before the initial and last
Sa manlulupig screening of films, and other official or important
Di ka pasisiil. occasions. Though it is expected that the national
Sa dagat at bundok anthem be sung with utmost fervor, every Filipino
Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw must do so with utmost respect as well.
May dilag ang tula
At awit sa paglayang minamahal The singing and playing of the Philippine national
Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y anthem is governed by the law, specifically R.A. 8491
Tagumpay na nagniningning
or the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines.” As
Ang bituin at araw niya
Kailan pa ma’y di magdidilim stipulated in Section 37, “The rendition of the
Lupa ng araw National Anthem, whether played or sung, shall be in
accordance with the musical arrangement and 1998, THE CODE OF THE NATIONAL FLAG, ANTHEM,
composition of Julian Felipe.” MOTTO, COAT-OF-ARMS AND OTHER HERALDIC
Moreover, according to Section 38, the attending
hereinafter called the “Rules”.
public shall sing the anthem whenever it is played at
a public gathering. While doing so, the public shall
stand at attention facing the Philippine flag as a sign
of respect. The other provisions on the national SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy and Objectives. — It is
anthem are detailed in Chapter II, Sections 35 to 39 of the policy of the state to herein prescribe the Code of
the National Flag, Anthem, Motto, Coat-of-Arms and
R.A. 8491.
other Heraldic Items and Devices of the Philippines,
The development of the Philippine national anthem ensure the promotion and implementation of its
into what it is today took several years. It began in corresponding rules and regulations, and adopt
1898 with Julian Felipe’s composition titled Marcha effective administrative, regulatory, coordinative and
Nacional Filipina (also known as Himno Nacional supervisory programs and activities, where
Filipino). In 1899, Jose Palma’s poem Filipinas was appropriate, in conformity with national government
used as lyrics which were later translated into English policies. Further, reverence and respect shall at all
in the 1920s. It was translated into Filipino in 1956 times be accorded to the flag, anthem, and other
and the version which is now sung publicly is a national symbols which embody the national ideals
product of revisions made in 1962. and traditions and which express the principles of
sovereignty and national solidarity.

SEC. 3. Scope of Application. — These Rules shall

apply to individuals, public and private entities,
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act military and police agencies, and other branches
No. 8491 and/or instrumentalities of the national and local
January 30, 2002 government including government-owned and/or
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES controlled corporations, and shall also be observed in
and within the entire territory of the Philippines as
NATIONAL HISTORICAL INSTITUTE such is defined in the Constitution and laws of the
Republic of the Philippines.


ACT NO. 8491, S. 1998—”THE CODE OF THE
NATIONAL FLAG, ANTHEM, MOTTO, COAT-OF-ARMS SEC. 4. Interpretation. — In the interpretation of the
provisions of Republic Act No. 8491, Series of 1998,
PHILIPPINES “ The Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines,
hereinafter called R.A. No. 8491, and of these Rules,
that interpretation which will promote or sustain
reverence and respect for the flag, the anthem, and
other national symbols, all of which embody national
GENERAL PROVISIONS ideals and traditions, shall be given paramount
SECTION 1. Title. — These rules shall be known, cited
and referred to as the “RULES AND REGULATIONS
RULE 2 government instrumentalities, medallions, awards
and other forms and devices of national recognition,
THE IMPLEMENTING AGENCY and strict enforcement thereof;
SEC. 5. The Implementing Agency. — the National
e. Formulate and devise appropriate legal
Historical Institute, hereinafter referred to as the procedures, assistance and coordinating systems for
Institute, shall be the agency tasked to implement cases arising from the violations of R.A. No. 8491,
these Rules. including appropriate integration of this law into the
SEC. 6. Scope of Powers and Functions. — The Shariya Courts; and
Institute shall perform planning, monitoring,
f. Perform other related functions required to achieve
coordinating, implementing, and policy-formulating the objectives of R.A. No. 8491 and these Rules.
functions, wherever and whenever appropriate, and,
in the process, exercise administrative, regulatory, SEC. 7. Definition of Terms. — Whenever used in
and supervisory authority over the implementation of these Rules, the term:
the provisions of R.A. No. 8491 within the Philippine
territorial limits, and in conformity with national a. “Military” shall mean all branches of the Armed
government policies. Such powers and functions shall Forces of the Philippines including the Philippine
include the following: National Police, the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology, and the Bureau of Fire Protection;

b. “Festoon” shall mean to hang in a curved shape

a. Formulate, coordinate and regulate the between two points as a decoration;
implementation of the Code of the National Flag,
Anthem, Motto, Coat-of-Arms and other Heraldic c. “National Flag” shall mean the National Flag and
Items and Devices of the Philippines, consistent with Ensign of the Philippines, unless stated otherwise,
the purposes and objectives of R.A. No. 8491; used on land and sea by public, private and the
military and shall refer to the flag or any other design
b. Plan, prepare and coordinate effective educational that so resembles it as likely to cause any person to
and information dissemination strategies which shall believe that it is the flag or design stated, expressed
increase the level of national awareness of these or provided in the Constitution of the Philippines,
Rules and other implementing details that may R.A. No. 8491 and these Rules;
subsequently be formulated;
d. “Fly” shall mean the part of the flag outside the
c. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of hoist or length;
these Rules and ensure the compliance of all the
provisions stipulated under R.A. No. 8491; and e. “Hoist” shall mean the sleeve or heading; part of
deputize, assign and/or designate government the flag nearest the staff or the canvass to which the
agencies, non-government organizations, major halyard is attached;
branches and units of the Armed Forces of the f. “Symbol”shall mean any conventional sign which
Philippines and the Philippine National Police, and reveals man’s achievement and heroism (for orders
other groups or individuals for the purpose of and decorations), identification, authority and a sign
implementing, monitoring and coordinating tasks; of dignity (for coat-of-arms, logo and insignia);
d. Set policies and procedures concerning the g. “Half-mast”shall mean lowering the flag to one-half
concept and design/visual interpretation of the the distance between the top and bottom of the
national motto, coat-of-arms, seals of various local pole;
government units (town/city/province), and other
h. “Halyard” shall mean the long rope where the flag A. Design of the National Flag
fastens and which runs up the length of the flag pole;
SEC. 8. The National Flag shall be blue, white and red
i. “Inclement Weather” shall mean that a typhoon with an eight rayed golden yellow sun and three stars
signal is raised in the locality; that are five-pointed, as consecrated and honored by
the people.
j. “National Anthem” shall mean the “Lupang
Hinirang”, the Philippine National Anthem; B. Hoisting and Display of the National

k. “Official Residences” shall mean Malacañang, and Flag

other government-owned structures where the
SEC. 9. The National Flag shall be displayed in all
President resides, and other structures occupied by
the Philippine Consulate or Embassies abroad; public buildings, official residences, public plazas, and
institutions of learning everyday throughout the year.
l. “Places of Frivolity” shall mean places of hilarity
marked by or providing boisterous merriment or SEC. 10. The National Flag shall be permanently
hoisted, day and night, throughout the year, in front
of the following: at Malacañang Palace; Congress of
m. “Advertisement or Infomercial” shall mean the Philippines building;Supreme Court building; Rizal
advertisement or any information material in print, Monument in Luneta, Manila; Bonifacio Monument
radio, television, cinema, video and the like, outdoor in Kalookan City; Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit,
and electronic media, seeking to promote individuals, Cavite; Barasoain Church Historical
entities, products or services for commercial, political
purposes or information campaigns; Landmark in Malolos, Bulacan; Marcela Agoncillo
Historical Landmark in Taal, Batangas; Tomb of the
n. “Heraldic Items and Devices” shall mean coat-of- Unknown Soldier, Libingan ng mga Bayani, Makati
arms, seals, logos, insignia, badges,flashes, patches, City, Mausoleo de losVeteranos de la Revolucion,
orders and decorations, medals, stars, citations, lapel North Cemetery, Manila; all International Ports of
pins, trophies, dry, wax or wet seals, and imprints on Entry and all other places as may be designated by
letterheads, envelopes and cards; the Institute.

o. “Government Entities” shall mean all branches of The National Flag of these sites shall be properly
the government, its bureaus and attached agencies, illuminated at night.
constitutional offices, local government offices,
SEC. 11. The National Flag shall also be displayed in
government-owned and/or controlled corporations,
government financial institutions, state universities private buildings and residences or raised in the open
and colleges,Armed Forces of the Philippines flag-staffs in front of said buildings every April 9
including its basic component units; and (Araw ng Kagitingan); May 1 (Labor Day); (National
Flag Days) from May 28 to June 12 (Independence
p. “Vexillary Items” shall mean national, local, house Day); last Sunday of August (National Heroes Day);
flags, or administrative,institution, corporate, unit November 30 (Bonifacio Day); and December 30(Rizal
and other organization’s banners. Day); and on such other days as may be declared or
approved by the President and/or local chief
The National Flag may also be raised and displayed at
sunrise and lowered at sunset and throughout the
The National Flag
year in the open flagstaff in front of private buildings:
Provided, that proper flag ceremonies be observed in National Flag is one-third (1/3) the height of the
accordance with these Rules. flagpole.

SEC. 12. All Government Entities should observe flag SEC. 17. When the National Flag is flown with flag or
days with appropriate ceremonies. Socio-civic groups, flags of other countries, the flags must be of equal
non-government organizations and the private sector size and on separate staffs of the same height. The
are enjoined to observe and cooperate in making the National Flag shall be hoisted first and lowered last.
celebration a success.
When displayed in a semi-circle of flags with other
SEC. 13. The National Flag shall be flown on all naval countries or house flags, the National Flag should be
vessels and on merchant ships of Philippine registry, at the center.
of more than one thousand (1,000) gross tons.
When displayed in a circle of flags with other
Military, civil or state vessels should fly the National countries or house flags, the National Flag should be
Flag. Pleasure, merchant, fishing boats or yachts are flown on the flagpole facing the main read (point of
also encouraged to fly the National Flag. reference- KM 0 Rizal Park, Manila); or in front of a
monument; or the main entrance of the building. The
On board vessels of Philippine registry, the National flags of other countries or house flags should be
Flag shall be displayed on the flagstaff at the stern arranged counter clockwise in alphabetical order, by
when the vessel is at anchor. The National Flag shall precedence or by protocol.
be hoisted to the gaff at the aftermast when the
vessel is at sea. SEC. 18. When displayed in a row or in a parade with
flags of other countries, the National Flag shall be on
SEC. 14. On all aircraft of Philippine registry, the the left (observer’s point of view) of the other flags.
National Flag shall be prominently displayed The flags of other countries should be arranged in
horizontally on its fuselage at the head portion with alphabetical order from left to right.
the hoist side pointing the forward direction.
When displayed in a row of house flags, the National
SEC. 15. ‘The National Flag, if flown from a flagpole, Flag shall be in front of the center of the line or on
shall have its blue field on top in time of peace and the left (observer’s point of view) of the row. The
the red field on top in time of war; if in a hanging house flags should be arranged in alphabetical order,
position, the blue field shall be to the left (observer’s by precedence or by protocol order from left to right
point of view) in time of peace, and the red field to
(the observer’s point of view).
the left(observer’s point of view) in time of war.
When in a parade with house flags, the National Flag
The National Flag could be knotted to signal that shall be in front of the center of the first line. The
assistance is badly needed. house flags should be arranged in alphabetical order,
SEC. 16. If planted on the ground, the flagpole shall by precedence or by protocol order from left to right
be at a prominent place and shall be of such height as (the observer’s point of view).
would give the National Flag commanding position in During special occasions, if there is only one flagpole,
relation to the buildings in the vicinity. The flagpole the house flag may be flown at the same halyard with
must not be of equal height or higher than the the National Flag but below the latter and it cannot
Independence Flagpole at the Rizal Park, Manila.
be bigger than the National Flag.
The flagpole that is planted on the ground must be SEC. 19. A worn-out National Flag should not be
straight and slightly tapering at the top.The minimum thrown away. It should be solemnly burned to avoid
length of the National Flag is one fourth (¼) the misuse or desecration. The National Flag shall be
height of the flagpole, while maximum length of the
replaced immediately when it begins to show signs of left hanging at the base of the flagpole while waiting
wear and tear. for the flag ceremony.

SEC. 20. The National Flag shall be raised at sunrise The National Flag shall never touch anything beneath
and lowered at sunset. It shall be on the mast at the it, such as the base of the pole, ground or other
start of official school and office hours and shall object.
remain flying throughout the day.
After being lowered, the National Flag shall be
The National Flag shall not be raised when the handled and folded solemnly as part of the
weather is inclement. If already raised, the National ceremony.
Flag shall not be lowered for the whole day.

SEC. 21. The National Flag may be displayed:

C. Conduct of Flag Raising and
a. Inside and/or outside a building, on stationary or
movable flagpole. If the National Flag is displayed Lowering Ceremonies
indoors on a flagpole, it shall be placed at the left of SEC. 23. All government offices, including national or
the observer as one enters the room; local government units and institutions, shall
b. From the top of a flagpole, which shall be at a henceforth observe the flag raising ceremony every
prominent place or a commanding position in relation Monday morning and the flag lowering ceremony
to the surrounding buildings; every Friday afternoon.

These include private establishments who fly the

c. From a staff projecting upward from the window
sill, roof, canopy, balcony or facade of a building; National Flag on the flagpole in their compound.

d. In a suspended position from a rope extending Primary and secondary schools and other institutions
from a building to a pole erected away from the of learning shall observe the flag ceremony as
ordered by the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports and/or the Commission on Higher Education.
e. Flat against the wall vertically with the sun and
stars on top; SEC. 24. The observance of the flag ceremony shall be
simple and dignified.
f. Hanging vertically in the middle of the two-way
traffic road, the blue field should be pointing east, if SEC. 25. During the flag raising ceremony, the
assembly shall stand in formation facing the National
the road is heading south or north and if the road is
heading east or west the blue field should be pointing Flag. At the moment the first note of the National
north; and Anthem is heard, everyone in the premises shall
come to attention; moving vehicles shall stop. All
g. Hanging vertically at the sides or middle of the one- persons present shall place their palms over their
way traffic road, the blue field should be at the left of chest, those with hats shall uncover, while those in
the observer. military, scouting, security guard, and citizens military
training uniforms shall give the salute prescribed by
SEC. 22. The National Flag shall be hoisted to the top their regulations, which salute shall be completed
briskly and lowered ceremoniously. upon the last note of the anthem
The National Flag must be properly folded before
The same procedure shall be observed when the
hanging for the start of the ceremony. It shall not be National Flag is passing in review or in parade.
SEC. 26. During the flag lowering, the National Flag i. Former National or Local Government Officials,
shall be lowered solemnly and slowly so that the flag appointive or elective, other than those specified
shall be down the mast at the sound of the last note above, on the day of interment, within their former
of the National Anthem. Those in the assembly shall respective territorial jurisdictions and by resolution of
observe the same deportment or shall observe the their respective Sanguineness;
same behavior as for the flag raising ceremony.
j. Regional Directors, Superintendents, Supervisors,
D. Half-Mast Principals, Teachers and other school officials, on the
day of interment and by order of the proper school
SECTION 27. The National Flag shall be flown at half-
authorities concerned;
mast as a sign of mourning on all the buildings and
places where it is displayed, as provided, on the day k. Recipients of national orders and decorations, on
of the official announcement of the death of any of the day of interment and by order of the President or
the following officials: the Congress; and

a. The President or a former President, for ten (10) l. Other persons to be determined by the Institute,
days; for a period of less than seven (7) days.

b. The Vice-President, the Chief Justice of the In cases “c” to “e” the National Flag shall be flown at
Supreme Court, the President of the Senate and the half-mast in front of the building where the deceased
Speaker of the House of Representatives, for seven official is holding office and in cases “f” to “h”
(7) days; through Sanggunian Resolution or by order of the
Local Chief Executive.
c. Cabinet Secretaries, Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court, Members of the Senate and House of The National Flag, when flown at half-mast, shall be
Representatives, the Chief of Staff of the Armed first hoisted to the peak for a moment then lowered
Forces of the Philippines and the Director-General of to the half-mast position. The National Flag shall
the Philippine National Police, for five (5) days; again be raised to the peak before it is lowered for
the day.
d. Heads of National Government Agencies, including
Government Owned and Control Corporations and The National Flag shall also be flown at half-mast
Government Financial Institutions, for three (3) days; during calamities/tragedies of national or
international significance as ordered by the Office of
e. The Commanding Generals of the Philippine Air
the President.
Force and the Philippine Army and the Flag Officer in
Command of the Philippine Navy, for three (3) days; The National Flag shall be permanently hoisted at
half-mast day and night throughout the year at the
f. Governors, Vice-Governors, city and municipal Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Libingan ng mga
Mayors, city and municipal Vice-Mayors, for three (3) Bayani, Fort Bonifacio, MakatiCity; Mausoleo de los
Veteranos de la Revolucion, North Cemetery, Manila;
g. Members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, and in all memorial cemeteries dedicated to war
Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan, on veterans. The National Flag of these declared sites
the day of interment; shall be properly illuminated at night.

h. Barangay Chairmen and the Barangay Councilmen E. Casket

on the day of interment; SEC. 28. The National Flag may be used to cover the
caskets of the honored dead of the military, veterans
of previous wars, National Artists, and of civilians
who have rendered distinguished service to the institutions of learning, private buildings and homes
nation, as may be determined by the local are enjoined to display the National Flag.
government unit concerned. In such cases, the
SEC. 31. The government offices and local
National Flag shall be placed such that the white
triangle shall be at the head and the blue portion government units concerned shall display the
shall cover the right side of the casket. The National National Flag on main thoroughfares, parks, plazas,
Flag shall not be lowered to the grave or allowed to and other public places.
touch the ground, but shall be folded solemnly and H. Specifications of the National Flag
handed over to the heirs of the deceased or next of
kin. SEC. 32. The National Flag shall have the following
proportions: The width of the National Flag, 1, and
No object must be put on top of the National Flag, the length, 2. All the sides of the white triangle, 1.
except for religious objects that symbolize”God
above Country”. SEC. 33. The technical specifications shall be as
F. Pledge to the National Flag
The blue color shall bear Cable No. 80173; the white
SEC. 29. The following shall be the Pledge of color, Cable No. 80001; the red color,Cable No.
Allegiance to the National Flag: 80108; and the golden-yellow, Cable No. 80068.

Ako ay Pilipino The assigned cable numbers are listed in the Tenth
Buong katapatang nanunumpa
Edition of the Standard Color Reference of America,
Sa watawat ng Pilipinas
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag created and issued by the Color Association of the
Na may dangal, Katarungan at Kalayaan United States, No. 343Lexington Avenue, New York,
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanan New York, 10016, Series, 1981.
Maka-tao SEC. 34. In order to establish uniform criteria in the
Makakalikasan at making of our National Flag and to guarantee its
Makabansa. durability by the use of quality materials, the
following standards and procedures shall be
Such pledge shall be recited right after the singing of
the National Anthem, the throng standing with the a. All requisitions for the purchase of the National
right palm open, raised shoulder high. Individuals Flag must be based on strict compliance with the
whose faith or religious beliefs prohibit them from design, color, craftsmanship and material
making such pledge must nonetheless show full requirements of the Government;
respect by standing at attention.
b. The manufacturer shall send annually one meter
for each color (blue, red, white and golden-yellow
including canvas) of textile material to the Industrial
G. National Flag Days
Technology Development Institute (ITDI) or the
SEC. 30. The period from May 28 to June 12 of each Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) of the
year is declared as National Flag Days, during which Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for
period all offices, agencies and instrumentalities of evaluation. The PTRI/ITDI shall evaluate the quality
the government, business establishments, and serviceability of the said textile material;
c. Flag manufacturers shall apply for annual I. Prohibited Acts
accreditation at the Institute. Together with their
application, they will submit the PTRI/ITDI laboratory SEC. 39: It shall be prohibited:
test results, copy of business license, permit, a. To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on, cast
company profile and other pertinent documents; and contempt, or commit any act or omission casting
d. All submitted sample/s of the National Flag by dishonor or ridicule upon the National Flag or over its
accredited suppliers offered for purchase for surface;
government use shall be evaluated as to design, b. To dip the National Flag to any person or object by
color, materials and craftsmanship specifications by way of compliment or salute;
the Institute, through its Heraldry and Display
Section, which shall stamp its approval or disapproval c. To use National Flag
on the canvas reinforcement of the National Flag
1. As drapery, festoon, tablecloth;
sample submitted. The National Flag sample/s shall
2. As covering for ceilings, walls, statues or
be sent to the Institute by the requisitioning office
other objects;
and not by the flag supplier.
3. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and
SEC. 35. All deliveries of the National Flags top of motor vehicles;
requisitioned by government entities shall be 4. As a staff or whip;
5. For unveiling monuments or statues; and
inspected by the requisitioning office’s internal
6. As trademarks, or for industrial,
inspector and by the Commission on Audit (COA) commercial or agricultural labels or designs.
using the National Flag stamped “APPROVED” by the
Institute as reference
d. To display the National Flag:

1. Under any painting or picture;

The internal inspector of the requisitioning office and 2. Horizontally. It shall always be hoisted aloft
the COA, in case of confusion, may send another and be allowed to fall freely;
sample of the National Flag picked at random from 3. Below any platform; or
4. In discotheques, cockpits, night and day
the delivered flags for re-evaluation by the Institute.
clubs, casinos, gambling joints and places
SEC. 36. For effective information dissemination, all office or where frivolity prevails.
e. To wear the National Flag in whole or in part as a
accredited manufacturers are required to inform all
costume or uniform;
flag consumers of the provisions of these Rules.
f. To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design,
SEC. 37. All government entities shall ensure that the
drawings, advertisement, or imprint of any nature on
requirements under the R.A. No.8491 and these
the National Flag;
Rules, with respect to the standard requisitions and
deliveries of the National Flags are strictly complied g. To print, paint or attach representation of the
with. National Flag on handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions,
and articles of merchandise;
SEC. 38. All departments, agencies, offices, and
instrumentalities of the government, government- h. To display in public any foreign flag, except in
owned or controlled corporations, local government embassies and other diplomatic establishments, and
units, including barangays, shall include in their in offices of international organizations;
annual budgets the necessary outlay for the purchase
of the National Flag. i. To use or display or be part of any advertisement or
infomercial; and
j. To display the National Flag in front of buildings or lyrics and march tempo that was adopted under
offices occupied by aliens. Department Order No. 5 dated May 26, 1956 covered
by Circular No. 21 dated June 22, 1956 and Executive
Order No. 60 dated December 19, 1963.
RULE 4 B. Conduct in Relation to the National Anthem
SEC. 43. When the National. Anthem is played at a
public gathering, whether by a band or by singing or
both, or reproduced by any means, the attending
SEC. 40. The National Anthem is entitled Lupang public shall sing the anthem. The singing must be
Hinirang. done with fervor.

As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at

attention and face the National Flag, if there is one
SEC. 41. The National Anthem shall always be sung in displayed, and if there is none, they shall face the
the national language within or outside the country. band or the conductor. At the first note,all persons
The following shall be the lyrics of the National shall execute a salute by placing their right palms
Anthem: over their chests. Those in military, scouting, citizen’s
military training and security guard uniforms shall
give the salute prescribed by their regulations. The
Bayang Magiliw salute shall be completed upon the last note of the
Perlas ng Silanganan, National Anthem.
Alab ng puso
When the National Anthem is to be played or sung
Sa Dibdib mo’y buhay.
with the Anthem of any other country, the National
Lupang Hinirang
Anthem shall be sung first.
Duyan ka ng magiting,
Sa manlulupig. The National Anthem shall not be played or sung for
Di ka pasisiil. mere recreation, amusement or entertainment
Sa dagat at bundok, purposes except on the following occasions:
Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,
May dilag ang tula a. International competitions where the Philippines is
At awit sa paglayang minamahal. the host or has a representative;
Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y
b. National or local competitions;
Tagumpay na nagniningning
Ang bituin at araw niya, c. During the “signing of” and “signing on” of radio
Kailan pa may di magdidilim. broadcasting and television stations;
Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,
Buhay ay langit sa piling mo, d. Before the initial and last screening of films or
Aming ligaya na pag may mang-aapi, before the opening of theater performances;
Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo.
e. Civic activities, cultural shows or presentations;
SEC. 42. The rendition of the National Anthem,
f. Other occasions as may be allowed by the Institute.
whether played or sung, shall be in accordance with
the musical arrangement and composition of Julian
Felipe and in accordance with its original Filipino
SEC. 44. All officials and employees of the national
and local governments, and any agencies or
instrumentalities thereof, including government- The Great Seal shall bear the National Motto.
owned or controlled corporations, institutions of
learning, and privately-owned entities or offices
displaying the National Flag are hereby directed to SEC. 48. The Great Seal shall be affixed to or placed
comply strictly with the rules prescribed for the upon all commissions signed by the President and
rendition of the National Anthem. upon such other official documents and papers of the
Republic of the Philippines as may be provided by
law, or as may be required by custom and usage. The
RULE 5 President shall have custody of the Great Seal.


SEC. 49. Any branch of the government, whether

RULE 6 national or local, government-owned or controlled
CHAPTER IV corporations, state colleges and universities,
including the military, may adopt appropriate coat-of-
arms, seal, logo, insignia, badge, patches, banners
NATIONAL COAT-OF-ARMS and initiate awards,trophies, citations, orders or
SEC. 46. The National Coat-of-Arms shall have: decorations, as may be authorized by the Office of
the President or by Congress.
Paleways of two (2) pieces, azure and gules; a chief
argent studded with three (3) mullets equidistant
from each other; and, in point of honor, ovoid argent SEC. 50. These heraldic devices and items shall be
over all the sun rayonnant with eight minor and filed with the Institute for recording and evaluation
lesser rays. Beneath shall be the scroll with the words as to precedence, design, customs and traditions.
“REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS,” inscribed thereon.

The application for approval of design and

RULE 7 specification of the proposed heraldic items and
CHAPTER V devices shall be supported with the following
a. Orders, or any forms of grants, laws of authority or
SEC. 47. The Great Seal shall be circular in form, with creations;
the arms as described in the preceding section, but
without the scroll and the inscription “Republika ng b. Brief historical background, symbolism, and
Pilipinas” thereon.Surrounding the whole shall be a significance of every design component;and c.
double marginal circle within which shall appear the Photographs of existing structures, objects, spots,
words”Republika ng Pilipinas.” etc. to be incorporated in the design.
The Institute shall recommend such heraldic design painted or printed in monochrome, tincture
together with the needed documents to the Office of representations shall be used;
the President or Congress for final approval.
j. The use of the National Flag is prohibited except
The approved design shall be returned to the where the flag has become part of its history;
Institute for proper recording in the National Registry
of Heraldic Items and Devices and for transmittal to k. The motto, title or phrase to be incorporated in the
the requesting government entity. heraldic items and devices may be in the national
language or in any local dialect; and
SEC. 51. To conform to the basic heraldic traditions,
l. These heraldic items and devices shall not be
the following shall be observed in the design,
creation, modification, revision and approval of revised or changed more than once every ten (10)
heraldic items and devices: years.

a. It may feature either abstract or natural SEC. 52. All government entities including the military
are hereby ordered to purchase all Heraldic Items and
emblems/visuals, representing significant aspects, or
events representative or related to its history, Devices from manufacturers accredited and
mandates, duties, functions and visions; authorized by the Institute.

b. Components of heraldic designs must feature SEC. 53. Engravers or manufacturers shall apply for
indigenous Filipino culture, values, history, traditions annual accreditation at the Institute. Together with
their application, they will also submit copies of
and sense of nationalism;
business license, permit, company profile with list of
c. Every component must be recognizable as if it is Heraldic Items and Devices they made for the year
rendered or reduced to its normal required sizes; and other pertinent documents.

d. No personal heraldic devices shall be allowed Such items and devices shall be subject to inspection
except the Seal of the President and the Vice- by the purchasing agency’s internal inspector and the
President; COA representative using the design and
specifications approved by the Office of the President
e. Symbols, names, initials, logos, pictures, or by Congress, through the Institute.
silhouettes or images of living persons shall not be
featured in the design; Any violation of R.A. No. 8491 or these Rules shall be
a ground for suspension, revocation or non-renewal
f. The name of the government entity or title of
of accreditation.
heraldic items and devices must be in prominent
position; SEC. 54. No government official or employee shall
accept any orders or decorations from any foreign
g. All heraldic items and devices, including ribbons or government without the consent of Congress, and
sashes, must be unique from each other; without the prior evaluation and documentation of
h. The National Coat-of-Arms, which may or may not such order or decoration by the Institute.
include the scroll, when used as the main part or as a SEC. 55. Heraldic and Vexillary designs and/or items,
component of the seal, must occupy the place of including the National Motto, National Anthem and
honor. It shall be used only by the major branches of Pledge of Allegiance to the National Flag shall not be
the government;
used or employed for numismatic, philatelic,
i. In using the National Coat-of-Arms or the Great Seal advertisement and/or any informative purposes
for numismatic purposes, wet or dry seals and unless duly approved in writing by the Institute,
through its Heraldry and Display Section.
CHAPTER VII Do's and Don'ts of the Philippine Flag

SEC. 56. Failure or refusal to observe the provisions

of R.A. No. 8491, and/or any violation of these Rules
shall, after proper notice and hearing, be penalized as
stipulated in R.A. No. 8491


SEC. 57. Effectivity. — These Rules shall be effective

fifteen (15) days after the approval of the Office of
In accordance to Executive Order No. 179, of 1994,
the President and filing with Congress of the
we are encourage to display, in our homes and all
Philippines and the University of the Philippines Law
practicable places, prominently the symbol of our
nation from May 28 until June 12 every year.
RULE 11 However, not everyone is aware of the Do's and
CHAPTER IX Don'ts of displaying the Philippine Flag, so it is prone
AMENDMENT OF RULES to desecration. As public service, we've come up with
an article describing the guidelines of taking care of
our Flag.
SEC. 58. Amendments. — The Chairman and
Executive Director shall have the authority to amend, The contents of this article are sourced from
revise, repeal, or otherwise modify these RULES or the National Historical Commission Website.
any provision thereof, as may be deemed necessary
to achieve the objectives of the R.A. No. 8491 and
these Rules. Reverence for the Philippine Flag

ISSUED this 30th day of January, Two Thousand and

Two, in the City of Manila, the Philippines. The national flag alone should be displayed in all
public offices, buildings, official residences, public
Recommending Approval:
squares and institutions of learning everyday of the
Chairman and Executive Director
The flag should be displayed in the open only from
sunrise to sunset, except on places designated by law
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT and therefore should be properly illuminated.
Approved by Authority of the President

When flown from a flagpole, the flag should have its

(Sd.) ALBERTO G. ROMULO blue stripe on top in time of peace and red on top in
Executive Secretary time of war.
When used on a speaker's platform without the staff,
The flag should not be displayed on horizontal it should be displayed vertically and placed above and
position or hung fastened by its fly. The fly portion of behind the speaker. It should never be used to cover
the flag should be free to move. the speaker's desk or to drape over the front of the

When displayed vertically, the triangle should be on

top. The blue field should be to the right (left of the When mounted on a platform, the flag should be
observer) in time of peace, and the red field to the placed on the presiding officer's right and a bit in
right (left of the observer) in rime of war. front, as he faces the congregation. Other flags
should be on his left. However, when it is displayed
on a level with the congregation, it is placed on the
When displayed over the middle of a street, as right of the congregation.
between buildings or post, the flag should be
suspended vertically with the blue stripe pointing to
north or east. The flag should be flown from a staff when displayed
on a float.

When a number of flags are grouped and displayed

from stationary staffs, the Philippine flag should be in When the flag is flown at half-mast t symbolize
the center at the highest point or at the right of the mourning, it must first be raised t full mast, allowing
other flag. it to fly there for a moment before bringing it down
to half-mast. To lower the flag at sunset or any other
time when ordered, it must again be raised to full
The Philippine National Flag must not be smaller than mast before it is brought down;
the others.

When the flag is displayed on a small staff or in a

When flown with flags or pennants of organizations parade, mourning is indicated by attaching black
on the same halyard (for special occasion only), the ribbon to the spearhead, allowing the ribbon to fall
Philippine flag should be at the peak. naturally.

When displayed with another flag from crossed staff, When used to cover a casket, the triangle should be
the Philippine flag should be on its right side (left side over the head and the blue stripe over the right side
of the observer), and its staff should be over the staff of the body. The flag should not touch the ground.
of the other flag. Two Philippine flags should never be
thus displayed.
The flag should not be used as curtain or drape. Use
buntings of blue, white and red. The blue color in the
When the national flag is borne in a parade with bunting should be at the top or at the point of honor
other flags or of other nations, it should always be in and it must be equally in width.
front and in the center of the line of the other flags.
On national holidays and on historical and special
occasions as the President or local chief executive
may proclaim, the Philippine Flag shall be displayed in
all public and private places, buildings including

Tattered, faded or worn-out flags should be replaced To use the National Flag as pennant in the hood, side,
immediately. They should be disposed off or back and top of motor vehicles.
destroyed privately, preferably by burning.

Prohibited Acts on the Philippine Flag

To use the National Flag as a staff or whip.

To mutilate, deface, trample on, cast contempt, or

commit any act or ommission casting dishonor or
ridicule upon the National Flag or over its surface.

To use the National Flag for unveiling monuments or


To dip the National Flag to any person or object by

way of compliment or salute.

To use the National Flag as trademarks, or for

industrial, commercial or agricultural labels or

To use the National Flag as drapery, festoon or

To diplay the National Flag under any painting or To wear the National Flag in whole or in part as a
picture. costume or uniform.

To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design,

To display the National Flag horizontally. It shall drawings, advertisement, or imprint of any nature on
always be hoisted aloft and be allowed to fall freely. the National Flag.

To display the National Flag below any platform. To print, paint or attach representation of the
National Flag on handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions,
and articles of merchandise.

To display the National Flag in discotheques, cockpits,

night and day clubs, casinos, gambling joints and
places of vice or where frivolity prevails. To display in public any foreign flag, except in
embassies and other diplomatic establishment, and in
offices of international organizations.
To use or display or be part of any advertisement or

The contents of this article are sourced from
the National Historical Commission Website.

Resolution no. 8, s. 2017 – A resolution to include

additional sites under section 10 of the Implementing
Rules and Regulation (IRR) of R. A. 8491 known as “The
Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines,” where the
Philippine flag shall be permanently hoisted.
Resolution no. 9, s. 2017 – A resolution prohibiting the
manufacture and use of heraldic items and devices
without the approval of the Office of the President, to
be included in section 49 of the Implementing Rules and
Regulation (IRR) of R. A. 8491 known as “The Flag and
Heraldic Code of the Philippines”
Resolution no. 10, 2. 2017 – A resolution to include the
custom of singing the National Anthem first before an
invocation under section 43 of the Implementing Rules
and Regulation (IRR) of R. A. 8491 known as the “The
Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines”.

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