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A power plant operator is a technical professional who manages the operation of a power plant facility.

They control the

systems that keep a plant working and ensure the facility is operational and safe. Power plants may have multiple
operators who work alongside each other to handle the specific demands of their position.

Duties of a power plant operator include:

 Manage the power-generating equipment

Power plant operator may be required to handle and control various types of power-generating equipment. For
example, they may turn on the system, load its fuel source, adjust the power output with multiple control systems and
provide other adjustments. Power plant operators may work in specific facility segments to perform these duties.

 Clean and maintain the facility and equipment

Power plant operators often monitor and provide routine inspections of all equipment to ensure its smooth and safe
operation. During these checks, they may also need to clean each piece of equipment to help it operate more smoothly.
The frequency and schedule of these checks may depend on the equipment and the facility.

 Monitor and gauge power output

A power plant operator continually monitors the plant's output, gauges its safety and makes adjustments as needed.
This process could involve various types of specialty equipment, such as rod operators in nuclear power plants or coal-
hauling equipment in coal power plants. It may be necessary to increase output, depending on the situation's needs.

 Start or stop generators

Plant operators may need to turn off generators or turbines in a power plant for regular maintenance, cleaning and
other steps. They're responsible for replacing broken generator parts and performing necessary repairs.

 Perform regular safety checks

A power plant operator may be in charge of plant safety and regularly inspecting the facility and staff. For example, they
may test how well the generator is working, train employees on proper safety steps, create safety guidelines and track
safety progress. These duties may fall within a power plant operator's everyday tasks or be their only role at the facility.

 Train new employees

Some power plant operators may train new employees to transition them to their new position. This duty could require
a hands-on approach during which the operator mentors the new hire. Other power plants may ask that operators train
new employees in a classroom-based setting or use a combination of both approaches to create a comprehensive
training plan.

Project Development Agreement

Project Development Agreement (the “PDA”) is considered as one of the most important project documents for any
privately financed infrastructure projects. Privately financed infrastructure projects are generally developed on a build-
own-operate-transfer (BOOT) modality and generally involve a concession period of 25 years to 35 years. Given the long
term nature of such projects, the PDA is generally entered into between the Government or its relevant authority (the
“Contracting Authority”) and private sector developer (the “Concessionaire” or the “Company”) as a very useful tool of
allocating responsibilities, risks and rewards between the parties.

Project Development Agreement (PDA) means a legal document expressing a convergence of will between the parties,
outlining the terms and details of the agreement between the Government and the Project Company till signing of the
Concession Agreement/Allocation Agreement, including each party’s requirements and responsibilities. The PDA serves
as a basis for a future formal contract in the form of the Concession Agreement (CA)/Allocation Agreement (AA), and
lays out the time periods in which crucial milestones must be reached prior to further progression with the deal.

Project Development Agreements are especially useful for larger phased projects over many years where the developer
seeks to make sure that the rules will not change mid project.

A development agreement is a legally binding contract between a property owner or developer and a local government,
often including terms not otherwise required through existing regulations. These agreements can specify various
elements of the development process ranging from phasing of a larger master-planned community, to tax-sharing for
retail development, to critical infrastructure responsibilities.

 PDA between Nepal and India for 900 MW Arun III Project
 Nepal and India have signed the project development agreement (PDA) for the Upper Karnali 900MW
Hydropower Project
 The Government of Nepal has signed a Project Development Agreement (PDA) with Nepal Water & Energy
Development Company Pvt. Ltd. (NWEDC) on December 29, 2016 for Upper Trishuli -1 Hydropower Project of
216MW (UT-1 Project). PDA is a concession agreement for 35 years under BOOT contract.

India – Nepal

Nepal is interconnected with India at various places through 11kV, 33kV, 132kV and 220kV lines. For transfer of bulk
power, interconnection between India and Nepal through Dhalkebar (Nepal) - Muzaffarpur (India) 400kV D/C
transmission line has been constructed. A total of about 700 MW of power is being supplied to Nepal through these

Further, 400kV D/C Gorakhpur (India) – Butwal (Nepal) line, 400kV D/C Dhalkebar (Nepal) – Sitamarhi (India) line, 132kV
D/C Nanpara, Bihar (India) – Kohalpur (Nepal), stringing of second circuit of 132kV line Kataiya (India) – Kushaha
(Nepal) and 132 kV Raxaul (India) – Parwanipur (Nepal) lines have been agreed.

Transient response of RLC series circuit with step input

Objective: To study the nature of RC Series circuit
Apparatus Required:
 Oscilloscope
 Function Generator
 Decade Resistance Box
 Decade Capacitance Box
 Decade Inductance Box
 Connecting Wire
Consider the following series RLC circuit diagram
The capacitor and inductor are initially uncharged, and are in series with a resistor. When switch S is closed at
t = 0, Then

Now, the current i flows in the entire circuit, since the DC voltage source having V volts is connected to the series RLC

Now, apply KVL around the loop

By differentiating the above equation, we get


The above equation is a second order linear differential equation, with only complementary function. The,
particular solution for the above equation is zero. Characteristic equation for theabove differential equation is

The roots of eq. (ii) are

D1,D2 = -α +- √(α2 – wn)

Where, α = R/2L and wn = 1/√LC
when α < wn (under damped)
The roots will be complex, the the system is said to be under damped and the roots are given as
D1,D2 = -α +- √( wn2 – α2)
D1,D2 = -α +- jwd wd =√(wn2– α2)
Hence, the solution of eqn (i) is given by

when α = wn (critical damped)

The roots will be real and equal
i.e. d1,d2= - α
Hence, the solution of eqn (i) is given by

when α > wn (over damped)

The roots will be real and unequal and the roots are given as

D1 = α1 and D2 = α2

Hence, the solution of eqn (i) is given by

R = 2000 ohm , C = 10*10-3 F , L = 10*10-9 H

Then, R/2L = 2000/2*10*10-9 = 105

and 1//√LC = 1/√(10*10-9*10*10-3) = 105

Condition Resistance (ohm) Inductance (H) Capacitance (F)

Under damped 2000 600*10-3 10*10-9
Critical damped 2000 10*10-3 10*10-9
Over damped 4000 10*10-3 10*10-9
Settling time (ts): It is time required for the response to reach and stay within a specified tolerance band
(usually 2% or 5%) of its final value.

(ts)obv = 1.82 ms from observation

Calculated value of settling time is given by
(ts)cal = 4/ζ wn
ζ is damping ratio
ζ = R/2(√C/L) = 2000/2(√ 10*10-9/ 600*10-3 ) = 0.129
wn = 1/√LC = 1/√(600*10-3*10*10-9) = 12909.94
(ts)cal = 4/0.129*12909.94 = 2.401 ms
Error % = ts,cal – ts,obv / ts,cal
= (2.401-1.82 / 2.401)*100
Error % = 24.19 %

Hence, we were studied about the transient response of series RLC circuit with step input.

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