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Understanding GD&T

How do you model a Part ?

● Sketch a rectangle 8 x 4
● Extrude to a certain height
● Sketch a circle R=1 at
● Extrude to cut the
● Add chamfer
● Add fillet
Feature Definition
● You create a number of
operations to model the
physical portion [feature] of
the Part.

● The part on the left has 9

● 6 from the box sides,
● 1 from cylinder
● 1 from fillet

1 from chamfer
Feature Properties
● Each feature has
● Dimension [size]
● Orientation [e.g
● Position [to other
● Internal [pin] / external
[hole] properties
Why Tolerancing ?
● CAD outputs are ideal ● How to specify?
model ● Linear [+ - limits]
● Manufacturing processes ● Geometric
are prone to variation:
● Surface imperfection ● 3 Strategies:
● Tool wear
● Full Linear
● Etc.
● Linear + Geometric
● So, specify the tolerance.
● Full Geometric
Strategy #1:
Linear – Original Drawing
Strategy #1:
Linear – Possibilities
Strategy #1:
Linear -Explanation

[a] is the original drawing

[b] shows perfectly square, max size [6.375] , centered hole [3.1875]
based on size

[c] shows perfectly square, min size [6.325], centered hole [3.1625] based
on size

[d] shows possible outcome since orientation is not controlled

[e] shows combination of [b] and [c]

[f] shows variability on one side

[g] shows perfectly square, max size [b] with hole at ideal [3.175] position

All above is still acceptable based on drawing
Strategy #2:
Linear & Geometric: Original Drawing
Strategy #2:
Linear & Geometric: Possibilities
Strategy #2:
Linear & Geometric: Explanation

[a] is the original drawing

[b] shows perfectly square, max. size [6.375] , centered hole [3.1875] based
on size [same as linear]

[c] shows perfectly square, min size [6.325], centered hole [3.1625] based on
size [same as linear]

[d] shows allowable deviation based on perpendicularity [0.025]

[e] shows combination of [b] and [c]

[f] shows variability on one side

[g] shows perfectley squared, max. size, with allowable hole position. Note
that in this case, the hole position is independent of square size.

All above is still acceptable based on drawing
Strategy #3:
Geometric: Original Drawing
Strategy #3:
Geometric: Possibilities
Strategy #3:
● The profile tolerance of 0.05 control the square
size with respect to the hole position.
● The profile tolerance of 0.025 control the square
shape [edges] variability.
Why Geometric?
● Bonus tolerance
● Allow the use of
Material Condition
● Which leads to more
bonus tolerance.
Material Condition

Refer to the size of the feature with maximum
[MMC]or least [LMC] material condition.

PIN with dia. 2 +- 0.05 in has:

2.005 in diameter at MMC

1.995 in diameter at LMC

HOLE with dia. 2 +- 0.05 in has:

1.995 in diameter at MMC
● 2.005 in diameter at LMC
Example: Linear
Example: Linear
● The tolerances are +-0.05 linear for both pin and
● This means the hole and pin can move inside a
square of 0.010 x 0.010.
● Virtual condition [VC] of pin and hole location are
given in the third figure.
● The dashed lines indicate the bonus area if
geometrical tolerances are applied instead.
Example: Geometric
Example: Geometric
● Following the figure on
the left,
● By applying geometric
tolerance, the
allowable position of
the pin and holes can
be increased to 0.14.
Example: Geo + MMC
Example: Geo + MMC
● Position tolerance of 0.14 @ MMC is specified on
the hole.
● This means:
● When the hole is at MMC, that is 2.74 in diameter,
● The hole position can still deviate 0.14 in from the ideal
● The hole size deviation from MMC can be added as
bonus tolerance.
Example: Geo + MMC
Example: Geo + 0 @ MMC
Example: Geo + 0 @ MMC

Position tolerance of 0 @ MMC is specified on the

This means:

When the hole is at MMC, that is 2.60 in diameter,

The hole is in its perfect form.

The hole size deviation from MMC can be added as
bonus tolerance.
● Note that Hole diameter @ MMC = Pin Diameter @ MMC.
Composite Tolerance
Pattern locating

Feature relating
Composite Tolerance
● The Position tolerance of 0.020 @ MMC with ABC is
called Pattern Locating Tolerance Zone
● Control the pattern feature relative to the datum
● Letter A orients the 0.20 diameter cylindrical tolerance
zone perpendicular to Datum A.
● Letter B and C locates the tolerance zone with basic
Composite Tolerance
● The Position tolerance of 0.006 @ MMC with A is called Feature Relating
● Refinement of Pattern Locating tolerance
● Govern feature to feature relationship in pattern feature.
● Letter A orients the 0.006 diameter cylindrical tolerance zone perpendicular to
Datum A.
● Basic dimension between features in the pattern is 2.000
● No other datum are specified, so the pattern can translate and rotate.
● Portions of the smaller tolerance zones may fall outside their respective larger
tolerance zones, but those portions are unusable.
● The entire feature axis must fall inside both its respective tolerance zones in order
to satisfy the requirements specified by the composite feature control frame.
Composite Tolerance
Composite Tolerance
● The composite tolerance requires that
● The axis of the hole pattern
● Lies inside cylindrical tolerance zone with 0.020 dia.
● And each axis of the hole feature
● Lies inside a cylindrical tolerance zone with 0.006 dia.
● Perpendicular to A
Composite Tolerance
Composite Tolerance
● When 2 datums are used on 0.006 tolerance:
● Letter A constraint the orientation [perpendicularity]
● Letter B constraint the parallelism between features in
● The pattern can still move up and down as long as they
are parallel to datum B.
Composite Tolerance
Composite Tolerance
● The composite tolerance requires that
● The axis of the hole pattern
● Lies inside cylindrical tolerance zone with 0.020 dia.
● And each axis of the hole feature
● Lies inside a cylindrical tolerance zone with 0.006 dia.
● Perpendicular to A
● Parallel to B
Multi Single Segment Position Tolerance
Multi Single Segment Position Tolerance

Same as composite, the lower segment refines the
upper one.

The datum is read differently [from composite].

For the upper part, usual position tolerance applied:
● The axis the hole pattern will be inside a cylindrical
tolerance zone with dia. 0.020.

Perpendicular to Datum A

Basic dimensions from Datum B & C
Multi Single Segment Position Tolerance
● For the lower part:
● The axis of each hole feature will be inside a cylindrical
tolerance zone with dia. 0.006.
● Perpendicular to Datum A
● Basic dimensions from Datum B
● CAN move left and right as it is not constrained by
datum C.
Multi Single Segment Position Tolerance

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