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84 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol.

11 (1), 1990


Madeiras da AmazOnia. Descricao do Indonesian Wood Atlas, Volume I. Ab-

lenho de 40 esp~cies ocorrentes na durahamin Martawijaya, lding Kartasujana,
Floresta Nacional do Tapaj6s. Lourdes Kosasi Kadir, and Sowanda Among Prawira,
Cobra Fedalto, Irene da Costa Alvarenga vi + 166 pp., illus., 1986.
Mendes and Vera Teresinha Rauber Coradin. Atlas Kayu Indonesia, Jilid II (Indone-
156 pp., illus., 1989. Instituto Brasileiro do sian Wood Atlas, Volume II). Abdura-
Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Re- hamin Martawijaya, Iding Kartasujana, Y.I.
novaveis - IBAMA, Brasfiia. Price: US$ 10 Mandang, Sowanda Among Prawira, and
(paperback). Available from: Laborat6rio de Kosasi Kadir, vi + 167 pp., illus., 1987.
Produtos Florestais, Sain L/4 Lote 04, c.P. Department of Forestry, Agency for Forest-
152874, CEP. 70770 - Brasfiia-DF, Brazil. ry Research and Development and Forest
This survey describes the wood anatomy Products Research and Development Centre,
of 40 species from the Amazon region. The Bogor, P. O. Box 84, Indonesia. Price: un-
material studied was collected in the Tapaj6s known (paper).
National Forest Reserve, located south of These two atlases of Indonesian woods
Santarem, the State of Para, an area only to provide a wealth of information on 30 major
be used for timber extraction based on sus- commercial species (volume I, in English)
tainable yield. Mter a brief introduction, a list and 32 lesser known species (volume II, in
of materials analysed is provided, followed Bahasa Indonesia). For each species there
by the methodologies used. The chapter is information on botanical, local and other
'Results' consists of 40 descriptions which names, geographical distribution, habit, gen-
include data on general characters as well as eral wood characters (colour, texture, etc.),
macro- and microscopic features. Each spe- wood anatomy, physical, mechanical, and
cies description is completed by a 'biometric chemical properties, durability and treata-
card' and illustrated with examples of the bility, applications as veneer and plywood,
macro-anatomy (x 10) of the end grain and working properties, uses, and silviculture.
transverse and tangential sections (x 50). Each species or species group is illustrated
The 'biometric card' does not include any with a colour plate with a macroscopic pic-
physical and/or mechanical properties, but ture of the timber, a figure of a fruiting
provides very detailed quantitative informa- and/or flowering shoot, and a close-up of
tion of the wood anatomical characters. the outer bark, as well as with a half-tone
Although this book deals with 40 im- plate with micrographs of cross (x 26) and
portant timber species from the Tapaj6s area, radial and tangential longitudinal (x 75) sec-
the species selected can also be found in a tions. In volume I there is an extensive ex-
much larger area of the Amazon Basin. Con- planation of the descriptive terms and quanti-
sequently, it is of value for everybody in- tative standards used. For the wood anatomi-
terested in the Amazon forests. The authors cal descriptions the classification of vessel,
presented a tremendous amount of data based ray and parenchyma features follows Den
on material collected especially for this study. Berger's classical study of 1926. Although
The botanical identifications are based on the text of volume II will be inaccessible to
herbarium vouchers verified at various Bota- most wood scientists outside Indonesia, the
nical Institutes in Brazil. Thus, proper and plates and much of the quantitative informa-
up-to-date botanical names and detailed and tion are self explanatory, since the same lay-
precise wood anatomical descriptions are com- out as in volume I is used.
bined. The illustrations are of a high quality. The books can be ordered from the Agen-
In conclusion, this book can be warmly cy for Forestry Research and Development,
recommended to all wood anatomists dealing Bogor, Indonesia at a very modest price.
with tropical timbers, be it in systematics or They should not be missed in any forest
in technology. Ben I.H. ter Welle products library. [Po B.]

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